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Key West Wild (The Florida Keys Series)

Page 2

by Cyndi Raye


  “Here, let me get that for you,” Joshua offered. He took the handle of the leather suitcase from her and pulled it along behind. She knew it wasn’t light, because she tried to pack everything she’d need in the suitcase.

  Sara stopped in her tracks, watching him, amused as he strolled down the side walk toting a feminine blue and white striped name-brand suitcase. He was so muscular and tall. His body from head to toe was rock solid and he walked with a confidence that spoke volumes to the woman in her. She didn’t mean to stare. All of a sudden he looked back. “Something wrong?” he asked, oblivious to how he looked as he carted the chic aquatic suitcase with wheels.

  “Not at all,” Sara said, shaking her head. He was one self-assured man, she thought, noting that self confidence was high on her list of must haves in any future dates. She hurried to catch up to Josh, bumping into her own luggage, causing her to take a few awkward steps in her wedge sandals. She needed to learn how to walk right with her new shoes. His hand shot out to steady her. His touch was electrifying, and she felt his warmth even after he let her go.

  “Steady now. We’re almost there.”

  “I don’t make it a habit to follow strangers down the street. I hope you realize this.”

  “No worries there. Maggie and Jake will treat you like family. You won’t be a stranger for long.”

  “I was talking about you.”

  He turned his head and grinned. “Don’t worry, you’re safe with me.”

  “Josh!” A man yelled over the buzz of the busy street.

  Sara swung towards the deep voice. A man stood on the porch of an older two story house holding open the door for a beautiful woman who followed him. He had dark hair and wore well-fitting jeans and a tight t-shirt. Turning towards the woman, he planted a swift kiss on her mouth. Sara watched the exchange as the dark-haired woman reached up and touched the side of his face. They both turned at once to welcome their visitors.

  Sarah followed Josh through the white painted gate and up a few steps to the large wooden porch. A plaque, attached by long chains hung down from the covered roof. It read, Welcome to The Inn With No Name.

  “Interesting sign, isn’t it,” the woman said. “I’m Maggie, nice to meet you,” she greeted. “You must must be Sara Kelley.”

  Sara nodded.

  “Well, let’s get you inside and I’ll show you around.”

  Sara glanced over to where the two men were talking. They were so deep in conversation that she doubted Josh would even realize she left the porch.

  Maggie got right to the point. “I understand you came to Key West to stay with your brother, who is not home.” Sara liked Maggie, who seemed to be a no frills, get the job done woman, just like she was. She nodded.

  “I’ll tell you what Jake needs and you can tell me if this is something you may want to do. Jake depended on his manager to keep this place running, but the man ran off, lock, stock and barrel, along with one of our housekeepers last night. The problem was that the housekeeper who ran off was living with the other one. When she found out, she ran off too!”

  “Oh my, I do see the difficulty here.” Sara almost burst out laughing because it sounded like an old soap opera, but she held herself in check.

  Maggie nodded. “I’m very busy right now and Jake runs a corporation. He bought this property not as an investment but a favor to a woman who couldn’t keep up with it. As you can see, it does need some work, but we just haven’t had the time to deal with this. I’m not sure what Jake’s plans are, but we need someone to run things until he makes that final decision.”

  Sara walked through the rooms with Maggie, admiring the original wood floors and took a mental note of things that needed done to brighten up the place.

  “I love those Bullet Blues,” Maggie mentioned. She pointed to Sara’s olive skinny jeans that fit like a glove from her waist all they way down to her ankles. “I would know that brand anywhere.”

  “I just got these. You can’t imagine how the material feels against the skin.”

  “I can imagine, I wear Bullet Blues too, they’re one of my faves,” Maggie told her. The two laughed.

  “Believe it or not, this top is from her collection as well. It’s so comfy, I love the way it feels on my skin.” Sara wore a charbon scoop and one hem longer than the other on one side.

  “No kidding? I haven’t seen the latest,” Maggie said, smiling at Sara. “Anyone who wears that brand has great taste. I think we’ll get along fine.”

