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Romance: The Damaged Billionaire

Page 5

by Cooper, Jodi

  Slowly, I rise off him and slide back down, letting out a low moan in the process.

  My hands rest on his hard chest while my hips ease up and down on his cock. Oh, he feels good.

  So, so good.

  At first, I rotate my hips over him, covering his cock in my juices. Then I begin to build momentum.

  I swing my hips back and forth.

  Oh yes…

  My hips move faster.


  I lean both hands onto his chest and whip my hips on top of his rock hard cock…


  His hands lay out to the side, his head thrown back and his eyes closed.

  “Fuck yes…” he moans again.

  My hips move quicker.


  “Lara, baby, you feel so good,” he moans out passionately.

  “Archer… so do you,” I say.

  My hands stroke over his gorgeous face while his hands run up my tights.


  I begin to feel my release coming…

  I move faster.





  My head throws back.

  Archer senses my moment and pumps his cock upward into me…

  “Yes…” he groans.

  I cum all over him and he grips me tightly.

  With all his muscles tight, he releases into me.


  I feel full.

  After catching my breath, I wipe the sweat off my brow and I slide off his cock to lie down in the bed beside him.

  “That was more than I was expecting,” he says as he looks over at me.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to happen. I’m not sure what came over me,” I say as I look away.

  He grabs my head and turns my face towards him. “You don’t have to apologize for anything.”

  “It’s unprofessional for me to sleep with a patient.”

  “I don’t mind at all,” he smiles. “It is not a problem.”

  “If you weren’t so hot, this wouldn’t be a problem.”

  He smiles. “You think that I’m hot.”

  I laugh. “You’re okay.”

  “Nope, you already said it. I’m hot,” he laughs.

  “Okay, you’re hot.”

  “Don’t worry about what just happened here, Lara. It’s something that we both wanted and I’m not going to hold it against you.”

  “That’s good to know,” I say as I sit up and prepare to leave but he reaches out and grabs my hand.

  “No, sleep here tonight,” he says.

  I look at him in disbelief. “Are you sure about that?”

  “Of course I’m sure. Sleep in here with me tonight,” he says.

  I lie back in the bed and lean on his arm. “Whatever the patient wants, he gets.”

  He laughs. “Good night, Lara.”

  “Good night, Archer,” I say as I close my eyes and allow sleep to overtake me.

  Tonight was far by one of the craziest nights I’ve had but I don’t regret it one bit.

  Chapter 12

  “Wake up, sleepy woman,” Archer stirs me from my sleep.

  I open my eyes and feel the sun warming my face. Rolling over, I see that Archer is lying in bed, looking at me with a smile on his face.

  “Good morning, Archer.”

  “Good morning sexy.”

  “How did you sleep?”

  “Like a baby.”

  “Any pain in your back?”

  “No, no pain at all. I think I am healing up nicely.”

  I laugh. “Well, that’s good to know. Some physical activity must have done it some good.”

  He smiles at me. “I think we need to eat breakfast. I think I may want a repeat of what happened in this bed last night.”

  I raise my brow. “Oh really?”

  “Yes, really.”

  I smile and get out of the bed, throw on my pants and panties, before helping him out of bed.

  He winces a little and I know that he’s lying about the pain that he’s feeling. I will have to give him the pain pills once he’s got some food in his system because giving them to him on an empty stomach wouldn’t be good.

  I sit him down at the kitchen table and James places pancakes and French toast down in front of us along with freshly squeezed orange juice.

  “I take it you put in another request with the cook,” I say.

  “I don’t like to wait around for breakfast. I like to have it ready soon as I walk out of the room,” he says as he takes a bite of his pancake.

  I take a bite of French toast and smile.

  This cook has the key to my heart with how he throws down in the kitchen.

  I open my mouth to say something when two blonde girls come rushing into the kitchen, creating noise for attention.

  One of the blondes is tall and leggy and looks like she could be a super model.

  The other is about average height but she has large breasts courtesy of a plastic surgeon - because there was no way that those things are real.

  “Archer, baby, how are you feeling?” asks the tall leggy one.

  “Yes, we came over as soon as we heard about what happened,” says the other one.

  I roll my eyes.

  I already know what type of girls they are.

  It starts with gold and ends with digger.

  However, Archer is eating up the attention. After hugging him, the girls can’t take their hands off him.

  “You poor baby,” they say.

  “We’re here to look after you,” they pout.

  “I’ve been feeling good, thanks,” he smiles. “I hired a nurse to take care of me. She’s right there - her name is Lara. Lara, this is Brittany and Jessica.”

  They look me over, roll their eyes and turn their attention back to Archer.

  “Is there anything that we can do for you? Surely this nurse can’t be doing everything,” says Jessica, the tall and leggy one.

  “You can keep me company. It’s been kind of lonely around here these past couple of days,” he says without taking his eyes off their breasts.

