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Random & Rare

Page 4

by Cat Porter

  Holy mother of fuck. A speech worthy of an old lady.

  I stared at her, every word out of that innocent mouth sparking a nerve ending. A flash of adrenaline blazed through me, yet I willed myself to still.

  Vig froze, not making a sound. Laughter and snickers rose around us. He cursed under his breath and dug his filthy fucking hands into her once more. She flinched. Turning her head, her shining eyes found mine.

  Aut viam inveviam aut faciam, baby. Here was my Latin mantra come to life. Grace was finding her way by making one.

  My hands tightened into fists, my thick pistol ring digging into my finger bone, and I pulled in a deep breath.

  Oh, Dig Quillen, this is your smoking lucky day.

  This girl had just roared in the jungle, and it resounded in my ears. She’d made a call. She’d made a choice.

  And now, there was no longer any choice for me to make.

  My eyes slid back to Vig. “You heard her, man.” My voice was loud, firm. “Get your hands off my property, and there won’t be any trouble.”

  Her eyes went round.

  That’s right, babe. Excellent play, and I’m making it official.

  “You wait one more second, and there’s gonna be a shitstorm, motherfucker,” said Wreck.

  Under the glare of his president, Cowboy, Vig—the fucker supreme—finally let Grace go, shoving her into my arms.


  My eyes slid closed for a split second under the fantastic pressure of her body against mine. She planted kisses on my chest, the side of my face, my lips, her fingers digging into my back. My pulse hammered in my throat and my arm slid around her back and pressed her closer.

  “I’m sorry, baby,” she said. “It’s all my fault.”

  Sister threw her arms around my neck and hopped up into my embrace, legs around my waist. My arms hooked her tight, and my one hand dug into her perfect little ass under her jean skirt.

  Oh, yeah, lucky fucking day.

  And she didn’t stop there.

  “You know you’re the only one for me, the only one I need,” she said just loud enough for everyone around us to hear, like a humbled girl begging for mercy. “I’m sorry Dig, I’ll never leave you like that again. I was looking for you just now, and I bumped into him by mistake, and he got pissed. I came back for you, babe. I missed you. God, I missed you and your mouth. And that tongue. I can’t live without that tongue on me. You know what else I missed, don’t you? I need you, and I can’t wait to show you how much.”

  Jesus H. Christ. My dick stood at attention.

  “Oh, man.” Boner let out a groan from somewhere behind me.

  Cowboy and Vig took off. The crowd around us finally thinned out. I set her down and let her have it for showing up. The panic and the tears began. Her sister had been sentenced this afternoon, and reality and shock had finally set in. Grace had come here pissed at me, at all of us, for putting Ruby away. That and the knowledge that, for the first time, she would truly be on her own.

  Something in my chest squeezed hard.

  I congratulated her on her little role-play performance.

  “It’s a damn good idea. It’ll make you totally hands-off—for a while at least.”

  She was speechless, frozen to the spot. She blinked. “Excuse me?”

  I laid it out for her. She was now mine for the weekend, and she needed to act the part. She rocked back on her boots. I needed to nip any tears, whiny pleading, or protests in the bud. Fast.

  I grabbed the sides of her face and kissed her hard. That sweet mouth immediately gave way to me. I drove my tongue inside her and staked my claim. I sucked away the traces of tequila in that mouth along with all the questions, doubts, hazy maybes, and blurred lines that had arisen between us over the past months.

  That mouth now belonged to me, and so did the rest of her.

  Well, at least for this weekend.

  “Would it be that difficult, Peanut?” I said against her lips.

  Her gaze darted to my mouth.

  Yeah, that’s right. You’re in. And so the fuck am I.

  “I didn’t think so. Play along, baby. You’ve been around us long enough to know the drill.”

  Her eyes bulged. She mouthed off in a panic.

  “Relax!” I grabbed her, pulling her in close again. I licked around her small ear and then slid my tongue down the side of her damp neck. She tasted of salt, that insane perfume of hers, and a mystical brew of pure fear and arousal. A small cry escaped her lips. Oh, yeah, just as beautiful as I knew it would sound. My hand cupped a firm round breast. Her breath caught, she froze.

