Santa's Naughty Girls: A Trilogy of Xmas Sex Fun!

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Santa's Naughty Girls: A Trilogy of Xmas Sex Fun! Page 3

by C J Edwards

“You look great naked,” a voluptuous little blonde tittered.

  “But I’m not…!” Nicky started and then looked down at her own body to find she was in fact stark bollock naked. She watched in a daze as the blonde elf dipped her head just a little and then latched her fat ruby lips around the pretty brunette’s prominent mons. “Oh God, what are you doing to me,” Nicky moaned. A small tongue wormed between her plump pussy lips and she lost it. “Oh fuck, yes!”

  Blondie, who was called Elsa ate Nicky with gusto. The slim brunette was glued to the spot as Elsa’s talent for cunnilingus was demonstrated with great effect. Nicky had already completely lost control of her body and when another clever tongue pushed its way into her virgin bottom hole, she lost her mind as well. Two fat cocks were pushed into her hands and she instinctively began to wank them. Then another boy elf climbed on to Elsa’s shoulders like an acrobat and the helpless teen had her mouth filled as well.

  Several more orgasms wracked her young body before Nicky was called back to Santa. When the pervy elves released her, she saw St Nick’s pants were gone and he was sporting the biggest, reddest cock she had seen in her life. He was chuckling as usual as he held out his hand to her. “Climb on board, my horny Christmas present. It’s time for Santa to enjoy your tight little cunt!”

  It was bizarre but hearing Santa use such a vulgar word somehow shocked the teenager more than seeing his cock; or indeed having her pussy and arse eaten out by elves! It shocked her but also made her lady garden twitch and she thought she could feel juices run down her inner thigh. She took the proffered hand, climbed up on to his lap and balanced with the improbably fat helmet poised against her hungry hole.

  That huge cock touched every square millimetre of Nicky’s love tube as it reamed its way up her. She shook her head like a frisky mare in something between distress and frenzied pleasure and came again almost instantly.

  The elves pleasured themselves and each other as Nicky rode Santa. Every part of the young woman was wonderfully filled; almost painfully so. His big hands held her slim hips and smashed her firm bottom against his thighs to ram that solid cylinder of flesh further and further towards the mouth of her womb. The room filled with the slapping of flesh against flesh and the incredibly horny moaning and sighing that involuntarily came from deep in Nicky’s throat.

  Moments before Santa came, Nicky came to her senses and realised he was unprotected and she had never been on the pill. She struggled to get off the cock she was so securely mounted on but Saint Nick just held her firmly in place for a second longer before ejaculating straight into her fertile womb. In that moment, as she looked into his deep blue eyes, she somehow knew she had been seeded by Santa.

  Given back to the elves, Nicky was eaten out by the girls in turn, until the sperm no longer ran down her legs. Then she was pushed on to her hands and knees and face to face with a big hairy quim. As she leant forward and tasted her very first pussy, she wondered whether eating out an elvish girl counted as lesbianism. She giggled to herself for a moment and then stopped dead as she felt another cock at the door to her coochie.

  With Nicky on her knees, William the elf was at the perfect height to penetrate her and he was the most endowed of all the elfmen. He had no finesse though and fucked women like animals. Gripping the flesh on her hips tightly, he filled her with one savage thrust and Nicky screamed.

  “Uh! Uh! Uh!” The noises coming from Nicky were now guttural and animalistic. The young woman who had only reluctantly taken just one averagely sized cock before was now on her second whopper and loving every moment of her ravishing. William fucked her like a crazed rabbit and soon added his load to Santa’s, withdrawing to let Celine lap at his milky sperm.

  Nicky let herself be led across to where an elf boy called Harold was lying back on a big couch with his long cock on parade like a flagstaff. She climbed aboard and glanced at Santa as she did. His pants were back on and he just looked down, watching her avidly from his throne. She kept her eyes on his as her weight pushed her down on to Harold and his huge mushroom prised her open. By now Nicky felt like an accomplished slut, she was so horny and soaking wet. The long, thick cock slid inside her with no effort at all and she squealed as the thick veins and lumps bumped against her tender pink flesh.

