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Times Escape : Book One in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander

Page 6

by Michael Berg

  “It is cooler today thankfully. Everything even seems a bit greener.”

  “Perhaps the stress of the heat being gone has allowed the foliage to relax.”

  “A weird way of putting it but you could be right, though the sun is strong.” Bobby notice Beth had avoided his question on how she found herself at the bordello. He decided to leave it there and not push the issue, relinquishing to a later time where he might be able to prod her for an answer.

  “Yes the sun is strong but with less heat. It seems to wilt everything at its strongest, even our minds at times.” Beth persisted with discussing their environment.

  “It can wilt as can a few too many whiskeys too.”

  “They will soon fade to a distant memory, as will a lot of things you are used to Bobby. This trail helps you to forget.”

  “It is why I am here. Funny though, I would have never thought I would be staying at a bordello so remote on my vacation.”

  “It is a special place is this trail.”

  “Where does it lead?”

  “A place where there are a lot of those stones you are so interested in.”

  “They are weird and remind of Vindor space ships come to think of it. They fly in perfect spheres. According to their ways, the spheres allow them to move through space and time as if they are natural cosmic bodies.”

  “Through time you say. Interesting.”

  “I have heard of their time distortions but have never witnessed any aside from our theory on time distortions being the way they cover the vast distance of twenty three light years to our own solar system.”

  “I can imagine a time distortion would be hard to witness in a way. You could be immersed within one without really knowing it is happening.”

  “We were advised on such things during our space training, but to date there is no records of pilots being dragged back through time or projected into the future.”

  “What use would the Vindors have for such a thing anyway Bobby?”

  “They would try anything to win this war against Earth. If they succeed, then this entire section of the galaxy would be theirs to plunder. They control a lot of space in these parts, and if you add up all the gold in our own solar system, then they would like to count it amongst their riches. Our gold is one of their main objectives. Vindors have a particular sense of pride and correctness – their home world is thought to be of astute nature with impeccable riches and order, so they are naturally tuned into seeking treasures like gold...and diamonds. They use those to operate their spaceships, but above all, space command see the Vindors pursuing their need or want for gold. There is also talk of Vindor needing it to repair their own sun, so high command see this as an imperative for Vindor and as such, a mission at all costs.”

  “Why else are they attacking Bobby?”

  “Humans are seen viable slaves to enrich their lives by doing the work so they can pursue their sense of pride. They crave after lust, always hungry, and also finding ways to manipulate circumstances to their advantage. You see how they operate in battle. Whenever we lose ships to them, they take pride to another level. Perhaps they consider Earth as a worthy new home world should they be unable to rescue their star.”

  “Do you have a sense of pride Bobby?”

  “Everyone does don’t they? We take our work seriously and acknowledge when we do well...and learn from our mistakes.”

  “And you? What about you Bobby? Do you have a sense of pride?”

  “I just told you...”

  “About your pride as a space commander and Steward of Earth Defences. What about you in the rest of your life?”

  “I suppose so. It is part of me in it is being a pilot.”

  “Good. Then you will be happy then.”


  “Whenever it comes. Soon it will be here and your pride can be expressed once again. I cannot say exactly when, but it will.”

  Bobby knew Beth enough now to see this as one of those moments of life delivering the unexpected at random. She was this way herself – her moods and provocations were alluring. Even now as he watched her walking, her movements held a particular grace arousing him. There was no outward look or an act on her part, rather an inner sense of self communicating an element of precision. After a short walk, they had made their way through the grasses, having arrived at stand of pine trees where Beth stopped.

  “This grove is nice Bobby.”

  “It is a lot better than the dry places I visited yesterday. How do you know this place Beth?”

  “I like to explore and I found this last winter. It was snowy then.”

  “Sounds nice. I like it.”

  “Sit here beside me Bobby so we can soak up the ambience.”

  Bobby sat down expecting Beth to position herself as close to him as she could, but to his surprise, she kissed him as she positioned herself within his legs. She didn’t make any other real moves aside from just holding this position. He relaxed, allowing himself to be calm and to feel her warmth as her breath heaved against him.

  “Stay with me Bobby,” she whispered as her lips tickled his cheek.

  “I am here Beth.”

  “Where are you Bobby? Do you really know?”

  “Of with you in this grove.”

  “I know, but do you really know where you are in the entire scheme of things? Valeena and I talk about this often. We are always assessing our lives and our parts to play in the lives of others.”

  “Sounds like my job as Steward.”

  “Then play your cards Bobby, for it is almost time to call your hand so you project the right timing t align with the place you are to go.”

  “I’m not sure what you mean Beth.”

  “Sh. There is no meaning other than what becomes to you. Listen.”

  Bobby held the silence Beth prompted. Despite her words sparking more questioning in his own psyche about precisely what she meant and what they were doing, he thought his best avenue of approach was to be calm and to observe.

  When he settled and relaxed falling almost into a trance as Beth maintained her position within him, Bobby began to notice a haze where all seemed clear just before. Without effort, he slipped further into a daze, letting go of any analysis of his situation. He thought he saw Valeena, but the vision was lost almost immediately after. It was if he was falling asleep with his eyes open.

