Searching For Captain Wentworth

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by Jane Odiwe

‘I only speak from my heart and if you examine yours, you will know that I speak the truth. I need no poet’s sonnet to inspire or declare my feelings. You of all people could never accuse me of disguising my intentions.’

  ‘No, you always were a most forthright fellow!’

  Do you remember that first night when we both realized that we loved one another?’

  ‘How could I forget a warm summer’s eve, a night sky filled with stars and the beauty of the Kentish countryside all around us?’

  ‘Riding on Queen Mab in the moonlight, we flew like midsummer fairies over the fields and hedgerows.’

  ‘You stole me away from the house like a wicked bandit.’

  He laughed. ‘I do not recall your protest. Indeed, I seem to remember it was you who urged me to share the horse. No doubt, so I should have to hold you against me.’

  ‘Which you did with no hesitation, sir.’

  ‘And then we found a spot to your liking.’

  ‘I have no recollection of being consulted about the stone temple, dark and enclosed.’

  ‘I took you in my arms and you did not resist.’

  ‘I did not.’

  ‘You did not recoil from the kiss I planted.’


  ‘Is it etched in your mind, as it is in mine? Are you able to recall all that we were to one another? I can bring forth every feeling, every sound and smell of that sweet night. The scent of your skin, the soft caress of your lips, and the sounds of a burbling stream making its way to the river are all married as one.’

  There was another silence and it seemed to me that the girl whose few words had been so filled with emotion could not speak many more.

  ‘Jane, you pledged your heart to me that night.’

  ‘And it will forever be yours. I shall not break my promise.’

  Recognizing him and immediately deducing the identity of his friend, I turned to go; but an unforgiving twig snapped under my foot like a pantomime prop, the sound reverberating in the enclosed space like a gunshot. A glance across confirmed what I’d already guessed. Jane stared straight back at me, fear flashing in her eyes.

  I’d known it could be no one else before she turned her head, sensing also that this man who held her hand so tenderly could only be one person. I gave her my most reassuring expression, placing a finger on my lips to assure her of my silence before I ran from the lover’s scene as fast as I could. There was no doubt; he was the man from the ball and I knew instinctively that he was someone special. Remembering Jane’s words about getting lost in the Labyrinth took on a completely new meaning. I didn’t wish to think about why they were meeting in such secrecy, sensing that such a question could only have an unhappy answer. I wanted to assure her that I would never say a word, but as much as I wished to promise that her secret was safe, I was undecided about whether I should acknowledge it at all.

  I didn’t have to wait long. Moments after I found my way out, I heard footsteps running up behind me. I didn’t know what to say to Jane, I could hardly pretend that I hadn’t seen her and her handsome partner. Words wouldn’t come as I also remembered the last time we should have met, and all I could think was how Jane would think me completely dim-witted.

  ‘Miss Elliot, I must speak with you. I wish to offer some explanation,’ she began.

  She looked very upset and I knew I must put her mind at rest.

  ‘Miss Austen, you do not need to say anything more. There is nothing to justify. Please, do not talk of it.’

  She looked as if she might speak again, but I could see the anguish in her eyes.

  ‘Believe me, I mean every word sincerely. I do not want you to enlighten me in any way. I saw nothing out of the ordinary in the Labyrinth today, I promise you.’

  ‘You are too generous, Miss Elliot.’

  I took her hand. ‘I am so pleased to see you again, dear friend.’

  ‘And I you, Miss Elliot,’ she said, clasping my hand with a returning squeeze, ‘but though I have been wanting to call, I admit I could not decide what to do.’

  ‘I am sure you had a good reason for not calling on me, Miss Austen.’

  ‘Oh dear, I suspected not all was as it seemed. My dear friend, we would have called if not for the fact that we were prevented. Last Thursday, on the day of the picnic, we met your father as we were coming out of number four. In the way of conversation I declared how much I was looking forward to your company, but he insisted that you’d left for the Pump Room with Mrs Randall. We assumed that you’d changed your mind about our outing especially when we received no note or any explanation. Indeed, we have not known how to proceed.’

