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Treat You Better (The Family Stone Book 3)

Page 13

by Brooke St. James


  "The necklace. I opened it. I love it so much. Thank you. A thousand times thank you."

  He grinned and kissed me again. He was so irresistible that I smiled and reached up to hold the sides of his face.

  "I mean it," I said, staring into his honey-colored eyes. At the moment, I felt a bit like honey myself, like I could just melt in his arms. "Not only is it special to me because I know you were thinking about me when you made it—but it's also just plain beautiful. It's truly the nicest piece of jewelry I've ever owned. I don't know how to thank you."

  The more I said, the more vulnerable I felt, so by the time I had finished, my hands had fallen from his face, and I was no longer making eye contact with him.

  Noah didn't respond right away, and when I glanced at him, I saw that he was smiling mischievously.

  "I know a way," he said.

  "A way for what?" I asked, having forgotten what I had just said.

  "For you to thank me."

  I could see what he was talking about simply by the glimmer in his eyes. "If you're talking about me kissing you, that hardly seems like enough. In fact, that's more of a reward for me, not a payment."

  Noah made a sweet, thoughtful expression, tilting his head at me as if contemplating what he was going to say next.

  "Can we please just go ahead and tell everyone you're my girl? I want to tell the whole world, Indie."

  That was not at all what I expected him to say, and he must have known that by the way my face fell.

  "I guess maybe I jumped the gun on that," he said, looking regretful. "I should have probably asked you to be my girl before I asked if we can tell everyone else about it." His face moved again, shifting into another expression of regret. "Too soon? I'm sorry. It's just that I finally get to hold you in my arms, and I feel like I never want to let you go."

  I should have said something back to him, but it was impossible for me to form words. I was completely overwhelmed. He was saying all the things I wanted him to say, but deep down, I couldn't let myself believe any of it. This man, this too-perfect man was presenting me with a too-perfect scenario. I felt hot. I knew I was beginning to blush, and my expression was far too serious.

  I tried to force a smile.

  Heartache washed over me the very split-second that I felt his grip on me loosen. I felt the urge to say something to make him hold me again, but I didn't even know where to begin.

  "I… I… It's not that I… Noah, I don't know how to put this, but…"

  "Do you not see me that way?" he asked. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to misunderstand. It's just the whole time we've been talking, I—"

  "I do see you that way," I said.

  I felt like I was on the verge of crying, and I had to will myself to hold back tears as I continued. I preceded to let out a whole stream of doubts and fears that had been stewing in my mind and heart since I had met Noah. I didn't mean for it all to come out at once, but it did.

  "It's just that… I don't know if you… I don't know if you quite know what you're in for. I mean, that sounds bad for me to say, because I love being a mother, but… you know, when I talk to you, it's usually after Leo's in bed." I sighed. "What I'm saying is that there's this big part of me that you've not seen or experienced yet—at least not the messiest parts of it. Sometimes, it's not glamorous being a mom. Sometimes, I get food in my hair or snot on my shirt. Last month, Leo ran a high fever, and I cried because he was just so pitiful and sick. I had an anxiety attack because of it, and I had to call my mom over here to come reassure me he was okay. I went to school the next day looking like a zombie. I know it's part of the job of being a mom, and I'm not trying to say I don't want to do it. It's just that… he's such a big part of my life, and you know… I'm sure you'd feel differently if he was your son, but I can't expect you to just come here and pick up where somebody else left off. And that's another thing... Kai's an issue. He's super-frustrating. He's a terrible father to Leo, and he's still trying to talk me into getting back together with him."

  "Do you want to get back with him?" Noah asked the question the second I made that last statement.

  "No," I answered without hesitation. "Definitely not. Never. He's married. They were together while we were together. No. I would never in a million years."

  I was embarrassed and so full of other emotions that my eyes had been full of tears the whole time I had been speaking.

  "Why is he trying to get back with you? What does he do? Does he call you? Does he come over here?"

