In Pursuit of Butterflies
Page 47
Beyond all else, this book is the product of the profound fellowship provided by the charity Butterfly Conservation, its staff, branches and members. The places which have inspired, supported and tutored me are identified in this book, and are duly acknowledged here. At times the butterflies themselves obliged me, even some caterpillars.
I am grateful to Bryan Holden and the BB Society (, and Hollis & Carter for permission to quote from chapter 10 of Brendon Chase by ‘BB’; to Peters, Fraser & Dunlop for permission to quote from Hilaire Belloc's The Four Men; to the Society of Authors as the Literary Representative of the Estate of John Masefield for permission to quote from Masefield's poem ‘King Cole’; to the Trustees of the Pooh Properties for the quote from Winnie-the-Pooh by A A Milne, text copyright © 1926 published by Egmont UK Ltd London and used with permission; to Penguin Books Ltd for permission to quote 47 words (pp. 28–29) from Finn Family Moomintroll by Tove Jansson (Puffin, 2001), text and illustrations copyright © Tove Jansson, 1948, English translation copyright © Ernest Benn Ltd, 1950; and to Penguin Random House UK for permission to quote from the poem ‘Spring goes, summer comes’ from Flower Fairies of the Summer by Cicely Mary Barker, first published by Frederick Warne of London in 1925.
Matthew Oates
February 2015
Index of butterfly species
Adonis Blue Polyommatus bellargus 88, 99, 202, 343, 359–60
‘Black Admiral’ see White Admiral
Black Hairstreak Satyrium pruni 90, 117–18, 331, 404
Black-veined White Aporia crataegi 253
Brimstone Gonepteryx rhamni 84, 112, 198–9, 202–3, 220, 258, 345, 433–4
Brown Argus Aricia agestis 40, 57, 141, 208, 280, 343, 380
Brown Hairstreak Thecla betulae 46, 96–7, 135, 144, 187–8, 205, 268, 332–6, 339–40, 394–5, 419
Camberwell Beauty Nymphalis antiopa 269, 363, 408
Chalkhill Blue Polyommatus coridon 40, 65, 131, 143, 192, 215–16, 300, 343, 431–2, 446
Chequered Skipper Carterocephalus palaemon 67, 116–17, 365–6
Clouded Yellow Colias croceus 148–50, 153, 230–1, 244–5, 257–8, 287, 300, 308–9
Comma Polygonia c-album 112, 133–4, 188, 239, 368, 375, 414, 436
Common Blue Polyommatus icarus 32, 44–5, 82, 97, 241, 245, 262
Cryptic Wood White Leptidea juvernica 255, 365
Dark Green Fritillary Argynnis aglaja 40, 118, 128, 162, 190, 243–4, 354, 438
Dingy Skipper Erynnis tages 107, 153, 216, 223–4, 295, 301, 343, 345
Duke of Burgundy Hamearis lucina 60, 86, 99, 114–15, 143–4, 147–8, 151–2, 156–67, 170–7, 207, 223–8, 235, 240, 277, 301, 343, 345, 370–1, 383, 402
Essex Skipper Thymelicus lineola 57, 108, 142, 192, 265, 339
Gatekeeper Pyronia tithonus 45, 60, 181–2, 209
Glanville Fritillary Melitaea cinxia 149, 162–3, 207–8, 236–7, 305, 330–1, 363–4, 385–6
