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Key West Wild (The Florida Keys Series)

Page 13

by Cyndi Raye

  “Hang in there with me, baby. We’ll have him by tomorrow night at the latest. Here we are,” he said as the bell dinged and the door slid open. The two walked hand in hand to the Panorama lounge where champagne flowed free. The soft sounds of a DJ spinning soft music and voices conversing filled the room. Windows from floor to ceiling gave a brilliant view of the sea outside.

  Josh spoke to a maitre’d who escorted them outside to the open air patio where couples cuddled together in giant sun chairs made for two. A few couples slow danced on the outside deck, oblivious to the surrounding atmosphere. Sara closed her eyes right as Josh swung her around. He took her glass of champagne and set it down on the small table beside the chair. She shivered when he wrapped both arms around her and she left her eyes closed, letting him swing her back and forth, so slow that they were almost standing still.

  “This is heaven,” she muttered.

  “Look at me,” Josh told her.

  She shook her head. “No, I don’t want to go back to reality. I want to stay like this, in your arms and forget about everything.”

  “You can’t because Lane is standing at the bar, staring. If you continue with a love struck look on your face, he’ll realize you were lying to him.”

  Her eyes flew open.

  “That’s more like it. Now, hug me and as you do, play with the earring to draw attention to them and lift your ring hand up and stare at the jewels with a smile on your face, as if you conquered me. Can you do that?” He lifted her chin.

  “Oh Josh, I didn’t realize how awful this is. I haven’t a clue what I’m doing any more.”

  He planted a tiny kiss on her mouth. “Trust me, it won’t be for long. He knew we were here, I saw him come through the door a few minutes after we walked in. One of his lackey’s are following us, so we need to be careful.”

  She nodded, laying her hands over his shoulders. Her hand went to one earring, dangling it in tiny circles, pushing the ringlet of hair back from her face. She lifted her left hand up in the air and wiggled her fingers, staring at the rock. Instead of smiling, she lifted her eyes and looked right at Lane. Josh had been right, he stared at her, his intense gaze making her nervous. She placed the ring to her lips and gave it a kiss as she looked at him. He lifted his glass in the air, acknowledging. She giggled out loud.

  “What are you doing Sara? I should know by now you don’t follow rules.”

  She nuzzled his neck and ran her hand over his hair. “I kissed the ring and smiled at him.”

  “Sara, must you go above and beyond every thing I tell you?”

  “Jealous?” she teased.

  “Yes.” Josh became all business. “Here’s what I want you to do next. We’re going to have a fight and you are going to go sit down. I’m going to try to make up to you and I want you to get angry at me and leave.”

  “I don’t want to leave.”

  “Your work here is done, Sara. He wants me now.”

  She giggled in his ear, ending with a sigh and that little noise. “Should I be the one to be jealous now?”

  He stared down in her baby blue eyes, so serious, all business, professional. “Ready? I’m going to get rough with you. I won’t hurt you.”

  “Well, if we want to make this more real, let’s change things up.” She turned the tables and surprised him when she lifted her hand and cracked him across the face. Josh stepped back, his hand flew to his cheek. He shook himself off and she could see the awareness in his eyes. He was in his game.

  She turned her back on him and sat down in the sun chair. Josh followed and tried to sit beside her but she pushed him away. He leaned over, grabbed her arms and raised them above her head. “Don’t ever slap me again, understood?” he growled. The intensity in his tone scared her at first. She knew he was putting on a show but she shivered anyway.

  “Screw you,” she yelled back at him, loud enough for the couple next to them to turn their heads.

  He grabbed a fistful of her hair and lifted her head back. Dipping low, he kissed her neck and ran the back of his hand across her cheek. “You are beautiful but you are mine alone. Don’t ever forget it.” He let her hair go and turned his back on her.

  Her whole body began to shake when Josh walked away. She closed her eyes and emptied the glass of champagne, then signalled for another. “Just keep them coming.”

