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Spanked by an Angel [Notorious Nephilim 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 14

by Carolyn Rosewood

  “Party pooper,” said one, pouting at him.

  “Lighten up, Zach,” said Emmett. His eyes were clouded over and his words just short of slurred.

  Zach leaned close to his ear. “I’ll fucking deck you right here in the lobby if you don’t shut the hell up and come with me. Got it?”

  Zach took Emmett into a room behind the front desk and dumped him in a chair.

  Luis poked his head in. “Reeve is on his way down.”

  “Good. Thank you.” He glanced at Emmett. “We need a pot of black coffee, Luis.”

  Zach shut the door behind Luis and turned to face Emmett. He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. “What happened with Abigail?”

  Emmett ran his hands over his face and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands. “We walked around Glacier Lake. We had a snowball fight. She got cold. I took her to the barn on the old horse trails and lit a lantern, threw a blanket on the floor, and we fucked like bunnies until it got too cold for her.”

  Zach fought against the wave of jealousy raging through him. “And then?”

  “Then she got all sad and said she didn’t want to leave this place. She said the same thing the other night, by the way, after we both made love to her the first time. So I told her to stay.”

  “What do you mean you told her to stay?”

  “I mean I told her she didn’t have to leave. But she started talking about her obligations back home.”

  “That’s it? That’s what happened this afternoon?”

  “No. She mentioned them the other night. This afternoon I went too far. I told her she didn’t have to leave. She said it wasn’t that simple, and I said it is, but she’d have to be the one to make the decision. We couldn’t make it for her. I told her she’d have to choose us before we could take that final step.”

  “Are you out of your fucking mind, Emmett?”

  “Yes!” Emmett shot out of the chair and took a step toward Zach. “I am out of my fucking mind, Zach. Out of my fucking mind in love with Abigail.”

  Luis opened the door, holding a tray with a coffeepot and two mugs. Zach took it from him, thanked the man, and shut the door. He placed the tray on a table and forced himself to calm down as he poured two mugs. This wasn’t the right time to tell Emmett he felt the same way. He was head-over-heels in love with Abigail as well. The impossible had finally happened.

  Handing one mug to Emmett with trembling hands, he took a deep breath before he spoke. “Did you tell her that? That you’re in love with her?”

  Emmett stared at the cup as though he wasn’t sure what to do with it. Finally he took a sip. “No. She freaked out when I said all she had to do was choose. Not in words, but you should have seen the look on her face. As though I’d just suggested she eat cockroaches or something. I felt like such a fucking fool, Zach. And it was too late to take it back. You had to be there. She just completely shut down.”

  Zach took a chair and pulled it in front of Emmett’s. He sat down, and Emmett sank back into his chair. “What happened after that? What did you say to her?”

  “Nothing. I said something about getting her back where she could get warm. When we returned, she said she had a headache and wanted to lie down. I thought it best to let her. Then I got drunk.”

  “In the lobby.”

  “Yeah, okay. Not my best decision. I should have been sitting in front of that fire with Abigail.”

  “Let’s think about this for a minute, all right? You’re the one who stood in my office and told me all the shit she’s been through with her ex-husband. I suspect something else is going on as well. At dinner last night, she hinted about staying in the firm Daddy owns out of obligation to him, remember?”

  Emmett took another sip of coffee and nodded.

  “I think it’s fair to assume she’s afraid of him. And from the way she made it sound, financially dependent on him as well. She’s probably been under his control her entire life. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out he doesn’t even know she’s here. Did you know her husband made her stop playing the cello?”

  Emmett nodded, drained his coffee cup, and poured another. “I know. She’s always let the men in her life control her. She doesn’t know anything else.”

  “But she came here. That says to me she has more strength than she knows. And look how she’s opened up to us in less than a week. Tell me you didn’t have an initial impression of her as frigid.”

  The corners of Emmett’s mouth turned up. “Yeah, I did. So, what do we do now?”