  ‘I am sorry, Miss Austen; I must apologize for my father who was entirely mistaken. That was not the case at all. I waited all morning and when you did not call, I came to find you, only to be told that you had already left.’

  ‘Alas, Miss Elliot, we have been at odds, but it seems that neither of us are to blame and at last we are together again. I know one person will be most pleased to hear there was a misunderstanding. Indeed, he’s not stopped talking about anything else.’

  I knew she was talking about Charles.

  ‘Let’s arrange to meet later this afternoon. Would you like that?’

  I couldn’t have been more pleased and although I felt nervous at the thought of seeing Charles again, at least I would now have an opportunity to show that I considered him simply as a friend.

  I hurried home. I wanted to make sure there would be no attempts to keep me from my friends’ company and when I heard from Mrs Randall that another cousin of Mr Elliot had arrived in Bath I felt sure they would be calling on Lady Cholmondley as soon as they could. Hoping for a chance to escape whilst they were all otherwise occupied with their illustrious relatives, I might have known my hopes would be in vain.

  ‘Upon my word, Miss Sophia Elliot, will you never learn to discriminate?’ said Mr Elliot. ‘Or are you only content to fraternize with the lower orders? Surely you can put off this engagement. Indeed, I insist upon you accompanying us.’

  There was nothing else to be done. Knowing it was fruitless to argue, I hastily scribbled a note to Jane for the maidservant to take round as soon as I could, and resigned myself to the fact that I should have to go calling with my family.

  The visit took place along with the inevitable fawning by Mr Elliot and Emma. Suddenly, Lady Cholmondley and her daughter were their most intimate friends and the talk of the dinner table. Even Mrs Randall seemed excited by the new connection. A week of engagements with our cousins stretched ahead and I wondered if I’d ever get the chance to be free again. If we were not to be calling on them in Laura Place, then we were to be accompanying them to the theatre or to the Pump Rooms. When a returning note from Jane arrived asking me to go with them as soon as I could be free, I couldn’t imagine when that time would come.

  Chapter Twenty

  A fortnight passed where I saw nothing of my friends. All our invitations were to private evening parties where I knew Jane and her family wouldn’t be invited. It was impossible to get out on my own and the weather seemed to conspire against me. On the following Monday heavy rain set in, making me despair of ever walking out by myself. At least everyone left me to my own devices. Emma and Mrs Randall were busy with the kind of plans I was not party to, and Mr Elliot locked himself away in his study with Mr Glanville. An early dinner was arranged for four o’clock and when I walked into the dining room, I immediately sensed an atmosphere, a feeling of excitement and expectation in the air. I wondered if an engagement was about to be announced especially when Emma leapt out of her seat, her feet pattering across the oak boards as she rushed towards me. I’d never seen her look so pleased before.

  ‘Sophia, it is all decided. Mr Glanville is to take a tour along the West Country coast and we have been invited to join him. Is that not the most diverting piece of news you ever heard? I am so excited, I have always longed to see Lyme!’

  Mr Elliot looked as thrilled as Emma did at
the prospect, but I couldn’t feel happy at the thought of leaving my friends.

  ‘When are we going?’ I asked, looking at Mrs Randall who of the three still seemed composed.

  ‘As soon as arrangements can be made,’ she said. ‘We are to travel to Monkford Hall directly, in order that your father may see his steward and leave fresh instructions about what is to be done in your absence. I imagine we will be gone in a day or two at most.’

  I thought about Charles and how I’d like to talk to him, although I knew there was little possibility that I might see him before we left. He’d have made me feel better with the sight of one small smirk from the corner of his mouth and with his eyes twinkling at some unspoken joke. If Emma had her way, our bags would be packed that afternoon and we would be gone home to Monkford Hall by nightfall. The idea of never seeing Charles again was one that upset me more than I wished to admit.

  ‘Mr Glanville is to travel on Friday,’said Mr Elliot. ‘He did not want to miss the gala on Thursday evening in Sydney gardens, which we shall also be attending. And I think it will be to your advantage, Emma, if he is seen accompanying us. I do believe it is all going on very well. Indeed, one should not expect less from a near relation. Blood and connection finds its level – that is why our cousin has singled us out with such alacrity. There is no one else in Bath with whom he wishes to be so closely associated and he will win his prize yet.’

