Santa's Naughty Girls: A Trilogy of Xmas Sex Fun!

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Santa's Naughty Girls: A Trilogy of Xmas Sex Fun! Page 4

by C J Edwards

  Marie poured milk into her tea and took her colleague by the arm. “Let’s sit down,” she said gently. “I think you need a bit of reassurance!”

  All Harriet could think about that day was anal sex and that cheeky little butt plug in the drawer. Marie had assured her that it could be wonderful and didn’t need to hurt but she needed a considerate lover. Well, there was no more considerate a lover than herself and that little plug looked like a great way to start experimenting. By time she went home, the horny wife had completely changed her mind and was dying to try the toy out. She got in, skipped upstairs and practically ripped her knickers off before grabbing the plug out of the drawer.

  It was an odd colour; sort of translucent and was warm to the touch. She poured a little lube on it and rubbed it all over, then lay on her front and touched the end to her trembling rosebud.

  “Uhhhhhh!” The moment it touched, it fired a sensation straight up her that was quite unlike anything she had experienced before. Harriet couldn’t contain the doleful moan. She pressed hard against her own defences and her pucker just opened up to let the invader in.

  It felt really strange and not at all like she had expected it would; sort of… odd! The soft material of the plug seemed to pulse and get warmer still and Harriet was reminded of the peculiar dildo. Her finger found her clit and traced lazy circles as the plug got warmer still and appeared to grow inside her.

  Suddenly something happened. It was like she had been shocked again. The thing got very big, very hot and began to thrust in and out of the horny wife’s virgin arse. Harriet grabbed the duvet with her left hand and unconsciously began to frantically strum at her clit with her right. She sobbed into the pillow and her body convulsed in orgasm.

  The next morning, Harriet woke with a hand on her clit and the plug still inside her. She reached behind to find it was its original size and came out very easily but twanged her sex muscle as it exited. She was horny again and a quick glance at the clock revealed she had time for a play. She rolled on to her back, pulled out her tits to tweak the nipples and with her left hand began to rub herself off again.

  “Oh! Oh! Ohhhh!” Harriet’s head was filled with a myriad of erotica as she came at the top of her voice. She sank back into the pillow, panting and then became aware of an insistent knocking at the door. It was the postman and he must have heard her cum!

  The smirk on the postie’s face as he looked her lasciviously up and down left Harriet in no doubt that he had witnessed her pleasuring herself and she felt her face heat up, knowing full well her blush would make her even more desirable to this predatory man. The parcel was small this time, no more than a ring box. She snatched it off him and slammed the door.

  When she unwrapped it, she found it was not a ring after all. It contained a pretty, ornate little butterfly on an elasticated harness. She couldn’t quite make out what it was or where to put it but there was a typed message underneath it in the box. One leg in each loop and pull it all the way up at the front! Pretty straight forward! She showered and dressed in skirt and blouse. Then, before she put the knickers on, she followed the instructions and was shocked to realise the pretty little ornament rested slap bang on her clit.

  For the next five minutes, Harriet sat on the edge of her bed and waited. Past experience had suggested this thing was going to turn her into a nymphomaniac again and she needed to get that out of her system before going to work. She sat and sat but nothing happened. Eventually she gave up. Putting on her face and brushing her hair, Harriet hurried out to work, completely forgetting to pull on her panties or indeed to remove the device, it just felt so natural there!

  It seemed to give her a little buzz from time to time during the day, it was subtle and actually very pleasant but Harriet had no idea how. She had seen nowhere to put batteries so it must just be another of those illusions. Later in the day came the annual board meeting, the boring one she had to sit in for without a speaking part. She found a seat near the back and made herself comfortable.

  The men droned on and on about balance sheets and marketing campaigns and Harriet started to doze off. Then it happened! Just a stirring at first but before she knew it, her clit stim was driving her wild. She bit her lip and felt her face begin to flush as she breathed heavily through her nose. There was no way out – she was being driven to a public orgasm, surrounded by all of her colleagues.

