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Taming the Last AcostaItalian Boss, Proud Miss Prim

Page 31

by Susan Stephens

  Rigo’s arrogance she could deal with, even his impossible behaviour she was getting used to, but when he played the humour card she was lost.

  Just about. ‘I can’t afford to deal in riddles where my career is concerned,’ she prompted, only to have Rigo close the matter with a decisive gesture. ‘This will have to wait until you’ve seen your team. Come and show me when you’ve made your selection.’

  ‘At most I need one plain and simple suit.’

  Rigo shrugged. ‘Your loss.’

  And with that he left her to negotiate plain and simple with men for whom Katie guessed plain and simple was an abomination.

  * * *

  Katie was forced to admit she was wrong. As the designers discussed their ideas she realised their taste wasn’t so far distant from her own—just in monetary terms. Unlike some men she could mention they were prepared to listen. When she asked for plain and simple they called it stylish and smiled. Once they had reassured her that all the measurements they needed could be taken over her clothes, she relaxed. They agreed on one tailored suit with both skirt and trousers to ring the changes, as well as three sharp shirts. They could dress her from stock, they admitted, to which she agreed immediately. It was both cheaper, and...well, truthfully, she couldn’t wait to see what they had in mind.

  So she did have a figure, Katie realised as she performed a twirl later in the privacy of her own room. It was a surprise to find she was a stock size and didn’t even need an alteration, but then breasts were most definitely ‘in’ in Italy, where clothes made allowances for women with generous curves.

  Left to her own devices she might have chosen something concealing, but the designers had insisted the jacket would hang off her shoulders if she chose a larger size. The elegant navy-blue tapered pencil skirt and matching short jacket with a sexy nipped-in waist made her look, well, if not glamorous—she could never be that—then, at least, something the right side of presentable. It was such a thrill to have some smart new clothes—and, as uniforms went, she conceded wryly, staring at the label in awe, this wasn’t half bad.

  The accommodation the housekeeper had chosen for her was another delight. It had survived the worst excesses of

  Rigo’s brother and was the most beautiful suite of rooms Katie could imagine. The silks might be faded, as was the counterpane on the bed, but Katie had always loved shabby chic and this was the perfect example of it. She wouldn’t change a thing in the room. Having everything pristine and new would take away from the palazzo’s charm. Any renovations would have to be carried out with the utmost sensitivity—though she had no doubt Rigo was more than capable of that. He was very different from his public face. The Press might think him a playboy, but that only showed how little they knew him.

  She sighed as she gazed out across the formal gardens. She was more than a little in love with him even though much of Rigo was hidden behind whichever mask he had chosen to suit his purpose. She wondered what he was hiding and why—and what were these plans of his? He had decided to keep the palazzo and renovate it, but then he was going to use it for something he wouldn’t tell her about. Would he ever trust her enough to tell her? And could she stay until he did?

  He’d have to tell her if she was going to work for him, Katie reasoned, pulling back from the window. No employer could hide much from his PA. Was that why he’d sacked so many? Rigo was asking them to give blind loyalty to a man they knew to be ruthless and who would only tell them what he thought they should know. Would she put up with that?

  Glancing at her watch, Katie realised it was time to show Rigo the outfits she had selected. Outfit, she corrected herself, smoothing the skirt of her new suit. So that shouldn’t take up too much of his time—though what he would think of the sexy shoes the designers had insisted she must wear with the severely cut two-piece, she couldn’t imagine. Well, she could. He would think her frivolous and extravagant and with very good reason. Lifting up a heel, she stared rapturously at the luscious crimson sole. The contrast with the black patent court shoe was both subtle and fabulous. She had never owned shoes like these in her life before and would have to pay Rigo back from her wages, which meant staying on—for a time. The shoes were worth it, Katie concluded.

  Katie Bannister in high heels and designer labels—who’d have thought it? Katie Bannister, whose heart was beating like a jack-hammer, because she was going to see the man she loved, though Rigo must never guess how she felt about him.

