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School Time for Death: Tendrils of Control (Death Dealer Saga Book 4)

Page 22

by Jessie Wolf

  “How did the Emperor and the Death Dealers become involved?” one of the other girls asked. By this time every one of my students had gathered around the Headmaster and were actually listening.

  At this point I knew the rest of the story and how for the next three years the Death Dealers fought for every inch of ground they took on that planet, paying with the blood of good men. The horrors of that war still causes me nightmares to this day. Still I listened as the Headmaster continued with his impromptu lesson. When the man finished there were tears in the eyes of every last one of mine and Alice’s students. I could tell that they were just now beginning to understand what it means to be citizens of the Empire and the price are men and women of the military pay.

  I step out of the PHM wing and head over to a certain area of the Hall. Not too many people come to this display area as it is part of one of the darkest times in modern history. It covers a war were the Empire did not win but lost. It was an unpopular war, one that nobody wanted, but was fought anyway. I lost a good many of my childhood friends in this war. They said we were there to bring democracy and freedom to the people. Instead it was all about corporate greed.

  I thought I was alone until I felt her arms around me. How she knew to find me here, I don’t know, nor do I care. She may not be my mother by birth, but she is by actions. She whispers in my ear quietly so that only I can hear. “Let it go, daughter. You have honored your friends and mourned their deaths for too long. Do not forget them, but it is time to move on with your life. It is not your fault you survived. It was not your time. You have a second chance at life. Grab hold and hang on for dear life and use it to make the world a better place.”

  I don’t know how she can always tell when I need her, but I’m not going to try and figure it out. It must be some kind of mothers’ intuition. But her hug was what I needed right then more than anything else as I wept into her shoulder and said good bye to my fallen brothers.

  Chapter 11

  I don’t know how long I stood there with her arms around me, but once I was cried out I felt better. Wiping my eyes, I stepped back and looked up at mama’s face. In a small voice so she is the only one to hear. “Thank you, mama. I didn’t know you would be here today, but thank you for being here.”

  The small smile she gives me is one that I have come to look for in my times of distress. I know when I see it that things are right with the world. I may have ninety years of life hidden behind my teenage looks, but for some reason there are times that my emotions get the better of me. Mama must have sensed my thoughts turning dark. “Maiha, you may have more time in this world than I, but I have a life time as a woman. Where you, my dear, only have but a few months. You’re still dealing with things in the way that men will, you’re not used to the new hormones that are running through your system. Please, remember this simple fact.”

  “Of course, mama. I forget at times that you have that advantage.” Looking around I noticed that we were alone in the Hall of Heroes. “Um… mama, do you know where the other students are?”

  Mama looks at me for a second then giggles. She actually giggles, but she does answer my question. “You mean your students, don’t you? They are all headed back to the transports. Your Headmaster has things well in hand. Now why don’t we get your face cleaned up and you back to your classes?”

  “Thanks for being here for me, mama. I know that in the past you were not too pleased with my old profession.”

  “That, my dear, is where you’re wrong. I was always proud of the man my sister married. You were always honorable in your actions. You never used more force than necessary to get the job done. You always showed mercy to your foes when you could. In all the years you wore the Imperial Black of the Death Dealers you never abused your position of power. I was always been proud to call you my bother-in-law.” The look she gave me let me know she was telling the truth. “Now go wash your face as we need to hurry and catch up with everyone else.” With that she pushed me toward a ladies washroom.

  After a quick trip to the washroom and a fast repair job for my makeup, mama and I head back to the transports and the rest of my family. As we walked along the Wall on the way back mama stopped at a few places and says a quick prayer. The first time she stopped I almost asked what was wrong. That is until I saw what she was doing. By the seventh time she stopped I realized she was stopping at defined intervals. When we started walking again I asked. “Mama, why are you stopping every two hundred and forty-six feet?”

  Mama looked over at me for a moment then gave me a sad smile. “Maiha, do you know where the inspiration for the Wall of Remembrance came from?” when I shook my head no I see her get the look that lets me know that I am about to receive a lesson from the Reverend Mother Dai Etsu Nakatoma. Her next words confirm my feelings. “Centuries ago there was a country that fought a war not unlike the one you first fought in. the soldiers of that country raised the money to build their own memorial to their fallen brothers and sisters. Here in this valley is not the first Wall of Remembrance. The first one was made of two gabbro walls two hundred feet and nine inches long. The walls are sunk into the ground, with the earth behind them. At the highest tip, they are ten point one feet high, and they taper to a height of eight inches at their extremities. While we have used the natural cliff face here that wall has seventy-two panels, seventy listing names and two very small blank panels at the extremities.”

  I watched as a faraway look came to her eyes. I could tell she was remembering a much found memory. “You can still see it back on Earth Prime. Matsu and I visited it when we were only in our teens, along before you my dear came into our lives. Our father had to do business with the old Emperor, our mother did not feel like waiting around the hotel we were staying at so we took out to see the sights. We saw so many memorials to a nation’s great heroes. The ones that stood out for us though, were the ones that were dedicated to their fallen warriors. Our mother had us say a prayer at each one. When I asked her why should we her answer vexed me for days.”

