Book Read Free

Love Lonely

Page 28

by William C. Cole

  “My dear Sandy you do look more spectacular every time I lay eyes on you. My father may have been right in wishing I married you.”

  “Hello Fyad. I’m sure I don’t hold a candle to your beautiful Princess.”

  They gave each other a hug while the driver held the limousine door open. Reservations at a favorite restaurant of Fyad’s awaited them. He had chosen it for both its exquisite menu and the privacy it provided. No mention of his finding was discussed during the ride. The talk centered on his new found married life. Once their orders were placed Sandy wanted to get down to business.

  “Fyad what do you have for me?”

  “We should eat first.”

  “No. Please fill me in.”

  He was trying to delay explaining his findings so a pleasant dinner’s mood would not be dampened. However, Sandy was a professional, capable of managing her reaction.

  “Ok. But I expect you to remain here and dine with me. I’ve been looking forward to enjoying an evening with you. We need to stay in touch with one another more frequently.”

  “We will. What I want now is to see if my suspicions are correct.”

  From the inside pocket of his jacket he pulled out a small envelope and slid it across the table. Sandy stared at him a few seconds before looking at it. She knew the fire related to her, suspecting it was orchestrated from within the small community of people in the know of her true identity, to restrict or alter her movements. What she was having problems with is the amateurish execution. Everyone in her company was an expert in their respective field. She opened the file taking a minute to review the findings before returning it. There was no verbal reaction. Her only response was a shake of her head indicating what she read was hard to believe. The food arrived.

  “Let’s eat,” was all she said.

  “Sandy do you want to discuss this. I’m concerned about you. This is a dangerous world you have aligned yourself in. I believe I can be of further assistance.”

  “Thank you. It is appreciated. However, I need to take care of it myself and I will. You don’t have to worry. Now eat.”

  The next two hours were absorbed by a bottle of wine and fine food. When done they returned to the airport and said their goodbyes. After boarding the plane she dialed a number.

  On the third ring she heard, “What can I do for you Sandy?”

  “I’m coming in. Make the arrangements.”



  “That is not possible. I’m at the White House.”

  “Perfect I’m already at the airport. Please inform Secret Service of my arrival.”

  The Director didn’t take kindly to being instructed by anyone other than the President. And there lay the problem. He knew if he didn’t accommodate Sandy her next call would be the President himself and there was no doubt she would receive access to the Oval Office.

  “Sandy I have little available time today. Can whatever’s on your mind wait?”

  “Prepare my clearance Christopher. We are going to have a chat. Maybe we should invite Andrew in on our conversation,” she referred to the President by his first name to remind the Director of her influence with the administration.

  “You’re cleared. Please plan to be brief. My time is limited.”

  She hung up without extending a goodbye. Over the duration of their relationship she could not remember a single conversation ending with the formality of a goodbye being exchanged.

  Brooklyn entered Jacobs’s office unannounced. The sadness in her face was visible. Jacob knew as soon as he saw her something was terribly wrong. Instead of standing or sitting in the chair at the front of the desk she walked around to him and leaned on it as she laid her hand on his shoulder. The tears began to roll down her cheek.

  “Jacob, its Serge. He’s passed,” she informed him.

  “Oh no. Oh no. How can that be? He looked so happy when we left. I honestly thought he would survive for quite some time. He was responding to the treatment.”

  “I just got off the phone with his sister. He took a turn for the worse when they returned from the vacation. Jacob it’s common for those surrounding a person entering their final days to misinterpret their acceptance of internal peace as an improvement in health.”

  Now tears surfaced on his face. He hated times like this. Life just wasn’t fair.

  “We must all arrange to attend his service.”

  “His family has elected not to stage a celebration of life. He’s already been cremated. What they did ask is they wish to divide his ashes. They will bury half at their family plot and would like us to spread the remainder in the fields where his horses roam. I’ve already arranged the transportation.”