  “Can’t you pretend you want to fuck me, Peanut? That you can’t get enough of me? Can’t you pretend you’re hungry for me, baby?” I tripped on this glorious new high.

  “I’ll try.”

  My spine stiffened. That only spelled disaster. “No, Sister. You fucking do it. We put on a believable show, even make my brothers believe it. You got that? There’ll be no room for anyone to make a move on you as revenge against Ruby or the club’s decision for her to take the fall.”

  She settled down. I lightened the mood with a couple of flirty comments, and she blushed.

  “You ready?” I asked.


  I smacked that ass.

  Oh, fuck yeah.

  “Hey!” Her eyes glittered.

  “I need enthusiasm, babe.”

  Her jaw set. She moved in closer and slid her hands over my ass, pulling my body into hers. Her tongue stroked my bottom lip and slid into my mouth where it danced with my tongue. A groan built in my throat as I sank my fingers in her hair. She slowly sucked on my lower lip, nipping it with her teeth.

  I willed myself to remain steady, like a TV reporter trying stay on his feet in hurricane force winds.

  “I can work with that,” I said against her mouth.

  She tried to sass me, brush it off, but I jerked her into reality with a few choice words. With her silent nod and steely gaze, she agreed to play the role of my personal Pussy Candy for the weekend. I took her hand in mine, and we stalked toward the bar to get drinks. She needed one as much as I did.

  My thumb rubbed over her fingers. This was the harsh big boy leagues, and Grace had now descended into our stinky pit to get dirty with the rest of us.

  “Two shots of tequila.”

  “Comin’ up,” said Butler. He did a double take at the sight of Grace, and a grin split his face. “Hey, what are you doing here, Little Sister?”

  I let go of her hand and slung my arm around her neck, brushing the side of her face with my lips. “Just pour the fucking drinks,” I ordered.

  “Yeah,” Butler muttered, grabbing a bottle.

  The party was going strong. It was the witching hour—that point deep in the night when no traces of threats or apprehensions remained. Everyone was riding the high, galloping blindly, and guzzling more. No thinking. Just rolling. The music drove its relentless harsh beats through every one of us, releasing our brain cells from duty. The smell of burning wood and weed filled the air. All these bodies moving, humping, fighting, laughing—all of it generated tremendous heat despite the fact that it was an unusually cool night. The smut playground by the shed was still going strong. A handful of idiots were racing their bikes on the small track we had on the property. Screeching rubber, harsh smoke, and shouts rose in the distance.

  Grace slid her arm around my waist and dug her fingers into a back pocket of my jeans. She pressed into my side, her hand squeezing my ass.

  This could get dirty.

  Sister and I made the rounds, making sure a wide cross-section of Seeds and Jacks saw us and got the message.

  Nothing like a visual.

  She kept up with me, move for move. She didn’t flinch or glare at me—even when she was sitting on my lap with my hand under her skirt, stroking up her bare thigh, until my fingers finally landed between her legs. All the while, I was discussing a winter bike run to Florida with a couple of Demon Seeds. B
y that point she had melted, her flesh quivering at my touch over the damp fabric of her panty. Her little breaths were coming in fast against my neck, her head slumped on my shoulder. It was a heady mix of her obedience and submission and raw need. I wanted to get in there bad. It was all I could think about, but I had to get business done first.

  My gut was stretched tight. My dick pounded in my jeans. Sweat trickled down my back. Touching her, palming her, kissing her hard all night with her tongue daring mine to go further each time, her little hands roaming my body for hours—I loved it. My blood had backed up in my veins, threatening my sanity. She was different, way different, from all the other women here tonight. And I liked it. Most of them weren’t happy about me and Sister, and they were making it obvious. It didn’t seem to bother her much. It definitely didn’t bother me.

  Shit, I hadn’t felt this kind of need in…I couldn’t even remember when. Immediate gratification had been my way of life for years now. I never really gave a lot of thought to desire or craving. Lust was lust, wasn’t it?