  “I wish I knew. I’m tempted to say let’s go up to her room and talk to her, but not with you in this state. And I’m still…I don’t know. Not sure what to do about my own feelings.”

  Emmett stared at him over the top of his coffee cup. “Meaning what?”

  “Meaning I’m in love with her, too, Emmett. Okay?”

  Emmett slammed his coffee cup down on the table and Zach braced himself. But instead of getting angry, Emmett began to laugh. He slapped his knees and laughed so hard he wiped tears from the corner of his eyes. Zach let him. He had it coming.

  “You…in love. I don’t believe it.” Emmett wiped more tears. “You swore to me, what, somewhere around 1952, I believe, that you’d rather summon Lilith back and fuck her silly than fall in love again.”

  “I didn’t plan this, Emmett.”

  Emmett finally gained control of his emotions and blinked at Zach a few times, a look of anticipation on his face. “Are you going to tell her?”

  “Are you?”

  “Hell no. I don’t know. What do you think we should do?”

  “Emmett, I have no fucking clue.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Abigail woke and showered before the sun had risen. She wasn’t sleepy anymore, but had no idea what to do with her day. The guilt she felt for blowing off Emmett yesterday afternoon bothered her. She should find him and explain how confused she was, but if she did, they would be going over the same issues they’d already discussed. She didn’t want to bore him or Zach with her insecurities. It wasn’t their fault she was so fucked up.

  Even as she told herself it had been a mistake coming here so soon after her divorce, she knew that was a lie. This was exactly what she had needed. What she hadn’t counted on was falling for anyone, let alone two men. As if she could ever make love to any man without becoming strung out on him. Not possible.

  But this was different, and she knew it. Zach and Emmett weren’t merely two guys she just happened to have said yes to. They were unlike anyone she’d ever met or would ever meet again. No one would ever measure up to them.

  She dressed and walked into her sitting room, ready to order coffee and maybe a pastry, and found the room filled with roses.

  “Oh…” Abigail stared at them, unable to comprehend. There had to be at least ten vases, each filled with a different color of flowers. The smell was overpowering. In the center of the table was a note. She picked it up with trembling fingers and read:

  Please join us for breakfast. We’d love to spend the day with you. Anything at all you want to do. Your wish today is our command. All yours, Emmett and Zach.

  Abigail placed a hand over her mouth as the tears came. Out of her league? Maybe not, at least not for the next eight days. Why shouldn’t she enjoy herself while she was here? If she left now, feeling unworthy of their time and attention, she’d regret it. She wouldn’t bring up the subject of her not wanting to leave again. If she didn’t mention it, Emmett wouldn’t tell her to stay, and she wouldn’t have to fight the battle in her own mind at his words. Instead she’d simply forget about the outside world and concentrate on her two adoring angels.

  She went downstairs to find them. They were waiting by the front desk, and when they spotted her coming off the elevator, they broke into twin smiles of delight and relief. As she walked toward them, her heart skipped a beat, and this time she didn’t let the electrified charge to the air freak her out. She welcomed the feeling
of giving in and letting go.

  “Good morning.”

  “Good morning to you,” said Emmett. “Is your headache better?”

  A quick flash of guilt washed over her. “All gone. Thank you for the flowers. Where did you find so many roses in January?”

  Zach winked. “We have our sources.” He held out a hand. “We want to show you something while we eat.”

  They led her to the library where she’d found the scrapbook. “Before I move all these to a safer place, we thought you’d like to look through the remainder of them with us,” said Emmett.

  Abigail looked into Emmett’s eyes. “How thoughtful. Thank you.”

  “We suspected you might still have unanswered questions about this place, about us, and we thought this would be a fun way to set your mind at ease.”

  “You know me so well already.”

  Zach put his arm around her shoulder. “You’re a woman who likes to think things through, Abigail. You’re used to analyzing everything and looking for the pieces in a puzzle. We want to help you do that.”

  “Why? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound so blunt. What I meant was, why is it important to you that I leave here with all my questions answered?”

