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Modern Girls

Page 8

by Gary S. Griffin

  “Somehow, in those first few minutes, we hit it off and became friends. Edie complimented me saying, ‘Sid got really lucky this time’, and called me gorgeous.

  “Edie said Sid probably went to get coffee as that’s what he does in the morning after he jumps in the pool and swims a few laps. Edie then said that we should give Sid a taste of his own medicine. We could be pissed at him and screaming at each other and pulling each other’s hair and it could be a big ugly scene. But, she said we should surprise him by doing something he’d never imagine.”

  I smiled. Andi reached the end of her story. “I agreed. Edie kicked off her stiletto-heeled black pumps and got in bed under the covers next to me. We’d pretend to be making love when Sid walked in. She asked if that was OK and I said yes. That’s how Sid found us when he walked into the bedroom a half hour later.”


  I asked, “So, OK, it seemed like you were off to a good, although, somewhat strange, start with Sid. But, how did things go bad with you two?”

  Very reluctantly, Andi confessed the truth. “Well, first, I spent all my savings on my car, this apartment, my implants, a small facelift, dieting, my hair and all kinds of expensive, sexy clothes that are too tight and too small. I also went to acting classes and drove all over town to auditions. Most of those things were done for Sid. He said I needed to do them to make it in the movies.”

  I nodded. Andi held my hand as tears streamed down her face, “Stevie, this whole year has been a disaster! For the last six months that Sid was my agent, I didn’t have one job offer, modeling or acting. I finally fired Sid when my last four auditions were all X rated films. I mean, Stevie, they didn’t even have a story line.”

  I was still processing what Andi said a moment earlier and stopped her story. I said, “I didn’t know you fired Sid. When was that?”

  “Late May, about three months ago.”

  One word crossed my mind – motive.

  While I was thinking about all the implications, Andi continued, “I was desperate. I didn’t know what to do. I had no money coming in. Then, all my savings were gone. I needed a job that paid me regularly, but I was completely fed up with acting.”

  Andi paused for five seconds. I wondered what she was thinking. Then, she began again, “So, I took a job as a receptionist with an insurance company in an office on Wilshire Boulevard. Until I find a new agent that can get me back into modeling, I’m like everyone else; living paycheck to paycheck. I’m taking this coming Monday off with no pay to go to an audition, but I go back to work on Tuesday morning.”

  I was shocked and didn’t know what to say. I responded, “I had no idea, Andi. How can I help?”

  “You are. If you can figure out who killed Sid and clear my name that will be enough.”

  “Have you found a new agent?” I asked.

  “Not yet, but I have a lead on a couple.” She paused, bowed her head. It looked like she was wrestling with a thought, then, she said, “Stevie, OK, I know, my modeling career may be over and my acting career is a pipe dream. So, I’m re-thinking my future. I’d love to live closer to you and Cyndie. It would be so much fun. We could have great times again.”

  While she was saying these things, I thought about dealing with three women in Philly: Cyndie, Dee Dee and Andi. But, I said, “I’d love that too.”

  I redirected our conversation. “But, after you fired Sid you still saw him.”

  Andi said, “After we broke up, I wouldn’t go to his estate any more. It gave me bad memories. Sid came down here, to Torrance, to my apartment. We’d have sex, sometimes, but usually we’d just go to the beach or dinner. Even after I fired Sid, he’d keep in contact and visit occasionally. We stayed friends. He just was a weird guy, in some ways.”

  I nodded.

  Andi went on, “Sometimes we fought or argued, but those were always about my career. Sid was convinced that I should be an adult movie star. He said I would be huge, with my body, and name recognition and personality. He was almost obsessed with me doing porn. I couldn’t get him to shut up about it. It took me months to convince him that I hated the idea. I guess I should have said no earlier and not done those soft porn movies and TV shows. I probably shouldn’t have got my implants or dyed my hair either. But, anyway, so, he totally surprised me the day before his death, when we were taking a walk on the beach. He told me about a role in a new movie. I stopped him before he could go on, and said, ‘Look, Sid, I’m not doing any more porn.’ But, Sid told me, ‘No, I know you don’t want any roles like before. But, I’ve got a lead on a part in a legitimate movie. I can get you an audition and you would be perfect for it.’ I answered him, ‘Don’t screw with me, Sid.’”