  Sara didn’t have many friends. Her life for the past ten years was so closed off from the world. Talking to people about her business on a computer and phone was one thing, but she never took the time for a friendship. When she lived with her ex, she didn’t dare bring anyone home. She never wanted anyone to know the kind of life she lived. Maggie and her seemed to click and all because they had something in common, American made blue jeans. “I have to confess, this company is one of a few that I buy from. The other clothes I have, I get for free.”

  Maggie looked intrigued. “Let’s go get some coffee and you can explain what you mean.”

  The two went into the kitchen. It was a large room with pastel walls and an island in the middle. Maggie took their cups over to a dark oak trestle table. They sat facing the long open French doors to see a perfect view of the garden, a canopy of trees and plush flowers encasing the area into a small oasis. “How lovely,” Sara whispered in awe.

  “Oh my yes, it is. Perfect place to spend time to yourself or with your lover. Now, can you explain what you were telling me about your earlier statement?”

  Sara, caught up in the beauty of the gardens, lost track for a moment. “Ah. It’s very simple. One of the companies that I run trials name brand products. I started it about three years ago on a whim.”

  “Interesting. Go on.”

  Sara didn’t want to give too many details about her personal life, because she started the company when she made the decision to get rid of the no-good husband of hers who kept her broke and in second hand clothes for years. He was either buying drugs or alcohol or things for his selfish hobbies that kept them broke and living just above poverty level. It was awful, and when he hit her, Sara decided she wasn’t going to live that kind of life any longer.

  She really didn’t want to mention too many details of a failed marriage, not yet anyway. “Before I started several on-line businesses, I worked as an administrative assistant. I needed clothing for the job, but I wanted to dress nice. My home life was so crappy, I wanted something to make me feel good. I wanted designer brands. So one day, out of the blue, I contacted a company to see if they offered trials for their product. One thing led to another and I was wearing these gorgeous name brand leather drivers, testing their newest product and filling out five page forms. I got to thinking, if I can do this for a pair of shoes, why not try other products as well.”

  Maggie took a sip of coffee. “That’s so incredible. You speak of companies, as in plural. What other companies do you run?”

  Sara shrugged, she knew Maggie was interviewing her. “Oh, I just have a few. You see, my brother Morgan mentored me well with internet marketing. He showed me how to build websites and blogs and get my sites up and running to show up on the first pages of the search engines. That’s before he got so busy with his own work.”

  “It sounds like it paid off.”

  Sara nodded. “It’s kept me in new designer clothing and I also get to teach women how to build their own business working from home.”

  Maggie smiled. “How will you run several on-line companies and manage the Bed and Breakfast?”

  Sara shrugged. “It won’t take up much time, believe me. I’m not sure what you are offering here, but I spend maybe an hour daily updating. It almost runs itself.”

  “Jake is offering you this position because of Joshua, a trusted friend of ours. He is staying here and we know that we can count on him.”

  Sara didn’t even know what the position en
titled. All she wanted was a bed to sleep in and a place to take a shower. “I’m not sure that I want a job, Maggie. I need to find my brother.”

  “I understand that. I would feel the same way, but there’s no place to stay in Key West at the moment. Perhaps we could help each other out for now.”

  “Just what does this position require of me?” Sara didn’t want to become too tied up in working, she didn’t need another job.

  “Here comes Jake, let’s ask him.” Maggie got up and pulled a couple of cold beers from the refrigerator for the men. Joshua leaned against the counter, across from where Sara sat on the wooden chair. Jake sat down beside his wife. He placed one arm over the back of her chair.

  “Sara, I understand you’re searching for your brother,” Jake began. “I do need some help here, at least until the festival is over next week. I have a big project in Marathon that needs my attention, otherwise I would take care of this mess myself. My company bought the bed and breakfast as a favor to my Dad. I didn’t want it, but the prior owner was someone special to him. I couldn’t say no, even against my better judgement.”