  He stood up and hugged her. They held each other tightly as they cried. Although the loss of Serge was inevitable it would be some time before Jacob came to grips with it.

  After the pre-racing day activities, David and Renée again found themselves eating a late supper. Little alcohol was consumed as race day required both to be at the top of their game, similar to what is expected of the thoroughbreds. The evening ended with both retreating to their respective rooms without incident.

  The following night was ending similar to the previous one until, when saying their good nights, Renée opened her door and David followed her in. There was no resistance. The exhilaration of winning two races and placing second in the other spilled over to the bedroom, again. The love making was powerful. This sporadic relationship was showing no signs of having an expiration date. Something drastic would have to happen for it to end.

  Secret Service was waiting at the entrance gate when Sandy arrived. They whisked her through a private entrance where she found herself standing outside the Oval Office door. Expecting a private meeting with the Director she was surprised to find herself being lead in. What she had to say was suppose to be for Christopher’s ears only. So when she found he was the sole occupant a sigh of relief came over her. The last thing she wanted was to involve the President.

  “Sandy please come in, sit. Can we make this as concise as possible I’m expecting Andrew,” calling the President by his first name to make a point that she was not the only person with a personal acquaintance to him.

  “Fine by me. This won’t take long.”

  “Good. Please have a seat.”

  “I’m okay right here,” she voiced in an angry manner.

  “What’s upsetting you?”

  “You. How dare you order the destruction of my family’s stables. You killed two beautiful animals. Such an uncalled for, callous, bush-league operation. For what? So David wouldn’t tag along to the Middle East with me. So I wouldn’t be distracted in duties for this great country. Did you for one second think, maybe I should ask her to go alone. No amount of intelligence is worth the lives of two innocent horses. You’re a disturbed person Mr. Director. You need help sir. I’m done.”

  The Director sat quietly listening to what was being thrown at him. Only when he knew she was finished and making her way to the door did he reply

  “That was unfortunate. Collateral damage. I apologize for the unprofessional manner in which it was handled. I went along with an idea one of our young agents concocted and do regret it. The purpose was exactly as you have determined. We needed to be certain you would travel alone.”

  “I don’t want to hear it. You are a troubled individual and I no longer want to be associated with you or your organization,” she turned her back on him.

  “Please hear me out.”

  “No,” as she was just about to grab the door knob he got one more line in.

  “Before you run away, would you like help recalling how many people you personally killed? Not animals. Human beings. You’re not the little angel others are led to believe.”

  Sandy wanted to turn around and punch him in the head. Maybe break a bone or two. But it was best for all if she took a deep breath and leave. As she went to turn the door handle, it magically opened and there stood
the President of United States.

  “Sandy, what a pleasant surprise,” he offered his hand.

  “It’s good to see you Mr. President. I was just on my way out. There were a few items Christopher and I had to clear up. I’ll leave you two alone. It was good to see you again sir,” she went to leave.

  “Nonsense,” he shut the door and directed her to the sitting area.

  Both Sandy and Christopher were thinking the same thing. Great this is all we need.

  “I sense the subject you two were discussing has created a touch of friction. Is there something I should be aware of,” he inquired as he sat behind the room’s official desk.

  “No sir, we were just tying up loose ends,” Sandy offered in an attempt to ease his suspicion so she could leave.

  The President glanced at them then added, “I’m a perceptive person. Please fill me in on these, loose ends.”

  “Sir that won’t be necessary as we have brought the subject to an end,” the Director was trying to assure him all had been satisfactory dealt with.

  “Oh, I’m sorry Christopher. I wasn’t asking about your result. I want to know the subject matter of which you were discussing.”

  He was making himself clear about what he wanted. The other two knew it wasn’t an option to mislead him. The Director was first to put forward the substance of their chat.

  “Mr. President, Sandy has her concerns with regards to our involvement in the stable fire. As a result she’s informed me she will no longer accept our requests for assistance.”

