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At the Boss's Command

Page 7

by Darcy Maguire

  Keely waved a chocolate-covered jam doughnut. ‘And thank him for the flowers.’

  ‘And you could tell him you’re thinking of him too,’ Emma lilted, casting her gaze to the incredible bunch of red roses on the hallstand.

  She was, but she wasn’t thinking straight. She was considering her friends’ advice, but sense would suggest it was extremely flawed and terribly biased in favour of her associating with a cute-suit instead of focusing on her career.

  Could these strong feelings be caused by her anger? She nodded. Definitely…it made far more sense than considering she’d let anyone touch her heart, let alone someone who’d taken something so precious from her, or someone who could make her feel so vulnerable.

  That had to be wrong.

  Tahlia took her glass. Maybe she could spend some more time with the boss, get beneath that tailored exterior of his, past the sweet soppy dog-at-home thing and reveal the true jerk underneath.

  Tahlia knocked back her wine and settled back into her chair with a slice of pizza in one hand and an iced doughnut in the other. She’d give the matter some serious thought and maybe check out her horoscope in the morning to see if the stars could shed anything on the matter.

  She bit into the sweet powdery softness of the doughnut. One thing she did know was that she was not going to rush into anything, least of all him.

  Chapter Nine

  They say all things good to know are difficult to learn.

  Especially when it involves alcohol, romantic movies, too much sugar and way too helpful friends.

  TAHLIA strode through the foyer, every step a challenge to the fragile head on her shoulders that still didn’t feel like her own.

  They’d drunk far too much on Friday night, or at least she had, but she was sure they’d all be suffering the morning-afters for days.

  Keely had polished off every last doughnut, citing the extra mouth she had to feed, and Emma’s chocolate consumption would’ve put a ten-year-old to shame.

  Tahlia had spent most of the weekend tucked up in bed with the weekend papers and the Business Review, nursing her hangover, her promotion failure and an addled brain full of Darrington fantasies.

  Why had she drunk so much?

  She waved to George, tucking the newspaper tighter under her arm. She’d deliberately avoided reading her horoscope this morning because she didn’t want to know, and especially didn’t want to be tempted to check for what Sagittarians were up to today—as if she cared. Did it matter what Case’s was? It did not.

  Sure, she’d emailed him under the influence some time in the wee hours of Friday night, taking up the offer to be his assistant, but it didn’t have to be the disaster she’d first thought it was when she’d realised what she’d done.

  Sure, she’d let herself get talked into it by Emma and Keely, but after two days analysing the pros and cons she had to say it was the right thing to do.

  There were too many question marks around Darrington. It was time to resolve some of them, once and for all, and spending time in close proximity seemed a perfect opportunity to do just that.

  He was up to something, she was sure of it.

  She was a professional, after all. What could it hurt to take the opportunity to see just what he was up to and harden her heart to feeling anything for the man?

  So he had probably sent her the flowers. It didn’t mean anything, except that he was looking for more distractions from doing the job.

  Marketing Executives weren’t usually so obsessed with the staff right down to the copy kids temping while in uni, let alone the mail clerks.

  She had to find out what Case Darrington was about, then expose his failings to Raquel and get the job that should have been hers in the first place.

  Her fantasies would be squashed, thankfully—they were taking too much of her time, torturing her with memories of imagined glances, warm smiles and soft words that couldn’t possibly exist anywhere except in her addled brain. And in unexplainable flower deliveries.

  She punched the lift button.

  ‘Good morning, Tahlia.’ A familiar nasal bark.

  Tahlia turned to look Raquel Wilson in the eye. She was the same height as Tahlia but solid, wearing crimson trousers with hot red stilettos and a black cotton top that clung to her like a second skin.

  ‘I’m sorry you had to find out about the position of Marketing Executive the way you did.’

  Sure she was. Tahlia forced herself to keep a straight face, to keep the raging heat churning up inside from bursting from her mouth. The Rottie’s cool regard for Tahlia when she was just another employee had turned to chilling after she’d become Director of Sales.