  I look at him in disbelief.


  After all that we’ve been through and talked about, he still says that he’s lonely?

  We’ve just shared the most intimate details about our lives and he’s still lonely?

  What the hell?

  I suddenly lose my appetite, storming out of the room. I don’t even think Archer noticed me leave.

  Entering my guest bedroom, I pull out some clothes and get into the shower, but the anger rages inside me.

  How could I have been so stupid?

  I bet Archer has done this a thousand times before.

  He’s a prick.

  He’s a rich prick.

  He doesn’t care about me.

  Or anyone.

  And that’s why nobody really cares about him.

  He has probably spun that sob story so many times that he’s almost guaranteed to get sex at the end of it.


  I turn the shower on, making the water as hot as I can make it, and allow it to ease the tension out of muscles.

  I get out of the shower and throw my clothes on. I would somehow make it through this day dealing with dumb blonde one and dumb blonde two.

  I walk out of the room and head back into the living room where Archer is sitting in between the two blondes laughing and talking.

  I take the pain pills out of the bottle and hand them to him and he takes them, not even acknowledging me, but continuing to talk to his ‘friends’.

  It goes on like that all day.

  He doesn’t even say two words to me and I realize that I have had enough.

  I can’t deal with it.

  And I won’t deal with it.

  I’ve gotten myself in too deep and I need to pull myself out.

  I go back into the room, repack my suitcases, and drag them out towards the

  Archer, still in-between the blondes, sees me leaving. He raises his brow at me as I drag the suitcases along but he doesn’t say anything.

  He knows… but he doesn’t care.

  I’m just another girl to him.

  Another employee.

  He would probably be surprised to learn that I even have feelings.


  I open the door and slam it behind me as I get onto the elevator. I have to take back what little self-respect that I have and get out of there. I will just have to find another way to pay off my debts because this situation was no longer going to work out for me.

  When I get to my car, I throw my bags into the back and get in. I can feel the tears falling down my face and I pull out my cell phone to dial Paula’s number.

  “Hey, girl,” she says, sounding upbeat.

  “I need you to be at my house,” I sob into the phone.

  “What happened? Are you okay?”

  “No, I just really need a friend right now. I’m on my way home.”

  “Okay well, I’m on my way. See you when you get there.”

  “Thanks,” I say as I hang up the cell phone and toss it on the seat beside me.

  I wipe the tears from my eyes, pull out of the parking garage, and start my drive home away from this place and away from Archer.

  Chapter 13

  Pulling up into my apartment complex, Paula is already standing outside the door.

  The tears are already welling up in my eyes as Paula holds up a bottle of wine and a bag of cookies. I open the door, rush inside and immediately crash on my couch.

  I hear Paula digging around in my cabinets and then the cork popping out of the wine bottle. Softly, she comes into the living room, handing me a wine glass.

  “So are you going to tell me what’s going on?” she asks as she takes a sip of wine and looks at me with concern.

  I take a long sip of wine and look at her. “I had sex with Archer.”

  “You did what?”

  “We had sex. He had asked me to help him relieve some stress again and I did. Only this time we were in his bedroom and I decided to just go for it and have sex with him. It was amazing and we even slept in the same bed together all night…”


  “But then today, two blonde bimbos came over and he acted like I didn’t even exist. He ignored me while the girls flashed their million dollar breasts in his face. It made me so mad. How could he just ignore me like that after the night we shared?”

  “Did he say anything to you while the other girls were there?”

  “Not a word. All he said was that I was his nurse and that they should keep him company because he was lonely, when literally, we did nothing but talk to each other the whole time I was there. I just… I feel so used and worthless.”

  “Well I’m telling you right now that you shouldn’t feel that way. It’s his lost, Lara. Some guys are just jerks and Archer is just a privileged rich jerk.”

  “I know. I know but I just thought that he was different. We opened up to each other about a lot. He opened up about his parents and how he has an alcohol problem, and I opened up about my Mom and my evil stepfamily and my Dad. I told him things that I’ve never even talked to Jack about. In the short time that I’ve known him, he has made me feel ways that no man has ever made me feel.”

  Paula puts her wine glass down and looks at me. “Did you…did you fall in love with him, Lara?” she asks.

  I finish off my glass of wine and place it down.

  “I wouldn’t say I fell in love with him. I felt something very strong with the person who I think he is and not the person that he pretends to be.”

  “I don’t know what to say, Lara. I know I said that as long as you were giving hand jobs you should’ve had sex with him but never did I think that you would actually like him. If anything it should’ve been a short fling. But if he opened you up to the point where you trusted him, then I think that maybe you should give him a chance to explain himself.”

  I shake my head.

  “No, I know now that he’s no different than any other guy I’ve come across. If he has to put on a front to his so called friends, then we are never going to work out. I don’t do the wishy-washy types. It’s never been my style.”