  As Nicky rode, she watched Santa. He no longer looked horny but was very still interested in the proceedings as an onlooker. Her vision was locked on his deep blue and oh so wise eyes. His face crinkled in sympathy with his broad smile as he watched his latest lover being well and truly fucked. He nodded to Leonard as his trusted lieutenant climbed up and positioned himself behind Nicky’s jiggling arse. She flinched at the feel of him and the elf took charge of the far bigger woman masterfully with a hand on the back of her neck, as his cock found her tiny arse opening while the other hand held her hip to still her bobbing.

  The moment Nicky was filled with two big cocks together, she screamed. “Arrrrrgh!” It was a scream of ecstatic pleasure, not pain and filled the huge room with sexual excitement. As her slim body was bounced between the two energetic elves, she tore her eyes away from Santa and saw she had inspired the audience. All around her, elves were fucking. Girl elves were mounted by boy elves or were double teamed by others. Girl elves loved other girl elves and there was even some boy on boy elf action. She had found herself in the middle of an elf orgy.


  By the time the elves had finished with her and in her, Nicky was exhausted and she knew she looked a wreck. Spunk dripped from her every orifice and pussy juice was drying on her face. Santa was still smiling at her like a benign deity. “Take her to Mother,” he told Elsa.

  Elsa took her hand in her own little one and helped her on to her feet. “Come on,” her voice tinkled. “You need to clean up and rest first.”

  They left the big room and Nicky discovered they were at the top of a castle. She was no longer surprised to discover she wasn’t in fact in Selby’s department store. They went down a long stone staircase and through a huge toy workshop, then along a long corridor to a door at the end. Inside was a comfortable bed chamber with its own bathroom. Elsa helped her human friend to clean up and then tucked her in to an unbelievably comfortable bed.


  “Santa chose well in you. But then he always does.” It was a strange voice but somehow familiar and very soothing. Nicky slowly opened her eyes to bright sunlight and slowly focused on the woman stood over her. She felt completely refreshed, as though she had slept for hours.

  As her focus returned, Nicky marvelled at this remarkable person. The woman was taller than her and very shapely in her red fur cloak but her beautiful face was completely ageless. Her eyes were as old as Santa’s but her skin was as flawless as a child’s. She knew without a doubt she was looking at Mother Christmas. “You can call me Mother,” she smiled, as though reading Nicky’s mind. She sat on the bed and gently stroked her cheek.

  Nicky felt very at ease in this woman’s company, despite still being completely naked, as Mother verified when she stroked a hand gently along her breast to rest lightly on her stomach. “What’s happening to me? Who are those elves? Where am I?” Nicky mewed like a cat and was surprised by the sound of her own voice.

  “So many questions my child,” Mother giggled. “Where do I start?” She was now stroking Nicky’s belly, which no longer seemed to be the flat six pack she had when she left home that day. Mother’s long fingers brushed against the hood of Nicky’s clitoris hood and she heard herself purr. “Have a look at yourself, Nicola,” she told her.

  Nicky propped herself up of her elbows and looked down her naked body, past the hill of her full breasts and down to her little round belly. Little round belly!! “What the hell has happened to me,” she wailed. “I’ve got fat!”

  “Not fat, darling,” Mother’s fingers were now openly strumming at her clit. “Pregnant!”


  “Pregnant,” Mother repeated. “And a healthy young woman like you should produce
a litter of nine or ten at least?”

  “A litter? Nine or ten what?” Nicky’s voice had a desperate tinge of horror.

  “Why elves of course!” Mother explained. “Where do you think they all come from? Santa picks a new, gorgeous woman like you every Christmas Eve and impregnates her.”

  “Santa knocked me up?”

  “Oh yes,” Mother smiled and continued her explanation as she wanked the ripe young woman. “The gestation is three months long and then you’ll be the proud mother of a lovely brood of elves!”

  “Oh God!”

  “And the other great thing about it,” Mother continued, as she thrust a finger quickly in and out of Nicky’s soaking cunt. She dipped her head and licked at a perky nipple. “The best thing is you come into milk straight away and it’s always delicious.” She sucked a nipple into her mouth and began to suckle like a hungry baby.