  Perhaps his job offer can benefit both of them. “I think I’m getting what you are saying. You want someone here to run this place until you decide to keep it or get rid of it. What makes you think I can do this?”

  Jake shrugged. “I have no clue. I know Josh is here to relax, he sure deserves to, but I’m hoping he’ll give you a hand.” Jake looked up at his friend.

  “You can depend on me, Jake. I’m getting bored.”

  “I don’t expect you to be here twenty-four-seven. Just a few hours in the morning and afternoon or when the guests need help. It will give you a chance to look for your brother much easier since you’ll be so close to everything. Plus, it’s a place to stay, free.”

  “I like free,” Sara laughed, turning to see Maggie smiling and nodding in agreement.

  Jake stood up. “Good, we need to get moving. Maggie?” He held out her chair, and took her hand as she stood. He took a long look at his love and then turned back to Sara. “I’ll assume we can settle on a decent salary in the morning? Get some rest. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  Maggie hugged her before she scribbled down some numbers and tucked them into Sara’s hand. “Call me if you have anything urgent. I may not hear the phone at first, but I’ll check it on occasion and get back to you. Bye, Sara, and good luck.”

  The two left arm in arm out the front door and Sara just sat in her seat, amazed at what just took place. She looked up to see Josh leaning against the counter, still in the same spot he was earlier, watching her in between taking drinks of his beer.

  “I can’t believe this just happened.” Sara placed both hands on her face, leaning elbows on the table, in shock. “I am the manager of a place called Inn With No Name. By the way, who named this place? That sounds so unsettled.”

  “Not sure, but there’s a story there somewhere. It’s kind of cool.”

  “I guess so. I’m exhausted. This has been a day to remember.” She picked up her cup, noticing it empty. “I don’t know how to run a B&B.”

  “Jake filled me in. Like anything else, just jump in, do what needs done. Don’t worry, I’ll help. At least you have a bed for now. That will help some.”

  Sara glanced at her watch and jumped up. “Oh my, I’ve got to get moving. It’s almost sundown!” She rinsed out her coffee cup and placed it in the dishwasher. “Which way is Mallory Square? I’ve got to get there in eight minutes.”

  Josh pushed himself away from the counter. “Come on, I’ll get you there. I’m assuming you want to see the sunset.” He held out his hand and she took it. This was the only thing that mattered other than finding her brother.

  They ran down the steps and out the gate, walking up the street towards the square. Sara, surprised at how fast Josh moved, hurried to keep up, even if he had to tug her along a bit. His hand hung onto hers as they moved through the crowd. Then they were there. They walked underneath a sign in bold bold letters that hung across an archway at the entrance. Welcome to Mallory Square. Sara stopped dead in her tracks, staring, causing Josh’s arm to jerk a bit.

  He turned. “If you want to get to the pier in time, you’ll have to keep moving.”

  “I’ve been waiting for this moment forever, it seems.” Her voice became soft and emotional as her eyes filled with tears of joy. “Just imagining I’d see this in person some day kept me moving forward.”

  “Sara,” Josh said, giving her hand a gentle tug.

  She snapped out of it and let him guide her through the crowd of people milling about. Vendors set up their tables in various spots around the pier. They skirted the ones who focused on drawing people in to see their products. Sara wanted to see the sunset. There was time for browsing later, she thought to herself.

  “Do you have a camera?” he asked. “Most people want to get a photo of the sunset.”

  She shook her head. “No. I want to experience this moment.” Without realizing, Sara tightened her hold on Josh’s hand, watching in nervous anticipation as daylight began to dissipate.

  The sky around the bright, white sun filled with brilliant colors of red and orange, bleeding into a kaleidoscope of amazing beauty. The buzz of people’s voices talking and laughing could be heard all around, but she stood beside Josh at the water’s edge mesmerized by the subtle waves rippling across the ocean. Three boats drifted in the water, their tall sails crossing over the sun, blocking out light for a moment. Then, once again the bright, roundness could be seen, sinking on the horizon. All of a sudden, the sun disappeared into the gulf of Mexico.

