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She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy

Page 12

by Cara North

  "I'm right where I want to be now.” He stopped and faced her. “I wasn't sure back then who you wanted me to be, and I was trying to get your attention. Yes, before you look at me like that, I told you I fell for you when Jack took you to prom. Now, I'm happy here, with you, the only thing I need, or I want now, is a family of my own."

  She stared up into his deep brown eyes, and her heart melted. “I want to be here, too. I'm not just saying it either. I really love this place. I like having the family close by. I want our kids to grow up knowing they are loved and able to play with their cousins and see their aunts and uncles."

  "Good.” He grabbed her hand and began walking again.

  The afternoon passed by with more conversation about nothing and everything. The moon hung high in the sky; nothing but the night surrounded them.

  "You ever been skinny dipping?” he asked out of the blue.

  "No.” She laughed. “Have you?"

  "Yep. Lots of times. Come on.” He stood up and fisted his t-shirt.

  "You want me to just get naked.” Looking around the wide open space in the dark, she wasn't sure about it.

  "You didn't have any problem pulling my pants off in the truck in broad daylight,” he said as he pulled his pants off right then by moon light.

  "I know no one can see us.” She stood as he stalked toward her with mischief in his eyes. “Heath."

  "You're goin’ in, Sweetheart, with or without the clothes. You decide.” He wiggled his fingers.

  She ran but didn't get far. He caught her quickly. Embraced in his arms, his full naked body hard against her, he didn't have to do much more convincing to get her clothes off.

  Shedding her top, jeans, shoes, socks, bra, and panties in a trail to the water, he kissed and helped her along the way.

  She let out a decent squeal as her body hit the cool water. He must have enjoyed her girlish delight because he grabbed her up and took them both underwater again.

  "Heath!” She splashed him as they caught their breath again.

  "Shhh. You don't want to get an alligator's attention. We'll be lunch."

  "Alligator?” She moved into his arms quickly. He laughed, and she realized he was teasing her. “You big jerk."

  "I'm sorry. I couldn't help it.” He pulled her closer and pushed her hair away from her face. She reached up and pushed his hair back as well. “I wish you could see yourself from this angle."

  "Why? Do I have something on me?” She fought the urge to start checking herself.

  "No.” He pulled her closer, kissed her lips sweetly at first. “You're beautiful."

  If she could only believe his words. Though she could definitely believe his kiss. His tongue slipped past her lips and coaxed her own tongue to dance. He pulled her tighter against him, wrapped her legs around his waist. Even through the cool water, she could feel the heat of his hard hot flesh.

  "Make love to me,” her mouth pleaded before her brain registered the request.

  Heath registered the invitation almost immediately. He adjusted their position and slipped easily inside her. Making love in the water added a whole new element of sensations. The cool waves they made lapped against her back and in between them, stroking her nipples as Heath guided her body with his hands. The moonlight shined down on them.

  His eyes never wavered from hers. Their souls collided in the night with the moon as a witness. The clean Montana breeze swept over them, and they both knew what they were doing was right.

  "I love you,” she whispered.

  "God, I love you,” he replied.

  * * * *

  Three weeks passed. Chance was settling into the new routine of work and wife as the very first ranch guests arrived.

  The staff in the kitchen was amazing. Malina, an older Hispanic woman who mothered everyone in sight, made the entire staff more like family in a matter of days. She loved Bethany. If Chance didn't know better, she would have sworn Malina was Bethany's mother. Bethany explained that Malina raised her and, by all accounts, was like her mother. The woman wouldn't move out to Montana without a job, insisting she wouldn't use Bethany.

  Bethany put her in charge of all the housekeeping, but Malina always spent her morning in Momma's Kitchen with Chance. The woman's spirit and natural kindness reminded Chance to be thankful for her blessings. If Malina did nothing else, she embodied strength and embraced life.

  "You don't look so good.” Malina pressed a hand to her forehead. “Everyday you look like this. When are you going to go to the doctor?"

  "It's nothing.” Chance sighed. Everyday Malina stopped in to check on her.