  This, however, was some kind of slow-burn crazy drama that had not only taken over my cock and my entire body, but my mind. I not only wanted to end this precious torture spectacularly, but I also actually wanted to prolong it at the same fucking time.

  Boner handed us both fresh beers. I let the cold brew wash down my throat and chill my burning insides. Grace, her face flushed, chugged on hers. Yeah, the Peanut had it bad, too.

  This was only the fucking first night. How would she hold up over the rest of the weekend? I stuck my wet icy beer bottle between her smooth thighs. She flinched and let out a gasp, her fingers squeezing my shoulders, her O-shaped lips relaxing into a grin.

  Only two more days, and then I would cut her loose.

  Keep telling yourself that, Quillen.

  “I’ve never done this before,” she whispered.

  “What, baby? Done what?” I zipped down my jeans.

  Fuck. Finally.

  Grace had just come against my fingers, her body shaking in my arms. Her moans had nearly sent me shooting my wad. Now, I was finally going to slam into her.

  That’s it, push down the jeans.


  “Sex. I’ve never had sex before.”

  I froze, my hand on my incredibly stiff, throbbing boy. “Never?”

  My heart stopped in that painful half second, waiting for her answer.


  I squeezed my eyes shut, and my brain rattled in my skull. Motherfuck. I gnashed my teeth as I tucked my rock-hard dick back into my jeans.

  On the one hand, I was thrilled that no else had gotten in there before me—like Blond Fuckwad, for one. On the other…

  Ah, hell, I couldn’t pop her cherry out here on the hood of my car in the yard.

  Ruby’s stony eyes glared at me from that night at Pete’s when she’d caught me trolling her sister. Grace had obviously had opportunities to have sex, but she had made a choice not to.

  Ah, shit. Whatever. My pulse dragged to a thudding strum.

  “But I want to. I want to with you,” she said, her eyes large, her fingers clutching my shirt.

  Holy hell, so do I.

  But I couldn’t just fuck her out here like I ordinarily would with any of the rest of them, like I had done over and over. She wasn’t another body offering me a quick high, a distraction, an opportunity to play any way I wanted to get off. Grace was beyond the daily special.

  I blinked in the dark and focused my eyes on her bare chest heaving for air. That cute pink bra of hers was tangled around her waist.


  She’d gotten tangled with me, and she was a fucking virgin. She had charged over here tonight and jumped headfirst into the pit.

  I planted my palms on the hood of my Camaro.

  Me popping her cherry?

  This joyride was only supposed to last the weekend. I was protecting her. That was what all this was about, not taking advantage of her—blue balls be damned. Thank fuck I’d gotten sucked off earlier in the evening. Otherwise, I’d be really fucking hurting about now. My gaze fell on her parted lips and then down to her squirming thighs. Waves of heat pulsed through me again. I couldn’t cut her loose now though. Until the weekend was up, Peanut and I could play. No penetration required.

  I exhaled.

  This could be fun—dazzling the virgin with orgasms until her beautiful eyes popped out of her head, sucking on her like my very own made-to-order lollipop. She’d be begging me to stop by Sunday morning, and I could teach her a thing or two or five about dazzling me. It would be an educational weekend for Peanut. A seminar of higher learning. A public service. By Monday, I’d be putting an all new and improved Grace out there on the streets of life, on the streets of Meager.

  My jaw tightened. For someone else to enjoy.

  Her hips squirmed. Shit, this girl had already twisted me in two.

  Shut the fuck up already and dip in.

  I flipped up her skirt and finally tore off those damp pink panties.

  Nothing like the heady perfume of need and lust. Magic fucking potion.

  “Dig, what are you doing?”

  I grinned at her pussy. I grinned at her.

  Dirty it is, baby.

  She got nice and loud just like I’d hoped she would. I liked this first-time thing. I tugged on her nipples for extra effect.

  “Oh my God…Dig!”

  I let out a low laugh. “Babe, I think we need to do that again.”


