Brando's Smile: His Life, Thought, and Work
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Davis, Miles, xxii, 114, 369n
Davis, Ossie, 331
Davis, Sammy, Jr., 333
Dawn, Robert, 406n
Dawson, Tom, 407n
Dean, James, 123–24, 378n
death, 94–95, 160, 173, 198, 223
in Apocalypse Now, 273
in Godfather, 93–95, 244–49, 248, 404n
in Last Tango in Paris, 2, 25, 223, 224, 226–28, 231
mass, 116
in Missouri Breaks, 257
in On the Waterfront, 107, 110–13, 116
death penalty, 167, 394n–95n
Death Valley, 37, 142
deception, in One-Eyed Jacks, 145, 154, 157
Dee, Ruby, 331
de Gaulle, Charles, 228
de la Rosa, Nelson, 299, 300, 301
Deloria, Vine, 320, 322, 326
democracy, 73, 89, 91, 102, 164, 165, 177, 182, 186, 192, 193
Democrats, 321
De Niro, Robert, 209, 306, 307–8
Dennis, Marsha S., 373n
Depp, Johnny, 295–96, 329, 368n, 385n
desert, 136, 142, 143, 145, 155
desire, 223, 226, 248
in On the Waterfront, 108
in Streetcar, 75, 81
Désirée (film), xxv, 28, 120–24, 122, 126, 389n, 404n
developing countries, Brando’s trips to, 181–82
dialogue, 163, 169, 188, 196, 216, 256, 393n
brevity of, xxxvii, 257
in Godfather, 241–43
in One-Eyed Jacks, 147, 149, 157
Diaz, Porfiro, 91, 93
Dick Cavett Show, The (TV show), 250–51, 253, 322, 346, 352–53, 353, 405n
Dickinson, Angie, 196, 399n, 400n
Dickinson, Emily, xxxi, 23–24, 375n
diet, dieting, 4, 128, 253, 405n
diplomacy, U.S., 181–90, 192
Brando’s film about, 118, 388n
Diplomat (Thayer), 182
disguises, 258, 406n
Dmytryk, Edward, 381n
Doctor in Spite of Himself, The (Moliere), 30
dogfight, staged, 24–25
dogs, xxxvi, xxxvii, 8–9, 23, 32, 94, 95, 120, 212, 261, 343, 358, 370n, 378n
in Last Tango in Paris, 227, 228
dominance, 74, 75, 154, 168
of actors, 261
in Godfather, 236, 255–56
in Last Tango in Paris, 226–27, 230
in Nightcomers, 220
Donaldson Award, 51
Donat, Robert, 14, 374n
Don Juan DeMarco (film), 256, 291, 296–97
Doran, Marjorie, 343–44, 347
Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 26, 375n
double-talk, 286–87
Douglas, Avra, 283, 396n, 407n
Douglas, Guy, 261
Douglas, William O., 192–93, 321, 399n
dramatic authenticity, 183–84, 198, 215
dramatic theory, Stanislavski, xxviii–xxix, 40, 44, 50
Drinnon, Richard, 167
Driscoll, William L., 161
Drollet, Dag, 291, 293, 301
drugs, 204–5, 240, 245
drums, drumming, xx, xxi, 22, 30, 34, 114, 123, 331
Dry White Season, A (Brink), 284
Dry White Season, A (film), xxv, 55–56, 256, 265, 276, 284–86, 337, 398n
rebellion in, 102
Dudar, Helen, 367n
Dunaway, Faye, 197, 297
Dunham, Katherine, 34–35, 331
Duvall, Robert, xxviii, 196, 241, 270
Eagle Has Two Heads, The (Cocteau), 53
Eastern religion and philosophy, 50
Eastwood, Clint, 153
Ebert, Roger, 210, 234, 275, 276, 307, 400n
Ebony, 193
eccentricity and strangeness:
of Brando, xvi, 24, 29, 34, 49
in family background, 2, 6
École Normale, 345
Eddy, Mary Baker, 5
Edelstein (Jewish boarder), 4
Ed Sullivan Show, The, 30
education, 61, 73
of Brando’s children, 237–38
see also actors, acting, Brando’s study of; Brando, Marlon, education of; specific schools
Egypt, 311
Eichmann, Adolf, 168
Eichmann in Jerusalem (Arendt), 168, 273–74
Einstein, Albert, 63, 250
election of 2008, xxiv
Eliot, T. S., 270–71, 275, 408n–9n
Elkies, Cathy, 371n
Ellington, Duke, 22
Ellis, Christopher, 220
Emergency Food Assistance to India (1967), 342
Emmy Award, 266, 383n
emotion, xiii, 234
concealment of, xiii
