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Uninhibited: Alex's Awakening Part 1

Page 4

by Jayde Marcelle

  Buzz, buzz.

  “Hello daddy, how are you?” I love it when she called me daddy.

  “I’m good. I’m actually in bed thinking of you.” A bulge had formed in my pajamas. I was so hard now. “Why am I so intrigued by you?” I asked her.

  “I don’t know.” She giggled.

  I stroked myself as we talked, my breathing became ragged.

  “What are you doing?” She heard the change in my breath.

  “Talking to a beautiful woman on the phone.” Damn she knew me well.

  She laughed. “ I know what you are doing. Do you have any lube near by?”

  “I do.”

  “Get it, I don’t want you to hurt my favorite part of you.”

  I set the phone down then placed it on speaker mode and reached into the nightstand to retrieve a tube of lube.

  “Take your pants and underwear off, put some lube on that big cock of yours.

  Stroke yourself for me daddy.”

  I obeyed her command.

  “Stroke harder big daddy.” Her voice was low and sultry.

  “Talk dirty to me baby.”

  She brought me to the edge with her dirty mouth, then took me over when I heard her come on the phone.

  “That was nice. I’ve missed you Alex.”

  “I’ve missed you too.” I sighed

  “Would you like come with me to my cabin this weekend?”

  “Let me see if I can take the weekend off and I’ll let you know.”

  “Okay, thanks. I’ll talk to you later. Bye baby.”

  I need to clean this shit up. Talking to myself as I observe the aftermath of that call.


  Which car am I feeling today? The Jaguar sounded like a good choice. It was a crisp Fall morning and a great day to just drive. Of course to the office. I felt like an eighteen year old again! On the drive to work, I rehearsed my presentation to the Park Harrison Group.

  They have been anxious to see what we’ve come up with for their account. Elaine was anxious when I arrived. I on the other hand felt like Superman! The presentation went extremely well. The principal owners were there as well as their board members.

  The acquisition will make us all a lot richer when the deal is completed. When the presentation was over, I decided to leave for the day.

  “Elaine, forward any important calls and you know what to do with the rest.”

  I said with a wink.

  She nodded. “Yes sir. Have a great day.”

  Since I was in the city, it would be a good time to visit an old family friend. Well, she was more than that. Miss Jewel raised me. She was my nanny and our housekeeper. I checked in on her from time to time to see how she was doing and to get advice.

  “How are you baby?” She asked as she opened the door.

  “I’m good Miss Jewel, how are you?” We hugged as I stepped in.

  “You know you don’t have to call me Miss Jewel. I’m doing well thanks to your father. Where’s that wife of yours?” She asked looking behind me.

  “I never liked that girl. You know that right?” I nodded.

  We both laughed.

  “She’s on her way to Jamaica with her sister for a vacation, and yes I know that.

  I also remember what you said on our wedding day.” Before I could say it, she does.

  “That girl is going to be the death of you. She is not the one. Mark my words. Your daddy is wrong on this one son.”

  We laughed again.

  She sighed. “I miss that man.” She really loved my father and wanted to marry him.

  We went to her kitchen, she poured me a cup of tea. Miss Jewel was so much of a mom to me. I could tell her anything growing up and she always had great advice for me. My mom died when I was about seven. After that she became my “Mama bear” as she put it.

  “So Carazy, I mean Carina is in Jamaica. Trying to find her mojo? How does she plan to get something back that she never had?” She laughed.

  Miss Jewel, became my father’s special friend if you know what I mean. She lived in our home and I remembered as a child seeing my father go to her room late at night, even before my mother died. There were nights after she died, I would see them in his study on the sofa. Miss Jewel would hold my father in her arms as he cried. So I guess with me, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. I’m like my father. I have the same taste in women.

  “Miss Jewel, I have to come clean.” Looking down as I spoke.

  “What’s her name baby boy?” She said as she lifted my chin. She looked me in the eyes.

  “A mother knows when something is going on. I’m not your birth mom. But I raised you.”

  Relieved, I took Jewel’s hand.

  “She’s a lot like you. I mean she looks like you.You know what I’m saying.”

  She cracked a big smile. A knowing smile.

  “I knew it, I knew it! I knew my baby liked chocolate!” She clapped her hands together.

  “Tell me all about her. Let me get a slice of cake. This is going to be good. Want some baby?”

  Jewel made the best pound cakes in the world.

  “You know I do.” I answered relieved that I could tell someone about Mya.

  “Let’s go to the living room, I want you to tell me all about her. Have you had sex with her yet?” She asked. She was never one to beat around the bush.

  “Her name is Mya and I can’t lie to you. Yes I did.” I said holding my head down.

  “Baby, why is your head down again? You’re a good looking man, and built like your father. Something like that can’t be caged up. Besides baby boy it’s not like Carazy, I’m mean Carina has always been faithful to you.”

  My eyes grew wide at this news. My heart sank.

  “What? She’s been unfaithful?”

