Love Lonely

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Love Lonely Page 26

by William C. Cole

  Serge appeared from the doorway of the stoned country house. Considering his medical challenges he looked good. He'd lost a little weight but Jacob thought he could notice more color in his face.

  As he approached, Jacob stepped out, walking around the back of the car and had the rear door open by the time Serge reached the car. Serge was walking with his eyesight somewhat lowered to the walkway rather than the vehicle. Obviously he was expecting a chauffeur to be attending to him so he paid little attention to Jacob. It wasn’t until he was fully seated that he snapped out of his presumptuous state and recognized his boss. Quite possibly what jolted him was the presence of a woman passenger with long flowing black hair.

  “Well I never, blimey.”

  “We were in town, thought you might need a lift.”

  Jacob extended his hand but Serge lifted himself out of the car and gave him a big hug. Shortly after they released each other it dawned on Serge that the passenger was Brooklyn. He stuck his head into the door opening.

  “Brooklyn, how nice to see you. How in the world did you get this guy out of his office? Better yet, how did you convince him to let you out from behind your desk? God, it’s so nice to see you two.”

  During the ride to the hospital Brooklyn and Serge did most of the talking. Jacob was struggling with driving on the opposite side of the road. Serge was feeling good about his treatment. He held no false hope of a reversal of his condition. However, the anticipation of lengthening his life expectancy was in the realm of possibilities. He thanked Jacob two or three times during the trek for the arrangements with Dr. White.

  All three entered through the main doors of the hospital and stayed together until the nurse arrived to escort Serge to his room. The plan was at the end of the treatment Jacob and Brooklyn would return to drive him home.

  On their way back to the hotel Brooklyn suggested they stop at a pharmacy to pick up some personal items. Next door to it was a small outdoors store that carried item such as hiking equipment and so on. Since the toiletries provided by the hotel satisfied Jacob’s needs he elected to browse the little shop while she went about her purchases.

  As soon as he stepped foot inside, an idea struck him like a lightning bolt. In his renewed infatuation for life, a faded teenage dream returned. He knew exactly what items he wanted to buy.

  Once she returned the horse to the stables, Sandy occupied her father’s office for the most part of the day taking care of business. Her first call was made on the secured phone she retrieved from her residence before settling in. It was to the Director of the CIA.

  Christopher Young immediately answered, “Yes, Sandy.”

  “Sir, I thought we were going to keep a lid on our findings with regards to the fire.”

  “I have. The agents who are aware of the arrest were personally instructed by me to wipe the slate clear. Nothing will come out of this office. Everything has been handed over to the President’s crew.”

  “Agent Scott briefed my husband.”

  “Then you should have directed your call to Madison.”

  “No, you make the call. I know how much you two like to chat it up.”

  “I’ll talk to her.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Is there anything else Sandy?”


  “Good, have a nice day,” he hung up without saying goodbye.

  The remainder of the afternoon was split between her own responsibilities and discussions with a select few of her father’s hierarchy. She was in possession of Power of Attorney which left her with the final word in her father’s absence. But, for the most part she would adhere to the advice of those her father entrusted in.

  After their ride, David planted himself in an office attached to the stables at the ranch. He called Renée for an update. They dragged out the exchange longer than need be but adhered to business matters. As he was wrapping up his cell chimed.


  “David, Agent Scott.”

  “I wasn’t expecting to hear from you again so soon,” surprised to speak with him twice in one day.

  “As I promised I dug a little deeper or tried to. David I’ve been shut out. I was called up on the carpet for our last conversation. The case is no longer active within our Agency. If I so much as breathe a word of it again I’ve been guaranteed my next assignment will be in some remote location investigating flying saucers. Sorry I wasn’t able to be of more help.”

  “Thank you Agent Scott. I understand. For the record you were the only one I could get a straight answer from, I appreciate it. Thanks again.”

  “Anytime. Goodbye.”

  With the day’s tasks complete, he took the short walk to the house. Before heading to their suite he poked his head into Jacobs’s office.

  “You hungry,” he asked or more like motioned to his wife who held the telephone to her ear.

  Sandy held up her index finger up indication she would only be a minute. He leaned against the door frame and waited. Less than a minute later she hung up.

  “What did you have in mind,” she inquired about dinner.

  “I can throw something together. Any requests?”

  “Your choice. Thanks. I need about another half hour.”

  “I’m on it.”

  With that he went directly to the kitchen, searched the cupboards, opened the refrigerator then began to fill the suite with a scrumptious aroma.

  Jacob was tapping his fingers on a Smartphone when Brooklyn stepped through the door. He finished typing as he noticed her. She was surprised to see he made a purchase. She could not recall ever witnessing him go out and buy anything.

  “Jacob you actually bought something.”

  “Yes. I found something I have been considering purchasing since my teen years.”

  “Well,” she stood there, “let me see,” making a move towards the large shopping bag.

  He pulled it aside and hid it behind his back.

  “No. I will show you once we get back to our room.”