  I shook my head adamantly. "No. I haven't even seen him in months, and even then, it's when Chloe's around."

  Noah had taken a step back. We were still standing close, but he was no longer touching me at all, and I felt desperate and heartbroken because of it. I hated myself for pushing him away, but it simply had to be done. My life was what it was. My life was complicated.

  "If you haven't seen him, then how do you know he wants to get back together?"

  "Because he calls me. He writes letters. I'm pretty sure he doesn't miss me and he doesn't miss Leo. I think it has more to do with him missing my trust fund. I'm sure that's what it boils down to. Either way, he's a thorn in my side. I don't want that for you. I don't want you to think you're getting the Indie who dresses up for school and is always smiling, that's all. I mean, I do smile a lot, and I do love my son and my life, but I wanted you to know there's other stuff I deal with. I honestly hate myself for telling you all this right now. My heart knew that I should just say 'yes Noah, I'd love to be your girl, and I'd love to tell the world about it', but my brain knew that I couldn't do that. I seriously hate my brain right now."

  "So that's it? That's your big confession—that your ex is a scumbag, and you cry when your little boy is sick, and you get food in your hair?"

  "Leo cries too. I mean, he's a good boy, but parenting is a big job, and I take it seriously. I just know that mostly when I'm talking to you, he's asleep, and I—"

  "You tell me these things," he said. "You've told me more than you think. You're a mom, Indie. That's who you are. Just last night, you told me that whole story about him getting a splinter in his foot and you having to dig it out while he screamed."

  I took a deep breath, feeling like I could finally relax a little now that I had gotten all that off my chest. "I forgot I told you about that."

  "Did you think you were going to scare me and I was going to run off when you said these things?"

  "I didn't think anything, actually I didn't plan on saying any of that. But if you're scared and you run off, I won't blame you. I honestly can't say what I would do if I was in your situation."

  "You mean if Sadie and I had a child before she passed away, you wouldn't like me anymore?"

  "No, no, no, not that. I'm saying is if I were you—a single guy—a very marketable, talented, super-handsome, funny, driven, wonderful, amazing, single, childless guy—I just don't know what I would think or do if I were you in this situation."

  "That's because you're not me. You're you, and I'm me."

  I stared at him, blinking. "You're right," I said, after a few seconds. "So, I guess I just have to tell you who I really am, and let you decide how you feel about it."

  "And you think that just because Leo's been asleep for most of our phone conversations that I didn't already know who you were?"

  "I guess I thought that, yeah."

  "You hadn't told me about Kai calling and writing you, but I knew you struggled with him. I knew he'd been flaking on Leo's last few visitations."

  "Does it make you feel different now that you know he tries to call me?"

  "Other than it being annoying, is it an issue? Do you see yourself getting back with him—for Leo's sake?"

  "No. Goodness, no. Even if he wasn't already remarried with a family—no. Just no."

  "I guess the question here, Indie, is what do you think of me?"

  "Me, about you? What do I think about you?"

  He nodded.
br />   I was perplexed by the question. "I-I… what's there not to… Noah, how's that even a question?"

  He studied my face, tilting his head as if something wasn't adding up. "Indie, baby, do you actually think that you're the one getting the bargain here?"

  "Yes." I answered with absolutely no hesitation whatsoever.

  Noah let out a laugh that made me furrow my eyebrows at him.

  "What?" I asked.


  "What'd I do?"

  "You sell yourself way, way, way too short—like a mile too short. Ten miles. A million miles, Indie. Nothing you said just now scares me in any way or makes me reconsider how I feel about you. You're amazing. You're beautiful and artistic. The way you sing, Indie. You're so talented. You're funny and smart, and you're raising a wonderful little boy. And did I mention that you're beautiful? So beautiful, Indie. I want to just hold you and have you all to myself. I want to help you. I want to be the one who helps you when Leo's sick or you have to take out a splinter. I have it bad. If you haven't noticed that, I’m not doing a good enough job of showing you."

