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For The Love of Ash

Page 31

by Taylor Lavati

  "I can't carry the TV. Can you get it, Luke?" Liam asked. I looked him up and down, guilt following me. He went back to my parents' house last weekend since I was moving, claiming that he was ready and that he could handle living there.

  Father got him in the ribs again. It was a good thing the place had three bedrooms because I refused to make Liam go back to my parents, and so did Maggie. She said it wouldn't be home without Liam, too.

  "Sure. Just go relax," I told him as I wrapped Maggie in my arms.

  "Stop. I'm gross," she squealed, wriggling around.

  "I like it when you're gross," I whispered in her ear. I licked the soft skin behind her ear, all salty and wet. She pulled away fast. She ran into the living room and jumped on the leather sofa from my old place. I followed right behind her, covering her with my body.

  "Stop, the kids are here," she said. I grabbed her face with my hands and kissed her softly right in the center of her glistening lips. Her hair was longer than I had ever seen it before, fanning out around her face like a halo. I raked my hands through the locks, loving the smell and silky feel.

  "What would you say if I told you we had the night to ourselves?" I sat up, pulling her up with me and positioning her on my lap. I squeezed her butt, making her giggle into my neck.

  "I would ask how much you had to pay Lindsay."

  "She's taking them to the Ranger's game. You know she has a major thing for Finn. So I gave her free tickets."

  "She has to know that you get those for free."

  "Yeah, but I told her I wouldn't give her any unless she brought the boys."

  "Hm. You are quite tricky, Mr. Wilson." I kissed her cheek, smacking my lips so they popped against her skin. She wrinkled her nose and wiped her cheek of my saliva with her palm.

  "You taste so good," I murmured as I sucked on her neck.

  "When do they leave?" Her voice was breathy, and I knew that I was having an effect on her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her face in the crook of my neck.

  "Fifteen minutes, probably."

  "Then let's finish unpacking!" She leapt off my lap and wiggled her butt all the way into the kitchen. Asher came down, and we put him to work, placing cutlery in the drawer and arranging them.

  "I love this house," Asher muttered as he threw a box into the trashcan in the corner of the kitchen. Maggie walked to his side and wrapped him in a big hug, spinning them in a circle. I smiled from the other side of the room as I put away the carton of milk.

  The doorbell rang for the first time. It was a strange beat, nothing like ding-dong. Instead, it was a melodic upbeat tune that sounded throughout the entire house. I nodded to Maggie and ran to get the door.

  "I'm here." Lindsay rolled her eyes as she pushed past me into the house. She took a look around and dropped her bag near the door. She disappeared into the kitchen.

  "Thanks for doing this!" I shouted.

  Before I knew it, the kids were all gone with Lindsay, and Maggie and I were left alone in our new home. Maggie laid out on the sofa with a glass of red wine as she was attempted to set up the cable.

  I lifted her legs up and sat underneath her, replacing them on my lap. She looked over at me and smiled, grinning from ear to ear. She narrowed her eyes on me, always so full of questions.

  "What's our plan for the evening?"

  "Well," I said, pausing for dramatic effect. "I plan to woo you with the Chinese food that should be here any moment. Then I will get you nice and tipsy with the wine you're drinking. Then I'll have my way with you and christen our brand new bed."

  "That sounds like an ambitious plan," she laughed. She pulled a coaster out of the coffee table drawer and placed her wine safely on the table. "Why don't we rearrange some of that and get right to the part of you having your way." She looked up at me through her dark lashes, and my plan was shot to shit. I wanted her. Now.

  "I can get on board with that." I pulled her onto my lap so she was straddling me and kissed her. My plan was to start slow and work her up, but I was just too eager. I practically assaulted her mouth with my tongue.

  She tasted so good that I could not get enough. I pulled her bottom lip with my teeth. She moaned as I bit and sucked it hard. She ground her hips against me. I grabbed her hips hard, making her press against me and rock back and forth.

  "I want more," she said as she grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it up. She kissed my chest muscles up to my neck to the corner of my mouth. Just as I was about to flip her over and ravage her entire body with my tongue, the sing-song doorbell rang.