  Raquel waved her Rolex-clad arm, her diamond rings glinting. ‘I know how much you wanted the job.’

  ‘Yes,’ she said and shrugged. Best to pretend it didn’t matter than admit weakness in the face of power personified. Raquel could rip her throat out professionally, if given half a chance and even less of an excuse.

  Raquel forced a laugh as fake as her nose. ‘Just wanted to clear the air between us so there’s no hard feelings.’

  Tahlia nodded. ‘Right. Sure.’ As if. The woman was paranoid about Tahlia’s slow and steady climb up the corporate ladder.

  ‘I’d hate for you to take being overlooked for the promotion personally.’ Raquel tossed her jet-black dyed hair back from her shoulder. ‘And I really don’t have much time spare to write you out a reference, but if you insist…’

  ‘No. I’m not taking it personally at all.’ She forced a smile. If only Raquel knew just how personal the whole thing was getting, the scent of the roses coming back to her, with a pair of sapphire-blue eyes that turned her world upside down.

  She took a slow breath. ‘I’m sure your decision was taken with the utmost care and Mr Darrington is far more qualified for the position than me.’ At least as far as Raquel had been concerned at the time, but showing her how wrong she was would be incredibly satisfying. ‘Where on earth did you find him?’

  Raquel’s grin faded. ‘Oh, around.’

  Tahlia raised her eyebrows—the Rottie had to guess she’d put the wrong person in the job. ‘And around would be?’

  Raquel’s eyes narrowed. ‘Well…look, sometimes the best people come through unexpected channels.’ She stepped towards the doors. ‘You understand?’

  ‘I think I do,’ Tahlia said slowly, her mind churning.

  The doors opened and Raquel alighted. ‘You will be nice to the man, won’t you?’ she tossed back at her. ‘He is new and isn’t familiar with the job and its requirements and will need all the guidance and assistance that you can offer him.’

  Tahlia gave a light shrug. ‘Of course,’ she said strongly, gritting her teeth. She couldn’t wait to help him do the job he had been hired for.

  The doors started to close.

  ‘I’d expect nothing less from you,’ the Rottie shot back.

  Tahlia stared after the big boss, every part of her wanting to scream, yell and cry at the injustice. She took a deep breath, willing her blood to cool.

  She was in control. So the man had got her promotion on the sly. She’d damned well be his assistant and give him the helping hand he needed, right out the door.

  Chapter Ten

  Keep your friends close and your enemy— Case Taker Darrington closer still—as close as I can handle… and more. I’m going to know more about his skeletons than my own and then I’m going to bury him.

  TAHLIA dropped into the desk outside Case’s office. Getting romanced out of a job sucked, Case expecting her to be romanced into being his secretary was a joke, and she was all for making hers the last laugh.

  She was so going to prove her point, no matter what small furry animals the guy had at home.

  Tahlia stabbed the keyboard.




  RE: Men

  You two were wrong. Looks like Cas
e Treacherous Darrington is a jerk. Just spoke to Raquel, who expects me to babysit the guy into being a competent Exec in lieu of me. Sounds like no experience and potential leech. Crap.

  Life sucks.

  Keely, sure, Liam is cute and shy and looks at Chrystal a lot but could it be possible that she could be interested in a real relationship?

  No, Case is not married. No girlfriend, but I’d say he’s had quite a few. Not that I care.

  And no, don’t you two start on this stupid attraction thing again—it absolutely does not exist.

  Have to go through being his PA thanks to two particular sugar-inebriated friends and emailing under the influence.

  I tell you this interaction with this sub-human job-stealer is for the good of the company and all aspiring employees everywhere, nothing personal.


  Tahlia stared at his office door. She’d yet to knock and tell the guy just how personal this wasn’t.

  She stood up slowly. He was trouble to her and the company and it was her duty to sort him out before he caused any damage to the already-hampered WWW.