  ‘Oh, whatever do you mean, Papa?’ cried Emma, returning to his side, her face uplifted with an eagerness that suggested she knew exactly what he meant.

  ‘Let us just say that the jewel he is after is in our midst, dearest daughter. I think if you carry on just the way you are, it will not be very long before my allusion will be made apparent.’

  I watched him put a hand up to stroke her cheek. ‘With your beauty and charm you have captivated all of Bath. There is not a face to be compared with your sweet looks. William Glanville told me himself that he thinks you very handsome and I am sure that everyone has witnessed his attentions towards you.’

  I was aware that Mrs Randall had turned to look at me. I caught her gaze and smiled. I knew she was trying to think of something to say which would include my share of the attention, but I think my expression told her it was unnecessary. Besides, I was very grateful to Mr Glanville for occupying so much of Mr Elliot’s time, and if he was pursuing Emma, as far as I was concerned that was even better.

  ‘William Glanville is a very well-looking man, is he not? If not for his red hair, I would consider him the most handsome of my acquaintance.’ Mr Elliot stood up to stand approximately midway between two looking glasses. From this vantage point, he could admire both his front and back at the same time. ‘It is very pleasant to have such a companion when walking. He has that effect upon the ladies, which only a really good-looking man may induce. All eyes are upon him, I declare.’

  It did cross my mind at this point that they might not only be staring at him because he was easy on the eye. A fortune and the possession of several large properties make the most unattractive male more appealing. If he’s good-looking too, he soon becomes an object of desire.

  ‘Oh, Papa, I am certain that Mr Glanville finds just as much pleasure in accompanying someone who is equally handsome. There is no better effect on ladies than two good-looking gentlemen walking together. I expect they are looking at you just as much, and he is put at an advantage by having such a partner. And, your hair is still as dark as it was when mother was alive. No wonder the ladies are put in a swoon as you go by.’

  Mr Elliot moved his head to check his profile, stretching out his neck until any suggestion of jowls or a double chin completely disappeared. With one finger he smoothed his brows into place, and adjusted a curl over his ear.

  ‘I have been extremely lucky. I am fortunate that time has not left its ravages upon my countenance in quite the same way as it has for some of my peers. Generally, it is a fact that a gentleman improves with age as he gets older, a truth, which sadly, cannot be said for the majority of ladies,’ Mr Elliot went on. ‘When one considers that there is help at hand in the form of cosmetics for the ugliest female face abroad, it is surprising that we do not see more tolerable countenances especially amongst ladies of a certain age. It is little wonder that one seldom sees them walk down the street in broad daylight, and really, I consider it a blessing that we have only to be punished by the sight of such plain women by candlelight.’

  ‘If only we could all be as handsome, Mr Elliot,’ said Mrs Randall, looking away wistfully as she spoke yet maintaining a completely serious expression. ‘Women are soon old and become invisible when their charms are gone. For myself, I believe in the efficacy of drawn blinds against the harsh light of day when there is no candlelight to grace ageing features.’

  Mrs Randall and I exchanged looks and I immediately had to stifle a giggle, for it was very clear that she was having a little fun with him.

  ‘Quite so, dear lady. At least one never sees an aged or repulsive face in the Pump Room,’ he replied, without faltering. ‘I fear at so early an hour that would be too much to bear. One supposes that the general indisposition of old women prevents them from appearing first thing in the morning.’

  ‘That must offer some comfort to you, Mr Elliot,’ Mrs Randall replied, her face giving away nothing of her amusement.

  I think Emma sensed something of what was going on for she chose this moment to pointedly change the subject.

  ‘Goodness, is that the hour? I think it must be time to dress for Lady Cholmondley’s card party. Mr Glanville has promised to attend.’

  ‘Make haste, my dear. We will postpone dinner for you so that you may prepare yourself.’

  ‘Yes, at once, Papa, and Sophia, you are not to have Rebecca’s help first. I have precedence!’