  * * *

  He stood watching her as she walked across the hallway towards him. He noticed the way her hips swayed as if she had only recently become aware of her femininity. She loved her new suit. He loved to see her wearing it. He could tell she liked it by the way she moved. It was so good to see her standing straight, walking tall, hiding nothing.

  He wanted her.

  She hadn’t seen him yet and so she knocked on the door of the library, where she expected to find him. Hearing no reply, she moved on towards the entrance to the leisure suite. He walked up behind her, hoping to surprise her, but something flashed between them and she turned. ‘You look beautiful,’ he murmured.

  He heard her swift intake of breath. She remained quite still. ‘Really beautiful...’ He didn’t touch her. He didn’t want to spoil the moment as it shimmered between them. And then he noticed she was trembling.

  ‘Do you really like it?’ she said.

  ‘More than you know...’ He was sick of the pretence. He was sick of Katie’s lack of self-belief. He wanted the chance to help her rebuild it. He wanted her in his bed. She wanted him. She couldn’t have made it more obvious. Her honey-coloured eyes had darkened to sepia and her parted lips offered him a challenge he couldn’t ignore. Katie Bannister was changing faster than any woman he had ever known and the look of question, of adventure in her eyes mirrored his own. ‘Now you’ve got the uniform,’ he teased her, ‘be sure you obey all my commands.’

  ‘Until you sack me?’ She refused to see the joke. ‘I’ll work in a team as you first suggested, Rigo, but I refuse to be the next in a long line of disposable dollies dressed for your amusement—’

  ‘Is that what you think this is?’ He gave the suit ensemble an appreciative once-over. ‘And I thought you’d like it.’

  ‘I do,’ she admitted. Her eyes were wide and innocent, but there was a riot of activity behind them.

  ‘Rome and Tuscany,’ he tempted, sure that was an offer she couldn’t refuse.

  ‘I’ll stick with the trial period we agreed on, thank you.’

  ‘I need your organised brain on board.’

  ‘I’m flattered,’ she said dryly.

  ‘I mean it. You’re quiet, organised, discreet, quick-witted—’

  ‘Biddable, do you mean?’ she interrupted. ‘Or just plain dull?’

  ‘Dull? Who said quick-witted was dull?’ Had the definition changed since the last time he used it? ‘Work with me,’ he tempered, keeping the bigger picture at the forefront of his mind.

  ‘As what, Rigo? The perfect back-room girl?’

  ‘You want to run the show?’ he demanded with exasperation, planting his fist on the door above her head.

  ‘Before I agree to anything I’d have to know exactly what’s involved. That’s reasonable, isn’t it?’

  Their lips were inches apart and he was tempted to take advantage of that and then tell her everything. But he was still developing the idea and his kids’ club wasn’t up for negotiation. It was and always would remain confidential—not for his sake, but for theirs. He wouldn’t go out on a limb where that was concerned and he wouldn’t put unfair pressure on Katie. ‘I can’t tell you yet—’

  ‘But you expect me to throw up everything I have in England and move to Italy to work with you on a permanent basis on this...secret project?’

  ‘I’m asking you to take a chance.’

‘With you?’

  He stared into her eyes and wondered how he had ever thought Katie Bannister a quiet little mouse. Passion lurked so close to the surface in both of them and her sweet wild-flower scent was driving him crazy.

  But he was not as innocent as she was.

  ‘No, you’re quite right,’ he said, ‘this would never work. I can’t imagine what I was thinking.’

  * * *

  Rigo enjoyed provoking her. She knew that. Even so she was tempted to go along with his plan. He had injected danger into her life and she was addicted to it now. But could she work for him and feel like this? Could she do anything with a clear head until he finished what he had started last night? Sexual desire did not play by the usual rules. Clear thinking could vanish in an instant, leaving only the danger of desire.

  ‘Shall we take this somewhere more private?’ Reaching past her, he opened the door.