  I blew air over her soaked pussy and gently hooked my fingers inside her. Her back arched up, and she writhed on the hood of my car.

  Fuck me. There was something to be said for taking your time with the details.

  We ended the evening with a shower in my room. Her delicate small hand slid past my snake tattoo, which wrapped around my hips, and my breath stilled at the sight. Yes. Her fingers crept over my aching dick and gently stroked it. Paradise on earth. I leaned against her and put my hand over hers, showing her how to work my cock hard until I blew in her hand. I turned to look at her, the cool water beating down on us. Her eyes were bright, her lips parted.

  “A-plus, baby.”

  She grinned. “I made Honor Roll so soon?”

  I kissed her hard and slid my hands over her sleek ass. Kill me now.

  We dried off and hit my bed. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into me. We fit.

  What the fuck was I doing? I didn’t know exactly.

  I had never been the affectionate type. I only knew I wanted to hold her, feel her against me. She fell asleep right away, her even breathing humming in my ear, her breath warm and humid on my chest. My lips brushed across her nose and forehead, and then I stared at the ceiling and concentrated on the scent of my shampoo on her hair. I inhaled it as if I were standing on a bluff back in Colorado, filling my lungs with that crisp fresh mountain air. I drifted asleep on a puff of that sweet air.

  Grace’s mouth on my cock woke me up like a five-alarm fire bell.

  “Show me how, Dig.”

  My eyes unglued fast. My heart raced as I showed her how. Her wet lips stretching around my dick, that moist heat taking me in, was like a slow death to everything I thought I knew and a sweet surge of a previously unknown glory all at once.

  I somehow found my power of speech again. “That’s good, babe, so good. You can do it harder. Just watch your teeth.”

  She peeked up at me as she sucked deep, her cheeks pulling in, her hand rubbing up and along the base. Shit, was that a smile? My mind blanked as my hips flexed toward her mouth, never wanting this sweet agony to end, counting my blessings. My entire body tensed, and I blew, groaning loudly. She stayed on me, swallowing it all. I dug my fingers in her hair, pulled her up my body, and I kissed my hot little virgin.

  “Good morning,” she said, burying her face in my neck.

  “You bet your sweet ass.” That reminded me—time to explore in the daylight.

  I fli
pped her over on her stomach and raised her onto her knees. My hands stroked lightly as I nibbled at the smooth skin of her thighs, her ass, eliciting moans and ohs and the constant patter of my name tumbling from her mouth.

  Good fucking morning to me.

  Once we resurfaced, we were in time to join everyone for lunch in the courtyard. I took her hand in mine, and we walked out together, our sunglasses over our eyes.

  “How old are you anyhow?” I asked.

  She let out a laugh. “I’ll be twenty-one next month. Too old for you?”

  I squeezed her hand. “Smart-ass.”

  “And you?”


  “Oh my gosh, almost thirty? Grandpa material! What would my daddy say?”

  “Yeah, what would your daddy say if he knew you didn’t have your panties on at the One-Eyed Jacks’ clubhouse?”

  She scoffed. “We don’t have to worry about that now, do we?”

  I remembered how her father had come by the clubhouse and thanked us all for saving Ruby at that high school keg party. It was a sincere gesture, and the man had been truly grateful. It hadn’t gone unappreciated. How had a man like that abandoned his family? Would he be grateful if he knew that Ruby was serving time for the club? That his daughter was my personal plaything for the weekend? That I had taken away her panties as a deposit for services rendered? That I had thoroughly defiled her?

  Well, not completely, but just about. We still had the whole weekend ahead of us.

  Everyone turned and stared, grins hanging on their faces.

  “I’d really feel better about this if I had my panties on,” she murmured.

  “Deal’s a deal, Sister.”

  “If I bend over to pick something up and your brothers or the Seeds see and do or say something, I think you’re the one who’s not going to be too happy about it, big guy.”

  I pulled her closer into my side. “No bending over, no leaning, no reaching up. And you sit in my lap the whole time so you don’t get any splinters on that gorgeous ass or catch a chill. I’ll even feed you myself. How’s that?”


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