  She knew deep in her heart Josh would not hurt her. But the coldness in his eyes went deep down in her soul, even though she realized he played a role. This secret agent life sucked. Her head began to float and the music penetrated in her mind but she couldn’t make out the words to the songs. She curled in the chair, tucking her feet under her and unstrapping the sandals, sliding them away from her feet.

  Sara glance at the bar now and again to find the two men deep in conversation. She doubted Josh realized she never left. With his back to her, he sipped on his whiskey drink, twirling the glass with his wrist. Morgan stood on the far side of Darian Lane and Josh’s sister sat the end of the bar. Darian glanced over and their eyes connected. Shoot! She didn’t want to draw attention to herself but he leaned over and spoke to Morgan. Sara bit her lip, she didn’t want to mess up Josh’s plans. She should’ve left when he told her to. Morgan whispered in Sophie’s ear and she got up and began to walk towards Sara.

  Josh’s sister was beautiful in a long black gown. She wore a single gold chain and tiny diamond earrings. “Do you mind if I join you?” she asked.

  “Of course not.” Sara scooted over a bit to allow Sophie to sit.

  “Darian told Morgan you looked all alone. He ordered me to come see you. We should shake them up a bit.”

  Sara tilted her head, instantly liking her. “How so?”

  Sophie scooted even closer to her. “Don’t back off when I do this,” she said, smiling like the devil. She placed an arm around the back of the sun chair and began to touch and twirl the wisps of loose curls around her finger. The two were facing each other. Sophie leaned her forehead against Sara’s and outlined her lips with the end of her fingernail.

  “What are you doing?” Sara whispered, trying to keep her composure.

  “Go with me on this. Darian thinks I’m gay. That’s why he won’t force me to sleep with him. We thought of it at the last minute when he became suspicious of me and Morgan. He doesn’t like gays but since I’m supposed to be Morgan’s sister, he tolerates me. If I don’t try something with you, he may get suspicious.”

  “In that case-” Sara glanced over to find all three men staring. She giggled. “I’m going to blow Josh’s mind.” She took both her hands and pulled Sophie to her, brushing her mouth across the other woman’s lips. She reached up and acted as if she were caressing her dark hair and Sophie did the same. They sipped on champagne, laughing and acting as if no one else in the world mattered. A quick glance at the bar showed three men shaking their heads.

  Sophie gave Sara a real smile. “You care about him, don’t you?”

  Sara nodded. “I do, so deep I can’t think straight. I’m not sure where reality begins and ends right now.”

  “I think Josh is having the same trouble. He’s good at what he does, Sara, but he will need you to do everything he says to pull this off.” They talked in low tones, almost whispers.

  “Too late for that. He told me to leave after our pretend fight, but I stayed. My knees were so weak and I didn’t want to blow my cover by drawing any more attention, so I stayed here.”

  “Too much champagne too fast. I’m pretty sure they will be leaving for the casino at any moment. When Morgan comes for me, just wait until everyone leaves and have someone take you back. Don’t go with anyone who doesn’t say the code name. Your earrings listen.”

  Sara wondered what she meant by that remark and realized they must have put a bug in her jewels. Her head began to pound so she signalled for another glass of champagne. “You should slow down,” Sophie told her.

  She shrugged and took a sip of her drink as she glanced back towards the bar. A shoc
k went through her so fast and deep she almost dropped the glass. A beautiful, long legged, blonde with a short one piece black dress had her arm on Josh’s back, rubbing long painted nails back and forth across his neck, playing with strands of hair while he let it happen. She shouldn’t be upset, but reality and playing a role jumbled together. Sara took one deep gulp and finished the drink. She wanted to throw it at his head.

  She set the glass down and worked her way off of the chair. Her feet went numb but Sara forced herself to stand up. She leaned on the back of the chair and as Josh turned to her, she disappeared from his view. The next thing she was flat on the floor, her long gown crumbled around her. She began to giggle until Josh’s face floated above her. Furious face, she should add. He lifted her up and she leaned against him at first, but took a step back in one clumsy movement. Darian and Morgan stood close by watching the turn of events.