  Nicky’s body was alive with pleasurable sensations. She felt the milk begin to dribble from her nipple and an orgasm started to build in her pussy. “Oh God, Mother Christmas. Fuck me and don’t ever stop!”

  Mother raised her head for just a moment. “Happy Christmas, Nicola,” she said and Nicky came with a cry. She was under no illusion that her confinement was going to be an active one!



  The doorbell rang and Harriet positively skipped to the door. It was the twelfth of December and the Christmas post was well and truly in full swing for this popular young woman.

  The pretty young wife was left on her own for a couple of weeks. Her development director husband, Lee, was overseas until Boxing Day but he’d promised he would make her feel wanted while he was gone. To Harriet, that meant presents. Lots of presents!

  It was a parcel all right. The postman stood on the step with a big smile on his face, as his eyes roamed all over his favourite customer’s body. It was already the festive season and he was normally extra polite in the hope of getting a tip. For Mrs Turner, though, he fantasised about a much more rewarding show of appreciation. No more than five foot two, she was packaged well. He estimated her proud bosoms to be at least a D cup and her tiny waist looked small enough for him to get his hands all the way around so his fingers met. His cock hardened and he knew she had noticed. He would be stroking himself off with a mental image of this milf once again that night. Although he could do better than a mental image. He held out his tablet. “Just squiggle on here, Mrs Turner!” Then he held the device up. “I just need to get a shot of the parcel with your house in it,” he added. “It’s a new anti-fraud policy!” But the lens was of course pointing straight into her cleavage and caught those coat peg nipples as they pushed through the sheer satin material of her robe. He grinned guiltily and was gone.

  Harriet was more than a little aroused herself. She knew she shouldn’t tease the postie like that but it made her feel so good to be desired and she knew it was just harmless fun. The reality was, she was painfully shy around men and Lee had been the only real lover in her life. She looked at the large, soft parcel he’d left her and hurried back upstairs with it.

  The postal wrapping came straight off to reveal delightful Christmas paper. Not wrapped by Lee, that was for sure! She guessed the shop had done it. There was a printed note in the top left corner. Open now! Well! She could hardly disobey her husband!

  It was a baby doll negligee, an amazing fabric in blood red. It was soft, slinky and lacy all at once and looked like it would be very revealing. It was not the sort of thing she normally wore but she couldn’t resist it. Her robe and nightie came off and the baby doll went on as she stood in front of the mirror.

  The effect was amazing. Harriet’s soft blonde hair cascaded across her slim shoulders and her deep blue eyes shone with energy. She looked down in very much the same way the postman had a few minutes earlier and was astonished by what she saw. She knew of course that she was a very attractive woman but this negligee set her natural assets off quite remarkably. She looked… well, fuckable! Her hands came up to caress the material and she shivered at her own touch. She closed those beautiful eyes and her head filled with the horniest of images. She staggered to her bed and threw herself on to her back as her thighs parted and an insistent hand found her sopping wet pussy, which seemed to have swollen up with passion. A single finger filled her like a man-sized cock would and she couldn’t stop her hips rising to consume it like they had a mind of their own… a very horny mind!

  Harriet’s own horny mind was in the meantime running riot. She imagined herself in some sort of perverse Santa’s grotto and she blamed the one she saw in the shopping centre the previous day. Her pervy mind was running a private film in her head that showed her being fucked by elves, sucking off Father Christmas and even worse as her hand plunged rapidly in and out of her sex.

  She came hard and loud and when she called out her passion, it was for a lover other than her husband… “Oh Santa!”

  It seemed the horniest thing in the world as she orgasmed but seconds later she was frankly embarrassed with herself. She was also exhausted! Pulling the covers over her, Harriet went back to sleep.

  The next day, there was parcel post again. This one was a thin box though, quite different to the other. Harriet had answered the door in her new negligee – she just couldn’t bring herself to take it off! Her robe covered her modesty but it didn’t stop the roving eyes. She took the parcel quickly and closed the door.