  "You have got to be kidding me," I growled as I flipped her over. I pulled my shirt over my head and grabbed the wallet from my back pocket. I quickly grabbed the food, paid the guy, tipped him, and then slammed the door. I didn't care, though.

  "I don't want food right now." Maggie snuck up behind me and slowly began to unzip my jeans. I groaned as her fingers played in my happy trail. Then she grabbed my dick, and I full on turned to Jell-O.

  But then, all of a sudden, the doorbell rang. I pulled back and looked at Maggie. She laughed.

  "He must've forgotten something. I got it," I told her as I fixed my jeans and gestured for her to do the same. I paused at the door, waiting for her to fix her shirt so her boob wasn't out, and when she was clear to go, I swung open the door.

  "Can I help you?" I asked the woman who stood on the other side.

  "I'm looking for my grandchildren, Margaret and Asher." She tried to shove past me and peeked past the door. I glanced over my shoulder at Maggie who was taking a sip of her wine.

  She quickly stood and faced this woman who was now standing in the entryway. "Here you are." She passed off her purse to me with her nose raised. I dropped it by the door.

  "What do you want, Margo?" Maggie straightened her shoulders like she was gearing up for a fight. She flashed her ring almost in a bragging way, which made this old lady gasp.

  "I'd like to speak to you…alone." The lady flicked her gaze at me like I was trash. I didn't look like much in my sweats, but I was far from garbage.

  "Whatever you can say to me, you can say in front of my fiancé." The word sounded like fate rolling off her tongue. I smiled at her, nodding as I shut the front door and walked to stand by Maggie.

  "Well, then. You're making a mistake, and if you don't undo your irresponsible decisions, then I'll be forced to take you to court." She rubbed her palms on her pants in a way that was scarily similar to Maggie's gestures.

  "Take me. I've done a great job with Ash, and he'd pick me over you any day. I'm not scared of you anymore." Maggie paused to breathe, and I placed my hand on her shoulder. "I'll abide by the rules, and you can see him once a month. But that's it. He's mine." She stepped forward menacingly.

  "I am his grandmother. In your care, he's had a concussion. He's learned to talk back to adults. He was depressed. Great job." She scoffed, clapping her hands like my mother did, just on the palms like a golf-clap.

  "The concussion was because of hockey. And he's a great fucking kid!" I squeezed her shoulder to calm her down. "Don't you dare come in here and tell me how to raise him. Mother hated you. It's not my fault you feel guilty."

  "Your ignorance will lead to that child's demise. If you don't take my help, then you're ruining him."

  "I don't really care what you think. He has a great heart and is passionate, empathetic, and smart. That's all I ever want him to be. He's a great kid." She was panting, but I didn't know what to do other than stand there.

  "He'll never go anywhere! All I want is what is best for him." The lady actually looked serious, her eyes filling with tears. I wasn't sure what was going on.

  "I think it's time you left," I told the woman, stepping in front of Maggie. "Why don't you call Maggie when things are less heated?"

  "Don't call," Maggie growled.

  "When did you become such a bitch?" The woman laughed to herself. I needed to put my foot down.

  "You can't come into our home calli
ng her names. You may not agree with her, but she's doing an amazing job with Asher. You're threatening to take away her son. How do you think she'd react?"

  "Intelligently, for once." The woman shook her head.

  "I'm sorry, ma'am. But you have to leave now."

  "Expect a call from the lawyers. I'm sure they'll love to know how you're living with a boyfriend you've known for all of what, a year?" She picked up her leather purse from the floor, dusted it off, and then slammed the door shut behind her.

  Maggie crumbled. I reached forward and caught her as she broke down into heavy sobs. She was saying something, but I couldn't understand her.

  "Thank you," she said as she started to calm.

  "I didn't do anything. That was all you. You're so strong." I lifted her face up and kissed her cheek where tears pooled. She was salty, and I licked her cheek, trying to get her to laugh.

  "God. I fucking love you," she said, laughing through her tears.

