Love Lonely

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Love Lonely Page 25

by William C. Cole

  Jacob and Brooklyn had the jet fueled up. The last preparations for their excursion were being finalized. The new found relationship was about to be put to the test. Both were confident it would be successful. She dedicated her entire life to a career. Since Hanna died he engrossed himself in the operations of the company. Little time was spent by either on what some say are the most important things in life. Well now was the time to explore that theory.

  The first leg of the trip was enjoyed by both. They talked the entire duration of it. It was the quickest oversees flight Jacob could remember. So engrossed in their exchange, the landing at Heathrow caught them off guard. They were whisked through customs and found themselves registering at the hotel within ten hours of leaving the ranch.

  “Good day Mr. McGinnis, we are so pleased you have chosen our accommodations for your stay. As requested, we have reserved two of our finest adjacent suites” handing him the keys.

  “Thank you,” Jacob was about to add something when he felt Brooklyn place her hand on his.

  “We will only require one room,” she said to the clerk while sliding one set of keys back to him. She then looked at Jacob seeking his approval.

  “Yes, sorry then, one room will be sufficient, yes, good, good. Thank you again,” stumbling through his reply.

  The elevator delivering them to their suite was also occupied with two other guests so they stood in silence for the ride. Once the young lady attending to the luggage escorted them to the room left with a more than generous tip, Jacob turned to Brooklyn.

  “I guess that was a topic we hadn’t touched on.”

  “If you’re uncomfortable Jacob, we can make arrangements for the other suite,” she smiled at him.

  “No, no, absolutely not, it was, unexpected. As you might have noticed I’m out of practice at this sort of thing. To be honest I don’t have a clue how to act.”

  “Jacob, forgive me for being so forward, but we are of the age that we have earned the right to forego the formalities we would have pursued in our youth.”

  “Speaking solely about me isn’t it ironic at this later stage of my life I’ve reverting back to the clumsiness I knew as a teenager.”

  Brooklyn related to his way of thinking but didn’t reply.

  “Brooklyn we haven’t so much as kissed and now we find ourselves sharing the same room. Please don’t think any less of me, but the mighty Jacob McGinnis ever so feared by his adversaries, may need a little help with this.”

  “Jacob, come here. I promise to be gentle on you,” she held out her arms.

  They embraced. It was his first kiss in thirty some years, the last given to his wife after her last breath.

  David arrived at the race track. He quickly wrapped up the business portion of his day before noon. His thoughts were on Renée. The hope was to happen into a give and take with her. Should that fail he would make up some excuse. Just as he was about to text her his mobile chimed.


  “David I don’t think Magical Mist will be healthy enough to run this weekend. I’m worried about his leg. The Vet is having a look at him. Can you have him scratched from the program?”

  “Done,” he would never second guess his trainer.

  “Thank you.”

  Before she could hang up, he put forth an invitation, “Lunch?”

  “David I’m really busy.”

  “Settled, noon, at the tailgate.”

  “Fine. Goodbye David.”

  Shortly thereafter, Renée made her way to the wooden fence where they met so many times. There sat her boss on the tailgate of his favorite half ton truck. It was a baby blue 1953 Chevrolet pickup. The vehicle wasn’t just a means of transportation, it was a love affair. As far as he was concerned, everyone else can have all their fancy new vehicles with this option and that option. His was produced with pride not production. It was a romance that anyone who knew him was aware of.

  “Hey kid, come sit.”

  She propped herself onto the tailgate. There they both sat, feet dangling, smiling at one another, glad to be together again. David opened the lid of a small cooler, took out a sandwich and handed it to her. He then tossed her a bottle of water. Like a guy would pitch a buddy a beer. Lunch was served. Nothing fancy, a down home meal just the way each of them liked it.

  “What’s on your mind boss?” she asked as she took a bite of the chow.

  “I’m thinking about leaving Sandy.”

  Renée nearly choked on her grub. She rested her hands on her lap while shaking her lowered head, exhaling a gainsaying breath.

  “David you’re not leaving your wife, ne parlez pas fou. Sandy is everything any guy could ask for. You only find someone like that once in a lifetime. She’s yours. Get a grip on yourself boss. We’ve talked about this before. I love the sex David, but I’m not looking for anything else. So make it work with her. I think we need to end our,” she was cut off.

  “Renée this isn’t about us. You’ve made it clearer than a sunny day on the prairies exactly what our time together is meant to be. This is about where I want my life to be ten years from now. I don’t think Sandy and I are moving in the same direction. Since she’s been back we’ve had a few heart to heart talks. She’s having difficulty committing to some important aspects of how I see our journey.”

  “Address it again and again with her David. She will come around. You don’t want to be one of those people who end up saying, if only we would have talked more about how we felt, would we both now have someone else.”

  “I don’t know. Maybe you’re right. But I want children. I don’t believe she’s prepared to commit to being a parent.”

  “David I’m probably not the ideal person to be discussing your marital troubles with.”