  “Oh baby, you were always so sweet and innocent. She and Jeremy had an affair right after your honeymoon. I wanted to tell you, but your father said to leave it alone. I had to watch you be miserable for years. I’m so sorry.” Her voice was low and sad.

  My heart felt as if it had been plunged through with a dagger. I felt like seven year old Alexander as I laid my head on her lap while she consoled me once again. I’m angry with all of them, and sad that it happened. I had no idea. I should have known.

  “There, there. Alex, you have the opportunity to start again. Besides, this Mya is young and I bet she will teach this old dog some new tricks.” She said as she pat my back.

  “Sit up, chin up. I didn’t raise a wimp.”

  I sat up. Jewel wiped the tears from my eyes with her thumbs.

  “No need to feel sorry for yourself. That was years ago. You have a chance to enjoy yourself with a younger woman. So man up and see where this goes.”

  She looked into my eyes and touched my face. “Lord, I see your father in those eyes of yours. Hmm, I really miss him.” She smiled. “Now, are you going to eat that cake?” She tried to lighten the mood. Jewel and I laughed as we enjoyed our cake and tea. We sat and reminisce of good times.

  “This was so good. It took me back to our old house and my childhood. Your cake always made me feel better.” I said as I drew her hand to my mouth to kiss her knuckles.

  “That’s why I always baked a cake every week. It was just for you.”

  “Well, I need to go.”

  She walked me to the door holding my hand. She made me feel like a kid again.

  “Alex, you make sure you are discreet and don’t worry about Carina. I love you baby boy.” She always called me that. I hugged her tightly. She is the only family I have left in this world.

  “I love you too mama bear.” She squeezed me tighter when I called her mama bear.

  Jewel was always there for me. I wished my father had allowed her to tell me about Carina and Jeremy. I wouldn’t have felt so badly about being with Mya. I am so pissed at him. It’s now Jewel’s fault. She never liked Carina and she let my father know it numerous times. She even tried to stop the wedding. That was a big fight. For two pe
ople not married, they acted as if they were. Especially when they fought, they made up and never went to bed angry. Being with her makes my heart sad, I miss our life back then before Carina. Oh well, that’s water under the bridge.

  On the drive home, I thought about Carina and Jeremy having sex. Anger gripped my heart. Causing me to accelerate faster with every image that flashed into my mind. I didn’t notice the policeman parked on the side of the road. Shit. Don’t come after me. Damn, lights are on. I pulled over and got my info ready for him. This was the last thing I needed right now. Fucking Carina! I’m not sure how fast I was going. Well, here goes.


  “License and registration please.” He said as he shined his flashlight into my eyes. He was very stern and professional. No small talk, just business. He took my info back to his car. I sat quietly cursing Carina. He returned shortly.


  “Mr Davis, since I know who you are I will let you go with a warning.”

  He handed me back my papers.

  “Thank you very much officer. I was a little distracted with my thoughts. Long day you know.” I said apologetically.

  “You were going twenty miles over the speed limit.”

  “Oh, I wasn’t aware of that. My apologies. It won’t happen again.” I offered.

  “You know, we are having our annual fundraiser, a decent donation from you will ensure you get just a warning each time you’re stopped.” He said raising an eyebrow.

  Was he seriously shaking me down? I’d rather pay the ticket. How much is this going to cost me? I don’t believe I’m going to say this.

  “Why certainly Officer.....” I trailed off trying to see his name.

  “Franklyn sir. With a y.” He said showing me his name badge.

  “Okay Officer Franklyn with a y. Please come by my office tomorrow and I will have a check for you. Here’s my business card. See my assistant Elaine.”

  He thanked me. Then he let me know that my donation was tax deductible as well before he went back to his car. I waited for him to drive away.

  I quickly sent a text to Elaine and asked her to have a check ready for him. He made a U-turn to return to his original spot. I made sure to follow the speed limit home.

  Dirty cop. Or should I say enterprising? Damn Carina, cost me more money!

  I got home and took a shower. My mind returned to Carina and Jeremy. I know it happened a long time ago but right after the honeymoon? After the shower, I headed to the kitchen make something for dinner.

  Buzz, buzz. It was Carina. “Hello.”

  I placed the phone on speaker and place it on the counter.

  “Hi Alex, just wanted you to know we made it safely. I emailed you our resort information” She sounded extremely happy. Bitch.

  “Okay, thanks for letting me know. Good night Carina.” I really didn’t care about her right now. I pressed the end call button as she was saying good bye.

  Buzz, buzz, “Now what?” I shout at the phone. I was not happy.

  “Hi big daddy!”

  It was Mya.

  “Am I interrupting anything?”

  Taking in a deep breath and blowing it out slowly, calming myself before speaking again.

  “No, just in the kitchen about to make dinner.”

  “Well, I have dinner prepared here and there’s enough for two people. Would you like to come over?”

  “It depends.” I said with a smirk.

  “Depends on what?”

  “It depends, are we having dessert?”

  “Of course. Always.”

  “Well then, I’m on my way. I just need to change into something comfortable.”

  Since the Jag got me in trouble earlier, I took the Range Rover to Mya’s.