  "I love you, too, Sunny." I nuzzled into her neck, kissing her as she wiped her face with the back of her hand. "I have something to show you if you're up for it." She looked up at me with curious eyes.

  "I'm up!" She jumped up from the floor and hugged me.

  "Okay." I laughed at her enthusiasm. "Give me one second. Stay here." I spun her around so her back was to the hallway and ran into the bedroom. I found the frame in the top box. I made sure it was safe from being ruined after I got the picture custom fit and framed.

  I took it out of the box and brushed the tissue paper off of it. I hadn't even taken it out of the box yet; it was so pristine. I put it face down behind my back and found Maggie exactly as I had left her.

  I lifted the picture frame in front of me so she could see what was behind the glass. My heart was thumping in my chest. She'd either think I was some freak stalker or love it. I hoped it was the latter.

  "Turn," I told her.

  At first, she just looked at it like she was trying to figure out what it was. But when she realized, both hands flew to her mouth, and she began crying again.

  "No. I didn't want you to cry," I said as I laughed. This was so messed up, but at the same time, it was kind of hilarious. This was our relationship—ups and downs and all around.

  "Where did you get this?" she asked as she stepped forward. Her finger trailed along the frame, and she took it in her hands, examining it closer. "I love it," she whispered.

  "You threw it away." I shrugged.

  "I love it so much, Luke." She put it down on the coffee table and ran into my arms, wrapping herself around my body. She kissed my neck and squeezed me so tightly I could barely breathe.

  I looked over her shoulder at the sun drawing and smiled.

  "I won't ever give up on you," I promised her.

  "And I won't ever change my mind."


  My two inch heels clicked down the hallway. It was my first year teaching first grade, and already it was majorly screwed up. I felt bad for letting my mentor, Mrs. Kellar, down. But she said my job was safe, and when maternity leave was over, I would have somewhere to go back to.

  I rubbed my hand over my growing belly, loving the feeling of having a human inside of me. I was only twenty weeks, but my stomach was growing more and more by the day. It was weird. Yet at the same time, it was almost magical.

  Luke was supposed to meet me at his truck, but when I looked out the office window, it was vacant. He had been getting caught up on midterm grades, so I figured he was in his office.

  "Hey, stranger." I leaned against the door frame, staring at my husband. His head immediately shot up.

  "Oh, shoot. What time is it?"

  "Time for you to finish up. We gotta go pick Ash up from West Middle and bring him to practice. Do you want me to go ahead?" If I managed the time right, then I could drop off Ash, come back and get Luke, and then be back to the arena in time to watch his practice.

  "No. No," he muttered, running his hand through his blond cropped hair. He was still used to his long hair. "I'm ready." He stood up and gathered a bunch of papers on his desk, shoving them into his overfull briefcase.

  He pulled me in for a kiss as he walked around his desk and rubbed my stomach. I smiled and kissed Luke's cheek.

  "How was your day?" Luke asked as he took my hand in his.

  "It was all right. My feet are killing me. I can't wait to put my slippers on."

  "Do you want to run home and get them?" He looked at me with concern. He thought I was a porcelain doll, and everything I did freaked him out. He thought me even crouching down to pee was going to hurt the baby.

  "I have them in the car. I'm prepared." I smiled and winked at him. "Oh, lemme say goodbye." I let go of Luke and skipped into the guidance counselor's room. June was sitting behind the desk on her cellphone. I waved from the door when she saw me.

  "Don't forget about Saturday," June yelled as she covered the mic on her phone.

  "What's Saturday?" I played dumb because I knew it was really going to tick her off. She had planned a huge baby shower for me with the help of Lindsay and Lilly. Even Lauren was coming and had gotten involved. I was happy that she was getting closer with her sisters.

  I asked all of the girls to be bridesmaids at my wedding, but only Lilly and Lindsay said yes. I knew it was going to happen. Luke even told me. It worked out because June and Janet took Lauren and Lisa's places.

  Lindsay stood beside me while Asher stood to Luke's right, and the day could not have gone better. Even Luke's parents seemed happy about the union, although we didn't see much of them. I hated them for what they did to Liam and Luke, and I didn't think my view would ever change.