  She needed to find out more about him, and straight from the source. She had to get the guy to lighten up, to open up, to reveal his secrets.

  Tahlia had got some advice, in a roundabout way so as not to highlight her goal. Keely had suggested beer to get a guy to open up. Em, being Em, had suggested seduction.

  Against her better judgement but for the good of the company, she’d decided to act nice and flirt the guy into dropping his guard.

  If he could use his connections to procure her promotion, she could use her God-given wiles to get what she needed.

  Her blood fired at the thought of playing with the fire in Case’s eyes.

  She smoothed down her jacket. For the future of WWW Designs, home to her friends and many a talented person who deserved a far better boss, she’d make the sacrifice.

  She owed it that.




  RE: Men

  I think you protest too much, honey.

  And Chrystal wanting a relationship? Why not?

  She’s human, isn’t she? I think eventually we all need something more in our lives. And I’m so glad I’ve found it.


  Well, bully for her.

  Tahlia pushed away from the desk and rapped on Case Test-time Darrington’s door and swung it wide. ‘Good morning, Mr Darrington.’

  ‘Tahlia,’ he offered, smoothly rising. ‘I got your message. I…I was surprised, to say the least…’

  Case wasn’t wearing his suit jacket, just a baby-blue shirt sitting as enticingly around those wide shoulders as his tailored jacket had been. His trousers were dark and his deep aqua silk tie brought out flecks of dazzling light in his eyes.

  Gawd, he looked good. Too good. She shifted on her black heels. ‘Me, too. Surprised, that is.’ At the roses, at herself, at her email accepting this assistant job and at her tenacity.

  He shot her a sheepish grin. ‘I figured you’d think it was below you…’

  ‘Not at all,’ she said smoothly, flicking her fringe back. ‘You’re my boss and I’m quite happy to do whatever you feel best serves the company.’

  ‘Yes, well…’

  She stepped forward, her fingers flexing, a crazy desire to run her hand over his smooth clean jaw rushing through her. ‘And thank you for the flowers.’

  ‘Flowers? Me?’ He cast a look to the windows. ‘Sorry, I don’t know anything about flowers.’

  Tahlia paused. ‘You didn’t send the flowers?’

  ‘Look, about you being my assistant—’

  Didn’t he still want her as his assistant? Didn’t he want to admit he had the finest taste in roses? Or that he’d been thinking of her…?

  ‘Is there something wrong?’ she asked slowly, trying to make him out—just standing there looking incredibly gorgeous. His blue gaze pinned her to the spot, making her heart clatter in her chest. ‘I can procure you a secretary from somewhere else in the office if you think I’m unsuitable in any way,’ she said in a rush, running through the possibilities of stealing someone from somewhere for him if that was what he wanted.

  Case stood immobile, his brow furrowed as though he was having some war of his own.

  Tahlia flicked back her fringe, standing taller. What was she thinking? She had to do this. It didn’t matter how cute or hot or serious he looked. ‘But I do think that your idea of me helping you out and acclimatising you to the office is a great one. Save you a lot of time and it’s not like it has to be for ever, just a few days or so. I can help you out and do my job, just from the desk here.’ She jabbed her thumb behind her.

  That should be enough. It wasn’t as if he would pose much of a challenge, not when he was looking at her like that, running his gaze down her black trouser suit that was tailored perfectly around the soft curves of her hips, the jacket contoured perfectly to shape her waist, the lapels small but angled low, highlighting the lace chemise-like top she wore like a shirt and the view of the valley of her breasts it afforded.

  It was a great choice for suggesting a softer, gentler side, a side that was all ears to whatever he wanted to share.

  ‘Great. I’m glad you agree…’ He ran a hand through his hair, pulling his gaze to her face and her Peach Passion lips ‘…with my idea. That’s great… I’m sure this will be great. Thanks.’

  She sauntered to the chair by the wall, gripping the back tightly, avoiding the windows. How long would she have to endure this extreme torture at the mercy of those incredible blue eyes and deep voice and steamy looks?

