Love Lonely

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Love Lonely Page 27

by William C. Cole

  Sandy appreciated her brief sabbatical. Being an expert rider, she’d forgotten how enjoyable riding could be. During her visits to the track in the past couple of weeks she was encouraged by David to ride a few training laps.

  Being relieved of her father’s duties it was time to get back to work. Plans were in the making for some brief out of town meetings. She would make a conscious effort to restrict her travels to overnight stays, at most two nights. In one way she was surprised and in another not so much that Langley had been respective of her request to reduce her assignments. Her thought was the President had a say in it.

  The first of her own commitments was arranged for the following weekend in Chicago. There she once again accepted an invitation to be the guest speaker at a fund raising event. Her hope was David would join her.

  Working out of her suite, she was getting up to refresh her tea when her cell chimed.


  “Sandy we need to talk.”

  “It’s good to hear from you. How’s married life?”

  “We will talk about that some other time. I have answers to what you asked of me,” Fyad wasn’t in the mood for pleasantries.

  “Fyad I’m alone. The line is secure. You are aware we isolated the person responsible of placing the igniting mechanism.”

  “Sandy she was a pawn. I will be in Washington next week. We need to do this in person. My schedule is tight. Can you come to me?”

  “Fayd are you sure we can’t discuss this now.”

  “Sandy you’re not going to like what I have for you. You may not be shocked at my findings but it will disturb you. My preference is to pass it on personally.”

  Sensing the seriousness in his voice, she agreed. Since she would already be speaking in Chicago during his visit, it would be a quick detour. Fyad was brilliant with regards to intelligence gathering. Actually he was the best she knew. His talents surpassed anything the CIA had to offer. The tactics used in his gatherings were not necessarily moral or legal. They did however produce exceptional results. What she was about to learn from him would undoubtedly be accurate. They wished each other well, promising to touch base once he landed State side.

  Christopher Young, the Director of the world’s largest, most powerful, dangerous intelligence organizations sat at his desk reviewing a file. It was presented to him by one of his agents who was uncomfortably sitting on the other side of the desk. There were no words being spoken. The boss was absorbed in the material. Before long he looked up.

  “You weren’t exposed.”

  “No sir. Our surveillance has been twenty-four seven. I assure you we have not been made.”

  The Director glanced back down at the paperwork.

  “I see there was an appointment at the doctor’s.”

  “Yes sir. In and out. Thirty minutes max. Some sort of record for nowadays.”

  “You’re an expert on medical wait times?”

  “No sir.”

  It didn’t matter that the agent was a ten year veteran. Sitting in the chair he now occupied, he was reduced to feeling like a rookie applying for his first job.

  “Where is the medical report?”


  “The doctor’s report, from what you referred to as a record breaking visit. I want it on my desk within the hour.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “That will be all.”

  He dismissed the Agent sending him along his way with his tail between his legs, en route to the IT center to request the hacking of the physician’s medical files. When the chief says an hour he means fifty minutes. The agent possessed the clout to prioritize the request and would use it. He didn’t want to end up assisting the Canadians at their signals intelligence intercept facility in Alert, Nunavut on the northeastern tip of Ellesmere Island. It has the distinction of being the northernmost permanently inhabited place in the world.

  David asked Renée to meet him at the fence. She arrived first and was sitting on it as he came around the corner of the stable. It had been a couple of days since they had last seen each other. He hadn’t spent much time with her recently, as most of his time was spent at the ranch with Sandy. Seeing her now made his heart flutter. She looked good. As time passed he started to believe thoughts of Renée would always be present. He couldn’t help it. Control of one’s actions can be achieved. It’s the inevitable emotions that fester within presenting themselves when caressed.

  “What’s up boss?” she asked as David hopped onto the top railing.

  “Next weekend. New York.”

  “We’ll be ready.”

  “I know.”

  “Are there any changes you want implemented?”

  David took a moment to answer, “No.”

  Renée knew there was more on his mind than the race itself. She had a feeling what was to be said next.

  “I meant are you ready for us to be away together again.”

  “David, unless one of us makes the decision to find a new job, we have to find a way to become at ease with this. Besides, now Sandy is home, won’t she be traveling with you?”

  He overheard one of his wife’s calls making an arrangement to be the guest of honor the same day as the race. She hadn’t informed him yet, but he knew it was coming. His wife would invite him and he would decline because of his obligation at the track.

  “Sandy won’t be going. She has a speaking engagement.”

  “Okay. I have a lot to do, is there something else,” trying to pry out of him what was on his mind.

  “Are we going to sleep together in New York”.

  He felt he might as well put it out there. There was no sense spending the time leading up to the trip being preoccupied with the pleasurable thoughts of experiencing her warmth. All the cards on the table, your call.