  This one had the same message, so she opened it again; not entirely surprised to find a vibrator. She took it out and rolled it around in her small hands. It felt soft and oddly warm to the touch but looked innocuous – no more than six inches long and quite slim. Harriet licked her lips and leapt on the bed once again, pushing the on button and gingerly touching the tip to her clitty.

  The effect was electrifying! The buzz went straight up her clitty bone and lit a hitherto unknown bank of lights in her brain. Harriet found her hand wandering across the ever so inviting satin of her newest garment until she frantically wrenched her own tit out to tug on the nub. Her legs opened wider than ever and she found she was stuffing herself with that throbbing dildo.

  Harriet didn’t normally care for plastic inside her but this was completely different. For a start, it felt like a warm, throbbing cock, rather than something artificial. She pushed on the end and it jammed all the way inside her birth canal. Then something really weird happened.

  At first, she thought it was just her own libido; her desire messing with her mind. Then it twitched and the horny housewife was left in no doubt. The dildo was growing inside her, which was bizarre but that wasn’t the best of it. It was moving of its own accord. The thing seemed to be actually fucking her! She held tightly to the end for a few more seconds and then it pulled out of her grasp, it was twisting and thrusting so much she couldn’t keep a hold of it. Lying back, her arms instinctively came to rest beside her head in a submissive position as the phallus pumped her. The material of her teddy rubbed softly against her rock-hard nipples and stimulated every inch of her highly sensitive body. She grabbed at her own breasts, shook the mane of her hair and came noisily. “Ohhhhh! Fuccccck!”

  As she came back down, Harriet realised her mobile was ringing and grabbed it just in time to catch her husband as he was about to ring off. “Hey!” She gasped.

  “Hey yourself! Were you running?”

  “Er, no,” she answered coyly. “Just having a bit of me time in the bedroom!”

  There was a pregnant pause as though Lee was embarrassed. “Oh, that’s, er, great,” he said eventually. “You need to look after yourself."

  Harriet laughed but not unkindly. “And thanks for thinking of me at Christmas,” she added.

  “Of course,” Lee said quickly. “Hey, the contract is going really well...!”

  Harriet listened faithfully for ten minutes before he rang off and by that time she was horny again. She toyed with herself for a while before she just couldn’t resist reaching for that vi
brator once more.

  The third day of Christmas, the postman brought her a butt plug! No lube, just a bloody rubber bung to shove up her arse. Harriet was not impressed. She was no fan of anal sex and hated butt plugs! She took it upstairs and sat on the bed for a while, rolling it around in her hands.

  Actually, as butt plugs went, it probably wasn’t a bad one! It was pretty slim, with a soft and slippery surface and looked like it would probably go in pretty easily. Still, she wasn’t shoving anything up her back passage, no matter how much Lee wanted her to! She was running late for work, so she threw the blasted thing in her bedside drawer and jumped in the shower.

  Harriet worked in an advertising company, in a big open plan office full of other women. They all got on well and she had known most of them for over two years. There were quite a few shared secrets. She did the usual pleasantries, made a coffee and settled down behind her computer, reading her emails. She wasn’t particularly busy – it was that time of year. Pretty soon she found her mind beginning to wonder about that unusual present from her naughty husband. That got her wondering about anal sex and before she knew it, she was googling articles on the subject!

  Halfway through the morning, Harriet was back in the kitchen again and bumped into Marie, one of her longest serving colleagues. Marie had ten years on Harriet and she had always regarded her as her work mum. She was the obvious person to ask about this highly embarrassing subject. She poured the water, took a deep breath and turned to face the attractive older woman.

  “Can I ask you a really personal question, Marie?”

  Marie smiled that reassuring smile that always encouraged other women to confide in her. “As long as it doesn’t make me blush. Of course!” she replied.

  Another deep breath… “Anal sex!” Harriet just blurted out.

  “Excuse me?” Marie couldn’t help laughing.

  “Ever had it? Is it dirty? Does it hurt? I mean…!” Harriet spoke quickly and tripped over her words.


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