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Page 18

by Carroll, John H.

  “We’ll see,” Tathan replied with an impudent wink.

  “Tathan!” Anilyia yelled. “I have no patience for you right now!”

  He jerked back at the rebuff. “I’m sorry,” was all he said.

  “Your companions are headed to the village of Yema near the southern mountains,” King Cranwer informed them. “There is a well maintained highway you can travel on to get there. I’ll add some traveling expenses and supplies to your things.”

  “Thank you. That’s very generous.” Anilyia squeezed his arm. “We’re still going to take care of the ship for you and hold up our end of the agreement.”

  King Cranwer took her by the upper arms and kissed her on each cheek, ignoring the blood on her face. “Thank you. I worry for your safety, but you’re obviously in no more danger on the quest than you are here. Go to my daughter’s room and clean up. Your things will be ready.”

  “Thank you, Majesty. Come along, Tathan.” Anilyia curtseyed and stepped over the bodies as she left the room. At no time did she show any sign of how badly every nerve in her body was screaming at all the dead bodies. Tathan followed, ignoring the suspicious looks given him.

  Soldiers lined the hallway, ready to handle any threat except the one that had nearly gotten the princess killed. The way they stood at attention, only following Tathan and the princess with their eyes, was impressive. One of the lieutenants followed them to make sure no one tried to arrest Tathan again, mostly because they didn’t want to have to clean up any soldier’s blood.

  Princess Chirelle’s suite wasn’t far away. When guards put their pikes in front of Tathan, Anilyia pushed them aside. “He is the only one capable of keeping me safe. He will come in even if it means seeing me naked.” She grabbed Tathan by the collar and led him inside. The guards didn’t know how to react, but they looked panicked by the idea of a man entering royal chambers.

  Inside, both princesses held hands to chest in the universal gesture all women have when shocked by impropriety. The ladies-in-waiting were in their nightgowns and scurried away at the sight of a bloodstained man in the chamber.

  Anilyia didn’t even bother to speak as she headed to the bath room. It was twice the size of the one in her room, but the bath was empty. There were buckets of water in the room though and she had to get the blood off. It was making her skin crawl. With no regard for decorum, she began stripping out of the nightgown. When one of the ties wouldn’t release, Tathan lent a hand and the nightgown was off faster than any handmaiden would ever be able to manage.

  As the princesses and other women came in, they were appalled by the brazen disregard for decency that both the princess and Tathan were showing. Anilyia finished stripping and knelt in one of the tubs of water, which elicited more gasps. Irritated beyond patience, she turned to them. “Well, if you’re not capable of doing your jobs and taking care of a woman who’s clearly been through a traumatic experience and has blood dripping from her hair, then I have to do it myself.” With that, she began splashing water on herself.

  Women ran over to begin washing her. An older woman came in with a rune stone and began heating buckets while others took them to the bath. Anilyia made introductions. “Tathan, this is Princess Chirelle and Princess Millia. You will address them by title and avoid seducing them. Is that clear?” she asked. The water in her bucket was red from all the blood while the women were soaping her and doing their best to hide her modesty from the scoundrel in the room.

  “Totally,” Tathan replied with a slight bow in the direction of the two.

  “Chirelle, Millia, This is Tathan of the Shadows, famed seducer of women.” She couldn’t resist the dig. When he stared at her, she returned the look with no thought of backing down.

  Millia broke first. “What happened?! We heard an alarm raised and guards lined the hall outside our room. Someone said you were kidnapped.”

  There was enough water in the deepest part of the bath for the servants to rush Anilyia in. They continued cleaning her and the goosebumps that had appeared on her arms and legs began to go away with the warmer water. “Masked men came into my room and tried to kidnap me. Tathan killed them. I’m leaving as soon as I’m clean. Can someone get my new travel clothes for me, or my old ones? I don’t care which.” Anilyia helped scrub her own hair. She wanted the blood out so she could leave.

  “You’re going so soon?” Chirelle asked in panic. “But I like you. You were supposed to stay for at least a week!” She hugged herself for comfort.