  She greeted me at her door with that beautiful smile.

  “Wow, you really know how to dress down.” She said looking me over.

  I had thrown on a pair of dark washed jeans a button down shirt that wasn’t tucked in and a pair of Vans. My hair was a tousled mess of brown waves.

  Is it bad?” I asked when I bent down to give her a kiss.

  “Of course not. Your hair looks hot this way. I like dressed down daddy.” She said in her most sultry voice as she fingered my hair. Her words sent a bolt of lightning straight to my cock.

  Inside, the table was set for two with white candles in hurricane vases, white linen table cloth and silver place settings. She had a bottle of Regine Benjamin wine chilling. My mother had a vineyard and this was one of her wines. I never paid much attention to that part of the company. It practically ran itself. I need to look into it.

  “Do you like this wine?” I asked looking at the bottle.

  “Yes, we sell it at the restaurant. It’s pretty popular. That’s an old vintage. Wasn’t cheap.”

  I looked at the vintage and it was from the year my mom died. Do I dare drink it? Deep breath in. I missed her. She never got the chance to see me grow up. Some days, I can’t remember her face. I have an old picture of her in my wallet. She’s holding me, I must have been six at the time. She was a beautiful woman, inside and out. “Are you sure you want to drink it?” She stopped and turned back. “This is one of the last bottles the owner of the vineyard made before passing away. I bought it hoping to share it with someone very special. I have others if you want to save that one.” Mya kissed my cheek. “No, we can drink it. And thank you.” I took a deep breath and opened it. To you mother. I say to myself as I uncork the bottle. I love you.

  “Have a seat daddy and I will serve you.” Mya walked to the kitchen and plated our food.

  I watched her hips as they swayed back and forth. She has a walk that would make any man swoon. “Down boy.” I said looking down at my erection pressing against the zipper of my jeans Shit, I forgot to put on underwear.

  She returned with two plates of grilled chicken breast, asparagus, and mashed potatoes.

  I poured us a glass my mother’s wine. She bowed her head and said grace.

  “For this food we’re about to receive, we thank you for it. Amen.”


  I said a little embarrassed. Haven’t prayed or gone to church since I left home. Mama Jewel took me all the time with her before and after my mother died. I loved the music and the preaching. She taught me how to pray as a child. She used to say prayer was the most powerful thing money couldn’t buy. I believe her.

  “That was beautiful baby.” She lifted her glass and offered a toast.

  “To a great friendship.” She said smiling. Clink.

  Dinner was very good. Mya cleared the table and brought over dessert,

  Strawberries and freshly whipped cream.They were the biggest strawberries I’d ever seen. Mya left a bowl of each on the counter. I took a strawberry, dipped it into the whipped cream; Mya opened her mouth to receive it. I fed her a few strawberries. She fed me, then kissed the whipped cream off my lips. It sent an instant signal to my groin. I was feeling like I had on my honeymoon. I wanted to take her right there. After all, it’s been a while since I was inside Mya.

  I picked her up, and carried her to the kitchen island. I kissed her forehead, cheeks, and chin. Mya parted her lips for a kiss. She sucked my tongue softly, I moaned in her mouth. She wrapped her arms around my neck and ran her fingers through the soft hair at the nape. “I’ve missed your touch baby girl.” I said between kisses. “I’ve missed touching you.” She leaned her head back. I kiss her jawline, down her neck, her collarbone and now I wanted her breasts.

  Mya was wearing a lightweight tank top and no bra. Looking at it, then her. I asked her,

  “This isn’t your favorite tank is it?” She shook her head.


  Taking the ends of the shirt in both hands, I tore it in half making Mya gasp. Her ample breasts tumbled out from the material. She inhaled sharply. She let the remnants slip off her shoulders, down her arms and onto the counter top.

  “I’ll buy you a new one.” My voice was dripping with lust.

  Dipping a strawberry into the whipped cream, I used it to spread it all over her breasts. Mya leaned back and braced herself with her arms so I could lick the whipped cream off. I was as erect as her nipples. I couldn’t help but moan as I sucked them. She moaned softly. It’s been over two months since I’d first touched her body. All I wanted to do right now was devour her from head to toe. “I’ve missed your mouth.” She breathed.

  As I kissed my way down her body I told her, “These are in my way.”

  I undid her pants, then slowly pulled them off of her. Her panties were red satin that tied up on each side. “Ooh, just like a present.” I said as I untied each bow, Mya lifted up so I could pull the material from her body tossing her panties to the floor.

  “Did you need these on baby?” She shook her head no.

  She looked at the bowl of strawberries and took the largest one out, crushed it and let the juice run onto her body from breasts to pubic bone and between her legs. Fuck! Mya rubbed the fruit on her clitoris then crushed it some more, leaving pieces on her beautiful body. She fed me the crushed fruit and I gladly ate it.

  “Oh sweet baby.” She’s got me so sprung.

  I kissed and licked my way down, her luscious body. When I reached her pubic bone, I announced: “Now, dessert is served.”


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