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Volume 3: Ghost Stories from Texas (Joe Kwon's True Ghost Stories from Around the World)

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by Unknown

  But that wasn't the main occurrence. It was about a month into being in the house when one morning I was cleaning the upstairs bathroom. The sink is about five feet long with a mirror just as long that ran up to the ceiling. The bathroom light on the ceiling had a large glass dome, maybe weighing about five or six pounds.

  I was cleaning the mirror and was directly under the light. I leaned back to look at the mirror and my eyes were drawn to the dome in the mirror. Suddenly, the dome fell. I watched, frozen, as it fell about six inches when it abruptly flew to the left, silently knocking a picture off of the wall. I stood in shock in the same spot for a good minute before I went to look at the picture and the dome. The glass in the fixture was shattered, but the dome didn't have a crack on it.

  I immediately went to my mom in the room next to the bathroom and asked if she had heard anything, but she hadn’t. The noise was definitely loud enough to be heard throughout the house, especially with the bathroom door being wide open. I tried to rationalize it, but couldn't. There were no wires attached to the dome that could have swung it in another direction, believe me, I checked over and over, all that kept it in place were screws.

  After a while, it didn't bother me anymore. I could have been hurt, but wasn't. I like to think that maybe there's someone watching out for me, protecting me.

  It's After Her Son

  Houston, Texas

  About a year ago my aunt had a really horrifying experience that gives me goose bumps. I am going to give you some background information first:

  My cousin's son was about four at the time, but ever since he was a baby he has never been easily comforted. He would always cry throughout the night as if something or someone was hurting him. As he got a little bit older he would wake up in the middle of the night screaming in terror. It got worse as time went by. He never wanted to be alone in his room, and would cry uncontrollably if he was.

  My cousin and his wife moved into this apartment and that's when it began to reveal itself. They tell us of many different occurrences. For example, the microwave turns on at all hours of the night, when no one is there to turn it on.

  On one occasion, my cousin's wife had one of those old baby swings that you have to wind up in order for it to swing. One night she was in the living room with her son and out of nowhere the swing started swinging on it's own, and not just a little movement by the air, but as if someone was pushing it.

  As their son got older they tried to ask him what he was afraid of, but he never really gave a straight answer. He was too scared to discuss it.

  My cousin's wife was pregnant with her second child and they were on their way to the hospital to deliver the baby. Well, my aunt stayed with their son, her grandson, whom I spoke about earlier. So, it was just the two of them in the living room watching TV when all of a sudden the air went cold. My aunt said that she felt a numbing feeling that overcame her entire body. She could not move or speak. It was as if some supernatural force was binding her entire body. She said she could feel the presence of evil. This went on for a few minutes and finally it released her.

  Without saying a word, she looked over to her grandson and he said, "They scare me too!"

  This final phrase gave me the scare of my life. I mean this child has had so many problems since he was a baby and now it was very clear. Whatever it is has been following him since he was an infant. My cousin's wife is from a small village in Mexico. Her family is very superstitious, and they practiced witchcraft. She believes that whatever this spirit is, that it followed her and is now targeting her son.

  They have had other experiences following this, but none that I know accurately enough to tell.

  Ghost Of My Dead Cousin

  Dallas, Texas

  Before you read my story, I would just like to add that prior to this experience, I did not believe in ghosts or spirits -- or any kind of paranormal activity! I always thought there was a logical explanation for everything!

  It was October 26th, and I was off to Dallas with my Mom to spend Halloween with my Nana. I live in Ireland and the plane journey to Texas took ages! When I arrived at my Nana's I immediately asked to be shown to my room so I could get some rest. My room was directly across from the old nursery, and two doors down from my mom's room. It was only 8:00pm, but I was ready to go to sleep.

  Sometime in the middle of the night I was woken up by the sound of a child crying. My Nana had no children, and no neighbors. So, I was very puzzled. However, being so tired I thought no more about it and went back to sleep.

  The next day when playing upstairs in the hallway. I thought I heard a bang in the nursery. I looked in the door and saw an old china doll in the middle of the floor. I picked up the old thing and decided to show it to my Nana. She said that she had never seen it before, and that I could have it if I wanted. So, that night before I went to bed I propped the doll up beside me on my pillow and drifted off to sleep.

  At 2:34 a.m. I was awoken by the sound of more crying. This time I knew I hadn't imagined it the other night and decided to put an end to it. I cautiously crept out the door and into the hall. The crying seemed to be coming from the nursery. I was very scared at this point, but plucked up enough courage to peek around the door.

  When I did this a horrible sight met my eyes. There in the middle of the floor sat a little girl with long brown curly hair. She was wearing a White dress. I tried to be as quiet as I could, but unfortunately the little girl turned to face me.

  I nearly fainted in fright because of what I saw. The girl had no eyes, and blood was coming out from her eye sockets. When she saw me she gave me a horrible evil smile and to my dismay she had no teeth, either; just bleeding gums. Then the girl started to walk towards me with her hand out screaming, "Where is my doll?!"