  "If you have the flu, you need to stay out of the kitchen, but you and I both know this is no flu.” Malina smiled. “Crackers and ginger ale, that's what you need."

  "I'm not pregnant. I spotted two days ago.” Chance shrugged.

  "It's called a showing, not unnatural.” Malina gave her a pitying look. “If you don't go to the doctor, I'm telling Heath myself."

  "He already suspects pregnancy, but you are both going to be disappointed. I was pregnant before remember. I know what if feels like, and this ain't it.” Chance sighed. She hated they were getting their hopes up. She wouldn't allow herself to get her hopes up, too. Malina smiled and nodded as if she knew a secret that Chance didn't. She wrapped her in a motherly hug before letting her leave, shouting crackers and ginger ale behind her.

  Cranky, tired, and sick to her stomach, Chance trudged up the driveway and into the garage. There, she saw it, her pink Harley. She was excited for a split second. Her smile faded as her stomach lurched. She quickly grabbed the lid off the trashcan and heaved. As if the situation itself wasn't bad enough, Heath opened the door to witness what little bit of lunch she managed to get down come back up.

  "Jesus!” He came to her side quickly and grabbed her hair. “You're still sick, dammit. I told you not to go to work today. Your ass is going to the doctor tomorrow."

  "It's just a bug.” She heaved again and wondered why she had to get sick now. She knew it wasn't pregnancy. She didn't have a speck of morning sickness last time. Hell, last time she didn't even know she was pregnant.

  "I don't care. I'm taking you first thing.” Heath was convinced she was pregnant, but he was basing it on how his momma was when she got pregnant with Jan. Chance knew better. It wasn't morning sickness. She only felt bad late afternoon or early evening. Then, she was fine the next day until around five. She was starting to think she was allergic to something in the kitchen.

  "Fine.” Chance straightened and started to walk on her own steam. Heath wasn't having it. He picked her up and carried her. “I can walk. I'm not dying. It's probably an allergy or something."

  "I know what it is,” he assured her.

  "No. You think you know what it is. I'm not pregnant. I wish I were, but I'm not, okay? So, before we go getting our hopes up, stop acting like I am.” He carried her into the house, through the kitchen, into the bedroom, then into the bathroom before he sat her on the marble surface between the two sinks.

  "Well then, you won't mind taking this then.” He handed her a box from his cabinet. He looked kind and gentle, yet he was being stubborn as an ox at the moment. “I ran into town today to pick up some horse feed and stopped by the drugstore to pick up this."

  "A pregnancy test?” She snickered. She was still getting used to the new Heath, the one who made her want to eat him up like a favorite dessert, at the same time he made her want to grind her teeth in frustration. “Okay, fine, have it your way."

  Heath waited expectantly as she slid off the sink. He followed her to the toilet like a puppy dog following its master. Only she knew he was just anxious, and his excitement made her feel worse. “Uh, can I do this alone?"

  "You have to pee on the stick. I've read the directions a few times. Just pee and hand it back to me.” He nodded and folded his arms as he continued to watch her.

  "I can't pee with you watching me."

  "You do it all the time. What's th
e big deal now?” He was serious; she blanched.

  "When you are in the shower, you can't see me. There is this nice little wall that helps divide us. Right now, you're staring directly at me. I can't pee with you watching me.” She laughed at his audacity. How dumb did he think she was that she couldn't piss on a stick without his supervision? “At least turn around!"

  He groaned but did as she asked. Chance pulled her pants down and sat on the toilet. “Do not peek."

  "I won't,” he said. She couldn't see his face, but she was sure he probably rolled his eyes by the tone of his voice.

  Chance made quick business of the task at hand. It was probably because she was so tired, so cranky, and because she said she didn't need his supervision that she dropped the damn thing in the toilet. “Shit!"

  "I'll leave the room for that.” He chuckled.

  "I dropped it.” She put her elbows on her knees and her head in her hands. “I cannot believe this."

  Heath laughed. That made her nervous. He was in far too good a mood for her current frame of mind.

  "I have another one. Come on. You can do it again in the morning.” He shook his head, never turning to look at her, and strode out of the bathroom.

