Brando's Smile: His Life, Thought, and Work
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Superman (film), 263–66, 294, 396n, 404n
Supreme Court, California, 336
surveillance, 282, 323–24, 418n
Survival of American Indians Association (SAIA), 321, 322
Susskind, David, 176–77, 396n
Sutherland, Donald, 284, 285, 303, 305
symbolic castration, 154
symbolism, 142, 169, 188, 197, 206, 207, 228, 240
Szold, Bernard, 11, 48
Szold, Betty, 11, 48
taboos, 226
Tahiti, Tahitians, xxxvi, 131, 142, 160–79, 178, 180, 237, 253, 265, 299, 311, 339, 340, 344–45, 370n, 373n, 393n, 396n
see also Tetiaroa
Tahitian language, xxxvi, 165, 171
of Brando, xxii, xxiv, 29–30, 37, 51, 76, 123, 150, 154–55, 157, 180, 181, 185, 210, 215, 255, 358, 279, 357, 370n, 376n, 397n
Brando as magnet for, xxii, 139–40, 264, 369n
talk shows, xviii, 30, 174–78, 203–4, 208, 232, 250–53, 252, 286, 322, 336, 346, 351, 352–54, 353, 396n, 405n, 410n, 417n, 427n
Talmudic wisdom, xvii, 43, 62–63,
Tandy, Jessica, 76
Tao Te Ching, 16, 374n
Tarantino, Quentin, 153
Taxi Driver (film), 209, 400n
Taylor, Elizabeth, xix, 69–70, 140, 173
Reflections in a Golden Eye and, 201, 203, 205, 210
Teahouse of the August Moon, The (film), xxv, 126–28, 286, 311
makeup for, 54, 54, 126
technology, xxiv, 178–79, 185, 197–98, 265, 346, 348, 354, 415n
teeth, xiv, xv, 9, 177, 260, 276, 301
Telecom Italia, 347–48
telegraph lines, 327
television, 106
Brando’s interviews on, xviii, 30, 174–78, 203–4, 208, 232, 250–53, 252, 286, 322, 336, 346, 352–54, 353, 396n, 405n, 410n, 417n, 427n
Brando’s work for, 80, 108, 265–66
Teriipaia, Tarita, 169, 174, 177
Tetiaroa, 177, 178, 179, 180, 276, 293, 299, 311, 313, 330, 343–48, 344, 396n
marae of, 343, 345
Tetiaroa Society, 347
Tetiaroa University, 347
Tex and Jinx Show, The, 351, 405n
Texas, 192, 193, 195
Thailand, 119, 182, 341
Thayer, Charles W., 182
theater, 51–81
Brando’s contribution to, xxiv
in Lake Zurich, 24, 25, 31
in Omaha, 9–11, 10, 13
reviews of, 49, 53, 66, 73–74, 380n
Russian, 42, 45, 54
scores for, xxii, 369n
Yiddish, xxvii, 37–39, 41, 54, 377n
see also Broadway; Yiddish theater; Yiddish Theatre; specific plays
Theatre Guild, 41, 42, 159
theft, xxxiv, 167, 221
in One-Eyed Jacks, 145, 157
of roast, 9, 374n
The Group Theatre (The Group), 37, 40–44, 58, 80, 103, 104, 379n
therapy, 105, 253
They Came Here First (McNickle), 317–18, 319
thinking, independent, xvi, 66, 368n
Thomas, Lewis, xxxiv–xxxv, 372n
Thomson, David, 410n–11n
Tim and His Friends (script), 283
Time, 176, 203–4, 232, 275, 400n, 402n
Tjorkorda Agung Sukawati, Prince, 313
Today Show, 175–76, 203–4, 208, 396n, 400n
Tomlin, Lily, 306
Tone, Franchot, 42, 92
Torrance, Calif., 333
totalitarianism, 47, 102–3
To Tame a Land (L’Amour), 143, 144
Toto (St. Bernard), 8–9, 358, 374n
Towne, Michael, 246
Towne, Robert, 246
travel, 22, 90, 118, 127–31, 140, 169, 180, 181–82, 192, 311–16, 330, 340
Travers, Peter, 307
“Trees” (Kilmer), 264, 407n
Trosper, Guy, 144
Truckline Café (Anderson), 28, 49, 51–52, 371n, 380n
True Believer, The (Hoffer), 73, 271, 409n
truth, 46
Brando’s stretching of, 82
about other people, 223, 224–25
sense of, 44–45, 79–80
Tucker, Mel, 189
Turn of the Screw, The (James), 220
TV Guide, 406n
Twain, Mark, 143–44
Twelfth Night (Shakespeare), 96
Ugly American, The (Burdick and Lederer), 167, 182, 184, 397n
Ugly American, The (film), 28, 118, 127, 140–41, 179–92, 200, 397n–98n
Brando’s preparations for, 182–84
Chase compared with, 191, 192, 195, 196–97
gestures in, 188, 190
makeup for, 56, 56
script for, 183–88, 189, 398n
“Ugly Americanism,” 176
“Unfinished Oscar Speech, That” (Brando), 251
United Artists, 216
United Nations, 118, 339, 340, 347, 388n
United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), 181–82, 311, 340–41, 342, 343
United States, 114, 116, 276
diplomacy of, 118, 181–90, 192, 388n
foreign policy of, 181–91
Japan’s relations with, 128–30
Mafia as diabolical mirror and, 239–40
technical superiority and, 273
Universal Studios, 181
UN World Food Programme, 342
US Savings Bond Program, 118
utopia, 167–68, 177, 208
values, 114, 257
American, 154
Brando’s promotion of, 83, 117, 265
in Godfather, 237–39
political, 215
Van Cleve, Edith, 53, 83
Van Druten, John, 49