  I was terrified for my life! I ran into my mom's room, slamming the door behind me. My mom sat up in bed to see what all the commotion was about. When she saw me, she asked what was wrong and I told her the whole story. I wasn't surprised that she didn't believe me, as I found it hard to believe myself -- but I insisted she walk me back to my room!

  When we got back, I quickly glanced at my pillow and to my horror the doll was gone! I was so freaked and demanded to sleep with my mom that night.

  The next morning I decided to ask my Nan about what I'd seen. To my surprise Nan believed me and told me what I'd seen before I gave her any details. She told me that a cousin of mine named Laura died tragically in this house after the house was invaded by violent criminals. They beat her to death and then took her eyes out. My Nan says that she usually returned the week of Oct. 24th for her birthday.

  Well this is my story, make of it what you will. All I know is that this is a completely true story and I hope nothing like this ever happens me again!


  Dallas, Texas

  My great grandmother had a cat named Sydney for years. I know she had that cat since she lost her husband nearly 20 years ago.

  The cat began getting really sick and eventually died. About two weeks after Sydney died, we went to my great grandmother's house to help her clean her garden up a little. As I was going into my grandmother's home office, I heard a cat meowing from my grandmother's room, which was directly to my left. I looked over and said, "Hey Sydney!"

  But as I switched on the light to the office in front of me... my grandmother and great grandmother said, "Whom are you talking to? You know that Sydney died two weeks ago…"

  A few minutes after I got what I needed out of that room, I was walking in the hallway sort of adjacent from her bedroom... and I looked down and saw and felt the cat weaving in between my feet as I was going to the restroom... she did this when she was alive, so did she not know she was dead? Anyway, I quickly ran outside and just shook it off.

  Was this cat really there, or was I just hearing and seeing things? Well, as far as I know, I'm sane...

  A Shadow Child

  Houston, Texas

  I don't know how to explain this event. Th
is happened when I was a child, but I can still see it in my mind's eye as clearly as the night it happened.

  My family lived in the stereotypical creepy house when I was a kid... mystery footsteps, unaccountable noises, feelings of general malevolence, etc. Suffice it to say I never got out of bed at night except in the direst of need. One night when I was in fourth grade, I remember because of a distinctive haircut, I desperately had to use the restroom.

  After braving the seemingly endless, pitch-black hallway, I came to the entrance of the restroom.

  Directly before me, a sort of white shadow formed. It was a perfect, but featureless, image of myself. It was my shape exactly, from my distinctive haircut to the lace trim of my gown that always kinked up on one side. The white shadow had its hand on its hip. I did not. And it slowly wagged the finger of its other hand before me, forbidding my entrance to the room.

  As if I wanted in anymore! I bolted back to my bed and never, EVER, got up at night again.

  This event has always puzzled me, because I don't understand why a spirit would appear to me in my own form. And I can assure you of two things: First, the shape was not my reflection in the mirror. The mirror was on the left wall of the restroom, not directly across from me. And Second, I was absolutely positively awake.

  The only thing I can surmise is that there were multiple entities in that house, and a kindly one appeared to keep me from encountering one far worse. Still scared the crap out of me, though.


  Moody, Texas

  When I was 10 years old, my dad decided it was time to move us (being myself, mom, dad, and my two brothers) away from the dangers of city living, to a quiet rural existence. This is my tale.

  Being out in the country in the plains region of Texas, one can see details for quite some distance. A house a mile away, if you happen to be on a hill, and cows and trucks going out to pasture, and such. I remember hating being out there around the sunset time. That would be when I'd see him: a man-like figure glowing in the golden dusk. He would stand and watch, and he sent shivers down my spine.

  During the nights I would sleep fitfully, if at all, constantly feeling like I was being watched. One day, a friend came to visit. You see, I was known for being able to see ghosts, and her grandmother had just passed, so we were holding a small séance so she could properly say goodbye. My friend and her grandmother had ended their last visit with each other harshly, and she regretted it.

  Anyway, midway through her farewells, I believe the same watchful presence I had mentioned began to interfere. After that, he became stronger. I would feel his breath as I lay trying to sleep, or he would whisper in my ear. Or play soft pranks during the night. He would say he loved me and he wanted me to go with him.

  You see, in Germany where I was born, the locals believed the Erlkin, Elf King, lived in the Black Forest. Think Hansel and Gretel. They were known for taking very young girls who strayed too close, but only if they were pure. I guess he couldn't keep me for I never ventured into the trees in the distance where I would see him.

  Now, years later, I sometimes see him when I sleep, but he doesn't talk anymore and I don't feel so watched. One of his brides was taken away I guess.

  Ghost Roomies

  Lampasas, Texas

  I moved to Lampasas in the summer of 2000. I hadn't been in my new home long before I realized we were not alone. My husband, my 13-year-old son, and myself were the only ones living in our home. At least, that’s what we thought!

