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A Man's World 3: Roxy's Flight Instructors (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 15

by Becca Van

  The staff room was packed when they stepped through and she took in the faces of her work colleagues as they cheered. There was a sign on the wall that said, “Welcome back, Roxy.” Tears burned her eyes. Even Captain Miller was smiling and clapping and although he had a walking stick in one hand he looked good.

  The crowd parted and she saw Stefan and Booker walking toward her. She narrowed her eyes when she saw Book was holding onto what looked like her uniform.

  “Are we going somewhere?” she asked as she turned to Dusty.

  “Yes, baby. Your flight leaves in half an hour. You’d better get a move on and get changed so you can go through the flight pre-check.”

  Booker handed her her uniform before kissing her on the lips and stepping back. Stefan kissed her on the mouth, too, before he moved to the side. Roxy clutched at her uniform and headed to the ladies room. She still didn’t understand what was going on but she didn’t really care. She was about to get back into an airplane’s cockpit and she was excited.

  She loved flying so much. The freedom of soaring the skies was a passion she wouldn’t ever get tired of.

  Roxy checked her appearance one last time and exited the bathroom. The staff room was now empty. Dusty, Booker, and Stefan were nowhere in sight.

  The manager of the airline, Donald Pitch, was the only person in the room and he handed her the clipboard, smiled at her, and walked away. Roxy perused the paperwork and then hurried to the boarding gate. If she didn’t get a move on she was going to be late. Apparently she was flying the plane to Oklahoma City, which would take just over two and a half hours.

  Roxy boarded the aircraft to find Savannah there to greet her.

  “I’m so glad you’re back.” Sav hugged her. “I’ve missed you. I’m so happy you’ve recovered.”

  “Does everyone know what happened?” Roxy asked.

  “It was all over the news for two days, girlfriend.”

  “Hmm, I missed that. Must have been while I was sleeping.”

  Sav glanced at her watch. “You’d better get your ass into the cockpit, honey. We’re due to taxi in ten minutes.”

  “Shit!” Roxy released Sav and rushed to the cockpit. Both seats were empty and she wondered if she was supposed to captain the plane or co-pilot, but then shrugged her shoulders and took the captain’s seat. If she wasn’t in the right spot she was sure to find out soon enough. Roxy lost herself in her work and even though she was vaguely aware of someone taking the co-pilot’s seat she didn’t take much notice. She finally looked up when she felt the plane begin to move.

  Her mouth dropped open when she looked into Dusty’s beautiful eyes. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m your co-pilot for this flight.”

  “Okay.” She wondered about that but didn’t bother to ask. She knew from the look in his eyes he wasn’t about to explain. When they were lined up on the runway and she’d contacted the tower, she placed her hand on the throttle and eased it forward.

  The plane picked up speed and then they were in the air. For the next two and half hours she flew that plane, checking dials, altitude, and panels. By the time they touched down in Oklahoma she felt like she’d never left.

  Roxy waited for the passengers to disembark before she and Dusty headed out. As she stopped in the cabin she saw Stefan and Booker standing in the aisle waiting for her. They were both smiling at her and both of them had their hands behind their backs. Sav was standing near the door with a huge smile on her face.

  “That was one smooth flight, Captain Crowe. I would fly in a plane you pilot any day.”

  Roxy turned to look at Dusty and when his words sank in a smile formed on her lips and then she began to laugh. Joy filled her and love filled her like never before. She was so damn happy. Her men were sneaky because they had been assessing her for her full pilot’s license and she hadn’t even known.

  Book and Stefan moved toward her, bringing their arms around to the front. “Congratulations, Captain Roxanne Crowe,” Book said as he handed her a photo frame.

  Tears welled and spilled over when she saw it was her full pilot’s license behind the glass. She took the frame and hugged it to her chest. “Thank you,” she said around the emotional lump in her throat.

  Stefan moved closer, took the frame from her, and handed it to Dusty, who was still behind her. He undid a couple of buttons on her shirt and shoved his hand inside.

  “Stefan! What are you doing?”