  A quick shadow passed over Zach’s face, and Abigail immediately wished she hadn’t asked the question. “We don’t want you to leave with anything except wonderful memories.”

  “You’ve already ensured I’ll be doing that, Zach. Both of you have.”

  Zach smiled and almost blushed. He pointed toward the table in the center of the room. “Are you hungry?”

  They’d set up a table with food and coffee. Abigail sat in the chair Zach pulled over for her and began to eat. She’d barely had anything last night for dinner and was starving. After they ate, Zach left the room briefly to find someone to clear their plates and the rest of the food.

  Abigail turned toward Emmett. “I was afraid you’d be upset with me about yesterday. I overreacted. I’m sorry.”

  Emmett shook his head before she finished speaking. “You have nothing to apologize for. I didn’t mean to sound so cryptic, or freak you out, or whatever happened.”

  She frowned. “Less than an hour ago, I told myself I wouldn’t bring up the subject of leaving again.”

  “Kind of hard to avoid, no?”

  Zach returned, followed by two staff members pushing a trolley. They placed the food, dirty dishes, and silverware on the trolley, then pushed it out of the room.

  Zach closed the door behind them. “Where shall we start, Abigail? From the beginning?”

  She nodded. Zach pulled down a scrapbook from the shelf and opened it. He sat on one side of her, and Emmett sat on the other. As they turned the pages and pointed out now-familiar faces in the photographs, Abigail’s attention wandered to their hair, their eyes, and their scent. Right now, she was more interested in being with Zach and Emmett than in asking questions about the people in the photos, or the history of the resort.

  “Here’s a picture of Blair with Leo and Andras.”

  Zach’s voice snapped her back to the book in her lap. She stared at the blonde beauty whose bright blue eyes were fastened on the face of a gorgeous man with full lips and long, dark hair. She recognized him as Leonard from the other photos.

  “She was very pretty.”

  “She was also a thief.” Emmett chuckled.

  “What do you mean?”

  “She worked for us as a chambermaid. She stole a necklace from a guest, and Andras and Leo, ah…made her work off the debt in various ways.”

  “Yeah,” said Zach, “on her back, on her knees, on the bathroom counters…”

  Abigail felt the heat rise in her face as both men laughed. “But then they fell in love with her.”

  “Yep. They sure did.”

  Hours passed by the time they finished looking at all the scrapbooks. The faces were so familiar to her now, Abigail felt as if the other owners were long-lost friends.

  “Do you miss them?” she asked. “The ones who’ve died, I mean.”

  “Yeah, we do,” said Zach. “We all went through a lot together.”

  She stood up and stretched. “Thank you for this.”

  Emmett stood up. “You’re welcome. What would you like to do now? This is your day.”

  Abigail smiled at him, tossed her hair, then closed the gap between them and put her arms around his waist. “Oh, I don’t know, Emmett. What would you and Zach like to do?”

  His eyebrows shot up, and a huge grin spread over his face. Behind her, Zach chuckled. “I won’t argue with that, but let’s go someplace else.”

  She turned to see him glance up at the corner, where a small camera she’d never noticed before was tucked into the crown molding. “Is there anyplace in this resort, besides the guest rooms, where you don’t have security cameras?”

  “The meditation rooms don’t have them,” Emmett said, winking at her.

  “Oh, good to know. After the fact.”

  “I have an idea,” said Zach.

  She followed them down a hallway she hadn’t yet explored, into what appeared to be a ballroom, only it contained sofas and armchairs instead of straight-backed chairs. A tall fireplace flanked by a stone mantel spanned an entire wall.

  “We use this for private parties. No security cameras.” Zach locked the door behind him. “No one will bother us here.” He strolled toward a door at the opposite end of the room. “I’ll be back in a few minutes. Try not to do too much without me.” He winked at Abigail then rolled his eyes as Emmett embraced her from behind.

  After Zach left the room, Emmett put his hands on her breasts and nuzzled her neck. “Alone at last.”