  “I don’t blame her for being disturbed by your actions. To be quite frank I’m surprised you weren’t out cold when I returned,” he turned his attention to Sandy then added, “On behalf of the government I sincerely apologize for the behavior of the CIA.”

  Sandy hesitated before entering the conversation. Surprised to learn the President had knowledge of the botched fire, she found herself becoming more upset. Not wanting to fly off the handle and make a spectacle of the circumstances in front of him she decided to remain silent for the moment until he prompted her participation.

  “Sandy, I’m sorry,” the Chief added.

  “Sir, are we done. I would like to leave.”

  He got up from behind the desk, came around and sat beside her.

  “You have my word this will never happen again.”

  “Thank you sir, but your reassurance is a little late. It won’t bring back the two lives lost. To be honest I am disappointed to learn you had knowledge of this childish intrusion into my family’s life,” with that she got up to leave.

  “Sandy, please give me a chance to explain. It was not brought to my attention until after the fact—after we spoke about the arrest of that young lady. I would never have given it my seal of approval. Christopher and I have discussed this in length. He has admitted the agencies made a grave error in judgment.”

  “Sir, with all due respect I can’t be a part of the agencies world any longer.”

  “Sandy please indulge me for a minute. I would have preferred if Christopher had asked you point blank to attend the wedding alone. It was handled wrong. However none of us here can argue the outcome of your findings. Sandy the importance of the intelligence you accumulated cannot be disputed. Your sacrifice saved thousands of our citizens. We were able to prevent major attacks on our soil. You are to be commended. If your wish is to leave you may do so without our interference,” he looked at the Director then asked, “that is correct, isn’t it Mr. Young.”

  “Absolutely,” he agreed thinking the President was weak when it came to what was required to keep the country safe.

  “Sandy, we would prefer you take some time off without interference from our part. Then should you consider returning, we could lessen your commissions. What you accomplish on most assignments takes us years using traditional methods.”

  “I appreciate your confidence. My decision has been made. When I leave here today I will not be returning.”

  “I am disappointed to hear that,” President Tucker replied.

  Sandy was agitated and couldn’t hold back any longer.

  “Do you two listen to yourselves? You tried to destroy my stable. You killed two of my animals. All because someone didn’t think to pick up the telephone and suggest I travel solo. Nothing matters to you except results. The law of the land doesn’t apply. Things all three of us have done border on insanity. If the public was aware of the madness driving the leaders of the most powerful nation in the world they would be chilled. I can’t be a part of it anymore. I’m going home. I’m going to see if my husband will still have me.”

  She stood. This time she was leaving. The Director went to speak his mind but the President put a hand on his shoulder to silence him. Sandy left without another word being spoken.

  “Christopher, nothing happens to her. If I so much as suspect our not respecting her decision you will be directing traffic in Alaska. Have I made myself clear?”

  “Yes sir.”

  The two men spent the next hour discussing a variety of security measures. Before the Director was dismissed he was scolded about the agencies decisions and warned once again not to interfere with Sandy’s life. It was made clear the only way her services would be utilized again is if she rekindled the relationship. Christopher Young guaranteed her wishes would be respected.

  Once secure in the rear seat of his limousine the Director picked up a secure car phone which automatically put him through to his assistant at Langley.

  “Sir,” was all the aide said.

  “Contact our inside operative. I want this to happen now. No delays.”

  Chapter 22

  As has been the case in the past eventually everyone found their way home, all now under the same roof. David and Sandy were informed about Serge’s death. To honor his family’s request, arrangements were made to set a day aside in the near future for the spreading of his ashes. The stables would be closed for the day so all employees could attend to pay their respects.

  No one had any travel arrangements for a while so a goal was set to fit in as many family dinners as possible. The next one was going to provide three quarters of the guests with what hoped to be a pleasant surprise.