  She nearly kept it a secret but one last sneaky buzz and Harriet blew. “Arrrrgh!” She cried out and then immediately clamped her mouth shut and a hundred and eighty pairs of eyes turned to stare at her. “Indigestion,” she said quickly and tried to disappear into her seat as her clit throbbed and felt like it was now the size of a melon.

  That night, Harriet woke several times and her fingers went straight to her pussy!

  The next morning’s gift was apparently innocent. Harriet breathed a sigh of relief when she opened it to find a bottle of perfume. It smelt absolutely divine: a bouquet of flowers and other exotic scents. She dabbed her perfume points and went to work.

  Everyone seemed oddly attentive when she walked in that morning and straight away Harriet assumed it was her performance at the AGM. Then one of the younger girls complimented her on her perfume and she realised that must be it. The scent was captivating to men and women alike. She threw herself into her work and didn’t get up from her desk until her ritual mid-morning pee.

  She took a bit of time in the bathroom, adjusting her hair and make-up in the mirror and then she realised she was looking herself in the eyes. You’ve changed, she told herself. But she had no idea how. The woman looking back at her was not the naïve housewife of a week before but somehow more worldly and more… sexual!

  The sound of a woman’s voice took her by surprise. “I’ve been trying to get you alone all day and this seems like the perfect place…!” It was a woman Harriet had never really noticed before. Thick set, spikey hair and tattoos. She looked every bit a lesbian and from the look in her eyes, she was very aware of who she was!

  The woman stepped closer… a lot closer, until their faces were less than six inches apart. “God, you smell amazing,” she breathed and Harriet realised their breasts… and their erect nipples were touching. “Don’t tell my girlfriend,” the woman added. Her hand moved to hold Harriet by the back of the head and her lips closed on hers.

  Harriet had her bottom jammed against one of the basins as the woman snogged her. Her feet were planted firmly on the floor with her legs slightly parted and the porcelain thrusted her hips forward. As it transpired, this was the perfect position for her assailant to access her pussy and she soon felt a warm hand climbing under her skirt. “I’m Hels,” the young woman whispered into her ear as her middle finger penetrated Harriet’s throbbing sex. “I’m going to fuck you stupid, you sexy little wife-bitch!”

  She was true to her word! The wiry, black-haired woman hammered her hand in and out of a very hungry twat. The first-time Harriet came, her legs buckled and Hels literally threw her back up to sit in the sink. And when she came again, Harriet slithered down to her knees. Then it seemed the most natural thing in the world to open her mouth and taste her first minge.

  During all this excitement, Harriet was vaguely aware of someone entering the toilets and leaving a while later but she had no idea which of her colleagues she had entertained with a live sex-show and no way for her to find out. She spent the rest of the day buzzing and trying to figure out which of the gazes she seemed permanently under was more knowing than the others. When she got home that night, Harriet put porn on the laptop for the first time ever and wanked herself to sleep.

  When the postman handed over her parcel the next day, he stroked her arm and Harriet pretended not to notice. He had a look in his eyes like a horny puppy dog and it made her pussy throb. She half thought about inviting him in but common sense got the better of her at the last moment. Instead, she took her parcel up to the bedroom for her daily opening ritual.

  This box contained two shiny egg-
shaped objects, attached to each other by a short string. She had no idea what they were but another note made it clear. Put the eggs inside you and leave them there all day! That was pretty clear and they slipped in easily!

  This time, Harriet did not forget her underwear! She wore a pair of big knickers, just in case the eggs tried to come out – they were quite heavy!

  The eggs shifted ever so slightly as she got out of the car and she was startled. Fearing any clit butterfly incident, she hesitated before going into work but all seemed to be okay so she continued.

  It was just before lunch when it happened. She shifted in her chair and the eggs sort of clacked together, sending a shiver right through her sex bone. She sat perfectly still, waiting for the sensation to stop but it didn’t! It got more and more intense and Harriet was sure the clacking must have been audible to the office – the sound seemed deafening to her!

  There was no way she was going to suffer the humiliation of cumming in the office again. She was entitled to take a few hours off for Christmas shopping and that was exactly what she did. Rushing out of the office, she leapt into her car and drove the two miles to the nearest shopping mall.