Van Vechten, Carl, 19–20
Variety, 173, 190, 275, 396n
veterans, 28, 84–88, 86, 87
victims, victimization, 68, 101, 143, 154, 197
Vietnam War, 118, 154, 189, 240, 266–75, 407n, 408n
villains, 72, 126–27, 202, 255–63, 265–66, 383n
violence, 84, 141, 192, 250
in Apocalypse Now, 275
in Bonnie and Clyde, 197
in Burn!, 211, 212, 214, 215, 216
in Chase, 195, 197–200
of fathers and father figures, 12, 21, 35, 146, 376n
and film history, 197–99
in Godfather, 94, 236–46, 248, 404n
in Last Tango in Paris, 227, 228, 231
in Missouri Breaks, 257–62, 407n
in Nightcomers, 220, 222
in One-Eyed Jacks, 146, 149, 154, 155–56
in On the Waterfront, 107, 111, 116, 387n
in Palestine, 61
in Reflections in a Golden Eye, 200, 201, 206, 209
sexual, 200; see also rape
in Streetcar, 74–75, 76, 78, 81
in Ugly American, 200
Wild One and, 99–102
of Zapata, 91, 94
see also guns; murder; riots
virtue, 124, 248, 256
“Vision Road” (TV series), 326
Viva Zapata! (film), xvii, xxiv, xxv, 28, 82, 88–95, 317, 385n
Brando’s preparation for, 90–92
Godfather compared with, 93–95
puppies in, 94, 95
voting rights, 5
voyeurism, 224, 272
vulnerability, 44, 56, 154, 222, 379n
Wagner, Duke, 27, 28, 30, 96, 376n
walking sticks, 16, 374n
Wallace, David Foster, xxvi, 370n
Walsh, Raoul, 153
war and its aftermath, 28
Warner Brothers, 76, 129, 210
Warren Court, 321
Warrior, Clyde, 319, 322
warriors, 95, 228
Washington (state), 320
Watching: Encounters with Humans and Other Animals (Morris), 315
Watts riots, 199–200
Americans (play), 57
Webb, Celia, 32
Webster, J. L., 5
Weill, Kurt, 48, 369n
Welles, Orson, 96
Wells, H. G., xxii, 256, 298
Westerns, 139–57, 237, 240
Brando’s stretching of limits of, 142–45
revisionist, 257–63, 407n
see also One-Eyed Jacks
Westley, Helen, 379n
We Will Never Die (1943 pageant), 59
white supremacy, 198
Whole Earth Catalog, The (Brand), 345
Widener, Don, 346
Wiesel, Elie, 64, 382n
Wild One, The (film), xxiii, xxv, xxvi–xxvii, 55, 69, 99–102
language as preoccupation in, 95, 96, 99–101
Wilkensen, Mr., 375n
Williams, Johnston Walter, 343
Williams, Tennessee, xxii, 15, 28, 71, 72, 74, 81, 140, 158–60, 383n
on Brando, 67, 78, 208, 376n, 400n
and film version of Streetcar, 76, 78
Time’s prejudice against, 176, 203–4, 400n
Willingham, Calder, 144
Wilson, Colin, 114, 388n
Winner, Michael, 222–23, 330, 401n
Wisconsin, 29–30
women, xxx, xxxiii, xxxv, 5, 32, 50, 124, 157, 169, 201, 203, 226, 258, 314
Brando’s problem of commitment with, 62, 105, 217, 238, 256, 296, 316
Brando’s taste in, 13, 131
in Godfather, 239, 240
Japanese, 129–31
in Last Tango, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 233
in One-Eyed Jacks, 143, 145, 146, 149, 151, 154
Wood, Robin, 196, 199, 399n
working class, workers, 6, 38, 107, 110, 113, 116, 171
World Summit on Sustainable Development, 347
World War II, xviii, 29, 104, 116, 132–38, 192, 240, 268, 328
Wounded Knee, 324–25
Wylie, Anita Kong, 402n
Yale, 16, 40, 374n, 410n
Yiddish, xviii, xxxiv, xxxvi, 48, 49, 62, 66, 286, 357, 377n, 380n
kibitz, 71, 383n
Yiddish Theatre, xxvii, 37–40, 41, 48–49, 54, 56, 57, 58, 352, 377n, 378n, 379n, 381n
Young Lions, The (film), xxv, 28, 55, 128, 131–38, 286, 408n
Nazi character in, 68, 126–27, 132–38
youth, American, 99–102
Zanuck, Darryl, 88–89, 106, 116, 120
Zapata, Emiliano, 28, 88–95, 89, 123, 192, 314, 316
Zapata, Eufemio, 93, 94
Zeiger, Henry, 168
Zinkin, Taya, 192
Zinnemann, Fred, 84
Zionism, 58–61, 63–64
The Rise of Multicultural America
Becoming Multicultural: Culture, Economy, and the Novel, 1860–1920
Religion and Cultural Studies (editor)
The Science of Sacrifice: American Literature and Modern Social Theory
The Power of Historical Knowledge: Narrating the Past in Hawthorne, James, and Dreiser
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The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:
Mizruchi, Susan L.
Brando’s smile : his life, thought, and work / Susan L. Mizruchi. — First edition.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-393-08286-9 (hardcover)
1. Brando, Marlon. 2. Motion picture actors and actresses—United States—
Biography. I. Title.
PN2287.B683M49 2014
ISBN 978-0-393-24426-7 (e-book)
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