  "Go to your husband and dress nice, okay?" June glared at me as I retreated into the narrow hallway and caught up to Luke. I saw one of my students' pictures on the wall where we had a student of the week from each class. I felt guilty that I was leaving them.

  "Hey," Luke said as he spun me to face him. "What's the matter?" I hadn't realized that I was crying. God. I felt like such an idiot. I was usually so emotionless, but this pregnancy was making me into a crazy person.

  "I just feel bad. I love my first graders. I don't want to leave them."

  "You're only going to be gone a few months. Trust me, you'll love your leave. You have four more months with them anyway. Don't think about it now."

  "You're right." I let out a deep sigh as I shook my head and tried to calm down. "Am I stupid for feeling so bad?"

  "Of course not!" Luke immediately said back. "You love your kids, and they love you. But Luke Junior will need you more."

  "He will not be named Luke Junior." My nostrils flared.

  "I'm kidding, Sunny. Let's go get Ash."

  Asher was sitting on a brick wall with Lynn at the front of West Middle School in the middle of Norwalk. It was hard to think of Asher as a teenager, but he was thirteen now and scaring the crap out of me. My heart clenched as Asher leaned over, kissed Lynn on the cheek, and then waved goodbye as he ran towards the truck.

  "Hey!" he said as he jumped in the back.

  "How was school?" I asked him as he threw his bag on the floor and buckled in. His mohawk had fallen to the side, and now it looked like he had a toupee on. I laughed a little to myself.

  "I got an A on my physical science test." I looked back, and he was beaming.

  "Awesome job. Should we celebrate at Prime Time?"

  "Sure. Is Aunt Lilly working?"

  "I don't know," I said as I looked across the truck at Luke. He just shrugged. I turned and faced Asher, knowing that I only had a few more minutes of talk left. "How are things with Lynn?"

  "She goes by Lynny now," Asher said with disgust in his voice. "And she's good. Her birthday party is next weekend. I have to go and get her something."

  "What were you thinking?" I asked him.

  "Like a necklace or something. She wears a lot of jewelry."

  "Is she your girlfriend?" I hoped that I wasn't pushing it.

  "I g
uess. She went to disco skate with me on Friday. But Tara was there too and got mad. I probably like Tara more."

  "But you just kissed Lynn—Lynny."

  "I like to kiss them both." He shrugged, and I widened my eyes in shock.

  "But Dad said it's called playing the field."

  I gasped and turned. Luke's face was beet red. He was fucking caught.

  "I didn't say to kiss them both. I just said to be friends with them so you can decide who you like better. You shouldn't kiss them both, just for the record."

  "Oh," Asher said, turning to look out the window. He didn't seemed fazed at all when I just was in shock. My little baby Asher had not one girlfriend, but two! He was a womanizer.

  "Get in there. Don't forget, you're captain now, so be mature and supportive for everyone. When you're dressed, go help set up the cones and stuff. You understand?" Asher nodded and jumped out of the truck.

  "You told him to play the field. Are you trying to send me into labor?"

  "Maggie, relax. I was trying to help him figure out who he liked more. I didn't know what else to say. He shouldn't have kissed them both. Sorry if he took my advice bad."

  "It's okay. Sorry," I said because I knew I was overreacting. He leaned over the center console and kissed me, threading his fingers in my hair. He bent down and kissed my stomach, too.

  "I just thought of a name," Luke said as he helped me out of the truck.

  "Please tell me it's not after a hockey, football, or really any professional sports player."

  "It's not. What about Landon?" I let the name sit in my head as Luke held my hand. We walked towards the building as I rolled the name around. Landon Wilson. Landon. Lan-don. Hm…I actually liked it.

  "I think that may be our best name." I smiled up at Luke as he nodded down at me.

  Thank you so much for taking the time to read For The Love of Ash. If you have a spare moment, please rate, review, and/or share this book. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to email the author at

  For more information about the author, Taylor Lavati, check out her website: For more about her novels, be sure to visit Taylor's blog for news and weekly teasers.


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