  Andi said that Sid swore it was a real movie, a comedy, called, Liar Liar. Sid explained that her part would be as a client of this lawyer. It was one scene, about five minutes, but Andi would get to speak and be on screen with the star. It was a big budget movie with Jim Carrey. He asked her to take a look at the script. Andi thought he was kidding. But, Sid swore it was legit. The audition was in nine days, on Monday - two days from today. Sid had the script at his office, and he wanted Andi to read it in advance - unlike the other actresses auditioning. Sid offered to take Andi to dinner the next day, last Monday, somewhere close to her work, and give her the script.

  That Monday, after she got off work, they had dinner in Hollywood. After they ordered, Sid showed Andi the script. Andi scanned it and read her scene slowly. She loved it. The movie was very funny and the scene was in an elevator. It would be memorable as Carrey would act crazy and had to tell the truth and would tell her she was hot looking and he wanted to have sex with her. The scene ended with Andi’s character slapping Carrey’s cheek and walking out of the elevator as it reached the lobby.

  Andi was sold. She’d go to the audition. Before dinner was over, she was already thinking about getting her hair done and what to wear. She gave Sid a kiss. But, that was it. Then, they left the diner. They each drove their own car to the diner.

  As Andi got closer to talking about the shooting, I could see she was very keyed up. I decided to take a little detour in the conversation, to get more related information out. I was also pretty tired. It was almost 2am, my time, and I kept yawning. So, I would make this quick and then, we’d go to bed.

  “Andi, who owned the gun that shot Sid?”

  “It was mine, Stevie.”

  That shocked me. “Why did you have a gun?”

  “Stevie, my dad was a hunter and he taught me to shoot and keep a gun. I had one in New York too, but sold it when I moved. I got this one when I started my new job. It’s not in the safest neighborhood.”

  That puzzled me. I had been to Wilshire Boulevard when I worked for the insurance company, my former employer, and it was a prosperous, white collar office area. I let that go for now, and asked her, “Did you have the gun with you at the diner with Sid?”

  “No, that’s what’s weird. I usually kept it in my nightstand with the condoms. I wanted it close by when I’m in bed. I only took it out when I worked at night.”

  “Where do you carry your gun?”

  “It’s always in my purse. It was a little pistol, so it fit easily.”

  I asked, “So, how did it get to the diner?”

  “I don’t know, Stevie. But, I think it was stolen.”

  “When was the last time you saw the pistol?”

  “About two weeks ago. I swear. I think it was stolen from my purse at work, but I’m not sure. Whenever I was working four or five days in a row and I just kept it in my purse. So, I’m not really sure what happened to it.”

  I asked, “Did you report it to the police?”

  Andi answered, “No, I didn’t know it was gone, until after Sid was shot, when I looked in my purse.”

  I asked, “OK, so where did you keep it at work?”

  “In my locker and I locked it up.”

  “Did you ever leave your apartment unlocked?”

  “No, no, well, on
ly when I went to the pool or did laundry.”

  Her explanation wasn’t clear. She kept it in her nightstand, purse and her locker - but it was stolen. How? I’m sure this didn’t add up to the police either.

  But, I continued. “OK. I want to ask you some intimate questions now, Andi.”

  She smiled, “What do you mean by intimate?”

  I stayed serious-looking and answered, “I want to ask you about your sex life since you’ve been in L.A., and what you know about Sid’s.”

  “Oh! Why?”

  “Because this could be an act of jealousy or passion, murder often is.”

  “Oh, do you think that’s possible?”