  “That’s not a good idea. Your wife is back. All your energies should be focused on working things out with her. She’s really trying David. That’s where your mind should be. Besides, we were lucky to come out of Florida unexposed.”

  He didn’t want to tell her he believed Sandy knew about the two of them.

  “I know what you’re saying is right but to be honest since California all I can think about is you.”

  “Can I be blunt,” she felt like giving him a good back hander.


  “Most men would treasure having Sandy as their partner. She’s everything someone could ask for, beautiful, intelligent, and wealthy. You need to give your head a shake. Wake up from this midlife crisis you’re having boss. We had sex, that’s all it was. She’s the one you need to love.”

  “You’re right again but that doesn’t change the fact that I want you in bed.”

  David couldn’t remember being this confused. He knew he loved his wife. Raising a family was at the top of his priority list or at least that is what he thought. Yet here he was fixated on Renée. The gratification from being inside her was etched into his head. He couldn’t shake it off. For the first time in his life he was secretly considering scheduling an appointment with a psychologist in hopes of shedding light on his state of mind, a big step for a farm boy from Alberta. Back home people work out their frustrations by grabbing an axe and attacking the nearest log. Or they take hold of the nearest rifle and put a few rounds into some haystack or any other object not near a living creature. It worked wonders. But he was not on the farm.

  “You know if we prolong ending this you will lose her and a relationship is the last thing I’m looking for.”

  “I know,” he agreed then went on, “I’m aware of what’s at stake. That’s not going to take away my desire for you.”

  “David. I’ll do you right here, right now if that’s what you want. I love sex, more than that I love having sex with you. But that doesn’t make it right. Cheating on your wife will ruin your future. Everything you guys have worked towards will be gone in a blink of eye.”

  “Why does that not bother you,” he asked her.

  “I’m not
the one married David, you are. It’s not my fault you’re searching for something. Surely Sandy realizes your needs. It’s her responsibility to correct it. As for me, my downfall is sex. With you it’s special, but I’ll survive when it’s over. And for your sake it should be.”

  “How can you have such a chilled attitude about what’s happened between us.”

  “I don’t have the answer to that nor am I looking for one. I believe I’m a bit of a coquette.”

  “No you’re not Renée. You may want to pretend you don’t care but you are one of the most kindhearted people I know. That tiny body of yours is chocked-full of affection.”

  “Listen David, we should get back to work. In New York if you knock on my door I will welcome you in my bed. As you Americans say, the ball is in your court. Just make sure you are prepared to live with the consequences before making the decision.”

  Renée didn’t want to continue hashing about the subject. She wanted to get back to the tasks at hand. Another lesson taught by her mother was that men have a way of slipping back into their childhood. During those times, it was best to listen, but let them work it out on their own.

  She hopped off the fence and gave him a look to say it was time to end the chat. He silently acknowledged it. But as she began to walk away there was one more question to ask.

  “Renée, can I ask you something personal?”

  The first thing that came to her mind was who asks that type of question of someone you already have been intimate with. That in itself is as personal as it gets. But obviously she would listen to where he was taking this.

  “David what? I really do have to get back to work.”

  He posed the question which was weighing on his mind since the weekend at the stakes race. “Were you and Gabriela together in California? I swear I saw her come out of your room.”

  She had almost forgotten Gabriela had mentioned that David may have spotted her coming out of her room.


  “Did you sleep with her?”

  Renée stared at him for a second before an amorous smile appeared on her face. Saying nothing she turned and walked ever so slowly away from her boss knowing full well his eyes would be undressing her. Men.

  David’s desire for her intensified with each step she took. Picturing Renée and Gabriela in bed together drove him crazy. It was a guy thing. He wasn’t sure she knew what she was doing to him. If intentional, it was succeeding.

  The head of the CIA received a copy of the medical file in thirty-seven minutes flat. After dismissing the agent who delivered it, he smiled, being entertained by the uneasiness of his employees when in his company. The more fearful they were of him, the more efficient the agency operated. Their duty was to serve to the betterment of the country no matter what task was assigned.

  All other files were pushed aside leaving the medical report in the center of the desk. He opened it and began to read it slowly, once, twice, then again. There was no facial expression whatsoever. Once he grasped its contents he closed the folder and looked directly ahead with a blank stare.

  After what seemed an unusually amount of time deciding how to proceed, he summoned the agent assigned as his assistant who immediately entered the room in silence awaiting instructions.

  “Steven, please contact the undercover operative we have placed at the McGinnis ranch. I want a meeting in my office within twenty four hours.”

  “Sir, I’m not sure that would be wise. We’ve taken great strides to shield our identity. If brought in, it does open us up to the possibility of exposure.”

  “Steven, I’m not asking.”

  “Yes sir.”

  The next morning the young handler sat in the ever so feared chair waiting for the Director to explain the visit.

  “I understand your infiltration has been successful. I’m told you have become a significant addition to the staffing at the ranch. You may have missed your calling when you signed up with us.”

