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Volume 3: Ghost Stories from Texas (Joe Kwon's True Ghost Stories from Around the World)

Page 7

by Unknown

  Erica was on the computer, and Jorgie was in the living room getting ready for school. Out of nowhere, he just jumped up and gasped. Erica asked him, "Que paso, Jorgie (what happened?)"

  He said, "Yo miro welo (I saw grandpa)!" My cousin said, "Tell him you love him, Jorgie."

  "Te quiero welo," he said. Then Erica heard Jorgie making a conversation about school with his grandpa. Afterwards she asked him, "What did he tell you, Jorgie?"

  "That he loves me and that I have a good day at school."

  And my cousin Erica then told him his grandpa is his guardian angel.

  Used Cars

  Tyler, Texas

  I heard this story from my cousin. It is true and will make you think twice before buying a used car.

  Basically, my cousin had a friend who had a boyfriend. They all lived outside of Tyler, Texas, where the landscape is a little hill country, with rolling hills, trees, and winding roads.

  The boyfriend of my cousin's friend had an old used truck, and he would take his girlfriend for rides and such. One day, the girl felt something and looked down at her leg where she saw a hand that quickly moved.

  Confused, she asked her boyfriend if he had just touched her leg and he said "no". This was creepy enough for her. The boyfriend didn't really understand until one day he was looking in his rear view mirror and saw someone else's eyes looking back at him!

  This was bad enough, but as the strange happenings progressed, he would feel something taking control of his steering wheel, like other hands at times. He would lose control of the old truck because something else was trying to steer, perhaps even wreck him on the winding, tree lined country roads.

  Needless to say, he got rid of the truck. Now, doesn't this make you want to do a little vehicular history research before buying a car with a past?

  Let Me Go

  Midland, Texas

  Since this happened I have asked my friends and coworkers if anything similar has happened to them. Unfortunately, some have an explanation more terrifying then the one prior to it.

  When I moved out of my mother's house I lived with my boyfriend. My mom worked really early in the morning and I had a younger sister, about 5, that I would have to awaken and take to day care for the day. Every morning at 4am I would drive to my mom's house while she got ready, and sleep on the couch until it was 7am and got my little sister ready for day care. One morning my mom had left at about 4:30. I had settled in on the couch and drifted off to sleep.

  I awoke, startled by something. Something that hadn't made a sound, something that hadn't moved at all, but something was there. It was just a presence that I instinctively knew was there.

  It's normally cool in my mom's house. If it wasn't, I had already turned on the air conditioner to make it so. But now, the air was thick and warm... constricting. I tried to ignore it. Yet, every time I closed my eyes again, I felt like whatever it was, it was moving closer to my side.

  My mind whirled with what it could be. It was hard to concentrate with the air this way, and now there seemed to be a fog about my head like I couldn't focus.

  I summoned up my courage and pulled my arms up to the sides to lift myself up and look around. Nothing happened. My arms kept to the sides of my body, and my back remained flat on the couch. I couldn't move!

  Panic swept through me quickly and my breathing became short and heavy. But, not because I couldn't move... there was a pressure on my chest. It was light at first, but becoming heavier and heavier. I couldn't see anything holding me down, but I could feel it. I felt it was a woman, old and withered. Ancient. Angry. She was hideous. And I couldn't see her. She was just there.

  I opened my mouth to scream or call out. Something to break this unearthly silence, while the hag tried to strangle me, or whatever she was trying to accomplish. No sound. My mouth was moving, but no sound. My vision was blurring and fading and darkening and I guess I passed out. I awoke again gasping and sat straight up on the couch. I sat straight up! I could move!

  I searched the living room. Nothing. I shivered. I was drenched and the air in the room was cool again. I got up to turn off the air conditioner. My muscles ached and my chest hurt. I held myself, I couldn't help it I was scared. It had to have been just a dream.

  But why did I ache? I went to the bathroom to examine myself. Paler than normal, and dark circles worse than ever. I would chalk it up to a dream, if it hadn't been so vivid, if my surroundings weren't so precise, and if not for that long scratch from just beneath my left breast extending down my side.

  My House In Waco

  Waco, Texas

  I moved into this house in August of 2009. This was my sophomore year at Baylor University and I had two other roommates. This house was not the first house to be built on the site it was at, you could tell by the location of the front walkway and the way the driveway went off past the house into the yard.

  The first time I went into the back bedroom, I started talking to no one at all. Last I checked I wasn't schizophrenic so I felt it odd that I would be compelled to speak to air. I hurriedly decided to pick another room. My roommate who stayed in that room could find no explanation as to why his posters wouldn't stay on his walls. After a couple of weeks, none of us could figure out why his door would always crack open an inch or two, even when we placed chairs against it.

  Our fears were usually forgotten after a beer or six, so when my girlfriend woke me screaming the most horrifying scream I'd ever heard, all past occurrences sprang to mind. She had been sleeping next to me when she woke to feel hands around her throat. She opened her eyes to see "the most hateful and evil eyes she had ever seen".