  Chance loathed the next task at hand. She couldn't flush the damn thing. She grabbed the rubber gloves under the bathroom sink with the rest of the cleaning supplies and put one on. Reaching into the bowl, she fished out the stick then flushed. Before tossing it, she couldn't resist the urge to look at it. “Don't get your hopes up. Do not get your hopes up."

  When she flipped it over, the screen showed inconclusive results. It was flooded, and lines were in both windows. “Dammit."

  Heath tried not to smile as he left the bathroom. It was no use. He knew Chance was pregnant, and he couldn't help himself. He wanted it confirmed, and he wanted to have that baby in his arms right now. Of course, confirmation just meant nine months of pregnancy but still. He could already see his son. He would teach him how to throw a football, how to ride a horse, build a fire. Damn that kid couldn't get here fast enough to suit him! Then, a thought crossed his mind. It stopped him dead in his tracks. What if they had a little girl?

  The thought of a little innocent girl nearly sucked the breath out of his lungs. He'd never survive her first words much less when she got older. Boyfriends, ha, out of the question.

  He was still brooding about it when Chance came into the kitchen.

  "I don't think your daughter should be dating,” he told her.

  "What?” She grabbed the box of crackers he had set out on the counter for her before she even came home. She looked at him with suspicious eyes and nibbled on a saltine.

  "She shouldn't be allowed to date until she's like..."

  "Never?” Chance filled in when he couldn't quite put an age on when a young woman should date.

  "My little girl won't be out there with some boy while she's still in school.” He poured a glass of ginger ale for each of them and followed her to the table.

  "Heath.” She went all serious on him again. “I'm not pregnant, okay. You are putting way to much stress on me right now. I know what it may look like to you, but I spotted a couple days ago. I think I have the same thing Bethany did. I moved back, started working. It's been a hell of a month for me."

  He wanted to empathize with her. However, she also got sick every afternoon this past week at the same time, and it was over every evening at the same time. She may not admit to it, but she was also pickier about what she was eating. He watched her eat pickles and peanut butter before going to bed and noticed she put ketchup on everything she ate for breakfast including a biscuit. He was grossed out by it, but she didn't seem to realize she did it.

  If she wasn't ready to admit it tonight, then he wouldn't make a big deal about it. The next time she went to the bathroom, she would find out the truth. If not, she would in the morning because he was taking her to the doctor even if he had to tie her ass up and carry her there.

  "You know what you need?” He could distract her in the meantime though. He knew exactly what she needed. He needed some quality time with her, too.

  "I'm sure you're going to tell me.” She toasted him with her glass then took a sip.

  "Actually.” He slid the chair away from the table and held his hands out to her. “I'd like to show you."

  Chance looked at him for a long moment. He thought she was going to make an excuse not to take his hands, but at the last minute, she set her drink down and got up. She walked over to him, and as she took his hands, he pulled her into his lap. She straddled his legs facing him.

  "I'm being such a bitch, aren't I?” she asked as her head fell to his shoulder.

  "Not at all. A little cranky, yes, but I suspect you're all tense and tired.” His hands smoothed over her back. A long sigh escaped her lips. He loved touching her like this. A year without her had done nothing but leave him longing for her even more. The past weeks made quick repairs to his heart, but it still ached a little. As much as he tried to live in the moment, he constantly fought the feeling that she would leave him again.

  "I need a shower.” She nuzzled his neck with her nose. That slight gesture, an intimacy they never shared before, helped him push the worry aside and focus on the here and now. “Hang on to me.” He gripped her bottom and stood up. She wrapped her long legs around his hips as he carried her to the bathroom. Once there, he sat her on the sink. “I think you need a long bath."

  Her head snapped up, and she looked at him like he was crazy.

  "I'm serious. You're going to the doctor's tomorrow, so we will sleep in late. Tonight, you hop in here. I'll bring you a book, light a candle or two, and you just sit there and soak.” He asked Bethany earlier in the day what she did to relax. Hopefully, Chance would appreciate the same treatment.

  "Only if you join me."

