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Something New (Brides of Cedar Bend Book 2)

Page 9

by Lena Hart

  Of course not.

  Savvy hoped out of the car and ran to the door of the shop. She pulled on the handle. It was locked. Then she noticed the small sign on the window.


  “Damn it.”

  It was still early. Why would he close up now? Just in case, she knocked on the door. She was instantly reminded of her situation two years ago when she had been lost and stranded and caught in the rain. She wouldn’t let that happened again.

  “Damian? Are you in there?”

  Savvy banged on the door and waited a few seconds longer. When no answer came, she ran back to the car just as another flash of lightning and roll of thunder came. Why wasn’t he here?

  Then suddenly it dawned on her that he had closed up early for the rehearsal dinner. She pulled out her cell phone and called him twice. Both times, the call went to voicemail.

  She drummed her fingers on the steering wheel, thinking of what to do next. She still had time before she had to be at the rehearsal dinner. If she went to his house now, then she could ride back with him to the shop, get her shoes from the car, and then ride back with him to the mansion.


  Except nothing for her was ever simple. And she knew better than anyone that nothing ever went according to plan. She would just call him and have him meet her here.

  On the third call, the phone was finally answered. She blew out a sigh of relief.



  She frowned, expecting the deep, velvet pitch of his voice. Instead, she got someone whose voice was coarse and abrupt.


  “Hi, Pops. I’ve been trying to reach Dami— I mean, Junior. Is he around?”

  “Who’s this?”

  At his suspicious tone, Savvy couldn’t stop the smile that tugged at her lips. Pops sounded like a protective papa safeguarding his baby boy.

  “It’s me, Pops. Savvy.”


  Savvy lost her smile. She couldn’t help but feel a little dejected that he didn’t remember her. “I was at your home the other day, remember? I took you to the…to visit your wife.”

  There was a brief pause before he responded. “Ah, yes. I remember. You’re Damian’s little lady.”

  Savvy’s cheeks warmed. She wouldn’t call herself that but she certainly didn’t hate how it sounded.

  “He’s in the shower, little darling. Why don’t you call back later?”

  “Actually could you have him call me when he gets out?”

  “Sure, I’ll do that.”

  Savvy ended the call and waited. After fifteen minutes of sitting in the empty lot, she realized her first plan was probably best. But as she pulled out onto the road and started toward his house, a fat raindrop smacked hard against the windshield.

  Just great.

  “Pop, why are you looking out the window?”

  “Are you expecting company, Junior?”

  “No. Why?”

  “This car’s been sitting in front of the house for a while now, and I can’t make out who’s inside.”

  Damian went to the window and pulled aside the curtain. He immediately recognized the gray sedan through the sheets of rain pouring down outside and bit back a muffled curse.

  What the hell was she doing here?

  He went to the center table only to find his cell phone missing. “Pop, where’s my phone?”

  Pops shrugged. “Where’d you leave it?”

  “I left it right here.” Damian pointed at the table. “Are you sure you didn’t take it?”

  His father thought about it then nodded. “Oh, yes. I did. It kept going off, so I answered it.”

  “Where is it now?”

  “Well, after I chatted with your lady. She wanted you to give her a call, by the way. When you got out of the shower.”

  “Okay,” Damian muttered, mustering his patience as he waited for his father to finish retracing his steps.

  “Anyway, after I hung up, I went to the kitchen and got me something to drink…”


  “And then I came out here and sat down.”

  Damian pressed his lips together then shook his head. He would just have to go hunting for his phone later. For now, he needed to get Savvy inside.

  He grabbed his coat and an umbrella then went to the front door. “Stay here, Pop.”

  Pops grunted. “I see that storm out there. I ain’t going anywhere. If you need me, I’ll be in my room.”

  Damian opened the door and stepped outside. The storm was coming down in a rage. He held open the umbrella, but it did little to shield him from the whipping rain. By the time he reached the driver’s side, the wind had twisted and folded the umbrella in his hand.

  Damian tossed the broken umbrella away. He peeled off his coat and held it open to cover the car door like a shield. She stepped out of the car and hovered under his coat. They didn’t speak as they dashed back into the house together.

  Once inside, Damian slammed the door shut behind them. He shook off the excess water and ran his hand over his face. He looked over to find Savvy staring at him, his drenched coat hanging from her fingers.

  Despite the coverage, she was still soaked through. Her dress plastered against her thighs and hips, while a few strands of her curly hair glued around her neck and face. Even as she stood there, creating a puddle on his hardwood floors, he found her sexy.

  “Let me get you a towel.”

  Damian grabbed the coat from her hand and started toward the linen closet. He came back with two small bath towels and handed her one.

  “Here you go.”

  “Thank you.”

  She began dabbing at her face and neck. He forced his gaze away and concentrated on getting himself dry.

  “Mind explaining what you were doing out there? I thought the rehearsal starts at—” He glanced down at his watch. “Now.”

  “I needed to get into my car. I went to your shop, but you weren’t there. Obviously. I also tried calling you.”

  “My phone’s missing.”


  “Why couldn’t this wait?”