  “Sorry, I’m not thinking straight. I haven’t been the same since California. You’ve opened my eyes to how much zeal I have for life. I want children to share it with.”

  “I do understand. But please give it more time. Sandy promised she will be staying home more. Once she settles in, I’m sure it will work out for you. With the amount of traveling she has been doing for the past few months, it will take her time just to rid herself of jet lag.”

  “Maybe your right. Sorry for bothering you with it. I’m being selfish and you’re right, I shouldn’t be dumping my problems on you,” he admitted.

  The tailgate picnic chat switched directions. They discussed the active horses stabled at the facility. Renée was exceptionally versed in each of the animal’s health, progression and expectations. He had never been apprised of their conditioning in such depth. It once again solidified her promotion. Knowing their investments was in the best set of hands in the racing world allowed David time to concentrate on the business. After an hour and a half which felt like ten minutes they hopped off the truck. Renée made her way to prepare for some training laps. In the back of her mind she was hoping to run in Gabriela. The midday meeting with her boss awakened her desire for the sensual pleasures that at the moment only two people could fulfill. Under the circumstances Gabriela was the best candidate. David was heading for his office to complete his business when his cell signaled an incoming call.

  “Hello,” he answered, reading an unknown number on the call display.

  “David, Agent Scott. I received your message. What can I do for you?”

  “I’m looking for an update on the fire investigation. I understand the CIA hasn’t gone out of their way in assisting your department. I’ve been speaking to people who know a bit about this method and have come up with a couple of theories.”

  “David I’d be more than happy to consider your reasoning but it would seem rather redundant at this point since the person responsible for the fire has been apprehended.”

  Was he hearing right? They caught the one guilty of this tragedy and neglected to inform the victims. Stopping in his tracks his blood pressure spiked. Someone was going to be held accountable for this lack of professionalism.

” were all his vocal chords could generate.

  “You sound surprised David. I apologize. It was my understanding that your family had been briefed.”

  “Well we haven’t. I cannot believe that we weren’t made aware of this the second you made an arrest.”

  “David I will make some inquiries. Although our Agency was pulled off the case and had no involvement in the apprehending of this person, it was our understanding Mr. McGinnis was briefed.”

  “Why was your department removed from the investigation?”

  This whole conversation wasn’t making any sense to him. His belief was the FBI were still actively leading the case. Something wasn’t adding up. Surely if Jacob had knowledge of this, he would have passed it along.

  “If you have nothing to do with this, then who the hell did.”

  “Don’t get me wrong David. Our agency contributed a great deal in determining the identity of this perpetrator. Shortly before we were prepared to make the arrest, we were instructed to stand down.”

  “By who?”

  “The White House. From that point on, we were issued information on a need to know basis. It is now the Secret Service who bears sole responsibility for the case.”

  “I don’t understand. Why in the world would the White House have interest in this?”

  The FBI Agent didn’t have the answer to that. Normally it was his organization on the opposite side of the coin taking over cases from local police authorities. Trained to obey instructions filtered down from those above, he accepted his orders without question. In this case he presumed Mr. McGinnis’s close relationship with the President was the driving factor.

  “Again I apologize. I don’t have any details on who within your organization was informed but I will make some calls and get back to you. David since the Secret Service is the organization now in charge, do you think it is possible that your wife was the person apprised of the situation during her recent White House visit?”

  As far-fetched as the comment initially seemed, it quickly became a reasonable explanation. Recently the more he learned of his wife the less he knew.

  “Thank you Agent Scott. If you do come across any additional information please give me a call.”

  He ended the call. With the phone still in hand he sent a text to his wife. The message was, home soon want to talk.

  Back at the ranch Sandy put herself through an intense workout. Purposely she left her cell phones on her night table on silent. Her new priority in life was her husband. No longer did she want to lie to him. He could never learn of her true identity along with the purpose of her missions as it was classified information. Admitting to his suspicions was going to raise more questions but the decision was clear. What she could say is in addition to her own commitments was that she would sometimes secretly have informal discussions with political figures for the President on subjects deemed sensitive to the Nation. It was somewhat the truth. Not the whole truth but not a lie. She would tell him she advised the President during her last visit that her plan was to spend more time at home and he wholeheartedly agreed. Truth.

  At the ranch’s stable she saddled up her horse Beaches. There was nothing that could clear one’s mind like a horseback ride through some of the most picturesque land in the State. Some of her toughest decisions were made on these trails. When her mother passed away she spent every spare minute of her time riding. It was a mending remedy.

  Shortly after his text, he arrived home. The drive was a blur. One of those trips that your mind is so absorbed by something that at the end of the ride you wonder how you got there. He searched their suite for his wife but she was not there. David noticed her phones on the table which could only mean one thing. She was riding. Sandy would never interrupt the serenity of riding by the utilization of a mobile. Modern technology was wonderful but it wasn’t meant to have access to certain sanctuaries.

