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The Deal : Billionaire Romance

Page 5

by Rose Cody

“Do you think she’s sleeping, uncle Kurt?” Her ears perk up as she hears the voice of a small boy.

  “I don’t know.” She hears Kurtis say, his voice getting closer as she listens to the soft footsteps of their bare feet on the pool deck. “Why don’t you poke her and find out.”

  Robin sits up, lifting her hat and pulling off her sunglasses before shaking her head.

  “No, no one’s going to poke anyone here!” She says, squinting her eyes as she looks up at Kurtis.

  “Guess she’s awake after all!” He says, smirking at her as he rests his hand on his little nephew’s shoulder.

  She watches as the little boy giggles before running towards the pool.

  “Hey! Slow it down!” Kurt shouts after him, watching as he jumps into the water before leaning down beside Robin.

  “So…” He says, tilting his head. “How’s the afternoon treating you?”

  “The sun is out, I have my drink.” She says, pointing up to the table above her shoulder. “Couldn’t be better.”

  “Are you coming swimming?” He asks, pointing towards the pool.

  “No way.” She says, sinking back down into her chair, her dark glasses covering her eyes. “You will never get me out of this chair.”

  “Suit yourself.” He says, standing up. “You’re going to miss out on all the fun.”

  “Yeah… sure…” Robin snorts to herself, watching out of the corner of her eyes as Kurtis pulls his shirt over his head before pushing his lounge pants over his hips and down his muscular thighs.

  She watches, her hand slowly fanning her face, as his muscles contract as he walks towards the pool before jumping and splashing water all over the deck.

  “What is that fool doing…” She whispers to herself, slowly running the side of her bottom lip between her teeth as he watches him pick up his nephew and toss him across the pool, his biceps bulging as he lifts the child into the air.

  Robin always guessed that Kurt had a nice body, it was obvious even through his suits that he took very good care of himself, which always sort of surprised her. You have all the money in the world and could get any woman you wanted no matter what you looked like, so why not let yourself go a little?

  “Hey!” He calls to her, swimming over to the edge of the pool. “Come in.”

  “No!” She says, sitting up, straddling the chair, one leg on either side of the long seat. “

  “You’ll have fun!” He says, lifting himself out of the water and sitting on the edge of the pool before he gets up to his feet.

  He walks over to her, standing tall beside her chair and blocking out her sun.

  “I was having fun before.” She says, looking up at him.

  “Come on…” He begs, reaching for her hand.

  She smirks, letting out a soft giggle as she pulls it away, shaking her head and laying back down on her chair before reaching over for her drink.

  He raises his eyebrow, wrapping his fingers around her glass before pulling it out of her hand.

  “Hey!” She says. “Give that back!”

  He shakes his head, leaning over her to place it back on the table before grabbing her hand and pulling her up.

  “No…” She says, shaking her head as Kurtis pulls her to her feet.

  She watches, her eyes widening as he nods his head up and down before pulling her close and swiftly bending down to grab her behind her knees.

  “Kurt! No!” She says, struggling to break free from his grip as he lifts her into the air. “Don’t even think about it, Kurt!”

  “Stop!” She shouts, as she looks over her shoulder at the pool as every step Kurtis takes brings her closer to the water. “Don’t you dare!”

  She screams as she feels him let go of her, dropping her down into the ice cold pool before jumping in after her.

  She gasps as she comes back to the surface, her entire body trembling as she swims back over to the edge of the pool.

  “You asshole!” She says, her anger quickly turning to a giggle as she hears Kurtis and his nephew laugh as they swim to the other side of the pool.

  “If you want get some revenge, Aunt Robin, you have to come in after us!” She hears the little one shout as he climbs onto his uncle’s shoulders.

  She smirks, kicking her feet in the water.

  “It’s two against one, that’s not fair!” She says, climbing out of the pool. “But thanks for cooling me off!”

  Chapter 12

  Robin follows closely behind Kurtis as they walk through the resort’s lobby before stepping out the large front door into the evening air.

  The two walk down the long drive along the sidewalk beside the lush, neatly manicured grass as they make their way to one of the restaurants on the other side of the resort.

  “Sorry your mom couldn’t come.” Robin says, sinking her hands inside of the pockets of her light sweater.

  “She’s just not feeling too well.” He says, biting the inside of his lip as he looks down at the sidewalk. “Maybe she’ll be up for lunch tomorrow.”

  “Or after supper we can take her some dessert.” Robin suggests, shrugging her shoulders.

  “Nah.” He says, sighing out as he looks up at the sky. “We should let her sleep. It was probably a mistake to make her travel all the way here. I honestly don’t know what I was thinking.”

  “I think she’s just happy to see you.” Robin says, her voice being drowned out by the music coming out of the speakers perched up on the side of the building as Kurtis reaches in front of her to grab the door.