evoking of, xxviii–xxix, 43–45
The Men and, 86–87
in Streetcar, 76, 78, 79
in Wild One, 102
empathy and sympathy, xxxvii, 39, 74, 398n
of audience, 116, 136, 183, 266, 350
humor and, 126
England, 99, 220, 311
Englund, George, 185, 189, 311, 313, 376n, 388n
Engstead, John, 20
environment, 165
Brando’s commitment to, xxxvi, 165, 310, 321, 339–47, 359
of character, xxviii, 44, 70, 201
epic mode, 139–79, 425n
see also Fugitive Kind, The; Mutiny on the Bounty; One-Eyed Jacks
Erdrich, Louise, 325–26
Ermi (governess), 12–13
Eskimos, 345
“Essences” (form of charades), 9
ethnicity, 68
Brando’s romances and, 13
diversity of, 143
see also specific groups
Euripides, 46
Evans, Robert, 403n
Evanston, Ill., 11–23, 12, 29, 48, 374n–75n
Evers, Medgar, 333
extras, 86, 161, 213
eyes, 108, 129–30, 142, 169
of Brando, xxix, 33, 121, 160, 370n
of Celia Adler, 64
of Napoleon, 120, 121
as storyteller, 79
in Viva Zapata!, 93
face, facial muscles, xiii, xxvi, 68, 70, 79, 225, 367n
of Brando, xvi, 18, 19, 71, 160, 216
in film, 79
as stage, 79
see also eyes
Fall, The (Camus), 229–30, 402n
fame, see celebrities and fame
Brando’s valuing of, 237–38
Godfather and, xxiv, 237–39, 248, 256
Last Tango in Paris and, 226
see also fathers; father-son relationships
Fanon, Frantz, 338
fans, xviii, xxxii
letters from, 88, 131, 137–38, 262, 385n
Fan-Tan (Brando and Cammell), 276, 283
fantasy, 124–25, 155, 225, 226, 240, 261–62, 296,
Far East, Brando’s tour of, 311–12
Faribault, Minn., 304
Farmer, James, 335
fascism, 46, 47, 73, 90, 91, 116, 128, 131–38, 240, 390n, 422n
in Latin America, 90, 91
see also Germany, Nazi
fathers, 124
Brando’s roles as, 246, 263–65, 301, 404n
father-son relationships, 141
in Nightcomers, 221–22
in One-Eyed Jacks, 144–47, 150–51, 154–58
Faulkner, William, 85
FBI, 24, 295, 325
Brando file of, 323–25, 334, 418n,
counterintelligence campaign of, 323–24
in Free Money, 304, 305, 306
Federalist Papers, The (Hamilton, Jay, and Madison), 192
Federal Power Commission v. Tuscarora Indian Nation, 321
Fellini, Frederico, 184
femininity, 206–7, 378n
feminism, 226, 240, 402n
Ferguson, Jeff, 15
Ferguson, Marilyn, 369n
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, 167
Fey, Harold E., 398n–99n
Field El
ementary School, 13
Fields, W. C., 126
Brando as himself on, 224, 230–32, 234, 402n
Brando’s contribution to, xxii–xxiv, xxv–xxxi, xxxvi–xxxix
Brando’s cynicism toward, 276
Brando’s notes on, xxxviii–xxxix
Brando’s sabbatical from, 276–83
in Evanston, 14
fabricating power of, 225
of Muni, 57
reviews of, see reviews, film
scores for, xxii, 369n
see also specific films
film editing, 147, 153–54, 196, 382n
film industry:
Brando’s exploitation of, xxxii, 264
mindlessness and, 73
“power of Jews” in, 62
Fine, Debbie, 408n
Fiore, Carlo, 392n
Fire Next Time, The (Baldwin), 35, 266, 331–32, 377n, 407n
First Amendment, 175–76, 182
fish, fishing, 160, 171, 251
entitlements, 320
“fish-ins,” 320–21, 320
Fitz, Foster, 30
Flag Is Born, A (Hecht), xix, 57–66, 61, 65, 83, 310, 368n, 382n
Fonda, Henry, 10, 92
Fonda, Jane, 140, 195, 196, 197
Foote, Horton, 201
Ford, Glenn, 54, 127
foreign languages, 96, 165, 182, 186
see also specific languages
foreign policy, U.S., 181–91
Foreman, Carl, 84
Foreman, John, 329
Forman, Milos, 287
Formula, The (film), xxv, 276, 398n
Forrest, Frederic, 406n
Forster, Robert, 205
Four on a Heath (Fitz), 30
Fox, James, 195, 196
