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Volume 3: Ghost Stories from Texas (Joe Kwon's True Ghost Stories from Around the World)

Page 17

by Unknown

  We asked if a child was present in the house, and if so, what happened to her in her physical life: It stated the following:




  We interpreted that her Native American name was Autumn, growing meaning that she was a child, and "death" obviously that she had, in fact, died.

  Moving forward again to the paranormal session. None of our findings were revealed to them until after the session. We wanted to compare notes after their session. We all entered the house at first, and immediately the television set "turned on by itself!" It's ways of letting us know of its presence. Those of us who were not part of the paranormal group were instructed to view via the monitor rather than be in the potentially "unsafe" dwelling.

  In fact, they discovered through the first portion that the main spirits name was in fact "Henry"! They (the paranormal team) were finding out information on the other five ghosts, and why they would not move on. Henry prevented it their moving on, somehow, and thus they were stuck in limbo. His purpose in keeping them hostage was to feed off of their energy. Without them, he would indeed go dormant.

  At this point, I had reached my maximal tolerance. I was becoming overwhelmed at the details of the haunting. I left for about an hour, and when I returned, the ordained priest walked to my car and informed me that the five spirits had moved on to the light (A happy yet eerie feeling. I sensed progress was being made).

  He stated, furthermore, that the main ghost, Henry, was refusing to move on.

  The second half of the session began. It was approaching 10:00 PM, and the goal was for each paranormal team member to be settled, near a bed, a chair, or something similar. As they became settled, shadows began to transpire, images were showing face, orbs were more active, and a clear voice could be heard in the office. In a very low voice, it stated, "IIIIIIIImmmm. It sounded firm, very firm. It must have been Henry.

  Several photos revealed ghosts which were so clear that anyone could spot them without having to have them pointed out. A child, a dark-headed woman, a shadow-ghost (camouflaging itself on the woodwork in the main hallway, and a clear image against the headboard of the bed.) Other, less vivid ghosts were in the photographs, but these stuck out clearly.

  Finally, after exhaustingly dealing with "Henry" they noticed his energy was waning quickly, partly because of the passing of the other five ghosts, and partially from exhaustion.

  The paranormal's had completed their mission and explained that the house was clean. I asked about the vestige of Henry, and they explained that his source of energy was removed and he would eventually go dormant (even with my brother there! Which meant, the house was inhabitable, even for my brother!) What a relief. One of the team members was still inside, insisting that Henry leave "Autumn" alone as she was on the other side! Our little radar had picked up on some major stuff and coincided with some of their findings!

  One of the team members insisted on viewing the device and told the leader, who was surprised as well, about the findings. Unfortunately, it was not admissible evidence at this point.

  Since the groups cleaning, my brother's house has the "warmth" that was present when we viewed the house. I sense nothing now, and my brother is, at long last, improving health-wise.

  I've spent some time alone, of which I would have been disturbed by the spirits. Not even a thought of them entered my mind!

  His home is lovely and warm again, and I thank the society for their hard work. They do not charge a fee, but take donations. This type of deal, for me, is worth much indeed. After all, it can determine life or death on some level. God Bless Our Happy Home... and those who made it possible.

  Murdered Souls

  Woden, Texas

  We moved into this house a bit over 4 years ago. It's a huge brick, very nice, well made home. It has its flaws like most older homes do. It creaks, and most doors are falling off, but nothing we can't fix ourselves.

  It all started about 3 months after we moved in. My husband, myself and our two children, oh and Fifi our cat. I remember sitting alone in the living room while the children were at school. I was watching General Hospital. When a commercial came on I heard walking above me. So I turned the TV all the way down to listen. As I did I heard a man talking. "What in the world?" I jumped up off the couch and headed outside to see if maybe someone was on the roof working or something! And there was no one!

  I sat back down thinking I was losing my mind. All of the sudden I heard him again. And it sounded as he was tapping his foot to a beat! I immediately called my husband. He said he would be right there. When he got home nearly 20 minutes later the noise had already stopped. But I made him check anyway. He went up to the attic, but no one was there! He thought I was crazy.

  Later that night I had gotten the kids ready for bed and sent them to their rooms. I turned off the kitchen light and grabbed a blanket from the chair and headed to the couch where I was going to relax and watch a movie, but before I sat down I noticed a huge green circular glow on the wall near the hallway, about three feet tall! Freaked out, I went straight to bed and held my husband for comfort!

  A few months later I was cleaning the kitchen adjacent to the office. Finishing up the kitchen, I went to shut the doors to the office. It's two small doors with very small magnets at the top to keep the doors shut.

  The doors opened back up with full force. I grabbed the doors to attempt to shut them again, but I felt a strong force pulling them open. Finally shutting them, they flew open again. I asked my oldest son, who was 9 at the time, to come see what was going on. He tried to shut them but again it was forced open, and we both freaked out and left the doors standing open!

  As my husband came home, we had him try to shut the door. And of course it did. He thought I was crazy, but I had my son as a witness! The doors to this day will open by themselves. And my husband has experienced the force.