  By time she had parked, Harriet was frantic. She needed a man desperately! She practically ran around the centre and found a young man looking into a shop window. He was young, handsome and strong at about six foot. He would do! She stood at his side and quickly broke the ice. There was no time to waste! “Hi handsome!”

  His reply was warm and not suspicious and Harriet almost felt his eyes undress her. She could see her image clearly in the window and could see she looked super-hot. Her eyes sparkled with lust and her nipples were poking straight through her blouse. Her whole body screamed fuck me!

  There was one small bridge to cross. Actually, two! Harriet rolled them up together. There was no time to lose! “Are you here on your own and how old are you?”

  He laughed. “I’m nineteen and yes I’m here alone… I’m shopping for my girlfriend,” he added unnecessarily.

  She was now fit to burst… “You’re going to think I’m a complete slut,” she said. “But my husband is overseas and I’m horny as hell… Can I suck your cock?” She blurted the last bit out.

  He looked shocked for a moment and then looked around in a comic fashion. “Why not?” He grinned widely and took her by the hand. “Come on!”

  He led her around the back of the shops to an insalubrious alleyway filled with skips. He kissed her roughly, almost as though he felt obliged to and then pushed her downwards. Harriet sank into a squat and pulled his cock straight out as her other hand found her throbbing clitty.

  Harriet had never been much of one for oral sex and this boy was a lot bigger than her husband but she swallowed him with a huge amount of enthusiasm and dexterity. For his part, he was clearly loving it and getting close to culminating. Harriet strummed at her bean for all she was worth and welcomed the boy’s selfish face-fucking. She had never been used in such a way before and she found it overwhelmingly horny.

  In no time at all, that thick cock spat an incredible load into her mouth and she gulped it down with gusto, marvelling at his delicious taste. Then a volcano began to erupt deep within her and Harriet lost her balance as she came, falling on to the tarmac.

  She was still shaking when the lad gallantly helped her to her feet. “I’m Ged,” he said as he tucked himself away but she didn’t care! To Harriet, he was just Cock! And a damned good one! He left her sat on the floor wondering whether all young men’s semen tasted so sweet!

  The next morning was the eighteenth of December and Harriet would have slept in if it wasn’t for the postman. On this occasion, there was no mistaking the emboldened postie’s advances as he gently stroked her cheek and actually told her she looked well shaggable! She ignored him, closed the door and quickly opened her present.

  This time it was a beautiful Christmas bra and knicker set, sort of Christmassy in a deep red, shimmery fabric with a white trim that hinted at Santa’s coat. She looked carefully and realised there was a subtle slit on the tip of each bra cup that sort of let the nipples breath and there was a hidden slit in the panty gusset. Cheeky! She tried them on and they fitted perfectly – another brownie point for Lee who she had thought didn’t have a clue about her sizes! They were really comfortable so she just pulled a tight jumper and short skirt on over the top and got ready for work. The powder blue v-neck was pretty tight and really accentuated her big bust. The bra was invisible, so it was a good combination. She looked great and knew it!

  The morning went like any other and Harriet had lunch at her desk, trying to get ahead of the game before the Christmas break. She had grabbed a prawn salad sandwich from the lady who came around from a trolley and she washed that down with a coffee. Then she stood up and had a stretch before getting back to work.

  Then she froze. Something was odd! As she stretched, her jumper had risen several inches to display a band of toned flesh above her skirt waistband. It shouldn’t do that; she knew that jumper was plenty long enough. Sitting back to ponder that, Harriet realised something else felt odd. Her breasts were throbbing. She could feel where the nipples were protruding through the slits of her bra and the material seemed to be rhythmically squeezing them… and it wasn’t just her tits. She could feel the material of her knickers, seemingly pulling her labia apart to expose her vulva. The whole thing was making her feel incredibly horny and she stumbled off to the ladies.

  One glance in the mirror told Harriet she was not herself. Her face looked like a stripper’s. Her lips were plumper than usual and parted, whereas her eyes were full of lust. That wasn’t the worst of it though. Her knockers looked several sizes larger than usual and her nipples pushed through the thin wool of her jersey like pencil erasers. She looked like a sex doll!