Fraenkel, Heinrich, 168
France, 85, 114, 176, 227–28, 311
see also Paris
Franco, Francisco, 211
Frankenheimer, John, 298
Fraser, Brendan, 308–9
Frazer, James, 270–71, 275
freedom, 116, 155, 164, 165, 193, 251, 262
acting and, 70, 81, 257
of Brando, xv, 17, 83, 126, 196, 265
Burn! and, 212, 215–16
of Mexico, 91
in Paris, 114
of press, 182
of speech, 174–76, 396n
Freedom Walkers, 333
Free Money (film), 126, 202, 256, 286, 296, 297, 298, 303–6, 381n
French language, xxxvi, 165, 237, 388n
Frenke, Gene, 396n–97n
Freshman, The (film), 54, 256, 284, 286, 287–91, 292, 296, 381n
Freud, Sigmund, 63, 85, 168, 250
Freudian theory, 40
Friedhofer, Hugo, 140, 143, 369n
Friedkin, William, 330
Fromm, Erich, 114
Fuchs, Leo, 20
Fugitive Kind, The (film), xviii, xxv, 140, 158–60
Fulbright, William, 182, 397n
Fuller, Buckminster, 345
Future: Tense (documentary), 345
Gable, Clark, 161, 162, 385n
Gabler, Neal, 62
Gahan, Bess, see Myers, Elizabeth Gahan (Bess)
Gahan, Julia Watts, 2–4
Gahan, June, see Beechly, June Gahan
Gahan, Myles (great-grandfather), 316
Gahan, Myles Joseph, Jr., 2
Gahan, Myles Joseph, Sr., 2–4
Gahan, Uncle Jay, 2
Gahan, Vine, 2, 17
gait, xxvi, 70, 108, 214
Gambon, Michael, 284
games, 9, 29, 50, 248, 315
chess, 9, 20, 20, 98, 123, 175, 213, 285, 372n
Gannett Center for Media Studies, 174
Garbo, Greta, xvi
García Márquez, Gabriel, 303
gardens, gardening, xxxvi, xxxvii, 19, 129, 220–21, 223, 275, 276, 279, 297
in Godfather, 94, 244, 246–48, 247, 249
Garrett, Pat, 142
Gatti, Marcello, 210
Genet, Jean, 114, 388n
genetic engineering, 256
genocide, 64, 192, 295, 334
see also Holocaust
German language, xxxvi, 262
Germany, 176
Germany, Nazi, 59, 63, 128, 191–92, 382n
in Young Lions, 132–38
gestures, xxvi, 68, 70, 80, 92, 111, 128, 150, 196, 214
in Godfather, 93, 236, 242, 244, 245–46
in Last Tango in Paris, 225, 233
in Streetcar, 72, 76, 79, 80
in Ugly American, 188, 190
in Viva Zapata!, 92, 93
Giancana, Sam, 24
Gielgud, John, 99, 276
Gill, Brendan, 190
Gilliatt, Penelope, 406n
Gilman, Sam, 20, 146
Girotti, Massimo, 224
Glasser, William, 410n
Godfather, The (film), xxiv, xxv, 93–95, 102, 219, 234–56, 287–88, 301, 322
afterlife of, 249–54
awards and, 219, 222, 223, 233, 250–51, 255–56
as Brando’s rejuvenation, 139, 254, 255
cat in, 242, 244, 244
“Don Corleone” in, 93–95, 123, 196, 222, 234, 235–50, 244, 247, 253, 255–56, 381n
family ideal and, xxiv, 237–39, 248, 256
as novelty in Brando’s career, 246
Godfather, The (Puzo), 235, 239
Golden Globe, 115
Goldman, Emma, xxxv
Goldwyn, Samuel, 125
Golffing, Francis, 167
Goodall, Jane, xxxvi, xxxvii
Gorney, Roderic, 410n
gossip, gossip columnists, xxxiii, 152–53, 176, 250
Go Tell It on the Mountain (Baldwin), 35, 376n
Gotti, John, 288
Gounaris, Anthony, 246–48, 404n
Graham, Sheilah, 163, 392n
Grand Island, Nebr., 2, 4, 11, 322
Gray, Dorothy, 333
Graziano, Rocky, 80
Great Britain, the British, 66
in Burn!, 211, 212, 214, 215, 216
Great Depression, 7, 41, 92
Great Thoughts, The, 73
Greco, Juliette, 114, 388n
Greece, 340
Green, Alyce, 374n
Green, Elmer, 374n
Green, Nina, 33
Green, Paul, 42–43
Green, Walon, 298
Gresham, Wisc., 325
grief, 2, 23, 112, 120, 156–57, 245
Group Theatre, see The Group Theatre
Grusin, Dave, 140, 284–85, 369n
Guam, 182, 192
guerrilla fighters, 211–12, 272, 273, 408n, 409n
guilt, 66, 165, 206, 215, 230
