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The Redemption Series

Page 123

by Melynda Price

  Haden hadn’t returned last night. Perhaps it was just as well. Kyro was here, and she felt very safe with him. The dog took his job seriously. Since Liam had left, she’d let the beast sleep with her—a bad habit, she knew, but her bed was very big and awfully lonely with Liam gone. The hell-hound stretched beside her and groaned loudly as if the thought of getting up was just too much to bear.

  “Oh, listen to you,” she chided, scratching the dog’s barrel chest. “I swear you’d stay in bed all day if I let you.” Tossing back the covers, she climbed out of bed and then shooed Kyro out. She slipped into her robe and padded down the stairs to let him outside. As Olivia opened the front door, she couldn’t resist glancing at Haden’s place across the street and frowned when she noticed his car was parked cock-eyed in the driveway. So he had come back last night—just not here.

  Sighing, she closed the door and walked into the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee, trying to decide how long she was going to let Haden sit over there and sulk before confronting this growing issue between them. That answer came when her phone rang and Olivia answered to a nauseatingly too-cheerful voice.

  “Good morning! Are you ready for a day of shop-til-you-drop fun? I swear I couldn’t sleep a wink last night! I’m so excited to plan this wedding. What time is the appointment at the bakery? Have you for sure decided on your colors, because I’m not so sure I’m going to look good in silver. Have you considered gold? White and gold would be so beautiful, and it’d match my hair. Do you care if I wear slippers? No one’s going to see them, anyway, and you know I have flat feet, so heels are just going to kill me.”

  Olivia’s pulse leapt at the barrage of questions, anxiety quickly taking hold of her. She wasn’t sure she had it in her to deal with Ashley today. She waited for her friend to take a breath and then seized the opportunity to speak. “I slept terrible, and Liam still isn’t home yet.” She wasn’t about to give Haden any credit for her lack of Z’s. “It’s definitely silver. Liam was already fitted for his tux before he left. I don’t care about the slippers, and we’re supposed to be at the bakery at eleven.”

  “Eleven? Olivia, that’s only two hours from now! You know I need at least an hour and a half to get ready. Now I won’t have time to paint my nails…”

  She rolled her eyes and stopped listening after “two hours from now” but checked the clock on the stove just to be sure. Was it seriously already nine? “I gotta go, Ash. See ya in a bit.” As she hung up the phone, the thought briefly crossed her mind to reschedule. The idea of going across the street and asking Haden to accompany them to the bakery and bridal shop, just about made her sick. But then, it wasn’t like she had a lot of options. The wedding was two weeks away and she’d already held off on ordering the cake and picking out her dress as long as she dare. She refused to give Haden, that much power over her. She’d tell him she was going, and it’d be his decision whether to come or not.

  A riotous chorus of barking erupted outside and Olivia ran to the door. Kyro stood at the edge of her lawn, having a full-blown fit. She could tell by the ridge of hair spiking down his back that he meant business. “Kyro! Come!” Olivia called sternly. It wasn’t like him to bark; no doubt Mrs. Miller’s tabby was prowling through her yard again. Poking her head out the door, she looked left, and then right, searching for the tabby. If that damn cat didn’t stay in his own yard, he was gonna become Kyro’s breakfast. Huh…it wasn’t out there. Finding nothing else amiss, she closed the door after the dog trotted past her. Perhaps he just sensed Haden across the street and wanted him here—who knows. Oh well, if that wake-up call didn’t get Haden up, nothing would. Unfortunately, it probably roused the whole block, as well.

  After a quick shower, she got ready for the day. By the time she finished dressing and glanced at the clock, she only had twenty minutes to spare. It was obvious Haden had no intention of coming over on his own. Perhaps she should just go with Ashley and be done with it. Having Haden along would be…well…awkward.

  As Olivia descended the stairs, she saw Kyro sitting beside the door staring intently out the side panel of glass. A prickle of unease needled up her spine as she approached the window. “What is it, boy? What’s out there?”