  She stumbled out of the loo and almost walked into Mr Clancy, the managing director and founder’s son. His eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw her enhanced appearance. “Mrs Turner,” he stuttered. “I was looking for you…!” He had something intelligent to say that was for sure but it had gone straight out of his head. He looked at her like a goldfish for a few moments before apparently coming to a decision. “My office,” he said quickly. “Now!”

  He followed her along the corridor and up two flights of stairs, never more than two paces behind her. They went past a surprised personal assistant and through a wooden door, which he locked behind them. Harriet stopped in the middle of the floor, unsure where to go and Clancy just kept on walking, grabbing her with him and marching her forward before pushing her over his big oak desk so her juicy arse stuck up in the air. He flicked her skirt up with one hand and unzipped with the other, then, within a few short seconds, he was balls deep inside the hot wife.

  “Uh! Uh! Uh!” Harriet’s cries were short and passionate, to match her boss’s thrusts. He held her arse tightly in strong hands and his flat stomach slapped against her soft buttocks in time with her horny sounds.

  “Oh, God! Mrs Turner,” he moaned. “You horny little slut!”

  She had never been called a slut before and just a few days before, Harriet would have been offended. Not today though. The name seemed right for a married woman full of her boss’s cock. He reached under her to find her engorged clitty and one touch was enough. “Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Yeeeeees!” She came loudly enough for the whole block to hear.

  Clancy pulled out and literally threw Harriet to the floor. Then, three violent fistings of his cock were enough for it to erupt and liberally paste her pretty married face with thick strings of spunk.

  Clancy hurriedly tucked himself away and rather sheepishly offered Harriet a pack of baby wipes from a drawer before hustling out of the office. She tasted a little and then used the wipes to clean her face before adjusting her dress and following him out, feeling the knowing eyes of his assistant on her all the way to the stairwell.

  Next day’s present was particularly odd under the circumstances. She opened another b
ox to find leather cuffs for wrists and ankles, attached together in a sort of cross arrangement. She guessed they were intended for when Lee got home, so she just left them on the bed and went to work.

  Clancy saw her enter reception and scurried away like a mouse. She guessed she wouldn’t be seeing him for a while. Marie was pleased enough to see her though. “Don’t forget you’re coming around to dinner on Friday night, darling,” she said as she kissed both her cheeks. Harriet had forgotten. The reason had been something to do with her being alone at Christmas. She’d received loads of invitations but she genuinely liked Marie and so accepted dinner with her and her husband, who she was yet to meet.

  The day thankfully passed without incident and Harriet went home on time. She kicked off her shoes inside the front door and poured herself a Zinfandel before catching up on Netflix. It was past ten o’clock by time she went upstairs. She shed her clothes on the way to the bathroom before having a pee and cleaning her teeth.

  It was still in the middle of the bed. Solid leather and metal and she had to move it before getting under the duvet. Harriet picked it up and had a good look at it while she sat on the edge of the bed.

  It was solidly made but the locks were actually clips and didn’t need keys or anything. All the same though, it was hardly something she could play with on her own. She tried the left one on her wrist and was relieved to see it came straight off again.

  Then curiosity got the better of her. She rolled on to her stomach and bent her legs right up to meet the cuffs to see exactly what position Lee would have her in if she let him truss her up. It was a little uncomfortable but pressed her nipples and cunny into the mattress in quite a stimulating fashion. It certainly had its attractions and she could see she would be completely helpless and available for her husband like that. She gave a little laugh to herself and moved to get up… and then stopped!

  She couldn’t move. Somehow, improbably, the cuffs had fastened on her wrists and ankles and she was trussed up in a hog-tie position. She stretched her long fingers and tried to reach the catches without any success at all and then she tried to roll and get up on to her knees but that wasn’t happening either. The situation was quite hopeless. She would die of thirst before anyone found her. She sobbed once and then twice and before she could help herself, the tears began to roll down her pretty cheeks.


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