  Tahlia slid on to the chair, crossing her legs carefully. ‘So where do we start?’ she said softly.

  Case sat down, holding his hands tightly in front of him. ‘How about we start with you? How about you tell me a little about your history, your aspirations and what the company needs to do to help you fulfil those goals?’

  ‘My goals?’ She couldn’t help but stare at the guy in the big black leather chair that was going to be hers, the office that ought to have her name on it, the walls she was going to hang her photos and qualifications on and the bank of windows that she’d been ready to hang vertical blinds on. What could she say?

  He leant forward, his eyebrows rising slightly. ‘You do have goals?’

  ‘Of course I have goals,’ she bit out. How dared he? ‘I’ve had goals since I was twelve, when I decided I was going to run a kick-arse company like this one, and not for one minute have I ever questioned that I was going to make it. My aspirations? To sit at the head of this company and run it properly and squash all the rumours.’


  Tahlia bit her lip, breathing slowly, willing her blood to cool and her heart to slow. ‘There have been a lot of rumours about the company lately,’ she said more carefully. Had she messed up? ‘You know, about how much financial trouble they’re in.’


  She shrugged. ‘I’m surprised that a man as smart and as finger-on-the-pulse as you would want to get on board with a company obviously in trouble. There’s even a lawsuit going because Raquel messed up.’

  ‘That’s been settled.’

  Tahlia frowned. ‘How do you know?’

  ‘I…’ Darrington rubbed his jaw ‘…heard it on the grapevine.’

  ‘Okay,’ she said slowly. ‘And why did you come here?’

  He leant back in his chair. ‘I like a challenge.’

  ‘You’re not worried?’

  He shook his head and stood up. ‘No. Are you?’ He moved around the desk and leant on the edge, looking down at her, his arms crossed. ‘Why would you stay on if the company is in trouble?’

  Tahlia looked up at her boss, appreciating his move to that of dominance, and his wide shoulders. He was looking down at her with his dreamy blue eyes, his profile all power and his lips so enticing… It was a good move, to show who wa
s boss.

  ‘I’ve got friends here,’ she said evenly. ‘They need their jobs and I figure I’m helping by staying, you know.’ She shrugged and stood up. Had she been too honest? ‘I’ve put a lot of work into this place; it would be hard to walk away.’ Incredibly hard, but if she had to go she was determined on doing her bit first.

  She was close, just having the height advantage due to the fact he was leaning his cute butt on the edge of his desk and she was wearing heels.

  She took a step closer, her brain stumbling for what she could do to soften the guy up. ‘So I’m here and eager to do whatever I can to get the company back on track, on plan, on the path to success and happiness for all.’

  Case stood up. ‘Well, we’ll do our bit as best we can then, yes?’

  Tahlia looked up into his face, fixing her gaze on his sapphire-blue eyes that were looking down at her, slightly narrowed as though trying to make her out. ‘Sure, but there’s one thing I have to know first,’ she said.

  ‘Yes, what’s that?’ he asked, his gaze dropping to her mouth.

  Her mind went blank.

  He was so close.

  Her heart thundered in her chest. She moved, stumbled, reached out and touched his smooth silk tie and his hard chest underneath, looking up.

  Their lips met.

  His mouth quivered beneath hers, softened, yielded, and danced with hers.

  He tasted as sweet and spicy as he smelt, like cinnamon toast and coffee… and his lips weren’t firm, they were soft, hot and intoxicating.

  Heat rushed through her body and the urge to deepen the kiss, wrap her arms around his body and drown in the man almost swamped her.

  Tahlia pulled back, letting the silk slide through her fingers. ‘O-kay,’ she breathed. ‘Thank you.’

  His eyes glittered. ‘What was that?’ he croaked, his voice husky.

  ‘I’m…I’m pretty sure it was a…kiss,’ she offered softly, staring at his mouth, her own tingling with a need for more. The crazy desire to push up against his body and try that again throbbed deep inside her.


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