  He smiles, nodding his head as he steps aside, letting Robin into the restaurant, the spicy smells hitting her nose as Kurtis brushes against her back.

  “For two, please.” He says, resting one of his hands on her shoulder as he lifts up two fingers on the other to the hostess.

  She nods, taking them to small table in the back with a tiny grill in the center.

  They sit on either side of each other as the hostess lights the grill and hands them menus.

  Kurt nods, smirking at the woman, gazing upon her backside, her pants tight and squeezing her curves, as she turns around to walk away.

  “Excuse me.” Robin hisses under her breath at him as she swiftly kicks her foot out under the table, connecting the hard toe of her shoe with the front of his shin.

  “What the fuck was that for?” Kurtis asks, leaning down to rub the tips of his fingers over his aching leg.

  “We’re only here for a few days.” She says, folding her hands over her chest. “Can you please hold off on flirting until we get back?”

  “I wasn’t flirting.” He says, his eyebrows furrowing as he leans back in his seat before picking up a menu.

  “Just keep your eyes to yourself.” Robin says.

  “How about you mind your own business, Robin.” He mutters under his breath. “You’re only here for the cash, so just do your job.”

  She huffs, sliding herself off of her chair as she gets up from the table.

  “I’m not going to put up with this.” She says to him, turning around to walk away.

  She stops as he grabs her by the wrist, pulling her back towards the table.

  “Let go of me.” She says, pulling her arm away.

  “Please.” He says, rubbing the tips of his fingers over his temples. “Look, I’m sorry.” He says, sighing softly out of his nose. “I just want this to be a good vacation.”

  “Then cut the shit, Kurtis.” She says, sitting back down at the table across from him. “I’m not doing this for my sake.”

  “It’s not for my sake, either.” He whispers, picking the menu back up and flipping through the laminated pages.

  Robin sits quietly as he orders them some fresh meat to cook on the grill, watching out of the corner of her eye as Kurtis hands off the menus before sighing out of his nose and letting out a soft chuckle.

  “Sorry for getting you wet earlier.” He says, smirking as he picks up his water glass before bringing it up to his lips to sip. “It wasn’t my

  “Yeah, I’m sure it wasn’t.” She giggles as she runs her hands through her hair.

  “I swear.” He says, his eyes twinkling under the dim light as he smiles brightly.

  “I’m just sorry I didn’t get you back.” She says, watching as a waiter walks towards them, a tray of raw meats in hand.

  “Hey, let’s get some wine.” Kurtis says, picking up the drink menu as the man places the dishes around the table.

  Chapter 13

  “I’ve never seen so many stars.” Robin says, looking up into the dark, cloudless sky at the twinkling stars, too numerous to count as they walk along the boardwalk, waves from the tide splashing up against the sand.

  “Yeah, we really don’t get to see this too much with all the lights of the city…” He says, folding his arms over his chest as he tilts his head up to gaze with her.

  “I wish there was somewhere to sit.” She whispers to herself, looking out over the rocky beach.

  “Come with me.” Kurtis says, grabbing her hand and pulling her off the boardwalk as he steps onto the sand.

  She giggles, following him, each foot step sinking into the sand as he leads her.

  “There’s some rocks out there.” He says, pointing out into the water just off the shore. “What do you say we check it out?”

  “Our feet will get wet!” She says, stopping and shaking her head as Kurtis takes a few more steps forward.

  She watches him get down to the ground, swinging his legs out in front of him before slipping off his shoes.

  “What are you doing?” She asks, covering her mouth as she looks around the deserted beach before watching him pull off his socks. “Kurt!”

  “Come on!” He says, standing up again before bending over and rolling up his pant legs. “Take your shoes off!”

  “I’m not taking my shoes off!” She says, shaking her head. “What if someone steals them?”

  “Yeah, because so many people want your smelly old shoes.” He says, turning around before looking over his shoulder at her as he begins to walk towards the water. “You don’t have to come if you don’t want to, but I’m going out there and I’m going to sit on those rocks!”

  Robin’s heart flutters in her chest as she watches her boss jog towards the water’s edge, his footprints leaving a trail in the wet sand.

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” Robin whispers to herself as she slips out of her flats before bending over and sliding them beside Kurt’s. “Wait!” She yells, the cold sand chilling her toes as she runs up beside him. “Wait. I’m coming with you.”

  “Oh, my God, it’s freezing.” Kurt says as he steps into the water, the tide covering his ankles as he walks towards the rocks just past the shoreline.

  “Gah!” She gasps as the water covers her feet. “Why are we doing this? The hotel has a hot tub and yet here we are walking in the freezing ocean.”