  She giggled and squirmed against the bulge in his jeans. “I wish we could light that fire.”

  “I’m sure Zach will take care of that, among other things. Should we wait for him, or should we just be bad and get naked?”

  “If I’m bad, you two might spank me again, and I’m not sure I can handle it.”

  “I think you can,” he whispered, running his hands over her breasts and down to her pussy. He cupped it through her jeans, and a moan escaped as heat flooded her body.

  The thought of them paddling her sore ass sent a jolt of electricity straight to her throbbing clit. Images of being tied down and spanked and fucked mercilessly danced through her head. The power these two held over her was almost frightening, but she welcomed it this afternoon. She craved it. She wanted to be taken and used by them.

  He pulled her top off and caressed her breasts, tweaking the nipples to the point of pain. She groaned and ground her ass into his erection, giving over to the building orgasm. He continued to tease her until she found it difficult to take a full breath. Finally he removed her bra and picked her up in his arms.

  Emmett carried her to a sofa near the fireplace and laid her down, then knelt beside her to take one breast into his mouth. Abigail wrapped one hand around his head and pushed it closer, while she reached between her legs with the other hand. He covered her hand and moved it aside, then undid the button and zipper on her jeans while he took the other breast into his mouth.

  Abigail writhed under his touch, sighing loudly. He released her nipple to pull down her jeans, whistling when he spotted her red thong.

  “Nice. It matches your bra.”

  “That’s the idea, Emmett.”

  He pushed aside the thin strip of fabric and fingered her wet slit, forcing more moans from her. When he fastened his mouth on her clit, the climax exploded, and she screamed. He waited until the contractions stopped before removing her thong and his clothing.

  She wrapped her arms and legs around him as he plunged his swollen cock into her pussy, closing her eyes against the waves of pleasure coursing through her body. A door opened, but Emmett didn’t stop fucking her. He thrust in and out slowly, and Abigail could hardly stand it. Another orgasm was already on the way.

  When she heard rustling noises, she turned her head to the side
and watched Zach light a fire. He pulled over a small table and placed a bottle of lube, a pack of condoms, several silk ties, and the flogger on it. Abigail cried out as Emmett pumped faster. She watched Zach remove his clothes, and whimpered at the molten lust in his eyes. He strolled over to the sofa and teased her lips and cheeks with the tip of his shaft, red and already slick.

  Emmett grunted as she flicked out her tongue to taste it, and when Zach slid it inside, Emmett came with a loud cry. She sucked Zach hard as Emmett’s contractions filled her. When he pulled out, Zach took his place, fucking her rough and deep. Her orgasm was insane, and her screams bounced around the large room, echoing off the walls. Hot cum sprayed her abdomen, and she opened her eyes to find him grinning at her.

  “We’re going to cover you in it today.”

  She shivered at the image. These two had to be the sexiest men on the planet. Zach pulled out and flipped her over, then lifted her hips to slide two large sofa pillows under them. She squirmed and moaned, knowing what was coming.

  Emmett bound her wrists over her head with one of the ties. “Is this too tight?”

  “No,” she gasped. “It’s fine.”

  Then he did the same with her ankles. She was trapped with her ass in the air. The thought excited her to the point of physical pain. She wanted her two sexy angels to ravish her until she couldn’t walk anymore.

  Zach teased her ass cheeks with the flogger for long minutes before finally spanking her with it. He smacked her with it three times then moved the strips lightly over her ass. The effect was to make her want more, and her pussy was so wet she felt her juices on her upper thighs.


  “Please what?”

  “Oh…” She groaned loudly. He was going to make her beg for it. “Spank me with that thing. Please. Hard.”

  Emmett’s swollen cock moved in front of her face, and she opened her mouth to take it in. Zach gave her five hard smacks with the flogger, and she tried to scream, but Emmett’s cock muffled the sound. Abigail had never been this aroused. She couldn’t move her arms or legs, her ass burned like nothing she’d ever felt, her pussy was soaked, and her clit throbbed.


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