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Sassy Ever After_Sassy Ink 2_The Hunter's Mate

Page 11

by Christina Benjamin

  Etti looked down, picking at a stray thread in the pillowcase until Grey took her face in his hands.

  “Etti, please talk to me. You don’t have to hide things from me. I’m in this with you, babe.”

  Still, she couldn’t bring herself to say the words. Only Wes knew the extent of it. That it had been more than a few smacks. That her mother had beaten her daily as a child, trying to break her spirit, to kill the wolf that lived within her. Or course Etti didn’t know that was the reason at the time. She thought her mother simply hated her. And worse than that, Etti even thought she deserved the beatings. Her mother told her as much. You brought this on yourself, Etu. It hurts me to hurt you.

  Those words haunted Etti almost as much as the injuries.

  Grey pulled her closer to him, his forehead meeting hers. “Etti, everything you’re feeling, I’m feeling. And it’s killing me. It’s killing me to know someone hurt you this way. I wish I could’ve stopped it. And maybe if you talk to me about it, I can take away some of the pain. Maybe we can bear it together. But one thing I can promise you, is that we will never lay a hand on our daughter.”

  Etti saw the love in Grey’s eyes and the flood she’d been holding back finally crested. “I hate her, Grey. I hate my mother for what she did to me.”

  Shock flashed across his face. “It was your mother?”

  She nodded. “She beat me, but my father did nothing to stop her.”

  “How long,” Grey growled, anger tightening his voice.

  “Too long,” she replied. “It stopped when I told Wes.” She swallowed hard at the memory. “He never left my side, never gave her another opportunity to be alone with me.”

  Etti watched Grey close his eyes, struggling with this information. She felt his emotions sweep through him. Pride for how strong she was, gratitude for what Wes had sheltered her from, and anger towards the people that hurt her. She didn’t like feeling her mate upset, especially when she was the cause of it. “Grey, I’m sorry about how I reacted today. I owe your mother an apology.”

  Grey took her hands and kissed them. “Etti, you don’t own anyone anything. And it’s completely understandable with what you’ve been though.”

  “I know, but I still shouldn’t have lost control. It’s just my hormones make me so emotional, and Wes . . .” her voice cracked at his name. “He’s always been my anchor for this and I . . . I miss him.”

  “I know, babe. I know you do.”

  Etti put a hand on her belly, rubbing affectionately at Izzi’s kicks. She couldn’t stand the thought of her baby never getting to know Wes. Sadness flooded her and Grey kissed away her tears.

  “He’s going to come back, Etti.”

  “But what if he doesn’t?”

  Grey smiled, joining his hand on her belly. “If there’s one thing I know, it’s that Wes would never hurt you. If you’re hurting, so is he.” He kissed her softly. “He’ll be back, babe.”

  Chapter 23


  It was unseasonable cold when Etti woke the follow morning. She’d had another restless night, but eventually, exhaustion had lulled her to sleep.

  She went through the motions of getting ready for her baby shower while Grey went to the hotel to pick up his mother and Ethan. He promised to explain her situation to them to help smooth things over from the other night.

  When they returned a few hours later, Etti still apologized. “Sarah, Ethan, I’m sorry about last night. I was out line.”

  Sarah welcomed Etti warmly. “It was just a little misunderstanding. We don’t need to speak of it, and I promise it will never happen again.”

  Etti let Sarah hug her, but noticed Ethan didn’t seem as forgiving.

  “Welcome to the family, sis,” Ethan added with a shrug. But Etti didn’t miss the way he kept one eye trained on her at all times. She couldn’t blame him for being wary after she’d nearly ripped his mother’s throat out last night.

  Luckily, Cali showed up to break the awkward tension. She brought decaf coffee and enough enthusiasm to make up for the missing caffeine. But even with Cali’s excitement, Etti couldn’t get into the spirit of things by the time the shower kicked off. She barely had an appetite even though Cali had arranged a brunch with all of Etti’s favorite foods.

  More people had shown up than Etti expected and she chalked her edginess up to that. She’d never liked crowds.

  “How’s it going, mama wolf?” Marc asked parking himself at her side with a plate full of food. He was chowing down on what must’ve been his fifth slider and had a perma-grin plastered across his face. Marc was never this animated unless he was slinging insults at Wes. The thought of Wes—or the absence of him—still stung Etti’s heart. But she tried to ignore the pain. There were too many eyes on her to look sad today.

  “From the looks of it, I should be asking you that question, Marc. Why do you look like you just stole someone’s tooth fairy money?” Etti asked.