guns, xxvii–xxviii, 94, 109, 110–11, 135, 142, 143, 145, 146, 150, 154, 195, 197, 202, 212, 228, 237, 239, 245, 249, 260, 261, 266, 305, 324, 324, 335
Guys and Dolls (film), xviii, 124–26, 286, 370n
Haiti, 34, 96, 192, 334, 395n
Haley, Alex, 72, 265–66, 337
Hall, Helen, 371n
Hall, James Norman, 165
Halsman, Philippe, 20
Hamilton, Alexander, 192
Hammarskjold, Dag, 270
Hammerstein, Oscar, 49
Hanmer, Don, 26, 33, 375n
happiness, 14, 164, 168, 177, 207
Harlem, xx, 90, 283, 331, 334–35
Brando in, 334–35
Harrington, G. L., 296
Harris, Richard, 396n
Harvey, Verna, 220
Hastings, Michael, 222, 283
Hawaii, University of, 345
Heart of Darkness (Conrad), 266, 271–72
Heath, Wally, 346
Hebrew, 262
Hecht, Ben, 57–61, 310, 382n
Hefner, O. O., 4
Hellman, Lillian, 69, 140, 196, 198, 201, 399n
Hemingway, Ernest, 160, 388n, 392n, 393n
Henning, Pat, 107
Herbert, Anthony B., 268–70, 408n
heroes, heroism, 60
, 68, 72–73, 90, 102, 140, 143, 165, 261
existential, 229–30
of Westerns, 237, 240
Zapata as, 91, 93
Hero Within, The (Pearson), 410n
hero worship, 123
Herr, Michael, 268, 298
Heston, Charlton, 191
Hill, Mrs. B. R., 316
Hill, Norman, 215
Hinduism, 271
Hird, Thora, 220
Hispanic women, 131
historical change, 214
history, xxiv, xxxvi, 50, 59, 103, 121, 133, 150, 163, 165, 166, 168, 174, 207, 211, 262, 291, 351, 356, 373n, 382n, 412n
American Indian, 85, 251, 316–19, 325–29, 412n, 417n, 419n–20n, 421n
Asian, 117, 118, 281
Black American, 331, 337–38, 422n
film, 108, 110, 196, 197, 230, 231, 282
Jewish, 60, 62–63, 382n
Latin American, 26, 89, 90, 91–92, 421n
History of Capital Punishment, A (Laurence), 167
History of Philosophy Eastern and Western (Radhakrishnan), 133
Hitler, Adolf, 127, 135, 294
Hoboken, N.J., 106
Hodenfield, Chris, 261
Hoffer, Eric, 73, 211, 409n
Hofschneider, Marco, 300
Hollister, Calif., 99
Hollywood, 42, 58, 96, 107, 131 164, 217, 231, 235, 237, 248, 250–51, 257, 265, 278, 319, 360, 381n
Brando’s ambivalence and disdain for, 34, 46, 83, 118, 119, 124, 125, 153, 157, 158, 180, 298, 310
Brando’s contract negotiations in, 84, 120, 125, 161, 181, 264, 393n
Brando’s introduction to, 82–88
Brando’s move to, xxx, xxxii, 231
censorship in, 81, 89, 202–5, 210, 384n
HUAC and, 104–6, 108, 116
Jews in, 62
Kazan as pariah in, 104–5
Kazan’s relationship with, 103, 104
marketability in, xii–xiv, 139–40, 349
racism in, 333, 360
Hollywood Reporter, 153
Hollywood Variety, 153, 392n
Holocaust, 59–61, 63, 65–66, 117, 138, 191–92, 266, 382n
homebuilding and home repair, 410n
homophobia, 176, 202–5, 208, 209, 400n
homosexuals, homoeroticism, xxvi, 157, 176, 200–210
Hong Kong, 119, 182
Hood, Thomas, 293
Hook, Sidney, 102–3, 166
Horney, Karen, 85, 402n
horses, horsemen, 12, 19, 23, 93, 145, 151, 200, 201, 206, 209, 210, 215, 221, 222, 257–62, 282, 314
in Missouri Breaks, 258–62
in Nightcomers, 221–22
in Reflections in a Golden Eye, 201, 206, 209, 210
Hough, Richard, 164
Houseman, John, 96
House of Connelly, The (Green), 42–43, 44
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 88, 90, 104–6, 108, 114, 116, 386n
Howard, Trevor, 162, 396n
Howard, Willie, 286
human ambiguity, 72
human experience, xxxix, 45
Human Face, The (Picard), 225, 367n, 402n
humanitarianism, 68, 339–48
human nature, 57, 103, 168
humor, xxxvii–xxxviii, 36, 72, 86, 126–27, 233, 276
of Brando, xxxvii–xxxviii, 8, 15, 33, 41, 53, 71, 85, 97, 126–27, 221, 261, 276, 286–88, 296, 304–6, 331, 411n