  “I’m not willing to sit around and be kidnapped again. I want to go home and Tathan is the only one who can keep me safe. I’m certain of that.” Water splashed over her from a bucket, rinsing off most of the soap and causing her to gasp. Anilyia was sure the handmaidens did it on purpose for upsetting their princesses, but she didn’t care. It actually felt good. Pushing wet platinum hair from her face, she looked at Chirelle and Millia. “I like both of you very much and even though I don’t think it will happen, I’d love to see you again. You’re both welcome in Mayncal anytime you like.”

  They poured more water over her head and the last of the soap rinsed off. “I have the new traveling clothes here,” a handmaiden said, rushing in and setting them on a bench. Anilyia stepped out of the tub and let the ladies begin drying her. They were still doing their best to stay between the princess and Tathan’s line of sight.

  “I’m frightened for you,” Chirelle said. Anilyia shrugged off the towels and rushed over to give the princesses a hug, her hair getting them wet in the process. They didn’t care and hugged back. “Must you leave right away?” Chirelle asked plaintively. Anilyia nodded and stepped back. The handmaidens seized the opportunity to dress her. “I have something for you,” Chirelle told her.

  “As do I. Don’t leave until I return!” Millia added. Both princesses dashed out. It only took a minute to dress Anilyia. The handmaidens took her into the sitting room and had her sit while they brushed her hair and applied light makeup. Makeup was one of the things she had missed since being kidnapped. The Rojuun considered it dirty and Liselle didn’t own any.

  Chirelle came in from her bedchambers. “This was my grandmother’s, but the colors don’t quite fit me. It’s one of the few pieces I have that’s exceptional enough for you.” She opened a thin rectangular box to show a gold wire necklace set with emeralds and finely cut garnets. It was exceptional workmanship, fit for a princess or even a queen. “It’s also sturdy enough to wear in your travels.”

  She sat behind Anilyia who held up her hair so the necklace could be put on. Anilyia touched it, feeling the tightness of the gold wire with admiration. “It’s so beautiful. I have nothing to give in return!” she exclaimed. It was not a cheap gift by any means.

  Just then, Millia dashed in with another box. Her ladies-in-waiting were very disapproving of all the un-princessly activities going on, such as running. “Oh good, you haven’t left!” She knelt at Anilyia’s feet, set the box on the floor and opened it. An elegant half-round arm sheath made of wired gold was set inside. There were a number of red carnelian stones set throughout it. “This has magic in it that will help keep you safe.” She pushed the left sleeve of Anilyia’s travel shirt up to the elbow and put the sheath on her arm. Leather lined the inside of it to keep the gold from cutting into the arm. It was attached with four leather-lined gold chains along the inside of the arm.

  “This is really too much!” Anilyia protested, running her fingers over some of the gems. Both items were extremely valuable, even to give to a princess.

  “It’s fine. We have more jewelry than we know what to do with, so it’s not as impressive as it may seem,” Chirelle assured her. Anilyia knew that wasn’t completely true. They might have plenty of jewelry, but the items they gave her were not simple.

  She looked at Tathan, who was standing with no expression on his face. Anilyia couldn’t read what he was thinking, but didn’t care too much at that moment. “Tathan, do you have anything I can give them? I’ll repay double wh
at it’s worth.”

  “That’s not necessary,” Millia protested.

  Chirelle agreed. “It’s not! We want you to have these things!”

  When Anilyia pleaded with her eyes, Tathan gave it some thought. He asked the princesses, “Are the two of you getting married, and will you be separated?”

  They stopped and became silent. Millia broke the silence. “Chirelle is leaving next month to marry a prince of Cralmen. It’s a good marriage that will strengthen both countries. I leave next year to marry a prince of Inizor, the three countries are ocean bound and we’ve formed an alliance that will bring everyone wealth.” Both princesses looked miserable by the arrangement. Anilyia understood how they felt.

  Tathan reached into his jacket. Anilyia knew he had secret pockets in it that were magically sealed and could hold more than one might imagine. The pockets also made the items immune from damage in case the jacket or person was hit by something . . . like a sword.