  At her voice, he glanced in her direction and a chill ran through her. Something was wrong. The dog’s eyes burned the same crimson fire they had the night of the Correan attack. Dammit anyway…she was going to have to do it. She was going to have to cross the street and face Haden. Maybe Kyro’s agitation was nothing more than a squirrel infatuation. Then again, what if the Dark Court had found her again? She couldn’t risk staying here alone, and as much as she hated to admit it, Haden was her only option right now.

  “All right. Come on, boy,” she said, opening the door. “Let’s go get Haden.”

  The dog chuffed his agreement and led the way out the door. As she hurried across the street, Olivia paid close attention to her surroundings. Although she could see nothing unusual, the prickling sensation of being watched was undeniable. Her skin bristled with awareness, her heart speeding as adrenaline flooded her veins, preparing her for fight-or-flight—yeah, definitely flight. Glancing behind her one last time, Olivia rapped her knuckles against the door. When Haden didn’t answer, she knocked louder—still no answer.

  Afraid to keep standing out here in the open, Olivia grabbed the door knob and hesitated for only a moment before turning it. Surprised to find it unlocked, she stepped inside, and Kyro dutifully followed behind. Closing the door behind them, she called Haden’s name. When he still didn’t respond, her nerves failed her and she decided not to disturb him. Turning to leave, she opened the door, but stopped halfway out when the clatter of toppling glass sounded down the hall.

  Olivia hesitated. Okay, well obviously he was awake now. “Stay here,” she whispered to the dog before heading down the hall. When she reached the doorway of Haden’s bedroom, she froze. The knot in her gut surged into her throat and she nearly threw up. Lying amidst the rumpled sheets was a naked woman—asleep or passed out, she couldn’t tell—sprawled out in Haden’s bed. Had she to guess, she’d bet on the latter because next to the woman’s outstretched arm was a tipped-over empty bottle of tequila. Lime rinds scattered the floor and littered the bed.

  The woman’s long blonde hair spilled over his pillow, but her head was turned away so she couldn’t see her face. The steady rise and fall of her well-endowed breasts bore evidence of Haden’s touch, his kiss… In fact, her alabaster skin was riddled with signs of Haden’s presence, proving he was indeed a thoroughly creative, if not a little rough, lover, and that was knowledge she could have gone to her grave never knowing.

  Bile surged up her throat, stopped only by that stubborn knot. She swallowed past the swelling lump, trying to force it backdown. She wanted to run out before the woman woke and found her standing in the doorway, but her feet refused to move. They were planted firm—rooted to the ground. She felt like one of those gawkers, loitering at the scene of a horrible accident—utterly disgusted and yet unable to look away from the carnage.

  The woman stirred. Her leg fell open as she rolled toward the wall, revealing a love bite high on her inner thigh. Just when she was about to turn and dash from the house, the bathroom door swung open and Haden strode out, naked as the woman in his bed. A towel was draped over his head as he rubbed it over his hair. His body was still damp, drops of water clinging to his wide shoulders, sluicing down his chest, following the contours of his pecks to the roadmap of abs trailing down his stomach. She didn’t mean for her gaze to drop lower, but at the same time, she seemed helpless to stop it.

  Oh, my…that’s...impressive. Even at rest, his sex moved with a commanding swagger as arrogant as its owner. God as her witness, had she known this would happen Olivia would have poked out her own eyes, because the sight of Haden, completely unclothed, was now permanently seared into her retinas for all eternity.

  Delayed, a startled gasp caught in her throat and Haden immediately froze. As if
just now sensing he wasn’t alone, his muscles tensed and he ripped the towel off his head, snapping his sharp sea-green gaze to the door before locking on her.

  A tidal wave of emotions rushed through him and slammed into her. She could name each and every one as they passed his unguarded face and then echoed through her veins. She’d caught him off-guard, and that wasn’t an easy thing to do. And then as if flipping a switch, he donned that detached, hard-ass glower he wore like a cloak of armor.

