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Soren Page 8

by Enid Titan

  "Yes. But I can heal it easily."

  "I'm over here having a spa day and you're injured!."

  "I meant to keep you safe and you are safe."

  She set her tea down on my console, as if she lived on my ship, and then she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. I fought through the pain to kiss her back. Every instant of pain was worth it for the softness of her lips against mine. I grabbed her by her tiny waist and lifted her off the ground.

  "I'm safe, Nadia. I could have died over there, but thinking about you kept me alive."

  "I didn't think you would come back. I thought I'd just's float here until this thing ran out of gas."

  "Trust me, there are worse things that could happen than the ship losing power."

  "None of that matters. Because you came back. I knew you would."

  She smiles and runs her hands between my nostrils. Then she grabs onto my hair and kisses me again. When she pulls away I ask, "And how could you know a thing like that?"

  "Because you love me, and I love you. And I know that means something to you, even if you look all tough and scary."

  “I had better heal these wounds. Two days of bleeding is enough to kill me if I allow them to fester.”

  “I'll go on then. I still need to wash this face mask off.”

  Nadia lives.


  Exactly What To Say

  I use my instruments to heal my wounds. There is still a bit of stiffness in my torso, but I feel much better already. Bröd is dead and his ship set adrift. Now I must determine what to do with Nadia, with little Pickle, and with myself. I am tempted to leave the war to fight itself. I have served Tau long enough and if I cannot seek freedom in death, perhaps I can seek a life away from soldiering.

  I sit at the console, fingers running over the smooth metallic edges, even if I have not decided where we are going next. Nadia emerges from my quarters, fresh-faced with that blue robe still wrapped around her body.

  "What happens to us now?"

  "I wish I could tell you."

  "How did you get out of there?"

  "With great difficulty."

  "Whatever they did to you… are you still hurt?"

  "I used my device to heal myself. I will survive. But I need to get you out of here."

  "What about the Civil War? Will you be going back home?"

  "I don't see how I can return home. Not now. And not with you. I cannot put you in this kind of danger. The situation on Tau is far worse than I could have imagined."

  “So we return to earth?”

  "No. I cannot. They know where to find me. But you… I cannot justify dragging you into my life, Nadia. I lived because of you. Because I could keep you safe."

  "What are you saying?"

  "I lived for you, but maybe now is the time we say goodbye. I should take you back to your planet."

  “Will you?”

  The prospect scares her. I can smell it on her question.

  I know that it isn't so simple. I mated to her. We cannot be apart. She will have my children, and I must be there, or she will weaken. It is a biological process that we have no control over. I should have had enough control not to mate her, but I didn’t. Our bond will last despite my choices.

  "I can't. We cannot be apart from each other. There has to be another answer. I cannot put you in danger."

  "There are more worlds out there, aren't there? There has to be someplace we can go."

  "Perhaps. But it is far away. An outpost on the edges of the consortium."

  "Will the Civil War Will affect it?"

  "I cannot say for certain. But what about you? Can you say that you wish to run into danger with me?"

  "I will go anywhere you go. Anywhere."

  "Then maybe it is time for you to choose. We can see the universe together. I can leave my life as a soldier behind the way I have wanted to for a long time."

  "Where could we even go?"

  "It's up to you."

  "I wouldn't even know where to begin," she giggles.

  The universe is vast and I have to admit she has limited experience with it.

  "I can give you a choice."


  Pickle chimes in and leaps into my lap. I stroke the furry orange beast between her ears. She settles and purrs. Nadia giggles.

  "She is so tiny!"

  "Pickle and I became fast friends on Terra."

  "Then it's only right that she join us on our adventures."

  An idea comes to me.

  "I have an idea for where we can go. It is not exactly safe for a human, but I have underestimated you before."

  "And where might that be?"

  “The Denebolan Territories. The planets orbiting Deneb have many curious species, some of them reminiscent of this little beast.”

  Pickle extends her claws into my thigh, and I wince. The sharp points surprise me more than anything. Nadia seems to like my idea.

  "Okay then. Let's go there. How long will the journey be?"

  “Only a month.”

  “Space travel for a month! It sounds incredible. Too good to be true.”