Grayling Hipparchia semele 32, 130, 143, 211, 238, 255, 299, 313, 321–2, 326
Green Hairstreak Callophrys rubi 54, 100, 246–7, 260, 301, 343, 345, 425
Green-veined White Pieris napi 85, 171, 183, 206, 215, 305, 420
Grizzled Skipper Pyrgus malvae 99, 106, 107, 115, 142, 241, 291, 348
Heath Fritillary Melitaea athalia 132, 246, 253, 254, 298, 304, 307–8, 314–15, 352, 404
Hedge Brown see Gatekeeper
High Brown Fritillary Argynnis adippe 134, 151–2, 161–2, 178–81, 191–2, 199–202, 210–14, 226–8, 237, 243–4, 264–5, 298, 302, 308, 322–3, 413
Holly Blue Celastrina argiolus 72, 100, 115, 214–15, 225, 227, 234, 265
Large Blue Maculinea arion 88–9, 132, 197, 211, 248–9, 259, 306, 310, 315, 343, 375, 404, 426–7
Large Copper Lycaena dispar 38
Large Heath Coenonympha tullia 91, 174, 181, 283–4, 430, 431, 438–9
Large Skipper Ochlodes sylvanus 36, 101, 206, 208, 226
Large Tortoiseshell Nymphalis polychloros 132, 142, 157, 171–2, 435–7
Large White Pieris brassicae 202, 238, 250, 296, 377, 437, 446
Long-tailed Blue Lampides boeticus 288, 326–7, 447–50
Lulworth Skipper Thymelicus acteon 131, 236, 249–50, 286, 299
Marbled White Melanargia galathea 57, 70, 82, 118, 174, 216, 293
Marsh Fritillary Euphydryas aurinia 115–16, 124, 138, 162, 171, 236, 254–5, 300–1, 318, 345, 351–2, 364–5, 401, 403, 410–12, 424, 426
Meadow Brown Maniola jurtina 27, 282, 428
Monarch Danaus plexippus 245
Mountain Ringlet Erebia epiphron 71, 92, 242–3, 262–4, 284–5, 294, 302, 353–4, 439–40
Northern Brown Argus Aricia artaxerxes 152, 174, 241, 284, 412
Orange-tip Anthocharis cardamines 85, 113, 205–6, 220, 305, 330, 363, 401–2, 410
Painted Lady Vanessa cardui 129, 170, 196, 198–9, 202, 238, 280–3, 285–9, 320–1, 325–6, 329–30, 382–7, 395
Peacock Aglais io 141, 163, 181, 219–20, 240, 245, 329, 373, 389, 428
Pearl-bordered Fritillary Boloria euphrosyne 35–6, 67, 86–7, 161, 189–90, 206–7, 224, 237, 254, 260, 277, 291–2, 297–8, 314, 319–20, 347–9, 419
Purple Emperor Apatura iris 30–1, 38–9, 45–50, 51–7, 68–9, 81, 106–10, 150, 209, 277, 299, 308, 315–16, 325, 355–9, 387–92, 399–408, 419–20, 440–2, 444–6, 451
aberrations 34, 43, 64–5, 81, 388–9, 413–14, 429–30
courtship & mating 92–3, 95, 323–4, 369, 444–5
eggs 95, 255, 396–7, 429
larvae 97–8, 124, 155, 396–7, 399–405, 409, 433
pupae 403, 434, 437–8
Purple Hairstreak Favonius quercus 44, 48, 56, 72, 95, 196, 409–10
Queen of Spain Fritillary Issoria lathonia 27, 119, 363, 395
Réal’s Wood White Leptidea reali 365
Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta 97, 112, 188–9, 278, 283, 287–9, 296, 361, 362
Ringlet Aphantopus hyperantus 52, 103, 174, 276, 283, 343, 428
Scotch Argus Erebia aethiops 256–7, 260–1, 266–8
Silver-spotted Skipper Hesperia comma 40, 216, 229–30, 238, 266, 326, 343