  “Thank you sir, to be honest I haven’t had much of an opportunity to apply what I was taught by the agency.”

  “Oh don’t fret, your time will come. As I promised, you will be moving on in the very near future. But first I have one last task for you.”

  Chapter 21

  Soon after their return from Europe a family dinner extended late into the evening. David and Sandy could barely sneak in a word edgewise being the recipients of a blow-by-blow account of the five week trek. Jacob and Brooklyn created the impression that one might expect from someone finding a lost treasure. There was a great deal of laughter from both couples as the stories were told.

  Eventually the younger couple tired and excused themselves. Once back in their suite David made a comment to his wife about how happy her father was. Adding he felt like the older of the two men as his father-in-law could have gone on all night. Sandy wholeheartedly agreed. Actually the evening affirmed his want to have children. He visualized being the parent at the table, eventually the grandparent. Was this marriage going to fulfill his image?

  “David I’ve committed to speaking at a fundraiser next weekend in Chicago. I know you have races in New York. I’ve put aside my own responsibilities to take care of dad’s the past few weeks so I really should attend. They’ve had to postpone twice already. You okay with it? If not I will cancel and go with you.”

  “I heard you on the phone the other day making the arrangements. I’m good. We have three horses running so I’m not going to have a lot of extra time as it is.”


  “Sandy, I don’t want you to give up the work you do. All I ask is that you keep our discussion about starting a family at the forefront of your thoughts.”

  The exchange was taken place on the move. He now plopped himself on the bed. She made her way to the powder room to freshen up before retiring for the night and most likely an hour or so gratifying each other’s hunger. His comment stopped her.

  “To be honest with you David, for the past couple of months that’s pretty much all I’ve been thinking about. Something inside me won’t let me get my mind off it. I promised you an answer shortly and I am committed to that.”

  The issue was not touched on the remainder of the evening. What was talked about was her ink. When she walked naked towards the bed seeing the art on her body jogged David’s recollection of the story told at the bar about the eleven phantom soldiers who survived what was believed to be the military's most aggressive training program. His wife explained the meaning behind her three understated tattoos early in their relationship. Now his curiosity resurfaced. He hadn’t given much thought of the possibility his wife was the one referred to as Sandy. Actually he felt there was little chance this group even existed. Yet his interest was renewed with her recent confessions of being involved in secretive undertakings.

  As she pulled down the covers he put his hand on the back of her shoulder rubbing a small tattoo. She gave him a curious look but didn’t say anything.

  “Sandy, how did you decide on the design of your tattoos?”

  “Why do you ask?”

  “I’m just curious. I think I might get one.”

  “I never thought the day would come when David Watson would get himself inked.”

  “I said I’ve given it some thought. I know yours are in memory of your mother, but what about this one?” he questioned her as he rubbed the back of her shoulder.

  “What about it. I already explained it to you,” she was becoming suspicious of his inquiry.

  “I know. But why eleven stars, why not ten, eight or six, why eleven?”

  “I like the way it looks with eleven,” not the whole truth, not a lie.

  “Your mind is on tattoos when you have a naked woman sitting beside you.”

  She then adjusted her position to face him sitting in a yoga position pushing the blankets aside revealing a clean shave. His interest was curious, yet she knew there was zero chance he was referring to the tattoos true meaning.

  David w
anted to press the issue but even if the far-fetched story was true, his wife would never admit it. Besides, the view of her naked body swiftly altered his train of thought. Her love making was more aggressive, more urgent than the norm.

  The day before Sandy departed for Chicago she spent a good portion of the morning with her father. They appraised the decisions made in his absence. During the meeting he questioned her on the progress on the fire. She didn’t feel comfortable going into detail with him in case he jumped the gun and began tearing people apart. Her intention was to bring closure to the investigation then review it with him. Wholeheartedly trusting his daughter, he would allow her to handle it whatever way she deemed appropriate on the promise he would eventually be briefed. The rendezvous with Fyad she anticipated would bring it all to an end.

  David made his way to Renée’s residence on the way to the airport. She once again sported a yoga outfit albeit different from the last but by no means less enticing. He was determined to resist the temptation of his co-worker during the weekend. As soon as she sat a foot to his right those defenses were beginning to weaken. He was entrapped by the perfume dabbed on her neck. The attire, smile, and overall unassuming allure reversed his mindset from being steadfast about sleeping alone to anticipating the pleasure of his body against the warmth of hers.

  Sandy was successful in rallying the troops at her speaking engagement. A great deal of money was raised for the charity. She did cancel a meeting the day after which allowed her the opportunity to fly into Washington where Fyad was on an official business for his country. When her aircraft touched down she didn’t have to wait long as he was standing on the tarmac. When she walked down the stairs of the jet he held out his hand to assist her onto the pavement.


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