  He drew out two identical mirrors with surfaces about as large as a man’s spread hand. They had elegant silver handles and backs. Gold filigree decorated the edges and tiger-eye gemstones were set in the filigree. He gave them to Anilyia. “Give one to each princess. I’ll whisper the activation words in their ears.”

  Anilyia did so, handing one to Millia who still sat on the floor in front of her and one to Chirelle, who had moved to her right side on the couch. “These are beautiful. If there’s an activation word, then that means they’re magical?” the older Kethril Princess asked.

  Tathan crooked a finger for Chirelle to come to him. She stood nervously and moved next to him. When Tathan shooed off the servants, they ignored him. It wasn’t until Chirelle nodded that they moved back. They nearly rushed forward again when Tathan had the nerve to touch the princess, brushing back the hair from her left ear and holding her right cheek with the other hand while he whispered into the ear.

  Chirelle’s breathing became shallow and her face flushed at the feel of his hands. Anilyia narrowed her eyes at Tathan because she knew exactly how the Kethril princess felt. Chirelle nodded and moved back to the couch, taking and squeezing Anilyia’s hand fiercely to gain control.

  Tathan crooked his finger at Millia, who went through the exact same process and reaction. Anilyia was certain the rogue was enjoying himself and was just as certain that any woman in the room who wasn’t a princess would gladly have him flayed alive if given the opportunity. When Millia came back to sit on the left side of the couch she gave Anilyia’s other hand a squeeze.

  Tathan looked at Anilyia, again ignoring her glare. “Have them go alone to separate rooms and activate the mirrors.” Anilyia didn’t say anything before the princesses jumped up and headed to separate rooms, Chirelle to her bedchambers and Millia to Chirelle’s office.

  They came out a minute later, both sobbing joyfully, and gave Anilyia a hug. “They’re so wonderful! It’s the best gift ever!” Millia exclaimed into her shoulder.

  “Now we’ll be able to see and talk to each other for the rest of our lives!” Chirelle agreed into the other shoulder. Anilyia raised an eyebrow at Tathan.

  He shrugged and answered the unspoken question. “Just a little something I picked up in Dralin. They can see and hear each other with those mirrors no matter how far apart they may be in the world.”

  Anilyia’s eyes widened. The gift was extremely valuable. Only the most powerful wizards made magic that strong. It was also the best gift imaginable for the Kethril princesses. The three hugged for a few more minutes before Anilyia finally stood to go.

  Millia put her hand on the arm sheath. “There is no activation word because it’s always active. It will give you some protection from magic,” she explained. “The person who crafted them made two to match, but they don’t actually work together. In fact, they cancel each other out if one person wears both. I have the other one, so we’ll be like sisters,” she said with a shy smile.

  Anilyia hugged her fiercely. “We are sisters in my eyes and you will always be welcome should you make it to Mayncal.”

  They broke the hug and Chirelle took Millia’s place. “The necklace I gave you will protect you from magic against the mind. It’s always active too and will complement the arm sheath,” Chirelle told her as they released.

  “Thank you both so much for taking me in and treating me so well. I needed you so much. I can’t even begin to tell you how bad,” Anilyia said sincerely.

  They hugged and said goodbye a few more times before Anilyia made it into the hallway with Tathan behind. The same lieutenant who escorted them to the princess’s chambers led them outside to their waiting horses.

  Chapter 17

  Grooms held two horses for Tathan and Anilyia. They looked to be of fine quality as were the saddles and tack. It was likely the king had taken them from his personal stables. A packhorse carried supplies for their journey.

  After they mounted, a self-important official approached and handed them each a pouch. “These are for your traveling expenses.” Tathan hefted his and guessed there was at least fifty gold in it, quite a hefty sum. If he wanted to, he could probably afford a small barony on the outskirts of any kingdom with all the money he’d earned . . . and stolen in the last few months.

