Fever--A Dark Kings Novel
Page 19
“There’s one thing we’ve no’ mentioned,” Banan said, his gray gaze sweeping through the office. “We doona know where Usaeil is holding Con.”
“And we doona have time to find out. Usaeil made sure of that.” Keltan blew out a breath. As much as he wanted to fight against the road he somehow found himself on with Bernadette, there was no way he could.
And if he couldn’t change the course, then he would walk it with purpose.
Ulrik gave him a nod. “Kellan, get everyone gathered in the mountain. Keltan, Guy, Rhys, and Anson stay behind.”
Keltan could hardly maintain his patience as he waited for everyone to leave. Once he and the King of Silvers were alone, he turned to Ulrik and lifted his brows in question. Ulrik gave a nod for him to proceed.
In short order, Keltan explained to the others about Rhi warding Bernadette. That’s when he asked them if they would each add their magic to it as well, before they returned and repeated the process with every mate at Dreagan, including Eilish.
“It’s come to this, has it?” Rhys asked.
Anson crossed his arms over his chest. “I’d rather be safe than sorry. Usaeil is continually unpredictable.”
“What we need is Gemma,” Guy said. “After what she did to Usaeil, she’d be handy in battle.”
Ulrik shook his head. “I agree, but Cináed will fight that. As would any of you if it were your mate who could stop Usaeil from using Druid magic.”
“I know I would,” Rhys said.
Guy’s nose wrinkled as he winced. “You’re right. I wasna thinking about her being a mate.”
“You were thinking of her helping us win. No harm in that,” Anson said.
Keltan licked his lips. “I want to get back to Bernadette.”
“You can no’ help us there,” Ulrik said.
“Then convince her to come here.”
Rhys caught his gaze. “Then she can no’ help us.”
Keltan glared at all of them. “Did I no’ just hear all of you say that we couldna force Gemma to help us? But now you want to make Bernadette?”
“First,” Ulrik said softly, “no one is forcing Bernadette to do anything. This was her idea.”
“She doesna know better,” Keltan said.
“I’d say she knows better than most of the mates did when they first found out about us.” Ulrik paused and took a deep breath. “Second, Gemma is Cináed’s mate. I didna think Bernadette was your mate. Is she?”
Keltan’s breath locked in his throat. For a moment, his mind went completely blank. He couldn’t talk, couldn’t even form words. Ulrik’s question went around and around in his head.
Anson cocked his head to the side. “You obviously care about her, or you wouldna be fighting so hard to get her out of danger.”
“I promised I would keep her safe,” Keltan finally managed to get out.
Rhys raised a brow. “You didna answer Ulrik. Is she your mate?”
“I doona want a mate.” It was the last thing Keltan wanted.
Guy chuckled. “There are few of us who went looking for our mates, brother. You know this. When it happens, it happens.”
Keltan shook his head. “I didna say she was my mate.”
“If you say so.” Ulrik straightened from the desk. “If she isna your mate, then that changes things.”
“How?” Keltan didn’t stop the word from falling like acid from his lips.
Guy made a sound at the back of his throat. “Keltan, mates are cherished above all else. You’ve seen those of us who have found our mates.”
Keltan shook his head, furious that his friends were acting like this. “We made a vow to protect humans. We even sent our dragons away and hid for centuries so the mortals would forget about us. It isna Bernadette’s fault that Usaeil picked her to toy with.”
“Nay, it isna,” Anson said. “I applaud Bernadette for standing up to Usaeil. That takes an insane amount of courage. We’re going to help her by adding our magic to yours, Rhi’s, and Eilish’s.”
“Help? You can help by talking her into forgetting this foolish idea of hers and coming here,” Keltan replied.
When he finished, the four of them simply stared at him. He shrugged. “What?”
“I wish you could see your face and hear your voice,” Rhys said.
Guy nodded. “You need a mirror, pronto.”
