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A Taste of Remy

Page 2

by Dahlia Rose

  “Jose was Lola’s brother. Mind how you speak about her.” The smile left Alex’s face and anger replaced it.

  “Lola was Strala’s lapbitch and you got sloppy seconds because someone had the balls to knock him off the throne,” Remy sneered. “I bet it was Lola because she always had more balls than any man. Still, she left us out in the cold and Jose got killed for it. So fuck sharing the wealth, fuck the seven-one-eights, and fuck all of you. Share the wealth, my ass. If you’re looking for a teat to suck off it’s not me. Trust me on this.”

  “She still blames you for Jose’s death. You were supposed to go to jail with him and watch his back. Instead, you pussied out and let the Riveras save your ass,” Alex said. “Imagine what Lola will say when I tell her I saw you. But maybe I don’t have to do that. Maybe for a small fee I can pretend I never saw you.”

  Remy gave a laugh of disbelief. “You’re trying to shake me down at your job? Listen, idiot, get out of here before I make you lose your job. I have that kind of pull with the TSA and, trust me, I’d use it. I bet they don’t know you’re still running with a gang. Your cowardly ass always found a way out of so-called missions. Oh, yeah, you were Lola’s pet. Tell her to blame herself for Jose’s death. Get away from me now before I show you what kind of bitch you really are.”

  Alex’s face turned red all the way up to the roots of his over-gelled hair. He personified a greasy slime ball to perfection. “You’ll be sorry you talked to me like that,” he snarled and strode away when Remy raised a hand to alert a TSA officer close by. He had no problem reporting Alex Cruz to the agents and putting him on the cop’s radar. Then he focused his mind on the woman who would be coming down to luggage claim very soon.

  Thinking about Lynette made him happy, and when he heard the flight from London had landed, his heart began to beat faster. He was very nervous. How the hell could one woman make him feel like he was tied in knots and give him such sweaty palms? He couldn’t help the little laugh that escaped him thinking about seeing her again. He felt goofy, but wouldn’t want to ever change the feeling.

  Noticing that large groups were now filing down the escalators, he turned his attention that way and saw her. He could pick her out from among the crowd easily. She was wearing a light aquamarine blue sweater and tight jeans. She had on knee-high black leather boots with silver studs that matched her purse. Remy noted that the frost pink was indeed gone from her hair. But the reddish brown long streaks in place of the pink suited her skin color and face. Her eyes met his and she gave him a wide smile and waved at him. He returned the wave and focused on her mouth. How many nights had he dreamed of kissing those delectable lips again? Her lips were a light ruby color and her light brown eyes warmed him. He could see affection and delight in her eyes and he doubted anyone had ever looked at him the same way in his life.

  “Hello, mate,” Lynette said when she was standing in front of him.

  “I like the sound of that,” he said.

  “Not like that. It means friend,” Lynette explained.

  “So I’m just a friend?” Remy asked. The friend zone. The thought made him wince.

  “We’re working towards what you might be,” Lynette said. She tapped him on the cheek. “Impress me, love.”

  “Well, let me start this out on the right foot then.” Remy pulled her into his arms and, without waiting for an answer, took Lynette’s lips in a fierce kiss.

  He vaguely heard someone whistle but soon even that was lost as he submerged himself in her taste. It was like coming home. He craved her like a man possessed, yet it was so familiar as if their connection had been formed that first night they kissed at the hotel. He sampled her mouth and took a little bit more before he lifted his head.

  Remy looked down at her and ran his thumb over her damp lips. “How does that work for getting off on the right foot?”

  Lynette cleared her throat before speaking. “You keep that up we’ll be getting off, all right. Now behave, Remington, and take me to your car. That flight was way too long and I need to be fed.”

  “Lucky for you I’ve planned a night of pure relaxation for you,” Remy said. “Tender steaks, potato au gratin with a sweet corn and green bean medley is on the menu.”

  “My tummy is growling,” Lynette said. “Please tell me there’s fresh crusty bread and honey butter. You know that’s my favorite.”