  I answered, “Andi, it’s not just that someone killed Sid, someone did a very good job of framing you. Look, I believe you didn’t do it, but the police have a lot of evidence that points to you.”

  “So, what are you saying, Stevie?”

  “It’s more likely that someone you know killed Sid, than someone who only knew Sid. I think it had to be a strange person who was incredibly mad at you for something you did or didn’t do.”

  “I haven’t been with any weird people.”

  “Well, maybe, but Sid could have attracted weirdoes. I want you to think hard when I ask you these questions, OK?”

  “Sure, Stevie.”

  “Who are you dating now?”

  She answered, “No one. In fact, I haven’t dated anyone out here, really. I met a few guys and had sex with them. But, I haven’t had a steady - you know - a guy who would call me on the phone, take me to dinner, do things with me and go places and have fun. What we’ve done together today is better than anything else I’ve done this past year! Only times with Sid could compare, but it wasn’t regular dating with him.”

  I guess I must have looked shocked because Andi said, “It’s sad but true, Stevie.”

  “OK, I’m sorry, Andi.” I then asked, “Do you know anyone out here who is mad at you?”

  She stopped and thought. “No one that comes to mind.”

  I tried a different topic. “How many people have you had sex with since you’ve been in L.A.?”

  “Oh!” She hesitated. But, I think she was counting.

  andi - anxious

  Andi didn’t like this conversation. It made her feel uncomfortable and embarrassed. Stevie would think she’d been out of control here in LA. Andi believed she had been too. God, the stuff she did with Sid was weird and sick! She was getting better. She had stopped that for months now. It was about a year ago when she put her foot down. Somehow, she did it. She hadn’t seen Edie this year. And, Sid, well, he would come to her apartment. That’s the only place she’d let him have sex.

  She told Stevie that, but she just couldn’t mention the weird sex. No, Stevie would be upset. And, God, he was incredible. Stevie was just like Andi thought he’d be, irresistible. That’s all she wanted - ever - to be with Stevie. God, it was great. And, he seemed to love it, love being with her too. He wanted to touch her all the time. She couldn’t believe that. And, everything he said to her was sweet. He loved how she looked. She was so worried what he’d say about the change in her look. But, he was at least nice to her. In fact, he sure seemed to like everything. God, the way he touched her. And, Stevie liked what she wore to the airport and to dinner - he said so! And, she could see him checking out her body in the baby doll nightgown she had on; the one Sid liked. She loved that he did. She knew Stevie would love her in it.

  And, she loved his right hand on her behind. She didn’t want that to stop. She also loved it when he pulled on her g-string - it gave her a thrill. She loved his touch!

  Andi just wanted to go to bed with him again.

  Why did he have to talk about all the bad things she did in L.A.?

  How would she ever explain Mike? She didn’t know Mike was married - not until later.

  Oh, Stevie would think she was a tramp - if he didn’t already.

  She thought, “God help me!”

  This was so hard! She was so embarrassed! And, she had no idea who killed Sid - not one! That’s where Stevie would save her. She’d tell him - tomorrow - because she could see he was tired - he’d already yawned three times. Yes, she’d tell him her secrets. Andi loved Stevie.

  stevie’s counting

  “Andi… Andi… earth to Andi!”

  “Oh, Stevie, I’m sorry. I was thinking.”

  “I could see that. Was there that many?”

  Andi answered, “That many what?”

  “I asked you how many people you’ve had sex with in L.A.”

  She answered, “I’m not sure. Do you want me to count one timers or only serious relationships?”

  “Everyone Andi, even one-timers.”

  “Umm… Five. But, three of them were one-timers. And, I’m not seeing any of them now. I swear.”

  “OK, we’ll talk about them in a moment.” Guessing about Andi’s sometime sexual preferences, I asked, “Were any of them women?”

  “Oh, Stevie, that’s not the same. I…” She stopped when she saw the serious look on my face, and said, “Alright, yes, I had sex with one woman.”

  “OK. So, that makes six, if we count the woman?”