  Pickle hops off my lap as Nadia approaches me. I stand and undo her messy blue bun. Hair drapes down to her shoulders, and my hand snakes through the strands. Nadia presses her palms against my chest.

  "This is it then, the beginning of a great adventure."

  "Yes, my love. If you will have me."

  "That depends. What about your death wish?"

  "I believe I have more than enough reason to stay alive."

  She reaches for my trousers and nods.

  “You always know exactly what to say…”


  To The Stars My Love

  Her hands pull my pants down over my buttocks. My tail twitches back and forth, pleased at the added freedom and syncopated movement with the arousal between my legs. She knows what she's doing and I stare at her chest, knowing that soon she will liberate the two enormous, attractive mammary glands beneath her robe. I yearn for her breasts. I yearn to bounce the giant orbs and lick them with my tongue and plunge my face between her impressive bosom. I want her. I need her.

  "Take that tunic off, Soren."

  If this is just a taste of happily ever after, I am pleased I chose this rather than dying on some unknown battlefield. My compatriots will survive without me. I am the one who cannot survive without her. She is my mate, and I owe her closeness. I remove my tunic and she bites down on her lower lip hard once I expose my muscles. There are scars where I healed my wounds, and her expression softens when she notices them.

  "Your injuries are so serious…"

  “They’re healing. It will not be long before I'm back to my old self.”

  "You got hurt like that for me."

  "Yes. But it is my duty to protect you. It is what I live for."

  She presses her palms to my chest and rakes them along my defined muscles. I suck in air. My rigid member rises to the occasion, nearly bursting through my underwear.

  "Do your people have blow jobs?" She asks.

  “Blow jobs?”

  "You know… I can take your cock and suck on it."

  "You would suck on it?"

  "Don't tell me this is real life!"

  “Yes. This is very real,” I answer seriously.

  She laughs.

  "You mean you will give me oral sex but you have never had it?"

  "It is not for men to receive."

  She laughs.

  "I guess I underestimated how feminist you aliens are."

  Once more, I do not really understand what she is saying. But she seems entertained.

  "Would you like to try it?"

  I would far prefer spreading her thighs and placing my tongue at the furry apex between them. I love her fur and her soft flesh and her taste. I cannot think what business she would have wrapping her mouth around my member. How would it pleasure her? The subject confuses me.

  "It would not please you."r />
  She smiles.

  "You underestimate me, Soren. It would please me very much."

  "If it would please you, then you may proceed. But we practice no sexual act on Tau unless it can give pleasure to the female."

  “That is so weird.”

  “No,” I explain, “your fear starts the mating process. It is only fair that it be pleasurable.”

  She listens carefully and nods.

  “I suppose that makes some kind of sense.”

  She drops to her knees.

  “Would it help you if you could see my boobs?”

  "I don't know."

  "I think it would."

  She reaches for the tie on the robe and undoes it. Her breasts swing into view and my hardness stiffens even further. I think it will break me in half. I am so hard. She removes my member and strokes the rigid underside with her hand. I squeeze my eyes shut and stiffen.

  "The texture is unlike anything…" She mumbles to herself as if she has forgotten that I am standing there.

  Her nipples stand on end and she grabs the base with a firm grasp before reaching her tongue out to kiss the tongue-like tip of my alien cock.

  She moans as she takes the tip into her mouth. I could burst. Her mouth is so hot and hungry.

  "It tastes amazing…"

  She greedily thrusts my entire length deep into her mouth and tightens her lips around my ten inch cock. I groan. Such pleasure cannot be possible. She runs her tongue along the rigid underside and then sucks on the tip again before burying the entire length in her mouth. The tip of my hardness licks at the back of her throat and she makes a soft choking noise before removing her lips and then reinserting my hardness into her mouth. The softness. The warmth. And the heat of her mouth all drive me close to the edge.

  I am about to burst, but I cannot see the sense in filling her mouth with my seed. I pull her off of me and gasp, "I need to fuck you."

  "You don't want to finish in my mouth?"

  “No. I want to seed what's mine.”