Silver-studded Blue Plebejus argus 142–3, 181, 210, 262, 282–3, 321, 367
Silver-washed Fritillary Argynnis paphia 57, 59–60, 93–6, 107, 108–9, 142, 209, 271–3, 274, 276, 332, 348, 388, 406–7, 419
Small Blue Cupido minimus 40, 117, 143, 145, 208, 216–17, 237, 343, 345, 425
Small Copper Lycaena phlaeas 45, 81–2, 100, 183, 269
Small Heath Coenonympha pamphilus 57, 89, 182, 193, 283, 380
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary Boloria selene 36, 89, 107, 116, 133, 142, 216–17, 229, 260, 277, 366, 419
Small Skipper Thymelicus sylvestris 82, 101, 118–19, 131, 174
Small Tortoiseshell Algais urticae 112–14, 147, 163, 193, 296, 325, 371–3, 377
Small White Pieris rapae 181, 202, 238, 256, 296, 380, 437, 446
Speckled Wood Pararge aegeria 99, 183, 366, 375
Swallowtail Papilio machaon 74, 143, 253, 293, 306–7, 320, 324–5, 331, 370, 375–6
Wall Brown Lasiommata megera 57, 81–2, 87, 135–7, 142, 320, 375
White Admiral Limenitis camilla 37–8, 51–2, 75, 107–10, 190, 217, 226, 255, 276, 348, 359–61, 423–4
aberrations 34, 69–70, 101–2, 118, 150, 271, 368, 405–7
White-letter Hairstreak Satyrium w-album 44, 46, 57, 76–7, 102–3, 155–7, 163, 168–9, 283, 354–5, 410
Wood White Leptidea sinapis 87, 96, 234–5, 255, 365
General index
aberrations 64–5, 118–19, 388–9; see also index of butterfly species
Adams, Nigel 248–9
agricultural intensification 148, 165, 168, 175, 198, 228, 237, 311
Albert Memorial 217
Alice Holt Forest 76, 86–7, 92–6, 101–2, 104–11, 118, 189–90, 293–5, 311–12, 323–4, 355–9, 387–90, 401
Alners Gorse 339, 4
Arnside Knott 92, 151, 154, 160–1, 256, 260–1, 266–7
Ashby, Doris 268
Ashclyst Forest 283, 299, 314
Bacon, John 127–8
Ballard Down 256
Barker, Andy & Linda 196, 383
Barker, Cicely Mary 23, 378
Barker, Linda 383
Barkham, Patrick 383, 391, 437, 447, 455
Barle valley 213
Barrington Court 288, 377
Bartley Heath 115
‘BB’, see Watkins-Pitchford, Denys
Beaumont, Steve 260
Belloc, Hillaire 33, 444
Bentley Wood 43, 191, 199, 316
Bernwood Forest 45–6, 96, 118, 170, 315, 321, 322, 332
Bin Combe 254, 282, 314–15, 352–3, 363, 404
Bind Barrow 236, 286
Bircher Common 191, 200, 201, 265, 282, 298, 322
Blackmoor Estate 82, 84, 97
Blacknest 155–7, 163, 168, 234
Blean Woods 314
Blue Moor-grass 256, 261, 279
Bonham-Carter, Lady Charlotte 133, 223
Bookham Common 150, 285, 308, 382
Bossington Hill 213, 264, 282, 298, 308
Botley Wood 205
Branscombe 234–5
Braydon, Forest of 334–6, 339–40
Brewis, Anne 127
Broad-leaved Everlasting-pea 288, 327, 448–50
Brockhampton 241, 301
Bromyard 180
Broughton Down 128, 153, 230
Brown, Arthur 248–9, 278
Buckingham Palace 265
Buckthorn 115, 198–9, 202, 225
Burrell, Charlie 392
Butser Hill 89, 157, 230
Butterfly Awareness Year 132
butterfly collecting 26–7, 41–2, 88, 101–2, 135, 270–5, 399–400, 454