  The boulders Bobby had noticed yet thought nothing of as he was used to seeing them around by now, had begun to change colour. Static charge began to well up inside them as if they were becoming transparent – it was blue with a gold edge. As it increased, its colour blended into an aqua essence now flickering beyond the sphere into the air. Valeena stood behind the pair waving an instrument sending charge to the stones formed in a circle around the grove.

  Her eyes wandered between Beth holding Bobby, and to the stones. Beth confirmed Bobby’s state – he was their mercy.

  With a nod, Valeena acknowledged her before boosting the static field with one last wave of her charge wand. A loud crack sounded along with a deep bass note, and in a flash, all three of them disappeared.

  Chapter 6

  A storm raged about confusing his senses. Bobby was enveloped in a sphere of influence ranging from the static resonance invoked by Valeena, and the weather about them taking a turn for the worst. Clouds swirled overhead, lightning flashed from the stones and the clouds, accompanied by loud cracks permeating the heavy wet air rife with current.

  “Wake up Bobby, a storm is brewing. We need to go back home.”

  “Um, yeah. Was I asleep?”

  “For about an hour at least. Come on.”

  Beth took his hand leading him away from the grove, pulling him strongly along through the copse of bushes, through the grasses, and up to the front steps of the bordello. By this time, Bobby was alert to his surroundings where the storm had whipped up winds causing dust to swirl and leaves to blow. He could smell electricity in the air as it mixed with a m
ustiness rising with the added humidity. Within a few seconds they were inside the front door Beth had deftly closed against the storm as soon as they were inside.

  “How is it so cold?”

  “The storm must be from the north. Come, I’ll fix us a coffee.”

  “Do you have a radio? Perhaps there is news about the storm.”

  “I have already checked Bobby,” Valeena said as she entered the kitchen less than a minute after them. “It is going to get cold. I suggest you stay here tonight and see how the storm is in the morning.”

  “I have plenty of time so why not.”

  “Good. I’ll sit with you and Beth if I may.”

  “A strange request Valeena. After all, it is your bordello.”

  “Beth knows I like to uphold impeccable decorum Bobby. She understands my request.”

  “Hmm, with our adventures together between the sheets and on top of them, I think your wild side is complimentary to your decorum Valeena.”

  “Exquisite to the last detail Bobby.”

  Valeena was dressed different from any style Bobby had seen her in before. She wore a great flowing gown, adorned with glittering jewels to compliment its’ style he thought came from decades past. Bobby had experienced women who chose to dress in period costume as a random adventure in fashion, and some who were more inclined to generally dress in such ways. Times were aplenty upon Earth, and so flamboyance and experimentation were common amongst a people living in relative comfort around the entire planet. Poverty and misfortune were simply an issue of history, for since the birth of the space age, humanity at large benefitted from their cosmic evolution.

  “Here’s your coffee Bobby. Enjoy.”

  “Thanks Beth.” Bobby was surprised to see Beth leave the kitchen immediately thereafter as he was sure they were going to enjoy a cup together. Valeena noticed his questioning look, so she filled him in as he had done for her when she requested.

  “Beth is taking some time to rest Bobby. It took her quite an effort to wake you in the grove and come back. She is tired.”

  Bobby wondered of this was in fact the truth considering the way Beth had placed herself within his personal sphere, appearing to be in a deeply relaxed state. He studied Valeena’s bright eyes for any hint other than what she had told him. He had no recourse to outright believe she and Beth were agents of deception, yet he was beginning to feel as if there was an element of displacement present.

  “Don’t worry about her Bobby. Have you become attached to Beth?”

  “Um, no I am not worrying Valeena. You and Beth have become friends to me. I was hoping you felt the same.” Bobby searched Valeena’s eyes for confirmation of similar feelings, but he received no such intuition - she was not unfriendly, instead appearing distant in thought.

  “I need you to do something for me Bobby. Would you mind helping me?”

  “Sure, I’ll help. What do you...?”

  “I will tell you as we go, but first let’s start with fixing you a little. You have been in the same clothes three days now Bobby. Let me find something you can wear whilst those are cleaned.”

  “They are the latest in body sensitive clothing Valeena.”

  “Yes I know, but even they must become dirty at some stage. You cannot rely on those microfibers to keep you clean forever.”

  “I guess you are right. Do you have something suitable? Perhaps a nice shirt and trousers.”

  “Exactly what I was thinking. They are not second hand. I keep new clothes here in case a client is in special need.”

  “Then I will await you in my room to deliver these clothes.”

  “I have already taken care of them Bobby. Just go upstairs and you will find all you need.”

  Bobby left Valeena alone in the kitchen. She was taking the first real potentially hazardous steps now. If the plans for germinating the seed did not work, then this distortion would be rendered unstable and thus prone to failure. She calmly sat at the large wooden table in the centre of the kitchen, upon a chair of fine cushion with her poise too purveying an essence of elegance. These were tentative moments for them all now where Bobby was being exposed.