  “What did she say?” I really want to know. Matsu and Dai Etsu had lost their mother before I ever met them. To me she was as big a mystery as the builders of the ancient stone temples of Barrier IV. No one knew who built those massive structures as they show all the signs of human construction, but everyone knows that humans didn’t leave Earth until the third millennium of mankind and the temples date to before that time.

  “She told us to always pray for them as they have no one else.” The small smile told me that I should understand what she means, and I did. Those ancient warriors no longer had someone to remember them, so we should pay our respect for what they did for us. “When I became the Reverend Mother, one of the first things I did was to write a prayer for the fallen. Whenever one of the members of our temple comes to one of these places or if they are near one, they go to it and say this prayer.”

  “So the monks and nuns of our temple come to these places, to say a prayer for the fallen. They do this to remember all the fallen is that correct? Was this prayer the one your mother had you say at those memorials?” I had more questions that I wanted to ask, but mama stopped me from asking anymore.

  “When you come home for your summer break I believe that you need to spend time with the sisters over at the Temple, my daughter. I might have made a mistake by keeping you away from them. There is more than one family, and Temple tradition they can teach you. Now, do you wish to learn the prayer and give it as we leave this place of memories and honor?”

  I looked at her as if seeing her for the first time. In all the years I have known her, I truly never knew her. I know that I have given her as much as she has given me, but now she is giving me something that I never knew I wanted.

  “Then listen carefully my child.” Mama was once again in her full Reverend Mother mode at this point in time. She may have had to resign that position because of my actions to save her life, but she never really quit being a Reverend Mother. “Goddess please grant these
souls the peace they so richly deserve. They have paid the price for their beliefs and our freedoms. They have no one here to honor them, but me. Hear my plea, and grant them their piece.’ That my dear child is the warrior’s prayer. Now shall we give them the respect they deserve?”

  “Yes mama.” It took us another twenty minutes to return to the transports and the rest of my class. It may have taken us a little longer than expected but it was worth it. After the emotional ups and downs of the day the trip back to the transports and the MCU was a balm to my soul. When we arrived I found another surprise waiting for me. The sight of the two of them as they bowed in greeting brought a smile to my face and a question to my mind. What on earth are Gin and Kina doing here?

  “Greetings, my Lady. We hope that you weren’t planning on greeting your guest at the estates in your school uniform.” Gin gave me a look that told me if I did that it would be unacceptable. I have to remember that there are certain things that as a Head of House that I have to do or put up with. This was one of those times. Thankfully my two lady’s maids had things well in hand, as always.

  “No, Gin; I was wondering if I had enough time to change before they arrived, but as we were here longer than expected I fear that I’ll be woefully unprepared.” The smile I give them lets them know that I hope they have a solution.

  “Fear not, my Lady. Gin and I have brought enough kimonos for all of your family to be suitably attired for your arrival at the estate. We took the liberty of placing them on board the MCU.” Kina had the look of the cat that ate the canary. “Shall we get aboard and get started?”

  “Once I make sure that everyone is back and on board their assigned transport. It will take me but a moment.” I started to turn to take care of this when I noticed Mr. Lenard walking up to us.

  “Mrs. Nakatoma, good to see you’ve returned, all the other students are on board their respective transports and are ready to leave for their next stop.” He was smiling at me, but there was this look in his eyes that let me know he was happy to have been here this day. His next words showed an amount of pride that only a true educator can have, when a troubling student learns something important in life. “I must thank you young lady for what you have done here this day. Never in all my life would I have thought that by forcing someone to look at their life against those who gave their all would have such profound of an impact. If you do not mind I would like to join our Headmaster in the last transport with the students there. They have so many questions that the poor man is being overwhelmed.”

  “Please go right ahead sir. I am sorry for taking so long in returning to the transports, but I …” I never got to finish my explanation for taking so long returning.

  “It is quite all right, my Lady. Your sisters and wife told me that you were with your mama learning about a family tradition that honors the fallen. When we return to the school this evening I would love to learn of your family tradition.” He was practically bouncing with excitement.

  “Um… Sir you do remember that we will be staying at my family’s estate this evening?”

  “Oh my I had completely forgotten about that. I can’t wait to see what more our students shall learn, and in return what I shall be able to teach them. It has been so long since I felt the fire to teach the way I do now. I’ll just grab my pack and join my friends teaching your students.” As the man headed for the MCU I was left dumbfounded. I had not planned for this reaction by mine and Alice’s students. I had only wanted to show these high society princesses that someone had paid the price for their freedom, and that the price was paid with blood. I had not expected to reinvigorate the Headmaster, Vic. and OECH officer to wanting to teach again.

  Mama leaned over and whispered in my ear. “Well done, my daughter. You see, you can teach. I know you felt that you had no right to be considered a teacher, but at the very core of your being you are first and foremost a Death Dealer. And what are they really, nothing more than teachers in the ways of war. Now take that training and become a teacher in the ways of peace.” Before I can say anything in reply she steps past me heading for the MCU. She looks back at over her shoulder and winks. “So ends the lesson.”