  “Yes. Oh, this is embarrassing, Stevie.”

  “Andi, I can understand that. But, you never know who may have been involved, who may be angry or jealous of you.”

  “I guess you’re right.”

  “OK. Let’s start at the beginning. Who was the first person?”

  “It was Mark, Mark Patterson.”

  “Alright, who is Mark?”

  “He’s an engineer. He’s an engineer or designer or something, just north of here in El Segundo.”

  I asked, “Where did you meet him?”

  “Right here. He lives in the apartment complex. He has a live-in girlfriend now. One night, right after I moved in, he saw me in the hot tub. I was topless.”

  Andi saw me raise an eyebrow.

  She continued, “Let me explain. I had a good reason. The night before I met Mark, I was looking out my bedroom window and saw another girl do it and heard her tell her boyfriend that it was safer that way so the strings from her bikini wouldn’t get sucked in the bubble maker.”

  Andi saw my eyes widen slightly and she quickly added, “I know it’s kind of risqué, but when the Jacuzzi is bubbling it’s hard to see my boobs and I cover myself when I get in and out.”

  She saw a slight smirk cross my mouth, and confessed. “OK, here’s the truth. Mark has a pretty good body and he jumped in the Jacuzzi when I had my eyes shut. I was tired and the bubbles had just stopped so he got a real good look at my boobs, but it was before my surgery - you saw my real boobs before - they were like a young girl’s chest, so I didn’t really care that much who saw them. Anyway, we got talking and the next thing I know he’s asking me to dinner. We went out once and he told me he had a serious girlfriend who lived in Las Vegas. We had sex later that night, but we both knew it wasn’t going anywhere.”

  “Have you ever seen Mark do anything strange?”

  “No, he’s a nice guy. Look, we were both horny and it was just a quick thing. He lives with his girlfriend, she moved here, but we haven’t gone out since that night. I respect what he has going.”

  “I understand.”

  I was fading and said, “OK, Andi. May we continue this tomorrow? I’m really tired. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry, sure, let’s go to bed. Are you too tired to hug me?”

  We stood up and I gave her a hug and kiss, and then, said, “No I’m not, but it might be hard to do more than that.”

  Andi whispered back, “We’ll see.”

  she would be lying

  I woke first, early. I found we were in the spooning position, once again, with her back up against my chest and my right arm over her side. My right hand had found her left breast and my fingers were caressing her nipple. I could feel her heartbeat.

  Andi and I were completely naked, covered by h
er pink sheet. I remembered making love before we fell asleep; a slow, sensuous time. It was an effort to stay awake and Andi didn’t push me. It was very nice. Then, we quickly fell asleep. I’m not sure when that was.

  I didn’t know if we stayed in this position all night, but her gentle breathing and the easy and slow movements of her chest felt incredibly nice. I loved the smell of her hair right up against my face and chest. Her body was silky smooth and her legs felt incredible. I didn’t want to move.

  Andi slept on and the reality of her situation struck me. It was a glaring difference to this moment with her in bed. Who hurt this beautiful woman and who tried to make her look like a murderer?

  I tried to focus on the investigation, but my mind wandered. I looked at the day dawning outside her window. The pinks and yellows in the sky were very pretty. The desert breeze that blew in was dry and warm and I wondered how hot it would get that day. It felt like it was in the seventies already - which could mean we might pass ninety degrees by late day.

  I could hear the pool filter going, and the occasional sounds of people; they were opening windows, opening and closing doors, walking through the pool area on the way to the underground parking garage, and starting engines. The sounds of early birds on this Sunday morning.

  I tried to refocus. I needed to learn more about Andi’s other lovers and the recent events in her life. I should slow down on this bed time with Andi. But, that would be hard as she was very vulnerable right now and had strong feelings for me. Plus, she wanted me to be with her at all times. God, I admit, I loved being with her too. Yet, it wasn’t getting us closer to determining the murderer. And, until we learned that, Andi was still in danger and likely going to prison!


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