  The crowd began to clap and whistle. Sara looked up to find Josh looking out over the horizon. “It’s something I’ll never get tired of witnessing, or want to,” he told her.

  She turned to him. “Thank you. It’s much more meaningful to share moments like this with someone, even a stranger.”

  He let go of her hand and faced her. “I don’t feel as if we are strangers.”

  Sara closed her eyes. She wanted him to kiss her and opened her mouth just a tiny bit, her tongue slaking out in that familiar nervous way. She licked her lips.

  “Don’t do that,” he groaned and then bent his head and touched her mouth with his. Their arms at their sides, the only thing touching was their lips as she explored his taste. It was as magical as the sunset she just witnessed.

  When he broke away, she smiled, her eyes closed. “Thank you,” she whispered. He picked up her hand, turned it over and placed a soft kiss on the inside, making her sigh.

  Her eyes flew open. He stood there grinning, which made her laugh out loud. “I am so sorry, I tend to live for the moment at times. This is one thing I’ve never experienced before.”

  “A kiss or the sunset?”

  “A kiss at sunset,” she answered.

  Chapter 2

  She could now cross off a Key West sunset from her list. Sara never expected the bonus of meeting a man to share it with. She smiled to herself, adding the kiss as an extra-double bonus.

  When Josh tugged on her hand again, she followed along to the crowd of bystanders watching a performer and his dog. A circle of spectators roared with laughter when someone held a dollar bill to have the Golden Lab take it from with his mouth. The dog would deposit the bill into a tin can. A small biscuit flew through the air as the lab caught the treat. The crowd clapped and hollered.

  “That’s one way to get a tip,” Josh mumbled.

  She yawned. “I think I’m ready to head back. I want to try to call my brother again before I go to bed.”

  Josh and Sara strolled across the brick-lined square towards the gate, taking in the spectacular circus-like performers. One lone man sat beside the wrought iron fence on a white bucket turned over. He wore a simple red shirt, dark shorts and ragged sandals. Long, dark hair, pushed back in a careless pony tail, hung down his back as he strummed on a guitar. A small dog lay by his side, along with a rickety tip basket.

sp; Sara reached in her pocket and pulled out a few bills. She knelt down and placed them into the basket, smiling at the performer. As she turned to leave, he looked up and said, “This is for you, pretty lady.” He began a different tune, a slow ballad that had Sara mesmerized, as his talented fingers moved over the strings. Her hips began to sway from side to side. What she wanted to do was dance barefoot across Mallory Square, but she was too shy.

  Instead, she closed her eyes and let the music touch her heart. Josh’s hands wrapped around her waist and all of a sudden swung her around. “Open your eyes,” he demanded, his voice like a soft caress whispering through the night air.

  She did. He placed an arm around her waist and folded her other hand into his. “If this song is for you, make it memorable,” he murmured, the soft wisp of his warm breath so close if she moved a tiny bit, his mouth would be on hers. Which was not a bad thing, but Sara didn’t want to be too bold, not in front of all these people.

  Even this slow dance on Mallory Square was a big step and it was all because of her fears of her ex-husband. He was a mean drunk and would shame her in public. She let him get away with it for eight years until she put a stop to the abuse. Even though she was free from the bondage of his cruel world, she still let fear sometimes keep her from living life, so she worked even harder to shake it off. Whenever fear tried to take over, she would conquer it by doing something spontaneous and bold. Moving forward in tiny steps was the only way she would live.

  She didn’t want to remember her past any more so she moved a little further into Joshua’s arms. He tightened his grip as they danced, moving as one across the square. What was it about him that drew her in? He was an intimidating man, tall and muscular with dark brown hair and a chiselled nose that gave him a bit of a rouge appearance. She smiled against his shoulder.

  “Sara? The music is over,” he mumbled, even though he made no move to stop. They swayed together back and forth.

  “I want to stay like this,” she whispered.

  “We could be together tonight,” he said, his gentle words more of a statement than a question.


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