  Our house is an older home that has been well taken care of and we loved it instantly. One day my son was outside and my husband was at work while I was at my computer doing some paperwork. Out of the corner of my eye I glimpsed a shadow passing by but dismissed it, thinking my son must have come inside to get a drink. As I turned back to the task at hand, once again I glimpsed a shadow passing by me in the hall.

  I got up to go see what my son was doing and to my surprise he was nowhere in sight. I looked outside and saw him involved in his basketball game. I asked him if he had just came inside and he told me no, which was verified by his friends.

  Since that first time, we have all experienced this movement in the house. Since no harm has ever come to any of us we have decided we have ghost roomies! Now I don't think anything about it and have looked up and watched shadows move past us more times than I can count. Now if we could just get them to pay rent!

  At Grandma's House

  San Antonio, Texas

  When I was eight, my family and I used to live with my grandma. We had just moved to town and needed some time to get settled.

  One night I was asleep and I woke up suddenly. You know the feeling you get when you are being watched? Well that's what I felt. I turned to the doorway and there was a little boy standing there just looking at me. At first I thought it was my brother but then I remembered he was at friend's house.

  I got so freaked out that I hid under the covers. Then I felt him, or something, standing right next to my bed. I refused to come up from under the covers and the next thing I knew it was morning. I don't know what it was, but I didn't sleep by myself from then on.

  My grandma's has always had unexplained things happening but this was my first personal experience.

  Ancient Army Men

  Corpus Christi, Texas

  My little brother is in a Boy Scout troop, and I got to go along on their trip to the Lexington, a very old warship boat that had a sad and gruesome history.

  One night I took a stroll on the deck that thousands

  of people had died on. The gurgle of the water was music to my ears, and the view was even more beautiful. Then, at that very moment, screams of at least 100 dying souls rang through my ears, the noise was so horrid and loud that I fell to my Knesset and screamed. I then had a feeling that some one was choking me! Then, it all stopped, and I just hugged my knees and bawled.

  I used to be a non-believer... Now? I believe.

  Something In My Room

  Pearland, Texas

  Hello, my name is Stephanie and I am going to share with you the most terrifying week of my life.

  When I was about 6 years old, I had this intense fear of my closet. I always felt as if someone, or something, was in it. I never wanted to sleep in my own room because I was so afraid of it.

  This all started the day I found out that the previous owner of my house died in my room. At this time, being only 6, I thought nothing of it. But, I would soon become a believer in the paranormal.

  That night, my mom had just put me to bed and I was having a really hard time sleeping. The way my room was set up was my bed was on the opposite wall of the closet, so if I turned on my side, I was facing my closet. My fear was super intense that night. I felt like there was someone in my room with me but I didn't know what to do, so I just shut my eyes and tried to get some sleep. Well that didn't happen.

  I made the mistake of rolling over, facing my closet and I opened my eyes, just in time so see a shadowy figure dart across the wall and stop where my closet door was. The figure was odd. If I had to describe it, it looked like a troll shape. It was small, but I was terrified.

  I just laid there, I didn't want to move at all, I felt my breathing was too much movement. I decided to look over at my closet once more, and the door begins to open. Slowly, it gets to the point where it can't open any more and slams shut. So what do I do? I freak out of course and run to my mom. That night, I slept in my parents bed.

  The next night wasn't too bad, but I was still frightened. Because of the previous night, I decided that I would feel safer if my little dog, Princess, slept in bed with me. Princess was a Pomeranian and really sweet. I was in bed, and I already felt tons safer because Princess was there with me.

  I was petting her before I was about to pass out but I remember blinking and opening my eyes again and what I saw scared me enough to start screaming. As I opened my eyes to look at Princess, she turned black, ( her fur is really light tan) and her eyes were glowing red
. Believe me, I know how weird this sounds, I didn't want to believe it either, but I know what I saw. So needless to say, I kicked Princess out of my room and she slept in the living room that night.

  The next night is a night I will never forget. I was laying in bed, almost about to fall asleep, when I hear my name coming from the closet. At first I thought it was my mom, so I listened one more time...nothing. So I roll back over and start to fall asleep. Later I woke to something shaking my bed. At that time, I had a water bed, and it would move easily from anything trying to move it. That night it was moving to the point where I felt I was going to fall off. No one was in my room but me, why was my bed moving like that? I was scared, so I hopped out of bed and started running towards my door. I slammed shut it my face. I was frozen with fear. I just stood there, I didn't want to turn around because I didn't know what would happen to me if I did.

  I start to hear my name coming from the closet again. Just repeating, until finally it stops, the door opens and I run to my mom. The whole time I was in my room that night, I felt depressed. I felt like something wanted me to feel that way. Like I was alone and helpless.

  Years have gone by and nothing happened. My family and I moved to a new house. One day I remember asking my mom about the person who died in our old house. She told me it was an old woman, she had died in my room, right next to my closet. She was trying to get help, but she couldn't get out of the room.... she was helpless.....

  Grandma's in the House

  Spring branch, Texas

  It started on a peaceful night at 1:00 a.m., and my mom and I were sitting on the couch watching TV. Suddenly our back door opened.


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