  His initial flare of lust seemed to ride him hard at seeing her standing there, staring at his proudly displayed sex. She noted his tightening grip on the towel fisted in his hands. His gaze briefly flickered to the bed, as if just now realizing they were not alone. When his eyes met hers again, they narrowed darkly, a flush of color heightening his cheeks. She couldn’t tell if it was in anger or embarrassment of her witnessing the evidence of his little fuck-fest. His gaze hardened to a steely glare; his chin notched defiantly. Still, he made no move to cover himself. Cocky bastard…

  “You ever hear of knocking?” he growled.

  “I…I did,” she stuttered breathlessly. “You…didn’t answer.”

  “So you thought to let yourself in, is that it? Me casa is not su casa, sweetheart. I may be bound to you, but I’m not your damn slave.”

  Ashamed that she’d invaded his privacy, and horrified she couldn’t stop staring at his naked body, Olivia finally mustered the wits to drop her gaze, but didn’t make it all the way to the floor. The evidence of Haden’s swift arousal rose in semi-defiance. Her mouth opened to speak, but nothing intelligible came out. Heat rushed her cheeks, and her pulse clamored in her veins as the noose of humiliation tightened around her neck.

  “Didn’t your mother ever tell you it isn’t polite to stare?” he snapped, finally wrapping the towel around his waist to break her trance and cover his growing erection. He tucked the corner securely at his hip and stepped closer to her, demanding, “What are you doing here?”

  His movement effectively blocked her view of his bed and the naked woman sprawled upon it—intentionally perhaps? When the following words passed her lips, she didn’t even realize she’d spoken until it was too late. “What are you doing?” she challenged back.

  Something flashed in his eyes—regret perhaps? “What does it look like? I’m following your advice and finding my happiness elsewhere.”

  “I assure you, this is not what I meant.”

  “Then perhaps you should have been more specific.” Arching a tawny brow, he crossed his arms over his muscular chest and asked, “Why, does this bother you, Olivia?”

  “Are you trying to hurt me?” She hated that her voice broke.

  He walked closer, his clipped steps angry, determined. When he reached her, she stumbled a step back, and he followed her out, pulling the door closed behind him. “I could ask the same thing of you,” he growled. “Do you think, for one second, that any of this is easy for me? That this is what I want?” He swept a hasty hand toward the door, indicating the naked woman in his bed. “I already told you what I want. Just remember that I didn’t choose this, Olivia. You did. You made your choice, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to spend the rest of your life pining away for you.”

  “I’m not asking you to,” she shot back, stabbing her finger into his chest, her own temper rising to meet his. There had been a time when Haden frightened her—when his temperamental outbursts would have cowed her—not anymore, she was too damn pissed off. “But that doesn’t mean you have to drag home and fuck every whore you can find. You had better hope to God that Nephilim can’t get diseases, because, no doubt that trollop is sporting a few.”

  Haden’s exhale sounded surprisingly…defeated. “Why are you here, Olivia? What do you want?” Dipping his head, he pinched the bridge of his nose as if somehow there was patience to be found there.

  “I wanted to tell you…that I’m leaving soon to go shopping.”

  “Well, reschedule. I’m not up for it at the present.”

  “I can’t,” she snapped, her tone brittle. “I’m shopping for a wedding dress today!”

  His gaze shot up, locking on hers. He didn’t have to say “You’re fucking kidding me.” It was written all over his surly face.

  “Forget it. I’ll go alone,” she snapped, turning and marching down the hall. She couldn’t leave fast enough. She was losing the battle against her tears and didn’t want Haden to witness her defeat. Taking a deep breath, she steadied her voice and quipped, “I didn’t particularly want you to come, anyway. That’s something friends would do together. But I’m telling you that I’m going, so now I’ve held up my end of the bargain not to take off without an escort. Feel free to stay here and fuck your whore some more.”

  At her parting remark, Olivia stormed out with Kyro faithfully on her heels. She struggled to pace her steps when all she really wanted to do was run home.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  When Haden walked through the door ten minutes later, a pair of Oakley’s hid his eyes from her, but the tight set of his jaw told her he was in a mood—big surprise there. His tawny hair had dried in that towel-tousled mess, adding to the whole disheveled badass look he had going on. Images of seeing him unabashedly naked were burned into her mind’s eye. Even now, she felt the heated blush creeping into her cheeks, as did the needling guilt at having stared far longer than she should have.