  Chapter 18

  Noah Case

  The following weekend

  Indie had to be at the venue early for sound check, so she asked Noah to ride to the concert with her sisters. It wouldn't have been difficult for him to drive his own car, but she wanted to take him out for pie and late-night coffee after the show, and she thought it would be nice for them to ride together.

  Noah agreed easily.

  Blue and Taylor's hotel was chosen as the official meeting place, and he had never been inside, so he looked forward to checking it out. Plus, the simple fact that Indie wanted him to go there with her family made Noah happy. It was great that she had agreed to be his girlfriend, but it felt even more official now that she was including him in her family plans.

  He received a text from Blue saying that he should meet them in their penthouse suite at 7pm and they would promptly head to the show. The concert would begin at 8, but the venue served food, so the family planned on getting there a little early so they could order dinner before it began.

  Noah rode upward in the elevator, thinking about what it would be like to interact with them again. He had met them after her last gig, but that seemed like a lifetime ago. So much had happened between Noah and Indie since then.

  Back then, he was just a substitute teacher who happened to have a crush on one of his students, and now, well now, he was courting her, caring for her, he was her boyfriend. That label didn't sound right to Noah. He wasn't a boy and he wasn't her friend. Neither of those words fit who he was. He was the man who was meant for Indigo Stone—he knew it in his heart.

  He despised her ex-husband for the pain he had put her through, but he was also thankful that she ended up alone. He loved her already. The fact that her father was a rock and roll legend was simply an added bonus—one that almost didn’t seem real. Noah had seen the man over the years on the cover of magazines and on the television. He had heard his music on the radio and on movie soundtracks. It was surreal for him to imagine that the iconic musician might one day be his father-in-law.

  The thing was, he would have, one hundred percent, fallen in love with Indie even if she wasn't Alec Stone's daughter. Her father had absolutely nothing to do with Noah's feelings. In fact, he had never even met the man, so in his mind, Alec wasn't even a factor.

  He had met Kim, Indie's mother, earlier in the week when she came over to pick up Leo so that he and Indie could go for a hike. She was as sweet as her daughter, and she seemed truly happy to meet Noah, which made him think that Indie had been filling her in on the feelings she had for him.

  As Noah stepped off of the elevator, he was thinking about Indie's family. He wasn't the type to get nervous about interacting with people, but he loved Indie, and he couldn’t help but feel a sense of urgency about making a good impression on them.

  Taylor and Blue's hotel was gorgeous—it was full of class and vintage charm—but Noah had a hard time fully appreciating it.

  He knocked on the door of the penthouse suite. Within seconds it opened, and he saw Blue standing there with a smile. She reached out to hug him.

  "I'm so happy you're here! Come on in. Everyone's waiting."

  Noah could hear murmuring before he even caught sight of the group of people standing in the living room. He expected there to be four of them (Indie's sisters and their husbands) but instead, there were six.

  Alec Stone. The Alec Stone, in all his rock-legend glory was standing in the center of them all. He smiled at Noah and stepped forward to shake his hand. Noah returned the handshake and then proceeded to greet the others, giving sideways hugs to the ladies and shaking the hands of their husbands.

  It was chaotic for the first thirty seconds while greetings were exchanged. Noah was glad he had worn slacks and a nice shirt because the whole family was dressed for a night on the town.

  "Your hotel is really beautiful," Noah said to Taylor as he shook his hand.

  "Thank you," Taylor said with a smile and nod.

  "Noah, have you met our parents?" Blue asked.

  "I haven't met your dad," Noah said shaking his head. "I've had the chance to meet everyone else, but not your dad. Indie didn't tell me you guys were coming."

  "She has no idea," Kim said, smiling. "Her daddy wanted to surprise her."

  Noah met Alec's eyes and gave him a slight bowing motion. He wanted to say something about being a fan of Alec's work, but he wasn't sure how Alec felt about hearing that type of thing, so he opted for saying, "It's a real pleasure, Mr. Stone. I'm glad you guys got to come."