  I didn’t doubt it, nor did I wish to be prodded and poked about by the housemaid however willing and kind she was to help me dress. I liked to be able to sort things out for myself, as far as I could, and with that thought in mind hurried to my room to get ready before anyone could interfere with me.

  The card party was said to have been a great success by Mr Elliot who congratulated himself upon our family having been the centre of attention. Every older widow in Bath was there, and fawned over him every time he opened his mouth and uttered anything at all. William Glanville was also much admired, but having seen that his interests only lay in the young ladies who were there, any older ones contented themselves by giving him their prettiest smiles and pushing their daughters forward.

  I was too upset at the thought of having to leave Bath to want to join in the card games and couldn’t settle to anything. I wandered about listlessly, which had Mr Glanville hovering at my side more than I wanted. Emma grimaced every time he spoke to me, but the more I tried to ignore him the more persistent he became.

  ‘Miss Sophia, I hate to see you without your endearing smile.

  You look so unhappy this evening. Let me cheer you. Will you not join my table in a game of cards?’

  ‘I would much rather read a book, Mr Glanville,’ I said, trying to think up any excuse I could. ‘I admit; I do not enjoy cards.’

  ‘Perhaps you could assist me if you do not want to play. Come sit here by my chair, Miss Sophia. Besides, I am certain you have the knowledge of foresight.’

  Puzzled, I joined him reluctantly being urged on by Mrs Randall to do as he bid and so was unable to escape. Emma, Lady Cholmondley and Mrs Randall all sat at his table expectantly, my sister giving me glowering looks at the attention I was receiving from him.

  He collated the playing cards and spread them out like a fan before me. ‘I believe you have the power to choose your destiny. Here, Miss Sophia, pick a card.’

  I blushed when I saw that of all the cards in the pack I had managed to draw the Queen of Hearts. Everyone laughed with the exception of Emma, who reddened in fury. Mr Glanville’s face remained passive and when he asked me to offer the cards to him, I hardly dared look
as he selected his choice. Of course, it was the King of Hearts, as I knew it would be. There was a burst of laughter and an exchange of knowing glances between all the old ladies who sat round the edges of the room. Whatever trickery he’d devised showed immediately in his face as he smirked at the horror on mine, and as soon as I could I moved to the other side of the room. It was either that or further put up with his constant flirting, with Emma kicking me under the table for the rest of the evening.

  Chapter Twenty One

  Early next morning, I hurried to the Pump Room, following in the wake of Emma and Mr Elliot who were keen to see their cousins. I was desperate to see a familiar face and as soon as we passed through the doors, I looked everywhere to see if Charles or his sisters had arrived. I was anxious to tell them about our travel plans. Knowing there was probably very little chance of meeting up with them at a later date, I remembered that Jane had mentioned a trip to Devon. I wondered where they might be going and clung to the idea that Lyme might also be a place they’d visit. The idea of weeks spent solely in the company of the Elliots filled me with apprehension, although I knew that at least I should have Mrs Randall to spend time with when everyone else would be occupied with the business of courtship. The lure of Monkford Hall was an opportunity I didn’t want to miss, however difficult it might be to find a way back to my own time. But, I’d managed before, I told myself and I was sure I would again.

  I couldn’t get away from the conversation or mentions of the forthcoming tour. Everyone we met had heard the news and insinuated everything they possibly could about a forthcoming marriage between Emma and Mr Glanville. Every time the hints were made, Emma glowed just a little more. Slowly, it was beginning to sink in that we were actually going and that after Friday I might never see Charles again. There was nothing to gain by telling any or all of the Austens how I felt about going, nothing could be changed, but I just knew that if I could tell Jane or her brother that I would feel better. Perhaps Jane would write to me and et me know where they were travelling, but then the possibility of being able to keep up a correspondence seemed very remote if we were to be both moving about. It was highly unlikely that they would be travelling to the same places or at the same time. I had mixed feelings about leaving Bath altogether and to think of going far from the house felt frightening, however much I didn’t want to miss the opportunity of seeing Monkford Hall and staying there.


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