  He really wasn't expecting her to invite him into the tub. It was a huge porcelain bath with brass feet. He never used the thing. As a matter-of-fact, he couldn't recall Chance ever using it before either. He studied it. “I'm not sure we'll both fit in there."

  "If we don't, then I'll take a shower.” She pushed off the sink and started for the tub. Stubborn woman. “I think we could both use a bath right now."

  "Are you sayin’ I stink?” To emphasize his point, he lifted an arm and sniffed. She frowned at him.

  "No. I just thought it would be better for us both to be in there, not just me.” Her arms crossed. His attempt at humor fell flat quickly.

  "Oh now, Sweetheart, I was playing. Let me grab the candles and the book. You watch the tub and get in when it's ready.” Heath kissed her forehead and left the room to get the supplies.

  When he returned, Chance was sitting in the tub of bubbles. She grabbed a bottle of bubble bath she kept under her sink and added it the moment he was out of sight. He looked at her, smiled, shook his head, and then went about lighting the candles he placed on the sink. Once that was taken care of, he turned to watch her watch him as he undressed.

  "You think the book will get wet?” he asked as he pulled off his shirt. Her heart slammed into her chest as she watched him. His farmer tan was a little less apparent, meaning he had definitely been taking his shirt off more often outside. Damn, being in the kitchen all day ruined her chance to see him working that way. She couldn't explain it exactly. Whenever Heath was working, doing basic manly chores, her insides turned to fire, and she remembered how much of a man he truly was.

  "A little.” She held out her hand to retrieve it. Looking at the cover, she arched a brow. “A romance novel?"

  "Bethany gave it to me.” Heath unsnapped his jeans and slid the zipper down. Her attention and concern for the book waned instantly.

  "That's nice.” Her thoughts strayed from the book completely as he pulled his briefs and jeans off at the same time. In a matter of minutes, he was standing there nude before her. Gloriously so!

  "Uh, you mean the book you're about to lose to the water or me?” Heath asked
as he stepped closer to the tub. She straightened and tried to shake off the stupor his naked form seemed to put her in, but it was impossible. His body was lit and defined by the soft glow of the candlelight. The scent of vanilla filled the air making it smell like cookies. She could stay there in that moment forever just looking at him. Heath stood waiting for her to move to one end of the tub or the other. “Are you gonna let me in?"

  "Oh, yes.” Damn it! She was all stupefied again. Sliding to one end of the tub, she made an effort to look at the book cover and not her handsome husband as he climbed into the bathtub.

  As he sat down, the water level rose, and a bit of water sloshed over the side taking bubbles with it. He let out an “aahhh” sound as he settled in. “Come here."

  Wasting no time, she tried to move closer, but it was too cramped for the both of them. “Well, what now?"

  "Turn around, then scoot back, and sit on my lap.” She complied. Thankfully, the tub was deep. “Now, lay back."

  As her back slowly molded to his muscular chest, she tried to keep her hair out of his face. “Sorry."

  "I got it.” He grabbed a handful and tucked it over one of her shoulders. “Relax."

  "I'm trying to.” And she was. It certainly wasn't an easy task. What she really wanted to do was turn around and take him deep inside her and scream in ecstasy.

  "Can you see well enough to read to me?” His big hands settled, one on her abdomen, the other on her thigh.

  "You want me to read to you?” The poor book was getting a little wet at the bottom, but so far she managed to keep it mostly dry and above water.


  Now, this was a scenario she had never thought about with Heath, yet here she was, on his lap, where a very large erection nuzzled her butt cheeks, lying back on his chest, in a tub filled with bubbles and candles providing the light.

  "Okay.” She opened the book and began to read. She made it about three pages in when his hands began to wander. “Are you listening?"

  "Mmm hmmm.” He kissed her temple.

  She continued on. The romance novel Bethany had supplied wasn't a romance at all! It was a little book of erotica. Currently, the two main characters were getting it on in the tub. Heath apparently enjoyed her reading about it. His heart pounded against her back through his chest. Her heartbeat tried to match its pace. When he stopped stroking her gently in long languid touches up and down her thighs and along her sides, she thought he was going to tell her to stop.


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