  Alec was smiling and about to say something back to Noah when Vi said, "When'd you meet Mom?"

  "He and Indie went hiking a few days ago," Kim explained. "I met him when he came to pick her up." She looked at Noah with a sincere smile. "Leo told me all about you taking him to that rock climbing gym. He was so excited. He said 'I climbed all the way up and touched the button'."

  "Leo climbed up a rock wall?" Vi asked with a confused expression.

  "It was one for kids," Kim said. "He was so cute with all those buckles and ropes and everything. He even had on a little helmet. Indie's got some pictures on her phone. You'll have to ask her to see them."

  "You like taking my grandson rock climbing?"

  Alec's question cut into the conversation, so everyone, including Noah, turned to look at him. He was staring directly at Noah.

  "I should probably just get to the point and mention that if you hurt my daughter in any way, I will kill you with my bare hands."

  "Dad!" Blue said. Others interjected with their own exclamations, but Blue's was the loudest, so Alec glanced at her with a shrug. Noah's heart sped up at the fact that Alec would say such a thing right off the bat, but the truth was, he felt the same way. He wanted to protect Indie as badly as her father did.

  "He would not kill you," Kim said. "Honey, you can't go around saying things like that. The poor guy doesn’t know your sense of humor. You're gonna scare him off."

  "I'm not trying to be funny. I’m not trying to scare him off, but I would honestly hurt him if he hurt her." Alec looked straight at Noah with a serious expression. "If I'm too old to fight you, I'd pay somebody to do it for me. I've seen that girl go through too much, and I won't stand by again, and watch—"

  "Alec, baby, please."

  "No, I get it," Noah said, nodding and looking Alec in the eyes the way men do. "I actually respect you for coming out and saying this. I would want you to fight anyone who tried to hurt your daughter. I honestly feel like physically harming her ex myself."

  "Oh, no!" Kim said. "Two peas in a pod over here. We better hope these two never run into Kai."

  "Kai better hope he never runs into us." Alec said.

  Noah laughed. "Amen," he said, causing everyone else to laugh.

  They spent the next couple of minutes making light of Alec's sudden outburst and making plans about who would drive and
who would ride in which vehicle. They tossed around several ideas, but ultimately decided that everyone would just pile into Alec and Kim's SUV since it was big enough for everyone. They had thought about using a driver with a limo, but that would draw unwanted attention, and they wanted to get into the venue without any of that.

  Alec would have normally traveled with a bodyguard, but his two sons-in-law and Indie's potential suitor seemed like they'd do the trick. Plus, his assistant, Karen, had already set it up where they would enter through the kitchen and discreetly make their way to the reserved booth.

  Thankfully, things went according to plan, and with no hassle at all, the seven of them ended up sitting at a cozy round booth in the corner of the restaurant. They had a nice view of the stage where Indie would eventually be performing.

  Noah was more nervous about seeing his lady than he was about interacting with her family. The Stones were excellent conversationalists, and Noah found himself laughing and talking with them as if he'd been part of the group all along.

  They ordered food and drinks from their server, and before it even arrived, Noah got a call from Indie.

  "This is Indie," he announced to everyone else, as he pushed the button and held the phone to his ear.

  Most of them got quiet out of curiosity.


  "Hey, it's me," she said. There was enough noise in the room that Noah had to press the phone to his ear. He glanced at the stage. It was a small, rounded stage, and there was a red velvet curtain enclosing it.

  "We're here. Where are you?" he asked.

  "I'm here too. I'm looking at you. I can see you through the crack in the curtain." Noah looked at the curtain again—right at the crack—and he smiled when he saw the very tip of her finger come out and give a little wiggle.

  "She's wiggling her finger at us," he announced since the whole family was listening curiously.

  They all looked and laughed when they saw Indie's finger.

  "Do you need anything?" he asked.

  "No. We'll be going on in a few minutes. I just wanted to see how you were doing with my family. I didn't know my parents were coming."


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