Keltan rolled his eyes. “If any of you says that Bernadette is my mate, I’ll punch you. All of you knew immediately upon meeting yours. I like Bernadette, sure. I slept with her, and I promised I’d keep her safe. That’s where this is coming from.”
“You’re lying to us and yourself,” Ulrik stated in a soft voice.
Keltan threw up his hands before letting them fall against his thighs. “It doesna matter what I say, all of you will continue arguing with me.”
“Because we see what you do no’,” Anson told him.
Keltan raised his brows. “And what is that? Someone worried about another?”
“Someone willing to do whatever it takes to protect another,” Guy answered.
Keltan squeezed the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. “You four are making my head ache.”
“If anyone knows what Keltan feels, it’s him,” Rhys told the others. “We’re so used to Kings finding their mates that we’re forcing it on him.”
Finally! Keltan dropped his arm and shot Rhys a thankful look.
Ulrik lifted a shoulder. “You may have a point. We’re going to war, and I suppose we’re all grasping on to normal things.”
“Take us to Bernadette,” Anson told Ulrik. “We need to get this finished. I agree with Keltan. Usaeil shouldna be allowed to hurt the doctor like she did.”
Keltan moved to touch Ulrik so he could go with them to Bernadette, but Ulrik shook his head. “Since you were a part of this with Bernadette, you should be the one to tell the others.”
“I want to see Bernadette,” Keltan said.
Ulrik held his gaze. “You said she wasna your mate.”
“That doesna mean I’m no’ concerned about her.”
“We doona have time for this,” Guy said.
Ulrik held out his arm, and Rhys, Anson, and Guy touched him. The next instant, they were gone.
Keltan was furious. There was nothing he could do about it, however. He turned and stalked from the office, making his way to the stairs before descending them to the main floor. He was almost to the conservatory when someone called his name. He turned and found Eilish walking toward him.
“How is Bernadette?” he asked.
The Druid smiled and shoved her long, dark hair back from her face. “She’s amazing. I can’t believe how well she’s holding up under all of this.”
“Because she doesna know the true danger.”
Eilish raised her brows and tipped her head to the side briefly. “I think she’s very aware of it. She keeps going despite the fear. Not many could do that. Hell, even I have reservations about going up against Usaeil, and I have magic.”
The overwhelming need to get to Bernadette and make sure she was all right pounded through Keltan. “Take me to her.”
“Ulrik and the others are with her. She’s fine. And we’ve warded her.”
“I need to see her.”
Eilish stared at him for a long second. “You care about her.”
He fisted his hands. “That’s what I’ve been saying.”
“Is she your mate?”
Keltan turned away to pace a couple of steps, raking his hand through his hair. “Why does everyone keep asking me that?”
“Because, normally, when a Dragon King acts the way you are right now, it means they’ve found their mate.”
Keltan slowly turned to the Druid. “And you’re an expert on Dragon Kings now?”
“Not at all.”
He knew how harsh his words were, and he hadn’t meant it. “I’m sorry, Eilish. I just want to get back to Bernadette and I can no’.”
She laughed then
, shaking her head. “You act as if you need permission.”
“I doona want to spend hours driving to Glasgow,” he snapped.
Eilish shrugged. “Who said you had to?”
It was all he could do not to lose his temper. “That’s why I asked you to take me.”
“Keltan, you’re a smart dragon. Why aren’t you seeing it for yourself?”
He opened his mouth to reply when he realized what she was saying—or not saying. “I can no’ fly there. It’s daylight. Someone would see me.”
“Then I don’t know what to tell you.”
She walked away before he could say anything else. Keltan debated throwing away the rules that Con had put into place for thousands of years. That was how desperate he was to get to Bernadette. He turned and looked at the hidden door in the conservatory that led into Dreagan Mountain.
The other Dragon Kings were there with Kellan. All of them knew some of what was going on with Bernadette and Usaeil, but few knew all of it. If he left now and flew to Bernadette with the chance of being seen by a human, he would be putting Dreagan in the spotlight more than Bernadette ever had with her lecture.