  That is exactly what he did. As soon as they entered the suite, out of the bag came two medium sized light weight hiking rucksacks.

  “What in the world,” she started saying before being cut off.

  “Hear me out.”

  Jacob took out his phone prompting something to the screen. Moving to her side he handed it to her. Still curious as to the impetus behind the suggestion, she did catch on right away after viewing the tiny screen.

  “Our plan was to experience Europe. Why not do it by rail. I’ve wanted to do this since I was a kid. I’ve been so engrossed in making money it remained a dream. Let’s do it now. We pack as much as we can into these and store the rest here at the hotel. If we don’t come back I will make arrangements to have it flown back home.”

  What he showed her on his mobile was the confirmation of two Eurail passes good for a month’s travel anywhere in Europe. She continued looking at him shaking her head back and forth in disbelief.

  “Jacob you do realize we have a company to run.”

  “Oh, I haven’t forgotten. That’s why I hired the best management team money can buy. Besides, it pressures Sandy to sit put for a while. She will feel obligated to help out. The two of them need together time. So, what do you think?”

  “I’m all in. Truth be told, I’ve shared that same dream.”

  “Fantastic. Let’s do it,” he was keyed up, ready to go. “One more thing, I want to offer the use of our jet to Serge and his family for the next three weeks. I called a friend of mine who owns a beautiful island off the coast of Greece and he would be more than happy to accommodate them.”

  “I’m not sure Serge’s health would hold. As you say, we can offer.”

  “Good. We will visit him tomorrow at the hospital.”

  She gave him a hug.

  “Jacob. Where have you been hiding this element of your personality all these years?”

  “I’m not sure, but it waited much too long revealing itself.”

  Surprisingly, Serge warmed to the idea and with the blessing of Dr. White he gathered his close family. They jetted off to the island for a two week stay. Then it was back to treatments.

  Brooklyn and Jacob boarded a train, destination somewhere. Their only promise to each other was, make no plans beyond the present day. Let the journey take them whichever way the wind might blow.

  Sandy and David finished dinner. After they cleaned up, she suggested they take a walk about the ranch. It was time to come clean. Her explanation would have to be modified. A promise was made not to lie. Confident her husband would understand, she would adhere to that, but there was a need to avoid topics requiring security clearance. As they walked along side of the white fence she began.

  “David I know exactly how you feel about the path our marriage has taken. You are the most patient person I know. I need to be more forthcoming from now on. So if you bear with me I have some explaining to do.”

  “Sandy, you don’t have to do this if you’re uncomfortable with it.”

  “Actually I do. If our relationship has any chance of survival you need to know more about me. I’m a perceptive person. I know what’s going on.”

  David’s heart fluttered. He automatically referenced her comment to his indiscretions with Renée.

  “Please bear with me here. Let me finish, then we can discuss anything you want.”

  Here it goes she thought. No lies, truth.

  “One evening after I graduated college, my father was entertaining the President here at the ranch. He was spending the night in our guest house. It wasn’t the first time I met him, so we were familiar with each other. When my father retired for the evening, the President mentioned to me he wasn’t ready to call it a night just yet. He invited me to take a walk with him as he had something he would like to discuss. So we did, with the Secret Service in tow.”

  They walked a little further until Sandy propped herself up on the fence. David leaned against it looking into the field lit by a full moon.

  “He asked me how I felt about his administration and whether or not I had any inclination of pursuing a career in politics. It caught me off guard. I wasn’t sure how to reply, telling him I hadn’t put much thought into it. We chatted for a couple of hours before the weariness of the day caught up to us. As we were saying our good nights he invited me to the White House the following week wanting to continue the conversation. He mentioned he had a proposal I might be interested in.”

  David remained silent. This wasn’t what he was expecting but it was intriguing.

  “The next week I went to Washington. At the meeting, myself, the president and,” she stopped for a second. “David, this cannot be repeated, ever.”

  He nodded his head in agreement but didn’t speak.

  “The other person in the room was the CIA’s Director. Because of my father’s contacts in addition to where my business travels would be taking me, they asked for my assistance. At times certain government concerns cannot be negotiated out in the open. That’s where I come in. So when oversees, once in awhile I’m asked to meet with dignitaries to negotiate sensitive matters that need to be resolved exclusive of public knowledge. That’s the reason some of my trips are extended at the last minute. But for the most part, it is our business that occupies my time. That’s it. That’s all. That’s what I do.”

  “So my wife’s a CIA agent.”

  “No David I’m not an agent. I confer with foreign officials with regards to matters that are best not made public. The world of politics has no boundaries, few rules. What you see on the news is a diminutive piece of what really goes on.”

  “Ok then. You’re aware I always knew there was more to your trips than met the eye. However I thought it related to your father’s business. So why explain yourself now?”

  “There are only a handful of people who have knowledge of the delicate off the record exercises I’ve been involved in. I was under the impression the government would not take kindly to me sharing it with you.”