  “I have my wedding shoes in the backseat. I need them for tomorrow.”

  Damian sighed just as another roll of thunder shook the earth. “Your timing sucks.”

  Her face fell. “I know. I’m sorry. I only realized it today. But we can wait until the storm passes to head over there.”

  “You might want to call Quinn and let her know that we’ll be late. There’s no telling when this rain will ease up.”

  “I already did. We won’t be the only ones late.”

  Damian nodded. “Why don’t you have a seat while I get dinner ready for Pops?”

  “I’m happy to help.”

  He was surprised by the offer but shrugged.


  He didn’t need any help making an instant casserole dinner, but maybe getting her alone would open the chance for him to straighten things out between them.

  She followed him into the kitchen, and Damian debated whether he should bring up that night at Iggy’s. Since that night, she had avoided him, communicating with him only through text when it came to updates on her car. She had not acknowledged or responded to his declaration, and he wondered if she planned to pretend he’d never told her how he felt.

  He took down the packaged dinner and a skillet. Pulling her hair into a knot at the nape of her neck, she went to the sink and began washing her hands. With her back to him, it was hard to ignore the long, slender neck that was suddenly exposed.

  Damian tried to focus reading the cooking instructions on the back of the box, but damn was it hard to do when what he really wanted was to run his lips along her smooth skin.

  Get a grip, man.

  He was acting like a man who hadn’t been near a beautiful woman before.

  “Can you grab the ground meat from the fridge?”

  She nodded and went to it. When she opened th
e door, she started laughing.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing. It’s just that I found your phone.” She pulled out his phone from the fridge and the package of ground meat.

  “Here you go.”

  Damian shook his head and slipped his phone into his back pocket.

  “I’m sorry,” she murmured, immediately sobering up. “I shouldn’t be laughing. It’s just that I remember doing that a lot during finals. It used to drive my—um, Matt crazy. To the point, he started leaving me notes outside the fridge.”

  Damian stared at her. Something in his expression must have revealed his irritation because she lost her smile.


  “Are you really going to talk to me about your ex-boyfriend? Excuse me. Your ex-fiancé.”

  She shifted uncomfortably but held his gaze. “Is that a problem?”

  Damian pressed his lips together and took a step toward her. “Yeah, it is. I tell you I want you, that I want to be with you, and you ignored me only to start talking about your ex like I give a damn. I’m not one of your girlfriends, Savvy.”

  Her eyes fell to his chin. “What did you want me to say to that, Damian? You took me by surprise.”

  “You could start by being honest with me and with yourself.” He took another step closer. “I know you want me too, Savvy.”

  She flattened her palm against his chest, but she didn’t shove him away. “And then what? What do you expect us to do about it?”

  He stared down at her lips, remembering the soft sweetness of them. “I have a few ideas.”

  She shoved him away then. “I don’t know what kind of girl you think I am, but if sex is all you want from me, look for it somewhere else.”

  He glared down at her. “No, that’s not all I want from you. I tried being a gentleman and take you out. You bailed on me. If going out with me isn’t what you want then sure, I’ll settle for just sex with you.”

  She narrowed her eyes, and he regretted the words as soon as they left him. When she pushed past him, Damian grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

  “Savvy, wait. I didn’t mean that.”

  She snatched her arm from his grasp. “Now look who isn’t being honest.”

  His lips tightened. She really did know how to push his buttons, yet he wanted her like he had never wanted anyone. She was a complication he couldn’t seem to extract himself from. But trying to win her over eluded him.

  “I don’t like playing games, Savvy.”

  “Neither do I, Damian.”

  “And I’m not sorry I kissed you.”

  Her gaze moved over his searchingly. “Neither am I.”

  “Good.” He took her hand and gently pulled her toward him. She didn’t pull away this time, and he was encouraged. “Because I want to kiss you again.”

  She stared up at him, her eyes bottomless as he leaned down and kissed her. He moved his lips slowly over hers, taking his time to lean their feel and texture. It was just as it was on stage. Electrifying.

  She clutched at his shirt and leaned into him. He indulged in her nearness for a bit longer than he should have before pulling away.

  She blinked slowly, her eyes hooded yet luminous. He smiled again and ran the pad of his thumb across her jaw. It was nice to see he wasn’t the only one affected by their kiss.

  “What do you say two consenting adults let down their guard tonight and just make—”


  Damian jerked in surprise then lifted a brow. He had been about to say that they just make dinner together and worry about the nuances of their developing relationship later. But he had a feeling she wasn’t referring to food.

  “Yes, what?”

  Her brows furrowed with uncertainty. “Yes…please?”

  He bit back a smile at her shy response. “Yes to what, Savvy? What are you trying to say?”

  Her gaze fell to his chest. “I’m saying yes…I want you to make love to me.”



  She put it out there. He was right. They were two single, consenting adults who wanted to sleep together. They wouldn’t be hurting anyone.

  The look on his face, however, made her wish she had kept her big mouth shut.

  “I’m sorry. Did I—”

  “No, you didn’t jump to conclusion or misread anything.”