  Sara had a bad feeling about the whole situation. Sorry she drew attention to herself, she understood the need to get back to the suite so Josh could do his job. She’d make it easy for him. “I’m leaving.” She backed away, turned, took a step and went down again.

  “Your drunk,” Josh growled. “You never were pregnant, were you, Sara?” He picked her up off the floor as if she were light as a feather. His hands gripped her forearms, keeping her from swaying back and forth. “You’re a fraud, wife,” he growled in a deep voice for the benefit of the others. “I didn’t want to believe it, but the truth is you were after my money all along.”

  “That’s not true! Josh, I love you,” she whispered in horror. Her head began to spin again. She tried to pull away, but he hung on to her arms. His brow shot up when she said the words and his face softened for a mere second. In an instant he changed to cold and angry.

  “We’re done, Sara. It’s over before it even started.”

  “You’re hurting me,” she cried out. Morgan took a step forward.

  Darian Lane put out his hand and shook his head. “Don’t concern yourself, Morgan. Let them work this out. Josh, I’ll expect to see you in the casino when you take care of your business.”

  “I’m done with this business, for now.” His voice, void of emotion, cut through Sara. He let her go and she stumbled back. “Go to your suite Sara, or do whatever you want.”

  “Josh,” she whispered, rubbing her arms, her head spinning, confused because it seemed so real. “Please, don’t leave me like this.”

  He stopped, hesitating for a moment and turned back to her. “Do you remember what you said to me earlier, Sara?”

  She nodded.

  “Screw you right back.” He turned and held out his arm to the woman in the little black dress. She gave him a big, sexy smile and wrapped her arm around his as they left the lounge together, along with Morgan, Sophie and Darian Lane.

  Sara swayed back and forth, barely able to keep her composure. She left her sandals behind and made her way barefoot out the door and down the hall. As they stepped in the elevator, Darian turned and winked, mouthing a thank you. She lifted her middle finger to him and he laughed out loud. He thought he double crossed her and left her out in the cold.

  As the elevator door started to close, Josh turned, the woman plush against him. She closed her eyes, unable to watch. She ruined it all, she should be the woman at his side, not that whore.

  Sara put one foot in front of the other. She wandered around, not sure what floor she was on or how to get back to the suite. Everything, the walls, floors and ceilings blended. “Please, I need help,” she cried out, but it came out in a small whisper. Even so, two men appeared out of nowhere.

  “We can help you back, Sara, come with us.”

  Through bleary eyes, she remembered to ask, “Code?”

  “Pocket watch.”

  The two men held her up and deposited Sara in the suite. She stumbled around, deciding to take a hot shower and let the water run over her body, leaning a thumping head against the tile until the water ran cold.

  She rubbed a towel over her skin until it hurt, covering up in the soft robe and closing the tie around her waist. When she went back in to the bedroom, the shadow of a man stood guard at the sliding door leading to the veranda. Another one stood at the entrance door in the hallway. She sighed, Josh no longer trusted her. She became a loose cannon and had to be protected so she didn’t screw up anything else.

  Sara fell across the bed, staring at the ceiling. She behaved like a fool. A hungry fool. “I’m certain you can hear me,” she spoke out loud. “I’m hungry and going to call room service. Does that meet your approval.”

  The shadow turned to her and gave her a thumbs up. Sara sighed. It seemed almost funny if she hadn’t been wiping a tear from her face.

  Twenty minutes later, a knock on the door had Sara making her way to the entrance door to let in the server. She dished some bills out of her wallet and stuffed them in his hand. “Your order, Mrs. Eden.”

  “Don’t call me that, the name’s Sara,” she said sadly.

  He rolled two carts in and lifted up each lid for approval. “Yes, Mrs. eh, Sara. Your order, a bowl of French Onion Soup, fries with cheddar cheese, a cheeseburger loaded with mayo, relish, onion, tomato and blue cheese, a dozen steamed shrimp with cocktail sauce on the side, a spinach salad sprinkled with goats cheese, an order of roasted Chilean sea bass, a slice of pizza pie topped with banana peppers, onions and mushrooms and last a piece of chocolate cake drizzled with raspberry sauce. Will there be anything else?”