  “You can go in a hot tub at home.” He chuckles, walking out, calf deep into the water before running his hand over the rough rocky ledge. “Where else are you going to experience this?”

  “Not all of us have hot tubs, Kurtis.” Robin says, brushing a few stray hairs out of her face as she watches him climb onto the rocks.

  “You know what I mean.” He says, his eyes twinkling as he reaches down to her. “Come on, let me help you up here.”

  She reaches up to him, shaking as she grips the rocks before grasping his hands. He pulls her up as she climbs up the rocky ledge before wrapping her arms around him as she crawls onto the platform.

  “This is so much higher than I thought!” She says, looking down into the shallow water.

  “Would you look at that?” She hears Kurtis whisper beside her.

  She looks over to him as he points out into the ocean.

  “Nothing for as far as you can see.” He says, squinting his eyes. “It’s like we’re at the end of the earth.”

  She watches as he lays down on his back, his elbows up and the back of his head resting in the palms of his hands as he gazes up towards the stars.

  Robin looks up at the twinkling sky, a small smirk upturning her lips as she lays down beside him.

  She giggles as she feels him slide his hand under the small of her back before pulling her closer.

  “Look at you being all romantic and stuff.” She whispers as she sits up beside him before rolling onto her side and snuggling back down, his arm holding her waist as she rests her head on his shoulder.

  Robin gently brushes her fingers over his stomach, dragging them down towards the waist of his pants before she gently slips in the tip of her fingers, pressing against his skin before pulling them back out.

  She brings her hand down to rest her palm on the crotch of his pants, gently massaging the bulge as she gently rubs her cheek against his chest, listening to his heart beat in his chest as he quietly sighs out.

  “You want it?” She whispers to him, as she pulls her hand away from his bulge before sinking it back into his lounge pants.

  “Yeah…” She hears him whisper as he nods his head slowly up and down, closing his eyes as Robin sinks her hands further down into the waist of his pants before slowly dragging her fingers up and down his stiffening shaft.

  She sits up, biting her bottom lip as she begins to pull the elastic waist of his pants down over his hips, freeing his stiff thickness from its cage as she watches it twitch in the cool, night air.

  Robin bends forward, her fingers gently wrapping around his shaft as her hot breath warms his skin.

  She gently flicks her tongue against his meat, slowly dragging it up and down his swelling shaft before pulling her wet mouth muscle up to his very tip and swirling it lazily over his sensitive nerves.

  She opens her lips before squeezing them firmly around his sex as she slides him into her mouth, her tongue rubbing over his skin as she sucks.

  “Come here…” He whispers, his voice rough with desire as he lifts her chin, pulling her away from his thickness.

  He reaches under her arms, pulling her up on top of him as Robin straddles his legs. Kurtis rests his hand on the back of her neck, pulling her close to him as he presses his lips against hers, sighing deeply out of his nose as he drags his tongue against her bottom lip.

  Robin moans into his mouth as his tongue explores, wrestling with hers as she feels his stiffness against the inside of her thigh.

  She reaches down between them, lifting her skirt over her knees before dragging her fingers up the inside of her leg, massaging the tips of her digits against Kurtis’s stiffness before pulling them up even further to her aching center.

  She pushes her panties to the side, gently rubbing her fingers through her slick lips before reaching back down to grasp his cock.

  She moans, as she feels Kurtis kiss across her cheek before burying his head into the crook of her neck as she slowly rubs the tip of his stiffness against her soaking lips before letting it sink between then, his cock stretching her walls as it spreads her open.

  “Oh…” She moans as she feels him buck his hips into her.

  She reaches up, her trembling hand resting against his neck before sliding up and intertwining her fingers with his hair as she feels him gently nibble against her neck.

  She tilts her head, lifting his chin up to hers before colliding with his lips as he thrusts himself in and out of her, his cock swelling as it begins to twitch inside of her, his seed dripping past her lips and down his shaft as he moans into her mouth.

  She whimpers as she slides herself off of him, rolling onto her back as Kurtis pulls himself on top of her, holding himself up with his arm as he kisses down her neck, his hand sliding up and down the curve of her waist.

  Robin gazes with heavy eyelids up at the twinkling stars as she hears nothing but the crashing waves of the ocean water against the rocky ledge they lay upon.

  Maybe it’s just the wine from dinner beginning to do the talking, but she would give anything for this; for this moment, in this place, with this
man, to never come to an end.

  Chapter 14

  Robin stretches out her toes in the cold water as she sits along the side of the pool, her head hanging lazily to the side as she slowly kicks her legs back and forth.

  One thing’s for certain, her legs have never quite been this rich of a golden honey color before. You don’t get much sun when you work in an office in the city.

  “You want to join me up on the chairs, sweetheart?” She hears someone call behind her. “I’ve brought some magazines.”


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