  David made his way to the stables. He immediate knew she went for a ride when he saw Beach’s stall empty. Anxious to question her of any knowledge with regards to the apprehension of the person responsible for the fire, he saddled his favorite horse. Knowing she would eventually make her way to Willow Meadows he rode off on the trail in the direction of the magnificent views the hillside oasis provided. He was sure that would be her destination. Something must be weighing on her mind. The hilltop was a favorite spot of hers to sort out worrisome concerns.

  He was correct. There she sat on the cliff engrossed by the undulating landscape. So much so, his arrival went unnoticed. It wasn’t until a rustling from the horses snapped her out of the spell did she realize she wasn’t alone. By that point David was at her side. Sandy smiled, acknowledged his presence but said nothing as her focus shifted back to the countryside. David stretched his legs out and followed her lead. They sat silent for a good ten minutes until David broke the silence.

  “We need to talk.”

  “We do. David I’m working on it. Now I have had some time at home, I’m beginning to get a clearer picture of what you expect of our future. But David as I asked the other night, please give me time to process. I’m struggling through a couple of issues that only I can resolve. My challenges are not visible but very real. I need to learn to deal with it by myself before I can share it with you. I don’t want to lose you. We need to make choices both of us are comfortable with. Please, I’m making progress.”

  “As I told you I understand. Take whatever time you need. That’s not what I wanted to discuss.”

  There was another minute of silence as they once again gazed at the backdrop.

  “What’s on your mind?”

  With a stern expression he turned to her and asked of her what he already knew.

  “I spoke with Agent Scott today. You knew the person responsible for the fire was detained, didn’t you? You knew and didn’t bother to tell me. I carry the burden of losing two horses and you didn’t think or want to pass that information on.”

  “Yes, I knew. I was briefed when at the White House, but David,” he interrupted her.

  “But what, you knew and didn’t tell me. That’s what it is. What’s going on here? Why would you and your father keep this from me? Do I not merit enough respect from you two to be included.”

  “My father doesn’t know.”

  “I don’t get it. Is our life real or are we living in some fantasy land?”

  “Can I explain myself?”

  “Please, be my guest.”

  At that Sandy shifted towards her husband sitting upright, crossed legs with her arms resting on her knees. The contemplation was over. Her entire attentiveness was now centered on her husband. No lies.

  “When I was visiting the President he informed me in private of a joint CIA and FBI arrest. The person is a young girl who works for one of the feed companies. She’s innocent. Yes she did place the material in the stables. However, she was led to believe they were an odor control product that a company was experimenting with who had an odd sense of showcasing their merchandise. The kid had no clue what she was getting into. She was broke and someone paid her a great deal of money.”

  She continued honestly laying out all she knew about the detainee. Explaining the President decided that because of his close relationship with Jacob and the companies high profile it was best to keep it close to him until the persons who ordered the attack were brought to justice. So it was taken out of both Agencies hands and turned over to a small group of faithful Secret Service agents who the President categorically trusted. He listened believing her explanation not necessary agreeing or understanding why he had been left out of the loop.

  “I want to talk to her.”

  “That’s not possible David. She’s been released.”

  “Who authorized that?”

  “I did.”


  “As I said she was blameless. The President and I felt it would be of no benefit to make a spectacle of her. The press would be damaging not just to us, but also the kid. We forced her
to resign her job. They were not informed as to what happened. The President arranged new employment for her, a fresh start somewhere closer to him so he can keep a close eye on her. We believe she may be in danger. Whoever is behind it will want to clean up loose ends. I believe the President felt sorry for her.”

  David sat in silence trying to decipher what he learned. She was content to end the conversation hoping she had satisfied his curiosity. To his surprise, he felt a barrier had been broken or at least partially taken down. This was the first time his wife made reference to the power she wielded within the administration. He believed she was opening up with the truth.

  “David we should be getting back. It is best that what we have learned stay between us. My father is not to know, for now. I promise to keep you up to date the minute I’m advised. I’m sorry I should have explained earlier.”

  He took a deep breath then exhaled, “Okay.”

  “David there is more I would like to talk about, but not here. Can we free up our schedules this evening?”

  “Sure,” he bent over and gave her a kiss. “I have an hour or so, let’s ride.”

  Chapter 19

  Brooklyn and Jacob sat in a rented automobile outside Serge’s present residence. It was the beginning of a stay in the hospital where he would be administered an experimental drug regiment by Dr. White. Jacob had worked his magic to penetrate his friend’s medical schedule. The doctor provided transportation for each series of treatments. Today the chauffeur would be Jacob, the navigator, Brooklyn.

  During the past few days, the pair became tourists minus any special treatment reserved for the rich. They took in Buckingham Palace from the outside. Brooklyn once accompanied the President on a visit, but the business at hand left little time to absorb the magnificence a tourist see’s while standing at its gates. Similar for Jacob who over the years attended three functions at the Royal Residence. Also checked off the list was an hour wait in line to ride the London Eye. Jacob who is not good with heights felt a little queasy by the end. In addition there were visits to St. Paul’s Cathedral and the British Museum. Both were thoroughly enjoying the city as ordinary tourists.


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