  “Did you bring pizza for next door?”

  “Yes, someone delivered them a few minutes ago.”

  “Good, thanks.” She slammed the door closed, crossed her legs on the bed, nibbling on each plate, tasting the sea bass and dipping her cheesy fries in the onion soup. Indulging like this usually made her feel a bit better. Taking another bite of the chocolate cake, she burst in to tears. She pushed it all away in one swift movement. Sara laid her head against the fluffy pillow, blonde hair billowed around her.

  She wrapped her arms around herself and let the tears flow because Josh was at the casino wrapped in someone else’s arms.

  Chapter 9

  Josh listened to the sound of her wispy breaths. The moon light lingered in the suite, filling the corner of the room with a path of light directly over Sara. He leaned back, propping tired feet on the small round coffee table. She never heard him come in through the glass doors from the adjoining suite or send away the others guarding the doors.

  Josh sighed. Covered in a white plush robe and probably nothing else, it slid open at the top, revealing part of an exposed breast. Tied at the waist, she slept on her side, one leg crossed over the other dangling slightly over the edge of the bed. When he came in to check on her and saw her lying there, he dismissed the other agents.

  Dried tears mingled with black smudges streaked down her face. He wanted to wipe them away but didn’t have the heart to disturb her. She needed to sleep off the champagne high.

  Josh ran a hand through disheveled hair, ashamed. The hurt in those blue eyes earlier haunted him. The other woman clung on his arm while Sara stood there, horrified. These were the parts of the job he hated, the games played, the people hurt to play a role. She was devastated, the plea in her voice unable to distinguish reality from the world of lies. She should’ve been by his side, but he cared about her so much, he had to keep her safe. It would be hard enough to do his job without the risk of her getting hurt. If anything happened to her he’d die inside, that’s how much he was starting to care.

  He never thought he’d feel this way about a woman.

  He switched on the bose radio, leaned back and closed weary eyes as Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata played in the background. His mind drifted away with the music, soothing another day and a wrecked soul.

  He jumped when she called out his name.

  “Josh.” He sat forward, expecting to find her awake. But still in sleep mode, closed eyelids moved violently back and forth. “Please, please, yes.”

>   Her hand went to the exposed breast and she touched the silky flesh with long fingertips, moving inside the robe until she found a nipple. Her voice caught in her throat and she whispered again. “Josh, please, don’t stop.”

  He clutched the wood edges of the chair. A gentleman would wake her and yet he needed to hear her voice call out his name.

  She removed her hand and let it slide slowly down in between closed legs. Sara positioned herself as her fingers brushed over the area he hungered for. He stood up, and hovered over her bed, as closed lids rolled back and forth, knowing it would be wrong to take a woman in the depth of a dream so vividly alive.

  That didn’t mean he could stop himself.

  He untied the knot at her waist and pushed the material aside. She took her other hand and covered his, moving it towards the prize below. Josh let her hand guide the movement, sucking in a deep breath as his fingertips flexed over warm, soft flesh until his hand was buried beneath hers between soft thighs. Her hips began to move upwards, so slow and steady and she screamed his name, so loud it woke her up.

  Her eyes flew open. Josh stilled, afraid to breathe, unsure yet filled with desire so strong he ached. But she lifted her arms to him and beckoned him. Josh covered her nakedness with his body in one movement, planting small kisses across the flesh of her neck.

  She was perfect, for him. Everything was right about her from the way she opened her mouth to let him in to the way her hands slid down his back, pulling at his shirt. Josh sat up, straddled her and ripped the buttons from his shirt in one sweeping motion. The plastic circles popped and clattered to the floor. Her fingers ran across his chest and he shivered.

  He lifted her fingers to his mouth, taking each one and planting a soft, sensuous kiss there until she became impatient and moved her hands to his chest, lowering to his stomach and reaching for his belt.

  Josh stood, ripping his pants off and threw them across the room. “Come back to me,” she whispered, desperation in her voice.


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