  “Then why aren’t you saying anything?”

  He smiled crookedly. “Because I’m trying to figure out how fast I can get dinner made so I can take you upstairs.”

  Savvy smiled shyly, not used to the blatant need she read in his eyes. “We have time. Why don’t we see about getting Pops fed first? Then get through this rehearsal dinner.”

  They got started on dinner, though Savvy wasn’t above adding her own ingredients.

  “What’s all that,” Damian asked as he brought the dry pasta to a boil.

  “A few herbs I was able to find,” she said. “It’s easy to transform packaged dinners into something fresh and healthy just by adding a few fresh ingredients.”

  “I’m glad we had some on hand.”

  “You could use some more,” she said. “Thyme, parsley, and basil should be staples in your kitchen.”

  “I’ll remember that on my next shopping trip.”

  “You should also get rid of the rest of those energy drinks and get more fruits and yogurt. Don’t think I didn’t notice them back there.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Savvy glanced at him, hearing the chuckle in his voice. “Are you laughing at me?”

  “Nope. I wouldn’t dare.”

  Savvy narrowed her eyes at him but returned her focus to prepping the ground meat. When she noticed the amount of sodium in the seasoning packet provided, she tossed it in the trash and began rifling through his cupboards.

  “Don’t you have any low sodium or salt-free seasoning?”

  “We have whatever’s in that cabinet, babe.”

  Savvy froze and turned to him. His back was to her as he oiled the skillet. She wondered if he even noticed that he had the endearment. Maybe he hadn’t. It was a common, throwaway endearment. But she had liked how it sounded coming from him.

  Shaking her head, Savvy went back to pulling down the spices she could work with. Once she had the meat seasoned, she brought in over to the skillet and dumped it in the hot skillet.

  “Here.” She handed him a spatula. “Stir this until it’s completely brown.”

  She caught his quick grin before he turned to the stove and she realized she had completely taken over the dinner preparation. Because he didn’t seem to mind, she tried not to let it bother her, though she reminded herself that there was a fine line between assertive and domineering. And her pushiness had already ruined one relationship.

  Savvy grabbed the can of diced tomatoes she found in the cupboard and opened it. She chopped up some fresh onions and went back to the skillet.


  Damian turned to her then stepped aside as she approached and proceeded to dump everything inside the pan.

  “Can you grab me the butter and cheese, if you have?”

  “Now, those we do.”

  A loud buzzing suddenly came from his pocket, and he dug out his phone. He looked down at the screen then frowned.

  “What is it?”

  “It’s a text from the Lori. It looks like the rehearsal’s been canceled.”

  “What? Why?”

  He shrugged. “Don’t know. Maybe it was the weather.”

  Savvy glanced out the kitchen window. Though it was still raining, it was nothing like the storm that had raged earlier.

  “I should call Quinn.”

  Savvy stopped her stirring and rested the spatula on the counter. Damian came up behind her and resumed stirring.

  “What about?”

  She smiled. “That I’ll be staying here for dinner.”

  He turned to her, his dark gaze penetrating. “And you’ll be spending the night.”

  Savvy stood in Damian’s bedroom, taking in the large, wide bed and simple décor. She couldn’t believe she had agreed to this. She had gone from not wanting to complicate things between them to over-complicating them in the space of a few hours.

  She just hoped she wasn’t getting in over her head.

  “Need any help?”

  She started as Damian came up behind her. With Pops soundly asleep in his room downstairs, she felt completely alone with him.

  “No,” she whispered, wiping her suddenly damp palms down her dress. “I was hoping I could take a shower first?”

  “Sure.” He gestured to the door across the room. “The bathroom’s through there. You’ll find fresh towels on the shelf.”

  “Soap too?”

  “You can use my body wash,” he said with a crooked smile. Suddenly, he came to her and lightly ran the pad of his thumb along her jaw. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  Savvy regarded him intently. He was offering her an out, but she didn’t want one. Sure, she was a little nervous, but she was absolutely certain about this.

  Looping her arms around his neck, she rose on the tips of her flats and kissed him. It was a light touch. A soft caress, really. But it was enough to set her body on fire.

  “I want this,” she whispered. “I want you.”

  He placed another light kiss on her lips before pulling away. “I’ll be right back.”

  She stared after him, stunned as he started toward the door. “Wait. Where are you going?”

  “Not far. I’ll be back by the time you’re out of the shower.”

  “Okay… But what do I wear to bed?”

  His lips curved into a grin that made her toes curl. Didn’t he know how sexy he was?

  “Wear nothing.”

  He was out of the room before she could respond.

  Savvy made her way into the bathroom and stripped out of her clothes. She grabbed a face towel and stepped in the tub. It wasn’t until she was under the spray of the shower that she realized she would also have to use his razor. A short laugh bubbled out of her. She was trying to seduce a man and would do so smelling like men’s body wash.

  “You are so unprepared for this,” she muttered to herself. But she had no intentions of turning back.

  She took a quick shower, wanting to be in bed before he returned. When he still hadn’t returned, she went in search of something to wear. She entered his walk-in closet and looked around it.


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