  I cannot describe her fear any other way as to say that I couldn't move or speak when she started screaming. I was literally scared stiff. Gradually she calmed down enough to sleep there again. Two weeks later in the same situation (same girl), I woke to see a hand waving in front of my face, in between her face and mine. I sat up so fast it woke her and she got scared at the rate my heart was beating.

  I tried to focus my eyes but there was nothing there when I did. I won't go into detail as to the many times my cat came running out of that back room with her hair all frizzed up. Cats can be said to be insane as it is so that isn't much proof.

  But, the time I came home and found my girlfriend huddled in a corner with her head on her knees, crying, I do feel is admissible. She could only say that she was too afraid to do anything else, and she didn't know what was wrong with my house.

  My roommates both moved out 3 months before the lease was up. I stayed for lack of the funds to move out. But back to the door that wouldn't stay closed, we literally shoved a chair under the doorknob only to find that as soon as we weren't looking, it had opened again.

  This story is true and I hope my experiences help some one realize what is happening in their house too.

  Darkness in the Hallway

  Amarillo, Texas

  I was just a kid, maybe seven or eight years old when this experience happened.

  I grew up in Amarillo, Texas, loving scary movies and sharing frightening tales with friends and family; and believing that ghosts and goblins existed, but never having experienced anything supernatural, except for this one and only time. I am grateful for that.

  On this specific Friday evening, my family and I spent time watching a marathon of scary movies like we usually did every Friday night. Typically, I was allowed to stay awake into the wee hours of the morning during this "family" time, but for some reason, on this particular evening, I fell asleep amid the marathon.

  Then, strangely enough, I awoke in the middle of the night on the living room couch with a pillow under my head and a blanket over my body. Apparently, my parents put me there when everyone went off to sleep. The couch was placed against the wall that was aligned straight with the hallway; and the hallway light was always kept on during the night.

  As I lifted my head up from the couch, slightly confused as to where I was and still disoriented, I tur
ned to look in the hallway and saw a pitch black figure standing there, as still as a statue. The figure was eerily tall, almost as tall as the 10-foot ceiling, and extremely thin, similar to a silhouette of a shadow.

  I instantly freaked out, my heart started to rapidly palpitate a million miles a minute, my body got shivers from the top of my head to the tip of my toes, and I was on the verge of freezing up from the fear.

  I rubbed my eyes, hoping that the scary movies I've watched earlier in the night might have been the reason I saw the figure, but when I reopened my eyes, the scary figure was still there, exactly the same as before; it didn't even move an inch. I knew the figure was real!

  I instantly pulled the blanket back over my head and cowered in fear as beads of sweat peppered my body. I briefly contemplated yelling for help, but once I did, I thought the demonic figure might disappear and when my family came out to get me, they might have thought I insane; so instead, I tried to save myself the potential embarrassment, and laid on the couch in silence, barely able to move except for the light trembling I was experiencing from the sheer fear of the darkness in the hallway.

  For the rest of the night, I kept the blanket over my body and tried to listen to my heartbeat to calm myself. This technique worked because eventually, I drifted off to sleep, only to awaken to the silence of my house and the sunlight streaming in through the living room windows. The black figure was gone.

  I spent some time asking each one of my four sisters and my parents if perhaps, they spent some time in the hallway last night, but they all said no, looking at me like I was off, and some even explaining it was probably just my imagination.

  The "demonic" black figure never reappeared, and though I was only left with the possibilities of why it was there, I choose not to question it too much, preferring the ending to be like this.

  Are You Worthy?

  Fort Worth, Texas

  In 2007, I moved in with my husband to be. The house belonged to his grandparents who bought it brand new in 1961. They passed away in 1993 (grandpa) and 1996 (grandma).

  One night, we had just laid down to go to sleep. About 5 minutes after doing so, the bedroom lamp on my side turned on by itself. The lamp has 3 settings: low, medium and high. The lamp had turned on to high. Anyway, we both looked at each other and just shrugged. I leaned over and turned it off. Not even a minute passed by and it turned on again on the highest setting. I looked at my fiancé and he was just as dumbfounded as I was. I turned it off again and guess what? It turned on a 3rd time, on the highest setting.

  My fiancé suggested I unscrew the light bulb, so I did. I told him if the lamp turns on again with the bulb unscrewed, I was leaving and not coming back!

  It didn't turn on again that night, but it has a few times since then. With the bulb screwed in of course.

  About a week later, my fiancé was at work (he worked the night shift). I went to bed and was awakened by someone leaning on the mattress on my side of the bed. It was as if someone was either sitting on the edge or leaning in to look at me while I was asleep. There was no one there and I was the only one home. Anyway, I felt the mattress slowly "go back" as if someone got up from sitting on it.

  The next night, the fiancé was at work and I had gone to bed. This time, I fell asleep with the lamp on low because the house was freaking me out! I woke up to something or someone shaking my leg as if they were trying to wake me up. Again, no one there.

  Along with those experiences, I've heard footsteps and things come up missing when I know I set it somewhere and it's gone. I come back 5 minutes later and it's there.

  This next experience happened to my 8 year old stepson. We got up one morning and he was asleep in the recliner in the living room. We had put him in his own bed the night before. I asked him if he had trouble sleeping and that was why he was in the recliner and his response chilled me. "No”, he said, “Someone carried me in here."