  “Both, and red velvet cupcakes from that bakery you found last time you were here,” Remy said.

  “You know the way to a woman’s heart is through her stomach,” Lynette teased.

  “That’s my plan, dulzura.” Remy grinned as he took her rolling luggage in one grasp and held her small hand in his other leading her out of the airport. “When you least expect it you are going to find yourself in my web and you’ll never want to leave.”

  “You know you shouldn’t tell your secrets to the one you are trying to win over,” Lynette pointed out.

  “I want you completely aware because then, mi corazon, you will walk voluntarily into my arms,” Remy answered.

  “You mean web?” Lynette poked him in the ribs lightly. She found the exact area where he was ticklish on the first try and Remy shied away from her fingers. “Oh, I found a weakness in that very strong armor of yours. I’ll be noting that in my mental Remy file for future use.”

  “It seems we have the beginning of a very pleasurable war on our hands. I intend to take you prisoner,” he said.

  “Promises, promises,” Lynette said lightly.

  Remy left her waiting on the curb with the luggage while he went and got his car from the parking lot. Just for the time it took to wait in the airport and pick up Lynette, he’d accumulated twenty-nine dollars in parking fees. Thus was the inflated prices in New York. He swore to himself that he was going to move to the suburbs and buy a house. Maybe if he and Lynette had a baby that would be what they’d decide to do.

  Favian and Adira loved raising Mateo in the city. But Remy always dreamt of living in Connecticut or New Jersey, in a nice suburb with a big house and a big backyard. He’d grill and they’d eat outside on the deck. When you lived in the projects, the dreams were the only thing that kept you from going crazy. The thought of moving out of the city when he had a family was the only thing that kept him going sometimes, especially when things got really bad. He used that method once more to put the incident with Alex out of his mind for good.

  He pulled up and jumped out of the car to grab Lynette’s bags and help her into the passenger seat. Her smile warmed him as he slipped behind the wheel and pulled away from the curb of John F. Kennedy airport and headed toward the interstate to Manhattan. She leaned her head back against the leather seat and closed her eyes. Remy understood jetlag. Working with Favian sent him around the world a few times a year. Leaving Dubai, going home to London, and then hopping on a plane to New York had her travel weary. When he heard a soft snore come from her, he grinned. He was silent as he drove, allowing her time to nap. It took around forty-five minutes from the airport before Remy pulled into the gated and secured parking area of his condo building. After parking in his designated spot, he gently nudged her with his keycard.

  “Wake up, sleepy head. We’re home.”

  She made a soft purr that sent a jolt of arousal through him. “I don’t live with you, Remy. That’s counting your chickens before they hatch.”

  “Even after just waking up you’re muy caliente.” Remy chuckled. “Let’s get you upstairs and feed you.”

  “I’m sorry if I seem rude. I can be a tad bit crabby,” Lynette admitted.

  He turned her face to him with one finger and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “Don’t apologize for being who you are. I like you as is, though I kinda miss the hot pink frosted tips in your hair.”

  “I didn’t think it would go over so well in Dubai,” she said as she got out of the car. After getting the luggage out, Remy pressed the alarm button on his keys to lock and secure the car. She continued as they walked to the underground
elevator. “Besides, who in the hell was I rebelling against? It was a phase and now I’m over it.”

  “I hope I won’t be classified as a phase.” Remy pressed the button to the tenth floor when they were inside the elevator.

  “I very much doubt that,” she replied.

  His apartment was clean and neat, he’d made sure of it. Remy had no problem cleaning up after himself, and most of the time the cleaning lady complained that he left nothing for her to do. He knew what he liked and made sure his home was comfortable, a place he’d want to relax. His soft suede sofas were a rich blue and his recliner was a light beige color. The window treatments were a softer blue that reminded him of the sea when he visited Puerto Rico.

  Everything about his condo he’d picked out himself, even the copper pots and pans that hung in the kitchen. It was his home and his sanctuary, but he still looked at Lynette, anxiously wondering what she thought of his condo style apartment. The building went private years ago and each tenant was given the option of buying in. He hated the thought of moving and could easily afford the sum. Very rarely could many people in New York say they owned their apartment literally. He was glad to be one that could.