  “Dude, look around. It’s a visual feast in here!”

  Etti nearly snorted her lemonade. “I’m sorry, did you just say visual feast?”

  “Yes! Look at all this fresh meat,” Marc whispered directing Etti’s attention to the crowd of women currently swarming the Painted Wolf. “If Wes were here he’d be saying, schwing!”

  Etti’s face fell. “Shit, sorry, Etti. I didn’t mean to bring him up.”

  “It’s okay, Marc. You’re allowed to say his name.”

  “It’s his loss for not being here,” Marc added.

  “I know,” she replied, fighting to smile back at Marc. “Just be careful out there. I’m already down one artist. I can’t lose you, too.”

  “You won’t.”

  Etti raised her eyebrows. “You do know most of the women here are shifters, right?”


  “So, you’re the one who’s fresh meat. They could eat you alive.”

  Marc scoffed. “Why does no one think I’ve got game?” He walked away in a huff and Etti couldn’t help but smirk as she watched her friend swagger up to a group of curvaceous shifters that looked at him like he was dessert.

  “There’s that smile I love,” Grey murmured snaking an arm around Etti’s shoulders. “Are you having a good time?”

  “Trying,” Etti admitted.

  “Well you could’ve fooled me.”

  Etti frowned. “Do things feel . . . off to you?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t know. I just have this foreboding feeling.”

  “Babe, you’re pregnant and getting married tomorrow. I think it might be strange if you didn’t have foreboding feelings.” Grey kissed her temple. “What else is bothering you?”

  Etti tried not to look to the door but her eyes betrayed her. Grey seemed to read her mind and pulled her into a hug. “I’m sorry Wes didn’t come.”

  “You don’t think . . .” Etti almost couldn’t get the words out. “You don’t think something happened to him, do you?”

  “Etti, you can’t get yourself all worked up,” Grey said, brushing his hands lightly down her cheeks.

  “I know, but what if the hunt found him.”

  Grey shook his head. “That’s not likely.”

  “Why not?”

  “If they had him we’d know.”


  “They would have used him as leverage to draw us out.”

  Etti shivered. “That doesn’t make me feel any better.”

  “There you are,” Cali called waving Etti and Grey over. “Come on, you two. It’s time to open presents.”

  The rest of the shower flew by in a blur of giftwrap and diaper games. Etti had to hand it to Cali, she did an incredible job. Everyone had a great time, but Etti’s feet were throbbing by the time the last guests left.

  “Okay, somebody take this bride to bed,” Cali said when she saw Etti sway on her feet. “I think she’s had a bit too much fun today.”

  Grey was at Etti’s side in a flash. “I’ve got her.” He
scooped her up and was heading for the door when it opened and Mohe Blackwell walked in.

  Etti gasped. “Dad?” She was suddenly glad Grey was holding her, because she was sure that her legs would have given out at the sight of her father.

  He looked just as shocked to see her. Her father put a hand to his heart and murmured something in Cherokee.

  “What are you doing here, Dad?” Etti asked as Grey gently set her down, putting himself between his mate and her father.

  “So Wesley was speaking the truth. You are with child?”

  Etti paled. “Wes told you?”

  Her father nodded. “I didn’t believe him, so I decided to come see for myself.”

  Etti fought to control the anger sweeping though her. She couldn’t believe Wes had betrayed her like this, but her worry for him won out. She needed to know he was safe. She could scream at him later. “When did you see Wes?”

  “He came to me last week, seeking help for you and your child.”

  Grey growled when Etti’s father took a step toward her. Sarah, Ethan, Cali and Marc were suddenly by Etti’s side too.

  Mohe wisely took a step back. “I came to offer you my help.”

  Etti laughed. It was an empty, bitter sound. “I don’t want anything from you.”

  “I think you might change your mind when you hear what I have to say,” her father added softly.

  “Etti asked you to leave,” Grey muttered. “Don’t make her say it again.”

  Sadness crossed Mohe’s face, but he backed to the door, turning slowly to leave. But before he crossed the threshold he looked back at Etti. “I know you have no reason to trust me, but I want you to know that you can. I’ve made mistakes, Etti. Being a parent isn’t easy. You’ll see that soon. But I love you and I’ll always be here for you and your child.”

  Etti laughed again. “That’s a joke. I’ll never trust you again. And you’re not coming anywhere near my child.”

  “Speak to Wesley, and when the time comes, I will be there for you.”

  “I don’t know what the hell you’re getting at, but there will never be a time when I need you,” Etti hissed.