  He grinned and winked but kept fiddling with her shirt before removing his hand and doing up the buttons again. Roxy looked down and just above her breast was the wings badge she been striving for. She laughed and then launched herself into his arms, kissing all over his face.

  “Thank you. All of you. This is the best day of my life.”

  “It’s not over yet, baby.” Dusty moved in behind her and hugged her. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Roxy let Sav take the lead and then they were all disembarking. She looked back over her shoulder and caught all three of her men ogling her ass. And of course she did what any sexually aware female would do in that situation. She put a little extra sway in her hips and smiled at them innocently over her shoulder. “Don’t we have to fly back home?”

  “Not today, sweetness,” Stefan replied and waggled his eyebrows at her.

  She laughed and let them guide her to the terminal. Dusty led her outside to a waiting taxi when Stefan and Booker disappeared. A few moments later they came striding out with bags in their hands.

  “Are we staying overnight in a hotel?” Roxy asked Dusty, who was sitting beside her in the back of the cab.

  “Yes.” Dusty’s answer was short and succinct and she waited for him to elaborate but he remained quiet.

  After the bags were stowed in the boot, Stefan got into the back with her and Booker got into the front passenger seat and then they were on their way.

  Wherever that was.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Roxy stared around in awe. The foyer to the Marriot Hotel was opulent and looked expensive. Dusty went up to the reception counter and moments later he was back holding a key in his hand.

  “Let’s head up to our room.”

  Roxy followed Dusty with Stefan and Booker walking on either side of her. She got into the elevator and saw Stefan push the button for the top floor. Wasn’t that where the penthouse was? No maybe there were other rooms up there, too.

  Moments later the elevator door opened and she was astonished to find that she was looking into the biggest living room she’d ever seen.

  “Come on, darlin’.” Booker nudged her arm, jolting her out of her trance. “We need to hurry. We have an appointment to keep.”

  “We do?”

  Stefan smiled. “Yes, we do. You can use the en suite bathroom. We’ll use the other one.”

  “I’d really like to know where we’re going. And what am I supposed to do about clothes? I don’t have any.”

  “Don’t worry about a thing, baby. We have everything covered.” Dusty snagged the bag from Stefan dug into it pulled out her cosmetic purse. “You might want to wear a little make-up.” He paused to clear his throat as if nervous. “We’re going somewhere real special.”

  “You’re not going to tell me, are you?”

  “No.” Booker tapped her on the ass. “Move it, darlin’.”

  Roxy took the cosmetic bag and hurried away. She was pleased to see shampoos, conditioners, shower gel, deodorant, and moisturizer samples lined up on the vanity counter. After grabbing some shampoo, conditioner, and bodywash she stepped into the shower.

  After blow-drying her hair and applying some light make-up, she wrapped her body in a dry towel and entered the bedroom.

  Roxy gulped at how handsome and sexy her men looked. They were all standing around, but it was there attire that caught her attention as well. All of them were dressed in black suits and white shirts and black bow ties, and they all looked good enough to eat.

  “Wow. You all look amazing.

  “So do you, sweetness,” Stefan said in a hoarse voice as he looked her over.

  Roxy laughed. “Yeah, towel goes well with anything.”

  “You’d look gorgeous and sexy wearing a sack, baby,” Dusty said as he walked toward her. He took her cheeks in his hand and lightly kissed her on the lips.

  Stefan and Booker moved to either side of him when he released her face. And then they all knelt down in front of her.

  “Roxanne Crowe, you are the love of my life. Will you marry me?” Dusty asked.

  Roxy gulped and then she met Book’s eyes when he reached out to clasp her hand. “I love you, darlin’. Please, marry me?”

  Stefan took her other hand in his. “You’re my world, Roxy. I love you, sweetness. Will you marry me?”

  The tears welled and flowed down her cheeks and she didn’t give a shit about just having made up her face. Her heart filled with love and joy and she couldn’t contain the emotions. Roxy slowly kneeled. She reached out and cupped Dusty’s cheek. “I love you, too, and yes, I’ll marry you.” She touched Booker and Stefan’s cheeks, too. “I love all of you so much.” She sobbed and smiled through her tears. “Yes, I’ll marry all of you.”