  “I know Lara, but it just seems as if there is something there. I mean I know that you say you don’t want to give him a chance but I’ve never seen you this hung up over a guy. You barely shed a tear when Jack left, so that’s why I know that he is worth something to you.”

  “Maybe. Maybe he is. He’s worth me leaving alone. I’m telling you Paula, I felt so disrespected. He just seemed so cozy with those two… he probably used them to relieve his stress now that I’m not there. You know what they say about blondes’ right. They’re more fun.”

  Paula sighs. “No matter what I’m here for you.”

  I look at her.

  “Thank you. I really thought that we could’ve had something but he just doesn’t want to leave his shallow tendencies alone. I can’t babysit a man and whenever I decide to date again, I will make sure that he knows exactly what he wants.”

  “You know you’re rambling, right?” she says with a smirk.

  “I know but rambling is what I feel like doing right now,” I say.

  She hands me a bag of cookies. “Well ramble away, bestie, and if you want to go and throw eggs on his house, I’m down for it.”

  “He has cameras. He’ll know it was us.”

  “All the more fun.”

  I smile at her and shake my head.

  Paula is exactly what I needed right now.

  A shoulder to lean on and someone to pick me up when I am down.

  I wouldn’t trade her for anyone in the world.

  We spend the rest of the night eating cookies and drinking wine.

  Soon Archer is the farthest thing from my mind and I begin to feel a lot better.

  Tomorrow is going to be a new day.

  Chapter 14

  I return to work earlier than expected and the other nurses all stare at me as if I have grown an extra head.

  I continue on about my business though. I know that they were dying to know what happened but I don’t feel like filling in the gossip crew.

  Dr. Williams even throws me a few looks but he doesn’t say anything to me and I don’t say anything to him.

  I pretty much stay of clear of him and all of the other nurses.

  He probably thinks that I’ve ruined the chances of the hospital keeping the donation that Archer gave but I don’t think coming back to work sooner than expected will cause him to pull the donation.

  He is a jerk but he isn’t cruel.

  I walk back to the nurses’ station after tending to a patient when I see everyone’s attention turn towards the doors of the ER.

  “He’s back,” one of the nurses whispers to me.

  “Who?” I ask.

  But she doesn’t respond.

  Instead she smiles as she walks off to attend to a man being wheeled in off an ambulance.

  I watch in surprise as an unconscious Archer is wheeled past me to a hospital room.

  “What happened?” I grab one of the ambulance women.

  “He was drunk again,” she replies.

  “Did he hurt himself?”

  “He fell down a flight of stairs at his penthouse and one of the maids called us. When we got there, he was unconscious but we weren’t sure if it was from the fall or the amount of alcohol he consumed. His blood alcohol reading was through the roof.”


  He must have been lonely again.


  It has now been two days since Archer was returned to our hospital.

  I have avoided his room time and time again. One of the doctors asked me to help him out yesterday but I flatly refused. I couldn’t tolerate walking in there. Even being the same hospital as Archer is bad enough.

  I think everyone is saying it was my fault
that he had another fall.

  Yes, I left him with his ‘friends’.

  But it wasn’t my fault that he is a drunk.

  After doing my daily rounds, I notice everyone stop talking and look down the corridor.

  I turn my head to see what everyone is looking at and I see Archer coming towards us on crutches when he really shouldn’t be moving around at all yet.

  He was risking another back injury and was supposed to be lying back in a hospital bed.

  Archer slowly wobbles towards me and stops.

  “What do you want?” I ask him.

  “I need to talk to you,” he says.

  “I don’t think that we have anything to talk about.”

  “I think that we have plenty to talk about.”

  “What you think, and what I know, are clearly two different things.”

  I hear someone clear their throat near me and I turn around to see Dr. Williams standing there with a frown on his face.

  “I think you two should talk in one of the nurses’ lounges. You will have plenty of privacy in there.”

  “Thank you,” says Archer.

  I roll my eyes and lead him to the nurses’ lounge.

  I can feel a lot of eyes on us but I try to ignore them because this situation was already awkward enough without having to deal with every nurse in the hospital in my business. I hold open the door to the nurses’ lounge for Archer and then close it and lock it behind him.

  “So why are you here?” I ask him.

  “The question is, why are you here? I hired you to work for me for two weeks,” he says as he takes a seat awkwardly in one of the chairs.

  “I would figure you could see that I quit when I took my stuff out and didn’t come back to your penthouse. Why didn’t your friends come and save you from falling down the stairs?”

  “Because they weren’t there. I asked them to leave not long after you walked out on me. And… and then I was lonely again.”

  “So you started drinking again?”

  His eyes fall to the fall, “I know and understand why you left my penthouse.”

  “Do you really?” I ask him with a raised brow.

  He sighs. “Yes. I realize that I was a jerk when Jessica and Brittany came over, but when I’m around my friends, I’m so used to acting a certain type of way that I think nothing of it.”


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