  She stands up and turns around, facing away from me. She reaches down to touch her toes, exposing her dripping honeypot to me. While the temptation to insert myself into her fully rises, another desire mounts to the surface. I drop to my knees. Liquid dribbles out of her pussy, all the way up and down her thighs. My tongue starts at the back of her knee and I suck up every drop, tracing a trail up her soft thighs. I suck on the puffy lips of her engorged flower until she squeals.

  She gasps and braces herself on my command chair. Mine. Her scent drives me mad and I struggle to wait to seed her again. I squeeze her hips and spread her pussy lips with my tongue, driving it inside her as she moans. My tongue licks at the spongy walls of her sex until she cries out and cums hard. More juices erupt from her and spill into my mouth. I do not let a single drop of her pussy juice touch the ground. Her breasts hang toward the ground and I reach in front of her to grab her nipples. When I grab her nipples with my tongue buried between her pussy lips she cums again.

  I rise and lift her against the wall. Nadia squeals as she braces herself with her palms. I hold her up with one arm and insert my cock with one deep thrust. She’s so tiny and tight and as soon as her warmth engulfs me, I lose control. My hips pound into her from behind like a madman. Her hair flies out in every direction and the scent of her sex fills the room as I take her deeper and deeper.

  “You’re mine,” I growl, “My little alien sexpot…”

  She moans and cums again as her sex tightens around my cock and the alien tip laps at her insides, stroking her G-spot to make her orgasm a certainty. She whimpers and wraps her legs around me, hooking her ankles as she braces herself against the wall. I pull her off the wall and lean her back against the console. She squeals, “We aren’t going to self-destruct the ship, are we?”

  “No, little one.”

  I drive my cock inside her and fuck her hard on the console. Her breasts bounce magnificently with each deep thrust and I yearn to finish inside her. I have to watch her cum like this first. Her mouth twists, and her hair spreads behind her as her sex tightens around my cock.

  “Cum for me,” I growl…

  She cums again. And again. I run my hands through her hair and then return to her hips so I can guide her up and down the length of my stiffness. She moans and erupts and her juices coat both of our thighs. I’m ready now… I grunt and finish inside her, my hunger for her culminating in one magnificent release. My enormous green cock spills cum inside her — hot clear cum seeds her mammalian sex and she moans as the heat surges through her body. When I think I’m finished cumming, more seed erupts until it pools down her thighs and drips onto the floor of the ship.

  A mess for later. She moans and whimpers as I withdraw from her and more of my seed gushes out of her wetness. She sits up, but cannot yet stand. Her legs tremble with pleasure and I sweep her off her feet and take her to my quarters, laying her on the bed so she can catch her breath.

  I slide into the bed next to her.

  “Soren… that was incredible.”

  “Yes, my mate.”

  A loud distraction yowl interrupts us. Pickle leaps on the bed and steps across my torso without a care in the world. Nadia bursts into laughter.

  “Do you think she was watching us?”

  I grin and push blue hair out of her face.

  “Naughty girl,” I murmur, kissing her cheek.

  “Not as naughty as you.”

  “Maybe so. Now come. I ought to teach you how to fly this thing.”

  “A flight lesson? So soon?”

  “Yes. But perhaps you should dress.”

  “What’s the point? It’s just the two of us alone. There’s nothing stopping us from walking around naked.”

  “Do you expect me to control myself around you if you’re naked all the time?”

  Nadia winks.

  “Now you’re getting it.”

  “How can you have the stamina?” I tease, “You are so tiny.”

  “Small but mighty, as they say.”

  “Hm. I have not heard that phrase.”

  “It’s a phrase. Trust me.”

  “Come then, my little nudist. I will teach you how to fly.”

  I lift my naked human out of the bed and swing her up onto my shoulders. She squeals until she realizes what is happening. Her soaked muff wets the back of my neck and her smell so close to me nearly drives me mad with hunger again. Nadia has good instincts. She grabs onto my horns and doesn’t squirm too much as we return to the console.

  “I enjoy riding up here,” she says, running one hand through my hair as she grabs my horn with the other to keep balanced.

  “I thought you might.”

  “Onward, Soren! To the stars!”

  “To the stars, my love.”


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