Butterfly Conservation 138–9, 283, 287, 302, 335–6, 366, 370, 386, 453
Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (BMS) 98
butterflying 16–17, 41–2, 66, 78, 81, 112, 131, 270–3, 380, 446, 447, 452–62
Byron, Lord 121, 423
Castle Russell, S G 27, 264, 272, 273–4
Catfield Fen 307, 331, 375–6
Cerne Abbas Giant 351–2
Chanctonbury Ring 70
Chatfield, June 137
Cheriton Wood 198–9, 202, 203
cherry-picker 355–8, 390
Chiddingfold Forest 87, 96, 147, 385
Christ’s Hospital school 26–32, 33–4, 41, 46, 52, 89–90, 447
Churchill, Sir Winston 252–3
Cirencester Park Woods 240, 280–1, 290–2, 297–8, 319, 337, 346–9, 411, 425
Clacket Lane Service Station 397
Clare, John 457–8
Clarke, John 76, 88, 90–2
Clarke, Roger 45
Cohen, Leonard 42, 46
Coleman, W S 16
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 29, 56, 83, 263–4, 435
Collard Hill 258–9, 306, 310, 315, 352, 375, 404
collecting see butterfly collecting, moth collecting
Common Cow-wheat 253, 298, 304
Compton, IoW 149–50, 172, 207–8, 231, 257–8, 269, 295–6, 330
Cotswolds 170–1, 240, 341–9, 359–60
Cowslip 99, 137, 144, 163–4, 166–7, 173–4, 177, 301, 305
Crewkerne 20, 236
cricket 52, 80, 89–90, 94, 115, 129, 130–1, 160, 163, 176, 190, 213, 258, 339, 370, 392, 440
Crook Peak 241
Cross Plain 243
Cuckoo 21, 85–6, 121, 156
Cwm Soden 330, 384
cynefin 239, 456–8
Danahar, Dan 443
Daneway Banks 259, 331
Dartmoor 88, 210–13, 237, 248–9, 350, 363
Denbies Hillside 88, 130–1, 231, 326–7, 446, 450
Devil’s-bit Scabious 143, 296, 345, 410
Dogbarking Wood 33, 39, 54, 57, 387–8
Dover 250–1, 327, 384, 448
Dragons Green 44–5, 47, 49, 68, 72, 244
drought 83–98, 99, 127, 153, 163–5, 226, 229–32, 250, 325, 360–1, 410–11, 422
Drunkard’s Corner 117–18, 315, 317
Durham coast 412
Dutch elm disease 77, 163, 205, 355
East Devon Pebblebed Heaths 210
East Hampshire Hangers 120–2, 155–7, 191, 194–5, 205
Eastnor Park 178–80, 201, 265
Edge Common 175, 240
Ellerburn Bank 173
Emmett, A Maitland 58–9, 63, 65
Ennerdale 353–4
exams 21, 37, 44, 51, 76
Exe valley 213
Exmoor 22, 32, 213, 226–7, 254, 298, 304, 353, 404–5
Fen Bog, Goathland 174–5, 412
Fermyn Woods 325, 338, 368–9, 391–2, 406–7, 413–15, 429–30, 440–2
Fermyn Woods Contemporary Art 369, 391, 406
Fleetwith Pike 92, 263, 284–5, 353
Fleming, Nigel 45
Fletcher, Thomas Bainbrigge 342
floods 169, 176, 223, 318, 332–3, 355, 364, 370, 422–5, 432
Flower Fairy books 23, 378
foot and mouth disease 180, 310–13
Forestry Commission 53–5, 104–6, 108–10, 189, 196, 198, 274–6, 353
Foulshaw Moss 431
Foxlease Meadows 115–16, 162
Frohawk, F W 31, 273
Fryer, Dafydd 53
Fryer, Norman 39, 57, 69
Gait Barrows NNR 152, 160–1 227–8, 370
Gibbons, Stella 387–8
Gilbert White & Oates Museum 137, 153
Glanville, Eleanor 11, 385
Glastonbury Festival 337, 368
Golden Cap 288
Goodden, Robert 40
Graig Fawr 282–3