Keltan’s hands itched to hold her, but he had a duty to his brethren. They had all survived so much loss and loneliness. He owed them patience. And, as Eilish had said, Bernadette wasn’t alone. She had Kings with her.
Keltan drew in a deep breath and slowly released it. Then he squared his shoulders and walked into Dreagan Mountain to find Kellan and the rest of the Kings.
Seeing magic would never get old. Bernadette was mesmerized by it all, especially the Dragon Kings. Eilish had been stunningly beautiful, and while Bernadette might not be able to feel power, she knew Eilish had plenty of it as a Druid.
She had been warded by a Fae, a Druid, and now several Dragon Kings, including Keltan. Bernadette didn’t feel any differently, but that didn’t mean she didn’t appreciate what everyone had done for her.
Now, if only it worked.
Dragon King magic was supposed to be stronger than any other. Yet Bernadette still hadn’t quite worked out why Usaeil was able to continue thwarting them. Keltan had said she’d mixed Druid magic with her own Fae power. Bernadette wanted to ask Guy or Ulrik about it, but then again, she was only human. They had been born with magic and knew all about it. Her question would be foolish.
“What is it?”
She turned her head to the tall King beside her. Rhys’s aqua-ringed dark blue eyes stared at her intently as she sat in her office chair. Bernadette started shaking her head, ready to say, “nothing,” but something stopped her. She took a breath and held it for a moment, weighing her options.
Then she blurted out, “How can Druid and Fae magic combined be greater than dragon magic?”
Rhys crossed his arms over his chest and leaned his hips against the back of her sofa. “That’s a verra good question, lass. It’s one I’ve been asking myself for some time.”
“Which one has the least magic?” she asked.
Guy chimed in and said, “That would be the Druids.”
Bernadette nodded quickly. “That’s right. Keltan said they have been losing magic each generation as a result of diluting their blood by mating with humans.”
“Still, there are some Druids who have a considerable amount of magic,” Anson said.
Ulrik gave a single nod. “Eilish is one. The Isle of Skye is home to a large number of Druids. Some of them have a good amount of magic. Then there are the Druids at MacLeod Castle. They are some of the strongest.”
“No’ as powerful as Eilish,” Rhys stated.
Ulrik smiled. “Aye. My woman is something special.”
Bernadette looked between the four of them. “Are you saying that the Druids Usaeil has been taking magic from aren’t that powerful?”
The Kings looked at each other, but it was Ulrik who nodded. “That’s right.”
“And even that weak Druid magic has allowed her to hide her glamour from you?” Bernadette asked, shaking her head. “I don’t believe that.”
Anson lifted a shoulder in a shrug. “Usaeil’s magic is considerable. That has never been in question. With her potent power, it probably doesna take much Druid magic to give her an added kick.”
“Or what if it does?” Guy asked.
Ulrik’s black brows snapped together. “What are you saying?”
Guy met Bernadette’s gaze. “I think Bernadette is onto something.”
“How so?” Rhys asked.
Guy shifted his feet to widen them. “We all imagined that Usaeil was powerful all these years simply because she is the queen. None of us saw that she was really Dark.”
“Fuck me,” Rhys mumbled and straightened to walk around the house.
Anson closed his eyes and sighed heavily.
A muscle jumped in Ulrik’s jaw. “We’ve all been so focused on the here and now. We just discovered that she could hide her glamour from us, but obviously, she’s been doing it for a verra long time.”
“How long has she been Dark?” Bernadette asked.
Guy snorted. “From the verra beginning, I imagine. A Fae’s eyes turn red with their first kill. Each after that turns their hair more and more silver.”
“All this fucking time,” Rhys mumbled.
Disbelief overtook Anson’s expression. “She’s really been using Druid magic all this time?”
“It’s the only thing that makes sense,” Guy said.
Ulrik’s gold eyes flashed with anger. “We all believed that Druids were becoming rarer because the magic was fading. It wasna the magic, it was Usaeil all these centuries.”
“She’s no’ taken any from Skye,” Anson declared.