  Stefan took hold of her left hand and Booker pushed a ring onto her finger. Roxy looked down and laughed with joy. It was the most beautiful ring she’d ever seen. Not because of the large diamond in the center or the two smaller ones on either side, but because it was a symbol of their love.

  Dusty grabbed hold of her upper arms and pulled her onto his lap and kissed her wildly, hungrily. When he ended the kiss they were both breathing heavily and he passed her over to Booker.

  “I love you, darlin’.” She started to say “me, too” but his lips covered hers and she was lost to his passion. He broke the kiss and lifted her onto Stefan’s lap.

  “I—ˮ Stefan shook his head, too choked up with emotion to finish what he was going to say. There was moisture in his eyes, too. He lowered his head and kissed her rapaciously, carnally. Roxy wanted to strip the towel away and crawl inside her men. They had lodged into her heart when she hadn’t been looking.

  She was so freaking happy she wanted to shout. Who would have thought that trying to make a place for herself in a man’s world would lead her here?

  Stefan released her lips and helped her to her feet. Booker and Dusty stood, too.

  “Why don’t you go and fix your make-up, baby? We have a wedding to attend.”

  “Who’s getting married?” Roxy asked as she headed to the bedroom and en suite bathroom.

  “We are.”

  “What?” Roxy shrieked as she turned to face them. All of them were looking at her with love in their eyes. “But I don’t have anything to wear.”

  “Yes, you do,” Booker said. “The dress is hanging in the closet in the bedroom and the shoes are in the box on the floor beneath it.”

  “We’re getting married?” Roxy asked and then she was laughing with pure joy. “We’re getting married.”

  Roxy married Dusty in a private room in the Marriot Hotel. Drew was there to walk her down the small aisle and give her away. Savannah stood in as her bridesmaid and her men’s mom, Maggie, was her matron of honor. Booker was best man and Stefan was a groomsman.

  The reception followed with a delicious meal, some drinking, and lots of dancing. By the end of the night Roxy was happy but tired. It had been an emotional, eventful day.

  After thanking their guests and saying goodnight to everyone, Booker swept her up into his arms and strode toward the lift. Dusty and Stefan quickly followed.

  Book gently set her on her feet and then her men were carefully removing the beautiful dress she’d gotten married in.

  “God, you’re sexy, sweetness.” Stefan kissed the back of her neck.

  “We are all going to make love to you tonight, Roxy. One of us will take your pussy, the others your ass and mouth,” Dusty said in a growly voice.

  “Oh God.”

  Booker leaned down and started kissing her. He didn’t start off slow, he devoured her. Roxy lost herself in his passion and sighed into his mouth when her clothes were removed. He released her lips and Stefan swept her off her feet and laid her in the middle of the big bed. The covers and top sheet had already been pulled down. Her heart raced, and her body softened and moistened with anticipation as she watched her men disrobe. She licked her lips when they were naked and groaned when they each took their hard cocks into their own hands, stroking up and down their lengths.

  Stefan placed a knee onto the mattress and then crawled up over her. He kissed her hungrily and then he rolled to her side. Book got onto the mattress and he, too, kissed her passionately before moving to her other side. She locked gazes with Dusty as he got onto the bed on his knees between her legs, nudging them wider the closer he got to her. She was about to reach out to him but Stefan and Book grabbed her wrists, lifted them over her head, and pinned them to the bed.

  Then she cried out as they each took one of her hard aching nipples into their mouths. They sucked, licked, and nibbled all over her throbbing nubs, until she couldn’t stay still another moment. She arched her chest up off the bed and groaned with pleasure.

  And then she whimpered as a hot wet tongue licked through her soaked folds. Dusty laved, sucked, and slurped all over her labial lips before flicking his tongue over her needy clit. She mewled as he played with her engorged pearl over and over and then he pushed two fingers up inside her. She was so primed she went up and over the edge after two strokes. She screamed as pleasure bombarded her from all sides. Her pussy clenched and released around those thick digits until finally the last quiver waned.