  It was a credit to his skill that none of his companions had noticed the numerous items pocketed in their travels from Puujan to Alluu to Kethril. He had a beautiful bottle of perfume stolen from Princess Chirelle’s chambers that he intended to give to Anilyia once he had the chance.

  He didn’t keep many of the things he stole because they were unnecessary and took up space. Occasionally, he would steal something and replace it with something he had stolen from somewhere else. It was a fun game and Tathan always imagined the looks on people’s faces when they noticed the switch.

  Tathan looked around the courtyard. It was an hour after midnight and stars sparkled in the sky. The smell of ocean air wafted under his nostrils on a slight breeze. Piohray and Siahray were thick slivers in the sky, adding dim light to the torches around the courtyard. The groom holding his horse stifled a yawn. Most of the activity came from royal guards searching the grounds for any sign of how the men had penetrated the castle. Their shouts had everyone in the castle up.

  King Cranwer came down the steps followed by a man in his early twenties whose small crown showed his rank to be prince, as did his resemblance to the king. The captain of the royal guard followed the two men with his head hung low. Assorted wizards and advisors also followed.

  The king reached them and took Anilyia’s hand in his. “Fair Princess Anilyia, you have my deepest apologies for the risk to your life and I pray you forgive me.” He kissed the hand.

  “I’m not mad and I most certainly forgive you,” Anilyia assured him with a smile.

  “Thank you. It is more than I deserve.” He released the hand. “I want you to know that we’ve identified the men’s nationality. They are of the Iynath Empire.” Anilyia nodded. It wasn’t a surprise to anyone. King Cranwer continued. “There are many people of every nationality in Tillg. They come by ship from all over the world. It is part of doing successful business and Kethril has become a rich nation for it.”

  “I do not begrudge you that, Your Majesty,” Anilyia replied. “Kethril’s rising power is noted even in Mayncal.”

  “You should mention that to your father. I have land set aside for an embassy should he wish to do trade. I believe only one small merchant from your country is in our city,” the king hinted.

  Anilyia set her jaw in frustration. “Our navy has suffered losses and trade by sea is severely limited, else we would have an embassy here. In any case, I will see to it personally if I must.”

  “Of course, but this is not the time for politics.” The king waved the subject off with his hand. Tathan knew that meant he had already brought up the one thing important to him. “The men who attacked were well trained warriors. I wouldn’t doubt they have groups like that in many cities around the world. I would
be most careful in your travels.”

  “That is disturbing news,” Anilyia replied with a frown. She glanced at Tathan in worry. He gave her his most reassuring smile. She didn’t look reassured though. “Do you think there are more in Tillg?”

  “Yes. My sources tell me they have three separate groups and even a small village south of the city. The groups here are being exterminated as we speak and General Bormann’s regiment is on its way to clear out the village. We’ll spare the women, children and elderly. They’ll be sent on a long boat ride back to Iynath.

  Tathan was impressed by the hard and fast response. Anilyia nodded and leaned over to kiss the king on the forehead. Cranwer smiled happily. “I’ve made certain you have plenty of supplies and gold. I wish you the best in your travels. Please know that you always have a home here should you need it.” The last was only said to Anilyia. People generally didn’t welcome Tathan into their homes for some reason.

  King Cranwer turned his attention to Tathan. “I had my wizards figure out how you escaped. I must say that I’m very cross with you, but at the same time grateful for your rescue of the princess. Now please go away and don’t come back, Tathan of the Shadows,” he said with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.

  Without responding, Tathan took the reins from the groom as well as the packhorse’s reins from the man holding them. He trotted to the castle gate. Anilyia and the king said goodbye formally and she followed Tathan into the city.

  He slowed to let her come up beside him. For the first few minutes, neither of them said anything. Tathan didn’t know what to say, but he got the impression Anilyia wasn’t going to talk first no matter what.

  A few people looked toward the castle from windows, wondering what the clamor was about. As Tathan and Anilyia rode down the road, it grew quieter and the loudest sound was the clopping of their horse’s hooves.

  He decided to use the ultimate apology. It was one that couldn’t be pulled out too often, but was vital for a man to have in his arsenal.


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