  “Very nice,” she said, looking around, dropping her purse on the floor, and flopping into the recliner to take her boots off. “I feel like I can just curl up and be at ease. It’s very homey.”

  “How about a glass of wine?” Remy asked.

  “Would you mind if I took a bath? I feel like I’m dying in these clothes. Rumpled and travel-worn does not make me feel my best,” she said.

  “The guest bedroom is down the hall to your left, it has its own bathroom.”

  “Where’s your room?” she asked.

  “On the right is the master suite. Why?”

  “That’s where I’m going to be,” Lynette said simply. “All teasing aside, love, we both know why I came here. I came here to be with you, so I’m not going to dance around the bush like some innocent schoolgirl. I’ll share your bed, but right now I need a hot shower.”

  Unable to resist, Remy lifted her in a big bear hug and took her completely off her feet. She squeaked when he squeezed her tight and he lightened his grip and put her back on her feet.

  “You are a breath of fresh air, no games, no bullshit.” He grinned. “You just speak your mind all the time. I love it.”

  “I’m glad you say that now, but if you get on my nerves, I hope you like it then too.” Lynette pushed away from his chest. “Now let me get my shower.”

  “Towels are on the racks in the bathroom, and I’ll bring your bag in while you’re bathing,” he called out to her as she walked down the hall.

  He went into the kitchen and put the covered stainless steel pan in the oven to warm, giving her a few minutes to get into the shower before he took her bag into the bedroom. He could hear the shower of his master bath going when he entered. He lifted her suitcase onto the bed so she could have easy access to it when she came out. On impulse, he dragged his stuff out of the top three drawers of the large dresser against the wall and shoved them on a shelf in the walk-in closet.

  He shoved his clothes hanging up in the closet aside, leaving an entire rung empty for anything she needed to hang up. He left the drawers and the closet open so she would know she was welcome to use the space. He didn’t want her to have to live out of her suitcase. Feeling confident that he’d made her feel welcome, Remy went back to the kitchen to get their late dinner on the table. He was pouring the wine when she came out of the bedroom a half an hour later. She was wearing soft pink sleep pants and a white tank top. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail and she was now wearing her glasses.

  “I took my contacts out. My eyes were getting irritated,” she explained.

  “I always love seeing you in your glasses. You’re as cute as a button,” Remy said and pulled out her chair.

  She grimaced. “Yeah, that’s how a woman wants to hear herself described: as cute as a button.”

  “Would you prefer hot sexy siren, la tentadora?” Remy asked.

  Lynette took a bite of the steak and closed her eyes and chewed. “Mmm, this is really good.”

  “Gracias,” Remy said.

  “What does la tentadora mean?” Lynette asked.

  “Temptress,” he answered simply. “You’ve been tempting me from the very first time I laid eyes on you, Lynette.”

  “That’s because men want what they can’t have,” Lynette said primly.

  “I can’t have you?”

  She laughed. “At that time, no. I was with the sod Billy.”

  “I have to ask a personal question,” Remy asked. “Did you ever sleep with Billy unprotected?”

  She raised an eyebrow at him and took a sip of wine. “Never. I’m not stupid, love. Along with that, I get tested every six months regardless of if I have a lover or not. I’m clean, darling. How about you?”

  “I’ll show you my physical results if you’d like,” Remy said.

  “I think you’re a man of your words, so I’ll take what you say as truth,” Lynette said. “You lie to me, I’ll put your balls in a vise.”

  Remy barked with laughter. “I’ll remember that, but to answer your question my last lover was over a year ago and that was protected sex. Since then, all tests and examinations have been one hundred percent perfect.”

  “Then we’re both fit as fiddles,” Lynette said and focused on her meal.

  They ate in quiet companionship and even though they were both silent, Remy felt better than he’d felt in a long time. There was nothing fake about Lynette in any way, shape or form. She spoke her mind and nothing was ever in question when she said what needed to be said. He would never have to wonder if she was deceiving him or if her intent was to slip her hand into his pockets. Lynette was rare and special and he’d be damned if he would let that slip through his fingers.