  After he had first showered, Bobby dressed himself in the new clothes Valeena had provided. They sure felt fine – made of quality cotton and the finest knit. He realised how soiled his own clothes were and how Valeena’s persuasion was correct, coupled with affect. He felt a surety and a confidence now he had never previously experienced. It was as if significant weight had been taken off his mind like the duties as space commander receded far into his conscious. He put this down to genuinely relaxing, which made him happy, for to distance himself from his work, was his reason for this holiday. Simultaneously he held composure for there was always an element of his psyche ready to be called to action. Valeena and Beth were presenting him with enough to retain this sense of caution.

  “You are a fine gentleman Bobby. May I call you Robert? I think it suits your appearance much so.”

  “Well you may if it so pleases you Valeena. I of course, shall retain your name in its fullest.”

  “Wonderful! I am sure Bethany will also agree.”

  “Indeed, such a pleasant tone to her name...Bethany.” Bobby knew of the games people play as he saw this one unfold around him thinking what better way to delve into his intrigue over the two women, than to play along.

  “About what time is it Valeena?”

  “Around seven I think. As you can see, it is dark outside.”

  “The storm came and covered the sun forthwith, biding for an early approach to evening affairs.”

  “My word Robert, so eloquently put. Now we are attired and washed, shall I present tea?”

  “Tea would be fine as I am quite ravenous. And of Bethany?”

  “She will surely join us. I would say she is well rested by this time. Her seed too will germinate and present us attuned finely in the best attire she may offer us.”

  “This is shaping up to be quite an occasion. For what I do not reconcile, in time I am sure my senses will prevail to see.”

  “Splendid Robert, for upon your senses our reliance is placed. Please excuse me as I prepare our fare.”

  Bobby thought it strange now Valeena had said seed in reference to something changing. It was a great metaphor as he saw each moment seeded for outcomes in reality. He continued.

  “Fine, and thank you Valeena. I think I shall wait in your sitting room. I noticed you have some books I would like to browse.”

  “By all means. Choose wisely as you never can tell what may be in store for you within the covers.”

  Bethany arrived to see Robert sitting in a wing-backed chair – his head was turned towards the window so she could not see his face other than the vague reflection cast in the pane opposite him as he sat. When he saw her familiar features cast into the same vision during a brief moment of respite from the text, he smiled as he turned his head in her direction. Their eyes met a moment after Bethany had shuffled herself a little so as to appear almost poised and immaculate in perception to him.

  “Very pleased to see you rested Bethany dear.”

  “Thank you...Robert, and you. Valeena had laid out her finest for your comfort I see.”

  “Gracious as she is, these clothes are a perfect fit and are of the finest threads.”

  “Has she shown you her gown?”

  “Indeed, such a pleasant vision to behold. I do wonder why all this sense of formality and what appears as role playing.”

  “We have our ways dear Robert and this is our sense of adventure within the psyche.”

  “I see, and something I do find interesting. As the moments pass, I am seeing less of my professional life and more of a sense of measure leading to an exhibition of refinement.”

  “Astutely impeccable?”

  “Yes. I am feeling this throughout. Now, what of this storm? It seems to be intensifying. I wonder if my car...”

  “Valeena always attends to all guests requirements. Your tra
nsport is safely housed against the elements.”

  “Well fine. It surely pays to take care of those items we are of benefit to possess. With the weather as it is, we are in for a long night inside by the comforts I would say.”

  “Quite a long last night.”

  “I was just thinking of a man I met yesterday, Jonathon Livingston. I am wondering how he is faring in this storm. His abode may not fare as auspiciously as this bordello.” Bobby wanted to see how Beth responded to his naming Jonathon.

  “Jonathon Livingston. I am aware of this man. In fact, he once came to this house though not for the purposes of its establishment. I think it was his intrigue leading to a decision for investigating our circumstances.”

  “Perhaps if the storm clears, we should call upon him in the morning.

  “Maybe if the path is passable. We may see snow tonight.” She looked fleetingly away showing him an element of doubt or uneasiness.

  “What then of fire wood? Should I fetch some before these snows arrive?”

  “Valeena runs a fine house Robert. Think nothing of such work.”

  “It is nice to hear my name from you Bethany. Your voice has a particular harmony.”

  “A must for a full appreciation of a person. I am pleased to please you.”

  “Speaking with articulation does indeed heighten the phonetic experience.”

  “As it is with our house here. Always we seek to heighten experience.”

  “Which does raise a question of inquiry in respect to this time and how both you and Valeena had adorned period dress. For me, it can be seen similar, though a man’s robe is almost timeless with trousers and a fine shirt.”

  “You must surely know by now of our inclinations towards a spirited expression of self Robert.”

  “Yes I do, but I wonder why this indulgence?”

  “It is our way of playing. Valeena and I do love to respite our senses from the mundane running of this house and so with your grace, we invite you to join us.”

  “You allude to something mysterious and I am determined to discover its foundation Bethany.”


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