  “So what changed?”

  “During my last visit to the White House, the President hinted I do whatever necessary to make things right with my husband.”

  “He’s a smart man.”

  “That he is.”

  She jumped off the fence took him by the arm and gave him a kiss. They continued with a hushed walk along the fence line knowing there was more to discuss but needing a couple of minutes to let the confession settle in.

  David was first to speak, “My turn?” he asked.

  Her expression indicated approval.

  “I appreciate you confiding in me. It goes without question that your secret is safe. Now I have concerns with your safety. Are you in danger during these undertakings?”

  Not expecting that question it took a second to develop a reply as she vowed to herself there would be no lies tonight.

  “David, I’m capable of handling myself. You have nothing to worry about.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She nodded then pulled him closer. The stroll continued until David stopped, put his hands on his wife’s shoulders. It was his turn to speak from the heart.

  “Sandy how does this play into our future. You become evasive whenever I bring up the topic of us raising our own family.”

  “David you know I love children. I spend so much of my energies trying to improve their lives. I’m scared. What if I’m not home enough? What if I’m not a good mother? I can’t just stop what I do. I have so many responsibilities. I know how much this means to you. David I’m afraid of not being a good parent.”

  Starting a family was weighing heavily on her. She started to cry. Her emotions didn’t get the better of her too often but she was still human, although some thought of her as a machine. David held her tight. He would give her time, yet wanted to continue the discussion about having children.

  “Sandy, listen. I don’t expect you to stay at home. That’s not you. I want you to continue your work. What you do is important. It’s needed. We’ll figure it out. I’ll stay home. I can work out of the ranch. Renée is quite capable of taking on more responsibility. Sandy, your father is the busiest person I know and he raised you single-handedly. You turned out just fine.”

  “David I promise to reduce my traveling. I will. I’m at that point in my life that age begins to apply its own pressure. I’ve been so busy it snuck up on me. There are personal issues within me that I need to come to terms with first. This is something a woman needs to do alone, at least for the time being. If I promise a decision no longer than say two months, would you be okay with it.”

  “Absolutely, Sandy I just want to have kids. Ok, that’s a lot to absorb for one night. Let’s go home.”

  They turned back towards the ranch house retracing their steps. Before they reached it Sandy stopped and looked her husband in the eye. There was one more issue she wanted to get off her chest.

  “David there is one more issue I would like to touch on. What I’m about to say is an observation that doesn’t require an answer. Actually, I don’t want you to answer. I would prefer if you didn’t say a word. It will alleviate the temptation to lie.”


  “You promise. Not a word.”

  He signaled his consent, completely at a lost as to where she was going with this, oblivious to the blind siding about to take place.

  “If you are or have or are thinking about sleeping with Renée, I believe I can find it in my heart to forgive you. The extent of separation I’ve evoked undeniably leaves both of us vulnerable. Experiencing temptation to fill this void would be understandable.”

  When David began to respond she touched her index finger to his lips. He first thought his wife took notice of something in Miami exposing his extramarital relation. The enticement comment made him wonder if she was also making reference to herself having an affair.

  “David no, I don’t want to know. Please don’t say anything, you promised.”

  Revealing her accep
tance of what might have happened was pushing her tolerance to the max. Any expansion on the subject was sure to escalate into a seething exchange.

  “Let’s go to bed,” she changed the subject.

  “But,” he started, not knowing what to say before he got the look and went silent.

  If the other woman would have been someone other than Renée, someone his wife didn’t know, he felt a confession would have been forthcoming before this conversation. But, to ruin Renée’s life wasn’t something he was prepared to do.

  “David,” she hesitated.

  “What?” He urged her to continue.

  “David, don’t love her. That I can’t live with.”

  Chapter 20

  Jacob and Brooklyn extended the European vacation an additional week. They took in all the popular sightseeing destinations and some lesser known locations. Most of their nights were spent in mid priced hotels. Those where people traveling on a budget might lay their heads. A couple of nights they took refuge at a shelter normally reserved for the young. They used the excuse they were having difficulty finding a vacant hotel and that they were seeking beds to sleep only a few hours before moving on. Jacob had always wanted to experience one.

  The other lodgers, mostly in their twenties, shared stories of their travels to the genuine attentiveness of Jacob and Brooklyn. The conversations were of so much interest the majority traded sleep for the narrative. Sunlight appeared before any rest could be had. Jacob was so impressed with the spirit these kids conveyed. So much so, he took a young gentleman aside before leaving, handing him his card. He encouraged the boy to complete his journey no matter how long it took. But when it was complete, a job, a well paying job, would be waiting for him at McGinnis Enterprises.

  Once home it didn’t take long to get back in the groove of things. Sandy was more than happy to hand back the reins to her father so she could resume her own responsibilities. The holiday had solidified what was already known, they had become a couple. They limited sleepovers to two, three times a week max, allowing this new found relationship time to flourish. Both suspected that in the not-too-distant future the log chalet would become vacant.


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