  Jacob, Brooklyn, Sandy, and David sat around the dining table catching up on the past week’s activities. The atmosphere of the evening seemed to be little more official than previous dinners. Jacob had not shed his suit and tie. The table settings leaned towards a formality reserved for the entertaining of a guest held in high regard. It was noticeable but not questioned by the others.

  After their plates were cleared, dessert was in order. Placed on a tray carried by the kitchen employee delivering the food were four plates each holding a slice of cherry cheesecake. Also on the tray was a small silver plate with a domed silver covering. The waiter placed a slice of cake in front of everyone in addition to handing the small silver tray to Jacob. It went unnoticed by the other three for the most part as it looked like a serving of butter or a condiment.

  Jacob held it in his hands and stood up.

  “Before we continue devouring this delicious dessert may I have a moment?”

  He pushed his chair to the side, got down on one knee, looked up at Brooklyn, removed the cover and there sat the most beautiful diamond ring she had ever laid eyes on.

  “Will you marry me?”

  No one saw it coming including Brooklyn. She was frozen by her euphoria. Looking away from Jacob to Sandy, not being able to speak she noticed his daughter wide eyed, smiling mouthing say yes, say yes. She turned back to her future husband.

  “Yes, yes, yes.”

  He slowly slid the ring on her finger then stood. They gave each other a hug and a kiss.

  Sandy was first to speak, “Yeah, we have a wedding to plan.”

  Then her father was next, “Well, Brooklyn as you pointed out when we first came together, at our age we have little time for the rituals afforded to the younger generation. If you are in agreement I have in
vited a guest to join us.”

  He motioned to the entrance and in came Father Byrne from the local church.

  “You want to get married now Jacob?”

  “If you would rather postpone in lieu of a more formal setting I’m okay.”

  Brooklyn turned to Sandy and asked, “Sandy would be so kind as to give your father away.”

  “Yes. It would be my honor.”

  They all stood, Jacob and Brooklyn facing each other with Father Byrne in the center. Sandy stood beside her father and David moved in beside Brooklyn.

  “Well I guess that leaves me as the bridesmaid,” he joked.

  The mood was lightened as everyone laughed at David’s comment. Even the priest smiled. The ceremony was touching. All four were truly moved by the union. Any hesitation on Brooklyn’s part fearing she would be received as an outsider was quickly put to rest by the visible enthusiasm of Sandy.

  Champagne flowed in celebration. Two hours after the ceremony David and Sandy retired. The newlyweds elected to spend the night at Brooklyn’s chalet.

  The next morning the office sat empty. It would be a late start to the business at hand. Sandy and David ate a light breakfast in their suite.

  “Do you have a lot on your plate today,” David asked.

  “Nothing of any major importance. Why, did you have something in mind?”

  “Not really, thought you might want to join me at the stables and ride a couple of training laps. I’m sure Renée wouldn’t mind. Last time you ran the horses you came away looking so invigorated. Then maybe we could find a cozy restaurant and have an our night. After the wedding I’m feeling a bit romantic.”

  “Wow, how can a girl refuse an invitation like that.”

  “Perfect, I’m heading out in about an hour.”

  “I’ll meet you there. I want to go for a quick run then I need to make a couple of calls. Ok?”

  “Sure, just don’t get side tracked.”

  “Oh I will be there. After all it’s not every day your husband is in a romantic mood.”

  David made his way to the track. When he arrived he advised Renée of Sandy’s intentions of jockeying. Beside herself, a couple of jockeys and two of her trusted staff no one rode these thoroughbreds. The privilege of mounting a thousand pounds of pure muscle worth millions of dollars that takes you on a forty mile an hour whirlwind ride is reserved for a select few. Renée was very protective of her horses. Although Sandy was an exceptional equestrian Renée was always nervous when she took the reins of one the animals. David was her boss so she would suppress her opposition. He was aware of her concerns but technically Sandy owned the stables and everything in it, so her capabilities would never come into question.


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