  I had to move my daughter out of her room. She would not sleep in it at all. Our cat Fifi was always hiding somewhere, and could never find her.

  I remember the scariest days so clearly. We would all be in the living room watching TV or even just playing a game, and the dryer would just start on its own!

  After all of these ongoing experiences we asked around a lot.

  We found out that two people had been murdered in this house nearly 10 years ago on Valentine's Day. It was a husband and wife.

  The wife's brother is the one that shot them both. He told his girlfriend what he did that same day, then shot her and himself! He is in prison and the girlfriend lived.

  We are so used to weird things occurring that it doesn't bother us anymore. But we are in the market for a new house, and can't wait to start over peacefully! The couple was buried nearly 3 miles down the road. And I hope they will both find peace.

  Die. Just... Die.

  Fort Worth, Texas

  Recently I figured out that I can make a really weird noise with my knuckles and my elbow. In cheerleading we would do a move where we would put one arm bent across our chests horizontally, then we'd snap our arms downward to a vertical position, and then pump our fists in the air. Well, when I do that, it sounds like I'm dead or a zombie from my bones popping. In addition to that, when I crack my knuckles it sounds like a horse running.

  So, anyway, one night I was with my friend upstairs in her bedroom, and she wanted to hear the noise I can make with my elbow. As soon as I did that, I heard a voice say, "Die."

  I asked her if she said that, or if perhaps her brother was playing tricks. We checked around and her brother wasn't even home. So, we just forgot about it for the time being. She began practicing it herself, trying to imitate the sound with her own elbow. When she was really close to doing it right, we again heard the words, "Just die." We were scared to death!

  We ran down the hall into her parents' room. Her mom's favorite show was on (The Real Housewives of Orange County), but her dad was willing to come with us to check it out. We told him we heard
the words, "Die. Just die" whenever we did the cheer move.

  He said, "Alright. Let me see it." We both did it at the same time, and this time the voice spoke the complete phrase, "Die. Just die. DIE!"

  we ran into him to hug him for protection. He was concerned enough to begin setting up an air mattress to let us sleep on the floor in his room with her mom. Her mom asked us, "why are you girls in here?" We explained it her, and she wanted to hear it herself.

  We quickly did the move three times for her. The first time, the voice simply said, "die." The second time we did it, the voice said, "Just die." The third time we did it, the voice said, "Die. Just die. DIE!" At that point we heard her dad yell for us, and we ran out of the room. We were already crying when we ran to him.

  He tried it himself, and he could do it too, but we heard something a little different. He did the move and there was laughing. Then he did it again and there was a creak in the floor. He did it one last time, and the bathroom mirror shattered!

  We all went to bed downstairs, sleeping on the floor and the couches. Not even her parents were about to stay upstairs after that.

  My Grave

  Denison, Texas

  I live next door to an eerie graveyard. My bedroom is on the bottom floor in the back of my house, so I can look right out my window and see the graveyard. It's very spooky.

  One night a few years ago, I was taking a walk around the graveyard after my parents had gone to bed. Graveyards are so quiet and peaceful, and I love them. I saw a little boy walking down the road coming towards me. At first I just thought that it was a neighbor boy. He was wearing a suit and his hair was all nice and it looked like he just got out of church.

  He stopped in front of a grave and pointed at it. He then looked up at me and just stood there for a few moments pointing at the grave.

  Just as I was beginning to feel real creeped out, he mouthed, "Me". Then he just vanished.

  I was scared senseless. The next day, after I regained my senses, I went to the grave and read the marker. It was the final resting place of a little boy.

  The Girl in my Hallway

  Houston, Texas

  It was Christmas day. As a matter of fact, around 3a.m. As most kids do, I was sneaking out of my room to look under the tree, in hopes that Santa Clause had brought me what I wanted that year. My house had a completely straight hallway that led into the living room. My room was at the very end of the hallway.

  I carefully and as quietly as I could, walked out of my room. From right outside my bedroom door I could see someone run from our Christmas tree into the kitchen which was right off the living room. I specifically remember seeing brown hair whip around the corner so I was sure it was a girl.

  At the time, I figured it was my little sister who was also checking her presents, and thought it was our parents, so she ran and hid. That was, until something else happened.

  It was about two years until I had another sighting. It was about the same time (3 a.m.). I was extremely sick with the flu and couldn't go to sleep whatsoever, so I was wide awake. I left my room and went down the hallway toward the bathroom, being quiet hoping not to wake anyone up.

  There was a small laundry chute that had once led into the laundry room, but after remodeling our house it now just led into a wall. I was about two feet from the chute when, as nonchalantly as anything...

  A girl glided through my wall and halted right in front of where I was standing. She cocked her head in an inhuman position and looked at me.

  I could tell her eyes were staring into mine, but it was as if she was looking right through me. I was petrified.

  I tried to scream but it was like the saying says, "cat got your tongue?" Then as if I wasn't even there, she proceeded into the laundry chute, floating directly through the wall.