  The door swung to, enclosing them in the sensual cocoon of the luxury spa. Rigo locked the door and handed her the key. Neither of them spoke; they didn’t need to. Heat spread through her body until it came to a pulsing halt. Her lips were parted and her eyelids were heavy. She was ready and so was he. She could feel Rigo’s breath on her face, on her neck, on her ear, his lips only millimetres away. They stood facing each other, staring into each other’s eyes. When she was certain she could stand it no longer he drew her close. The relief was such she cried with pleasure. Her body was pressed hard against his and she could feel his erection throb and thicken as it strained against the fabric of his jeans. The more she tried to fight this Katie registered dizzily, the more she wanted him.

  ‘So what would it take to bend you to my will?’ he suggested wickedly.

  ‘A miracle?’ she countered, deliberately provoking him.

  ‘A miracle?’ he murmured. ‘Or this...’

  He claimed her mouth, teasing her lips apart—punishing her with kisses. As she responded he cupped her bottom and memories of sensation came streaming back. Was it only last night? How could she be so hungry? This wasn’t decent—she would go mad. She was composed of sensation and need, she was all hunger, all mindless, searching, craving, desire. ‘Oh, please...’

  Briefly, he lifted his head to stare down at her.

  ‘Please, touch me...’ She was so swollen and aching. Winding her fingers through his hair, she dragged him close, demanding more, demanding everything he had to give her.

  ‘Is this any way to behave?’ he whispered with amusement.

  ‘Now...’ She cried out with frustration. ‘Don’t tease me...’ Edging her legs apart, she gave him the most brazen invitation yet. She had to have him. She had to draw him deep inside her. It was a primitive imperative she had no will to resist. Her inhibitions were cancelled out by the demands of a body that craved his touch. She needed more contact, more touching and stroking, more pleasure. Memories from last night were too vivid for her to ignore this opportunity.

  ‘Tell me what you want,’ he taunted her softly. ‘Direct me...’

  ‘I want all of you now...’

  ‘Explain.’ His voice was stern. He held back.

  ‘I want you to touch me again.’ She said this in a clear and lucid voice. ‘I want you to touch me exactly as you did before...’


  ‘But this time I don’t want you to stop.’

  There were no more words spoken between them. Rigo undid the fastening on her skirt and let it drop to the floor. Her new lace briefs followed. She closed her eyes as he enclosed the luscious swell between her legs. The touch of him there was indescribable.

  ‘More,’ she insisted in a groan, clinging helplessly to him. ‘Give me more—’

  ‘Like this?’

  ‘Oh, yes...’

  But he was teasing her with almost touches. He would stroke her deliberately the way she liked and then return to a touch that was far too light.

  ‘Don’t tease me,’ she begged, and as her legs buckled he took her weight.

  Somehow her legs were locked around his waist, and as he freed himself and protected them both, he insisted, ‘Use me.’

  She gasped with shock as if the idea had never occurred to her. Rigo had given her the key to a new world, and one she had been longing to open since the moment they met. Taking him in her hands while he supported her, she touched him to her swollen flesh.

  ‘Again,’ he commanded.


  SHE USED RIGO for her pleasure, not once, but many times, although there came a point where using him that way wasn’t enough. As her hunger rose Rigo backed her against the wall. ‘Yes,’ she groaned, clinging to him. ‘Yes,’ she husked gratefully on a long note of satisfaction as he eased inside her. Still cupping her buttocks with one hand, he added to her pleasure with the other and as he thrust deeper, faster, she arced towards him, urging him on with impassioned pleas. She had never thought, dreamed anything could feel so good, but this was more than a craving; for the first time in her life she felt complete.

  He had never known sex like it. She was insatiable. She was passionate. She was perfect. But for him this was only the appetiser and now he wanted the feast. He wanted to take Katie to bed and make love to her all night.