  I started to giggle at her lesson comment until I realized what she was telling me. From the time that her harebrained plan was put to Miss. Green I had thought she had lost her mind. Sure I had the piece of paper that said I could teach both Modern History and Citizenship and Moral Conduct, but I had not felt that I was qualified to do so. Mama had reminded me that one of the reasons Death Dealers are so feared throughout the universe was we are the ones that can go in on our own and turn the local population, no matter how untrained, into some of the most fearsome fighting forces to face any military force. They call us a ‘force multiplier’, but in truth we’re Liberators of the Oppressed. We are teachers, in everything from how to win a war to winning the peace. I can do this, no I have to do this. Nothing else matters now, I just have to figure out how. That is the challenge, and one I am more than willing to face. I just have to figure out how to show Alice.

  I watch as Mr. Lenard exits my MCU and heads for the transport that has the Heathers. I have a feeling that those girls are finally being made to understand what it means to be citizens of the Empire. Maybe they aren’t a total write off. Only time will tell on that score. I enter the MCU to find my family all set to head for home. I quickly close the entrance and signal that we are ready to move out. We were a little crowded with everyone I had on board with me.

  Sure the MCU can handle up to thirty people comfortably when it is setup. However we’re in travel mode and the extensions are packed away so that cuts down on space. With Bethany and her friends, the Princess and hers, plus Cissy and my family, my two maids and theirs, plus mama, that comes to a total of nineteen people. Five, of which need to change their clothes before we reach the family estate, which is not an easy thing to do, especially when you’re talking about putting on kimonos. Thankfully, mama brought mine and my sisters maids.

  As we were changing Bethany looked over at Daniela with confusion on her face to ask. “Princess, why are they changing out of their uniforms?”

  I almost busted out when Daniela gave her answer. She sounded like one of those edict teachers from some old three- d video. “If I had to hazard a guess, I would say that since we are going to their family estate it must be some kind of ritual or cultural thing for them. I mean the Nakatoma Family is one of only three High Families that trace their line back to ancient Japan on Earth Prime.”

  Thankfully it was Gin, who corrected her. “Excuse me, your Highness. There is more to it than that. If you remember, when you and your friends first came to the Nakatoma Shogunate, you were met by the Grand Lady Dai Etsu who dressed in a similar manner. For the Nakatoma Family Head of House to have guests arrive and not greet them in the proper manner would bring dishonor to the House and Family.”

  Kimberly was the next one with a question. “Excuse me ma’am, but that only explains why Lady Maiha is changing, not her wife or sisters. Why are they also changing?”

  Fuyuko’s maid Suzume answered that one as Gin was busy helping me into my nagajuban at the time and so was Kina, who was helping out Alice. “Miss, the reason that the others are changing is that they are to greet some of the other students.”

  Lisa must not have understood the explanation so she asked the next question. “I know that you tried to explain why they are changing, but I’m afraid that I still don’t understand. Could you please explain it again?”

  It was mama who came to the rescue this time. I knew she would be able to explain why in a way that they would all understand. “There are several reasons for my daughters changing into their kimonos. The first of which is they are also Temple Maidens. For them to return home in their school uniforms would be a sign of disrespect to our beliefs. The reason for this is that all of Ichirou Hoshi or Deep Red Star is part of the Temple. The second reason is because of that fact. As Temple Maidens they are required to greet all
guests to the Temple until they reach the status of nuns. They are only novices, so they will be required to perform their Temple duties once we reach the estate. Even though they are returning from school, they are bringing home guests. That is why I came to join you young ladies at Veterans Memorial Park. When my House Military commander told me what my eldest was doing, I knew that I needed to bring her and the rest my family their ceremonial Kimonos. I love my eldest, but there are times that I wished that her grandfather had let me raise her, she is such a tomboy.”

  Of course everybody just had to giggle at that last comment. However it did get Stacey’s attention. “I thought that Lady Maiha was your daughter Lady Dai Etsu. Why was she raised by her grandfather?” you could have heard a pin drop in the MCU’s central room. I looked over at mama who had a look of shock on her face; I think it was time for me to take over.

  “Stacey, Lady Dai Etsu is really my great aunt; she adopted me after my grandfather passed away a few months ago. He raised me because my mother and father both died before I was born. I am a Gift of Life child. He was all I had or ever knew until just a few months ago. As you can imagine having a grandfather who is the First High Lord for the Death Dealers I had very few female role models.”

  At this point in time my ever so helpful maids started to giggle. The look I gave Gin let her know that she could tell them the story of how they had first might me and the hell I had raised. “Thank you, my Lady.” looking over at the girls she began. “Miss Stacey if you think that the Lady Maiha is a hell raiser now, you should have seen her when Kina and I first met her.” thankfully she did not tell them about the hairbrush that was applied to my backside. All the girls got a laugh out of hearing that story even my little sisters and wife. Mama just sat there quietly with a small smile on her face. By the time Gin was done telling them the story of our first meeting I was fully dressed as was everyone else.


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