  I was traumatized after that occurrence, so I convinced my parents to get a priest to come and perform an exorcism on our house. The priest came and did the routine. I was hiding in my room, half expecting an explosion of some sort. But nothing happened. My parents as well as the priest were convinced I had had a dream or pulled a prank, but I knew.

  That night I was awoke by distraught noises. A girl's scream for sure. It was like the sound of a cat being stretched and pulled causing it to wail and hiss altogether. I've never since heard a sound so horrifying.

  The noise was followed by a barrage of flying objects and crashes which never resulted in broken objects. My door creaked open. I sunk into my bed. I began to cry hysterically and curled up into a ball.

  When the hallway was fully visible, a pair of red, demonic-like eyes seemed to float into my room. It drifted into the far wall and disappeared.

  That was about a month ago. Ever since then I have had strange experiences with the paranormal. Just yesterday I opened my closet door and saw a little girl hanging from the clothes rack, with her eyes gouged out. I'm completely terrified, I'm not sure what to do. As far as I know, no one else in our house has seen these apparitions. I can't sleep at night and nobody will believe me.

  The ghost has yet to pose a threat but I'm finding it very difficult to live in this house.

  The Bloody Little Boy

  Wimberly, Texas

  If you've read my story "Back and Forth..." you know about the horrible things that go on at my house. This event, however, takes place at my friend Frank's house.

  It was late May and Frank was throwing a big party to celebrate the end of the school year at his house in Wimberly. Everybody was having a great time at the party enjoying the beginning of summer. At about 11:30 p.m., Frank sent everybody home except me and a few of his closest friends. We were up until 3:00 when we passed out. Everybody was asleep in the living room except me and frank who fell asleep while we were talking in his room.

  I'm not sure what time I woke up but I'm guessing it was around 4:30. I looked around the room trying to remember where I was. In the midst of the darkness there was a bright white light. It was blindingly bright. When my eyes finally adjusted I was able to see that the light was coming from Frank's dresser. I leaned forward to get a better look at whatever was causing the light. I will never forget what I saw.

  The light was coming from a picture frame. In the frame was the photo of a young boy with ink black hair. What surprised me most about this picture was his skin. It was an amazingly pale shade of white. I would say he was albino but that was impossible considering the color of his hair. Then I looked at his eyes. They were completely black! The photo was beginning to scare me. That's when I noticed his mouth. It was wide open like he was screaming and his teeth...they were covered in blood!

  By then I was so scared that I laid back down on the floor and closed my eyes, refusing to open them until morning came. As soon as the sun came up, I woke up Frank.

  "Frank, what is wrong with you?! You sick freak!" I screamed at him.

  "What are you talking about?" he yawned back at me.

  "Why do you have a horrible picture of a bloody albino boy on your dresser?" I asked.

  "What?" He looked at me like I was a lunatic.

  At this point my friend Alex walked in. "What are you yelling about?" he asked.

  "Frank has a disgusting picture of a bloody albino boy on his dresser! Look!" I pointed to the picture frame and was shocked. The frame now contained a picture of Frank's dog.

  Nobody believed my story about the changing photo. They all told me it was just a dream. As the day went on and rational thinking set in I began to believe them. By the time I got home I was laughing at myself for being so stupid.

  Later that night I was brushing my teeth getting ready for bed. I opened the medicine cabinet to put the toothpaste away and when I closed it and looked into the mirror, in true cliché fashion, I saw the bloody little boy standing behind me. I nearly chucked on my toothbrush. I stared in the mirror for what seemed like an eternity. Then he spoke to me.

  "I found you" he said to me. His voice was indescribable. Every word sent chills down my spine. As h
e said the last word I finally found the strength to spin around. Of course when I did he was no longer there. A feeling if dread and nausea overwhelmed me. After throwing up, I went to my bed and laid down still trying to understand what just happened. I still don't believe it.

  The image of that boy will always haunt me and I feel sick every time I think about him. I've been debating over the past few months on whether or not to post this and finally decided to. I hope you've enjoyed my story.

  The Wal-Mart Ghost

  Spring, Texas

  I went to our local Wal-Mart located on Louetta and I45N in Spring, Texas, to do my weekly shopping. I went to the aisle which has facial tissue, and saw a lot of boxes off the shelf and on the floor. I would say approximately 100 boxes.

  I thought to myself, some little kid wiped off the shelves while shopping with their mother. I approached the shelf to reach and get two boxes of tissues when I felt something hit my right leg. I thought the stockers didn't stock the shelves correctly and they were falling off the shelf.

  I left that aisle and told Julia, my exchange student from Germany, to wait by the children's department so I could run down the other aisle for laundry soap, bleach, and fabric softener.

  As I was coming out of that aisle I could hear something falling on the floor. I looked and it was the tissue aisle again; however it wasn't children pushing them off... I saw an arm which looked like it was coming from behind the shelf make one hard push and lots of boxes of tissues came off the shelf.

  Another box began to spin in circles for about 20 seconds, several other boxes were flying off the shelf too. I stood in awe.


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