Graves, Robert 58
Great Crested Newt 23
Great Orme 282, 321–2
Great Storm 54, 142, 193–6, 222
Greek mythology 16, 58, 61–3, 64–5
Green, Jimmy 251
Green, Ted 417, 418
Grove, Simon 178, 200, 298
Guernsey 45
Hafod Garregog NNR 367
Halse Combe 246, 253, 298, 405
Harewood Forest 206, 209, 224, 226
Harpur Crewe, Sir Vauncey 274
Hartley Wood 85–6, 93, 95, 117, 121, 133, 237
Haugh Wood 191
Hawfinch 39
Hawkwood College 214
hay fever 37, 44, 297
heartland 24–5, 233, 325, 338, 395, 427–8, 455–8
Heddon valley 244, 286, 308, 322, 377, 413
Heidegger, Martin 71
Hendrix, Jimi 229
Heracles 64–5
Herbert, George 454
Herefordshire commons 180, 199–201
Heslop, I R P 38, 43, 45, 51, 316, 419
Hester, Nigel 253
Hickling Broad 293, 321, 331, 376
High and Over 238
hiraeth 457
Hoare, Dan 402
Hod Hill 257, 287, 291, 296, 300, 410, 432
Holnicote 246, 307
Holt, Christopher 138
Holywell Dunes 262
honey dew 44, 357
Honister Pass 92, 263, 284, 294, 353–4
Hooson, John 242–3, 260, 262–3, 266, 353
Horseshoe Vetch 143, 208, 300, 432
Hoskins, Adrian 196
Hudson, W H 70–1, 209, 271
Hulme, Neil 368, 385–7, 395, 427, 432, 436
Indian summer 184, 328
Ingram, Mike 365–7
Irstead Street Marsh 306–7
Ivinghoe Beacon 175–6, 225
Jansson, Tove 83–4
Jay’s feather 48–9, 68, 76, 209, 323, 338, 447
Jeffcoate, Gail 231, 326, 446
Jefferies, Richard 71, 417–18, 421, 452, 462
Juniper Hill 231, 240
Keats, John 71, 85, 183, 360, 405
Keighley, William 236
Kentish Snail 137r />
Keylock, John 20–1
Kidney Vetch 117, 145, 342, 345
Kingcombe 228, 257, 266, 286–7, 295, 299, 339, 363, 428–9
Kingsdown Leas 327, 448–9
Kingsley Common 119
Knepp Castle Estate 392–3, 395, 405–6, 444–5
Lake District 92, 241–3, 247, 248, 260–4, 294, 302–3, 353, 438–40
Lambert’s Castle 236
Langdale Pikes 242–3, 248, 262–3, 294, 302–3
Langdon Cliffs 250–1
Lee, Laurie 70, 208, 344, 349
Loch Arkaig 117, 366–7
Lodge (The), Binsted Wyck 132–3, 155–6, 166–8, 190, 193–5, 197
Lodge, John 88
Longhurst, Derek 36, 39, 41, 52
Lucerne 153, 257, 287, 309
Luckens, Chris 295
Lydlinch Common 170, 287, 295, 299, 339
MacEwen, Alistair 375
Madgeland Wood 39, 46–9, 53–4, 81, 444
Malvern Hills 178–80, 200–1, 265, 298
Man, Isle of 375
mark and recapture 147, 157–60, 189, 292
Marlpost Road 80, 444, 463–6
Marlpost Wood 34–5, 37, 39, 47–50, 53–5, 57, 368, 447
Martin, J P 22, 246
Martin Down 88
Meathop Moss 91, 241, 246–8, 260, 279, 283–4, 293, 353, 438–9
Millook valley 197–8
Monkwood 302
Moors (The), Bishop’s Waltham 206, 215
Morecambe Bay hills 150–2, 164–5, 227–8, 247, 266–8, 431, 438–9
moth collecting 27–8
Mottisfont 206–7, 295
Moulsford Downs 88
Mouse, Thomas 87, 166, 177
Murata, Yasutaka 357–8
Murlough Dunes NNR 254–5, 364–5
National Trust 191–2, 214, 228, 236–9, 242, 253, 265, 288, 310, 353, 432, 446, 455
Natural History Museum 217–18