  Come to find out, my husband's grandmother died in our house in that very same recliner. Why he kept it, I have no idea but it's gone now! I truly believe she was making sure I was worthy of her house and her grandson. I'm guessing I passed the test! Thanks for reading my story.

  Shadow Man

  San Antonio, Texas

  A few months ago I moved into a large house down the street from where I lived before. Someone (perhaps a neighbor, but I never saw him again), walked past me in the street and said, "I wouldn't be living there if I were you."

  I just looked at him like he was crazy (mainly because I thought he was), and just ignored him. Shortly after getting moved in, though, as I went to bed (after going through the house and turning off all the lights), I heard this weird noise downstairs. I went to check out what it was making the noise. I got to the kitchen and as I turned around something just appeared in the corner of the room. The best way to describe it is it was like this big black shadow, but it was standing. It was at least 7 feet tall, and just staring at me.

  I couldn't move, and it was coming closer and closer. I was frozen with fear, but before it touched me, it just disappeared. This has happened several times since.

  I haven't lived here long, but I am afraid of what is still coming.

  Fishers of Men

  Rockwall, Texas

  I'm not sure what they were. Ghosts? Angels? I don't know. I just know they weren't human.

  This happened one summer at an older brother's house in Rockwall, Texas, when I was around 14 years old. My brother had a house on a small lake, and I frequently enjoyed taking his boat out fishing.

  It was broad daylight, at around 10am. I had just gotten into the boat, which was just a small aluminum boat large enough for three or four people. The boat was still out of the water. I hadn't put it in the water yet, because I had just discovered a couple of porn magazines under one of the seats. I was sitting there thumbing through the pages looking at the pictures.

  I felt pretty safe from being caught because my brother's yard, like all the other yards around the lake, was very long and wide open. There was no way for anyone to get close enough to see what I was reading without me seeing them first. I would have quickly noticed anyone within a hundred yards of me. At least... that's what I thought.

  I’d been in the boat for only a moment, and every few seconds I had been nervously looking around to see if anyone was nearby. Suddenly I glanced up and from out of nowhere there were two men standing right next to me at the edge of the boat! They were neatly dressed in very modern, dark suits. The simply appeared out of nowhere.

  I sheepishly tucked the magazine down under the seat again, knowing they had already gotten full view of what I had been reading. They were THAT close.

  I was simply in awe that these two mysterious men could suddenly just be right there without me seeing them walk up. I mean, they simply weren't there a second ago, and then suddenly there they were!

  One of the men spoke to me. He asked me point-blank, "What are you doing?"

  What could I say, except the obvious: what they already knew from observation. I tried to make it sound as innocent as possible without lying. I told them I was just thumbing through one of my brother's magazines.

  He then said they liked to fish, and asked me if I could tell them where the best locations were. I pointed down to the far end of the lake that was surrounded by a heavily wooded area and told them that's usually where I caught the most fish. I mentioned that it would be a long walk for them, and that it's better if they have a boat. He thanked me, and the two men glanced at each other. The moment they broke eye contact with me, I quickly glanced down to see how visible the magazine was that I had blindly tucked back under the seat. I didn't want to be obvious about it, though, so I didn't even get a full glance at the magazine before I looked right back up at the two men. Only, in that very instant they both simply vanished. Gone. No trace of them whatsoever, they simply vanished as quickly as they had appeared.

  This was not a dream, nor was I on any type of drug or medication whatsoever. T
his really happened and I've never forgotten it and I'm still amazed by it.

  Ghostly Children/Ghostly Prom

  Sanger, Texas

  This happened at my girlfriend's house in Sanger. The first part of the story happened to her and her family, and takes place when we were 13, and the second part involves me, when we were 17.

  Part 1: Ghost Children

  When Elaina first moved into the historic house of her mother's dreams, she was home alone, sitting in the living room. Her brother walked by and she didn't think anything of it. 15 minutes later, her mom comes home with her little brother, whom she had just picked up from school.

  One night, Mrs. Wilson was making dinner and was squatting down to get a pan out of the drawer below the oven and saw a small boy out of her peripheral vision. She did a double take and the boy was gone.

  The whole family hears whistling all of the time (even on windless days, so it's not the wind, and they've checked the A.C but it's not that either).

  Part 2: Ghost Prom

  On the night of the prom (we were then 17) I arrived a little early and Elaina wasn't done getting ready, so I waited at the foot of the stairs, and a girl (who wasn't Elaina) in a dress walked slowly down the stairs, planted a kiss on my cheek, and continued to walk around the corner (no sounds of windows or doors opening were heard). A few seconds later, Elaina walked down and I asked who else she had over. She said no one, so we checked the house, but didn't find a trace of the girl.

  Late that night, I was asleep. I awoke to a burning sensation on my cheek where the ghost girl kissed me. I went to the bathroom, but my cheek looked fine. The prom ghost hasn't appeared since.

  We did a bit of research on the house, and found out that a young boy died on the property. We checked house, school, county, and death records, but couldn't find anything on the ghostly prom girl.


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