  “I’ll help you with the dishes,” she said after they had finished eating. He’d watched her eyes close more than once as she ate. She was practically falling asleep in the chair.

  “No, you won’t, you’re going to go to bed. I’ll bring your dessert when I’m done loading the dishwasher.” Remy stood and gathered the plates. “There’s a big screen TV on the wall and the remote is on the left side of the bed. Watch some TV and relax.”

  “Okay, thank you,” she said and stood before walking wearily down the hall.

  Her voice alone could make him fall to his knees and beg to be in her presence, but she didn’t know that. No, she looked at him with eyes that she hoped seemed worldly, yet she held an innocence of her own. Who made Lynette Bridges think she had to be hard all the time? Would she fall weakly into his arms when he aroused her? Would she call his name breathlessly with that sexy accent as she came? He anticipated learning her every secret and fulfilling her desire.

  He got the dessert together and took the plates into the bedroom. At the door he stopped and looked at the bed. Lynette was under the covers and asleep. She looked tiny in his big bed and the remote lay limply in her hand. So beautiful, he thought and turned to go back to the kitchen. There, he put the dessert back in the fridge and walked back to the bedroom. One quick shower and he pulled on a pair of sleep pants. He climbed into bed and pulled her against his bare chest. She sighed, snuggled close and Remy wrapped his arms around her. He closed his eyes and immersed himself in the sensations of having her in his arms. He fell asleep totally content for the first time in a long while.

  Chapter Three

  She was pinned. Lynette opened her eyes to find a thick muscled leg thrown over the lower half of her body and an arm around her waist. She lay for a moment and enjoyed the feeling of being with a man as big as Remy. Billy was shorter than she was and didn’t have much muscle to boast about either. If he slept over, they slept on opposite sides of the bed with a chasm of space between them. If she tried to snuggle, he’d complain about overheating and ask her to move. Remy had to be at least six feet two inches of pure muscle. She neede
d to get up. She had been so exhausted, she’d slept through the night but now her bladder was screaming. When she tried to shift away, Remy made a low sound like a growl in his throat and tightened his arm around her. He pulled her more securely against his body. A possessive man. She liked that, but right now she had to pee.

  Lynette nudged him against his shoulder. “Oy, wake up.”

  No response, so she took drastic measures and bit his shoulder, not too hard but enough to jolt him out of his sleep.

  “Do you always start biting so early? Because I kinda like it,” Remy said. He didn’t open his eyes but began to nuzzle her neck.

  A pleasurable sensation, for sure, but it didn’t change the fact that she needed to use the facilities.

  “Stop it, and unhand me. I’ve got to go to the loo,” Lynette said.

  “Unhand you?” He chuckled. “I love the way you talk.”

  “Glad I can do that for you,” she said as he let her go and she rolled out of the bed.

  She took her time in the bathroom, brushing her teeth and washing her face before she went back in the bedroom. She bounced onto the bed and straddled his lower body before placing a series of kisses on his lips and neck. She felt his cock harden through the layers of clothes that separated them. Remy slipped his hand behind her neck and held her still so he could devour her lips.

  “Now this is a wakeup call I could get accustomed to,” she said breathlessly when the kiss was over.

  “I’ll endeavor to do it each and every day,” Remy said. He looked over at the clock. “It’s almost ten a.m. We should get up and get some breakfast. Knowing Adira, she has everything packed up for her and Mateo and is getting into the car as we speak.”

  Lynette lay next to Remy and sighed. “I guess we’ll have to pick up where we left off later.”

  “Oh, I fully intend to, but for now, let’s get up and get dressed,” Remy said. “I have to go to work and you get to play with your best friend and our godson.”

  When Mateo was christened, they both had been named his guardian if anything ever happened to Adira and Favian. A true honor in Lynette’s opinion. That was also when the turning point came in her life and she saw what she really wanted. A family and love—something that was never truly hers as she was growing up.


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