Rhys halted and said, “That anyone knows of. It’s no’ like we’ve kept track of the Druids.”
“Gemma’s ancestors stood with her against Usaeil,” Guy pronounced.
Bernadette shrugged, confused. “What does that mean?”
Ulrik looked her way and said, “Some Druids have the unique ability to talk to the Ancients. They are past Druids who help or guide in certain ways. Gemma comes from a long line of extremely powerful Druids that were all but wiped out by another Druid. Her ancestors came to her during the battle with Usaeil and stood with her.”
Bernadette was floored. “That’s … Wow. Would they help again?”
“The Ancients have never stood with a Druid before,” Anson explained.
Rhys shoved his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. “Ancients. Ancestors. Whatever they’re called, they helped Gemma and Cináed. They might help this time.”
“We can no’ count on such a thing,” Ulrik replied.
Guy looked at Ulrik. “Nay, we can no’.”
“It still begs the question: Where is Usaeil getting her Druids from? Because they must have a decent amount of magic for her to have the power she does when she combines it with hers,” Rhys said.
Ulrik’s frown deepened as his body went rigid. “How many of us have mated a Druid or someone who has a blood connection to the Druids?”
“You can no’ seriously think…” But Rhys couldn’t finish the sentence.
Anson swallowed hard. “Warrick and Darcy were the first couple.”
“Darcy was a Druid,” Ulrik said.
“Then there was Dmitri and Faith,” Anson continued.
Rhys chimed in. “Faith has a connection but no magic.”
Anson kept going. “Nikolai and Esther.”
“She may no’ have magic, but she and Henry are blood relatives of the Clachers, just like Gemma,” Guy said.
Anson nodded. “Cináed and Gemma. Ulrik and Eilish.”
Rhys snorted and shot a quick grin at Ulrik. “We all know Eilish is definitely a Druid.”
Ulrik’s smile was fleeting as his gaze returned to Anson.
“Then there is Devon and me,” Anson said softly. “She has a connection.”
“A deep one that allows the two of you to
link your minds,” Guy stated.
Bernadette’s eyes went wide. She wanted to ask all about Anson and Devon, but she decided that now wasn’t the time. “That’s six mates.”
“That we know of,” Rhys said.
Ulrik flattened his lips. “Ryder looked into every mate’s past.”
“Maybe no’ deep enough,” Anson replied.
There was a minute of silence before Ulrik said, “Ryder and Kinsey are going back through each of the mate’s pasts.”
“Why does it matter who is a Druid and who isn’t?” Bernadette asked.
“It doesna,” Guy told her. “But if more of the mates have a connection to the Druids, it could be useful information.”
She could understand that. “Usaeil can’t harm any of the mates, right?”
“No’ the ones who have gone through the mating ceremony,” Rhys said, his gaze going to Ulrik.
Ulrik slid his gold gaze to Bernadette. “My and Eilish’s ceremony was postponed when Con was taken.”
“Usaeil wouldn’t dare go after Eilish.” Bernadette shook her head in bewilderment. “That would be insane. Besides, Usaeil can’t get on Dreagan land.”
Anson’s lips twisted. “Usaeil might no’ be able to step foot on Dreagan, but there are other ways for her to get to Eilish or any of the other mates.”
Bernadette’s stomach clutched. “Eilish came here.”
Ulrik waved his hand through the air, cutting off her words. “Eilish isna stupid. She protected herself when she was here. But there are other ways.”
“It’s why we’ve got to make sure no’ all the Kings are at the battle with Usaeil. Some need to remain behind to guard Dreagan and the mates,” Guy said.
Bernadette wished they were whisking her away to Dreagan. Even though she wanted to stand against Usaeil, to be included in such a family, to be protected and cherished in such a way, was something she’d always yearned for. But she wasn’t an idiot. She wasn’t Keltan’s mate.
They’d had sex—amazingly wonderful sex—but she knew that’s all it was. To think there might be more—to hope for more—was akin to believing that Usaeil would just forget about her.