  Haden moved slower, more purposeful and less fluid than usual. That she noticed this, warned her she was far too familiar and far more aware of this male than she ought to be. His clothes were wrinkled, and his jeans, stretched out from wear, hung even lower on his lean hips than normal—indecently so, because she knew damn well from experience he wore no underwear beneath them. The buttons on his long-sleeved Henley were misaligned. All and all, he looked like a mess—one hot mess.

  Rolling her eyes in disgust, she cast her gaze back to the bridal magazine and flipped through the pages, trying her damnedest to ignore him this time. “You’re hung-over,” she snapped crisply, refusing to spend another second giving him the satisfaction of her gaze.

  “Maybe a little bit.” He dropped into the loveseat across from her and kicked his legs out in a negligent sprawl that stretched beneath the coffee table and far too close to her own.

  Lifting her legs, she tucked them beneath her on the couch and primly said, “You expect me to believe you can keep me safe when you can scarcely dress yourself? Look at you, you’re likely to lose your pants and hobble yourself.”

  “You’d certainly know all about that, wouldn’t you?”

  Her pulse quickened at the accusation, the fire burning her cheeks spread to her veins as the unbidden memory of them together in the dressing room assaulted her. She’d give anything to forget the feeling of being in Haden’s arms, the ferocity of his kiss, and the feel of his arousal, hard and heavy against her hand. The touch had been accidental, but searing all the same—and now, thanks to this morning’s show, she now had the visual to go along with it.

  “You’re such an ass.” She rose to leave, deciding to wait for Ashley upstairs. Let the bastard wallow in his hangover all by himself. But Haden was on his feet and facing off with her before she could blink, moving with a surprising amount of preternatural speed and agility.

  He tore off his sunglasses and tossed them onto the loveseat, leveling her with an icy glare that sent prickles of awareness over her flesh. “And you’re behaving like a catty bitch. It doesn’t become you, Olivia. So why don’t you step off your high horse and own up to what’s really bothering you.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she denied, refusing to cow to his glower.

  “You’re pissed because I fucked Addy, who, by the way, is not a whore. But don’t worry, Olivia, I thought of you the whole time. ”

  She slapped him across the face as hard as she could. If Haden saw it coming, he made no move to avoid it. The resounding crack fractured the air, stinging pain searing her palm. Her handp
rint instantly five-starred his cheek as murderous fury burned brightly in the emerald depths of his eyes.

  At the way he growled the vulgar confession, Olivia had no doubt every word he spoke was true, his tone seething with frustration and resentment. It was obvious he didn’t want to love her anymore than she wanted to love him—and damn if that truth didn’t hurt just as much.

  The hopelessness of their situation struck her as soundly as if he’d physically retaliated. Immediately, she regretted losing her temper—it seemed that was becoming a habit of hers of late. Haden turned away from her, and Olivia grabbed his sleeve.

  “Haden, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.” Exhaling a pent-up sigh, she pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes against the impending headache swiftly rising. “Why do I feel like all we do is fight?”

  To her amazement, her apology was like a soothing balm on Haden’s tumultuous temper. The fire in his eyes slowly banked, and the tension singing through his body eased a touch. Never had she thought her words, her simple touch, could wheel this much power over him.

  Haden lifted his hand, moving slow enough to give her time to evade his touch if she’d wanted to, and she probably should have done just that. But she let him cup the side of her face, held captive by the raw emotion she saw brimming in his eyes. “All we do is fight, Olivia, because we’re constantly fighting our feelings for each other.”

  She shook her head in denial. “I love Liam,” she protested, reciting the mantra she told herself whenever Haden threatened to break through the wall she’d erected around her heart.

  “I know you do. I feel the depth of that love every second of every day. But you also love me. And I feel the pain that knowledge causes you, because you think it’s a betrayal to Liam.”


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