  “Roll her over,” Dusty ordered in a husky voice.

  Stefan and Booker gently turned her over onto her stomach and then Dusty wrapped an arm around her hips, pulling her up to her hands and knees. Stefan moved in and began kissing her. Booker slid under her and took a nipple into his mouth, suckling on it firmly while plucking the other one.

  She moaned when Dusty caressed his hands over her ass and then gasped when he separated her cheeks. Cool wet fingers massaged over her anus and she tried to relax. She wanted her men filling her, loving her all at the same time. Even though she’d never had anal sex before she was eager for the experience. She couldn’t wait to have them all inside of her simultaneously.

  Dusty pushed a finger into her back entrance and she moaned into Stefan’s mouth. It felt so damn good. She’d expected it to hurt to have her ass breached but that wasn’t the case. The nerves in her ass lit up and she pushed back trying to get more.

  Dusty slapped her on the ass. She broke the kiss with Stefan. “Hey.”

  “We’re in charge in the bedroom, baby. Behave. I don’t want to hurt you,” Dusty said.

  “You won’t. I trust you, all of you. I love you all so much.”

  “Bach at ya, Mrs. Milan.”

  Roxy smiled and gave her control over to her men. By the time Dusty had her ass stretched out she was on the edge. She wanted them so damn much.

  “Take a deep breath, baby. I’m coming in,” Dusty rasped.

  Roxy groaned as the head of his cock popped through the tight ring. It burned a little and pinched but there wasn’t any real pain. “More,” she demanded.

  “Slow and easy, baby.”

  “If you go any slower, you might kill me.”

  Dusty laughed and then he eased his way inside until his pelvis met her butt cheeks. He wrapped his arm around her waist and lifted her as he scooted to the end of the bed. Stefan maneuvered down until his had his legs hanging over and his feet on the floor and reached up as Dusty lowered her.

  Roxy whimpered as Stefan’s dick slid into her pussy, filling her. She felt so full, so naughty and decadent, but she wouldn’t be complete until she had all of her men. She turned her head and found him waiting for her. She reached out, took the base of Booker’s cock into her hand, and licked over the head. He groaned and fisted her hair.

“Fuck yeah, darlin’. Just like that. Your mouth is incredible.”

  “Her ass is so fucking hot. Tight.”

  “Her cunt is so fucking wet and she’s gripping me so hard.” Stefan panted. “I’m not going to last long. She feels too good.”

  “Let’s love our wife,” Dusty said and he withdrew his cock from her ass until just the head rested inside.

  Roxy moaned as he surged back in. As he eased out again, Stefan shoved into her cunt and she bobbed up and down over Booker’s cock. She was where she was supposed to be. In bed with her husbands as they made love.

  The embers began to flame higher. The pressure grew tauter as her men fucked her. Having three hard cocks loving her was amazing but what was more amazing was that they all loved her for who she was. She could be herself with her men and they could be who they were with her. They were her life, her world

  Roxy went flying up the side of the mountain. Her internal muscles rippled and she knew she was about to explode.

  “Suck me deep.” Booker groaned. “I’m coming, darlin’.”

  “Me, too.” Stefan panted.

  “Same,” Dusty growled.

  Roxy sucked Booker’s cock into the back of her throat and groaned as she came. Her men all yelled right along with her. Her muscles contracted and undulated around the cocks in her ass and pussy, and she sucked and swallowed Booker’s cum as he shot down her throat.

  Fire raced through her veins as she shook and shuddered. The twitching dicks inside of her heightened the sensations until she saw stars. When she came back down from utopia she was snuggled up in bed surrounded by her men.

  “You okay, sweetness?” Stefan asked.

  Roxy looked down at him. He was lying awkwardly across the bottom of the bed, bent at the waist with his chin resting on her thigh and his arms wrapped around her legs.


  “Yes you are.” Booker kissed her cheek. “You are amazing, darlin’.”

  “Sexy as hell.” Dusty flicked a thumb over her nipple, making her moan.

  “Can we do that again?” she asked breathlessly.


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