  He had lost count of how many times she had climaxed by the time he withdrew. He did so carefully, making sure she was steady on her feet when he lowered her to the ground. Embracing her, once, twice, his heart throbbed with unexplored feelings. The next step had to be bed, but to his astonishment when he suggested it she pushed him away. ‘Not again.’ He shook his head, refusing to believe she could do this a second time.

  ‘I can’t—’

  ‘What do you mean, you can’t?’ Drawing her close, he kissed her passionately, tenderly, but she wouldn’t or couldn’t respond. It made no sense. Anger grew inside him. She wanted him for sex—for instant gratification, but when it came to something deeper, more meaningful...

  He had been used. A surge of disgust swept over him. Had he misjudged this? Was it all an act? Was Katie Bannister in love with someone else? He stepped back. Seeing his expression change, she reached out to him. ‘Rigo, please—you have to believe me when I say there’s a very good reason—’

  ‘For sating yourself and moving on?’ He shook his head in disbelief. He had only felt this level of betrayal once before, as a child whose pure love had been wasted on a man whose lust for a woman had taken precedence over love for his only son. ‘Give me the key.’

  Fumbling through her pockets, she finally found the door key and gave it to him.

  Clutching it in his fist, he left the spa without a second glance.

  * * *

  As the door slammed behind Rigo Katie slowly crumpled to the floor. Burying her head, she sobbed in a way she hadn’t been able to cry since the fire. She had never grieved for what she’d lost. She had never let the feelings inside her come out. Only her love for Rigo could open those floodgates. She had never felt anything as life-changing as this before—or directed so much loathing at her scars. She was crying because they could never be together and because sometimes it was easier to be strong than to break down, because being strong meant putting on an act, but when the mask dropped and there was just Katie Bannister facing up to her new life Katie wondered if she was strong enough or if too much had been lost.

  Strong enough? Dry your eyes this minute, Katie’s inner voice commanded.

  Picking herself up from the cold tiles, she rebuilt herself breath by ragged breath. There was no reprieve, no easy way, because deep inside her was a determined little light that kept on shining however hard she tried to put it out. She would get over this. She would get over Rigo. She would go on living. Scarred or not, she knew there would always be problems. She could sit here on a hard floor in an empty spa, wailing for a past that had whistled aw
ay, or she could pick up her mental armour and go back into battle.

  Which was it to be—wailing or winning?

  She would do more than survive; she would make a difference.

  * * *

  ‘What’s this?’ Rigo stared at the letter Katie had just placed in his hand. They were in the library where she had found him pacing.

  After what had happened in the spa she had no option but to do this. ‘It’s my resignation... You don’t have to accept it, but I’ll understand if you do.’

  ‘That’s very good of you.’ He eyed her brown suit with distaste. ‘So, are we right back where we started, Signorina Bannister?’

  ‘Hardly.’ She had barely finished the denial when Rigo’s look communicated all he thought of her in wounding detail.

  ‘I don’t accept your resignation.’ He handed the letter back. ‘You agreed to stay until I could find a replacement.’

  ‘That was before—’

  ‘Before what?’ he snapped.

  She looked away, unable to meet his gaze.

  ‘As you may be aware, I haven’t had time to find a replacement for you yet. So I’d be grateful if you’d stay.’

  He sounded so cold, so distant and, yes, so contemptuous. She flinched as he threw himself from his chair and stalked to the window, where he remained with his back turned to her, staring out. ‘If I weren’t so pushed...’ he grated out, leaving Katie in no doubt that he would get rid of her the moment he could.

  ‘I could resign. I still have my open ticket home—’

  ‘You can do what the hell you want—and seem to do just that, from what I’ve observed.’ Rigo’s eyes were narrowed with fury and suspicion as he looked at her.

  ‘I’m sorry—’

  ‘Don’t even go there.’

  ‘You don’t make it easy, Rigo.’

  ‘I don’t make it easy?’ he demanded incredulously. ‘You’re guilty on that count too—and if it’s easy you’ve come for you might as well leave now.’


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