  “I pray you are right, my darling daughter. But I fear you are not.”

  Etti watched her father leave, his parting words stinging her even though she’d willed them not to.

  “Grey, I promise, I’m fine,” Etti protested.

  She was sitting comfortably on the sofa in their apartment. Cali had ordered bed rest after Etti’s father departed, but agreed to the couch after checking Etti and Izzi’s vitals.

  “Cali said everything’s fine,” Etti urged. “Take your mom and Ethan home. I’ll be right here waiting when you get back.”

  Grey still looked hesitant, but Cali bustled in with Marc behind her, each of them carrying another armload of gifts.

  “Look, Marc and Cali are here. I’ll be fine,” Etti prodded.

  “I’ve got your girl,” Cali announced, smiling at Grey. “Besides, it’ll give us time to play with all the cute new baby gifts.”

  Marc rolled his eyes. “I’m out.”

  “Fine,” Grey groaned knowing he couldn’t win against Etti and Cali. “Hold up, Marc, I’ll follow you out.”

  Grey quickly kissed Etti on the cheek before jogging after Marc.

  Chapter 24


  Etti was getting bored of sitting in her apartment alone. Seeing her father had brought back memories she’d shoved away. And doing nothing gave her way too much time to think about all the ways her parents had betrayed her. She decided the best way to quiet her mind was to head downstairs to see what Marc and Cali were up to. She’d sent Cali away after unpacking all the baby toys started to overwhelm her, but now Etti was feeling a bit guilty about shirking her friend.

  She heaved herself off the couch, already preparing her argument to Cali’s objections. Etti could just as easily rest on the couch in the Painted Wolf. Plus, there was food down there from the party and Etti’s stomach growled. She’d been too anxious to eat much at the shower, but her appetite was back with a vengeance now.

  “Okay, baby girl, mama’s gonna get you some food,” Etti murmured patting her belly as she headed downstairs. She loved talking to Izzi when no one was around to listen. Izzi kicked in response and Etti couldn’t contain her smile.

  When she arrived downstairs, Marc and Cali were just packing up the last of the party supplies, returning the Painted Wolf back to the badass tattoo parlor it was intended to be.

  “Sup, mama wolf!” Marc called greeting Etti.

  “What are you doing down here?” Cali quipped. “You’re supposed to be resting. Nurse’s orders!”

  “I was lonely and hungry. And I can rest down here, can’t I?”

  “Hungry, I can take care of. But sit down,” Cali scolded, scurrying to the back room.

  Marc sat down on the couch next to Etti, smirking.

  “Ew, don’t make that face,” Etti teased. “You’re gonna scare the baby.”

  “Sorry, I’m just excited about my date,” Marc said flashing an even wider grin.

  “Nah uh? You got a date with one of the shifter girls?” Etti asked, impressed.

  “Yep!” Marc was beaming like a lunatic. “Who’s got game now?” He passed his phone to Etti, showing off a photo of a gorgeous curvy woman with dyed pink hair.

  Etti laughed. “Well, what are ya still doing here? Got get ‘er, tiger.”

  Marc waggled his pierced eyebrows. “I will. Just waiting for Cali to let me off the hook.”

  Just then Cali returned with a plate of food for Etti. “Here ya go, hun. I didn’t know what you’d want, so I piled on a little of everything.

  “Thanks!” Etti smiled gratefully and dug in. “So,” she said between mouthfuls of sliders and pasta salad. “Are we almost done here? Marc’s got a hot date.”

  “Marc! Why didn’t you say so?” Cali exclaimed. “I’m just waiting for the caterer to pick up the platters and then we’re all set. You don’t have to stick around.”

  Marc looked skeptical.

  “What’s the hold up? You just got your pardon,” Etti ribbed. “You’re not scared of a little shifter love, are ya?”

  “No . . . it’s just . . .”

  “It’s just what?” Etti pressed.

  Marc sighed. “I told Grey I wouldn’t leave until he got back.”

  Cali scowled. “We don’t need your protection, Marc. We’re grown ass women, and we can take care of ourselves.”

  “Oh, believe me, I know,” Marc added. “But I’m a man of my word.”

  Etti rolled her eyes. “Fine, but if you’re sticking around make yourself useful and get me a coke,” Etti said.

  “Etti, no caffeine,” Cali reprimanded.

  “Oh, let the lady have some fun,” drawled a low, familiar voice that sent chills down Etti’s spine. She sprang to her feet, ice filling her veins as she locked eyes with Derik Weyland—the hunt’s Alpha.

  The last time Etti saw Derik in the Painted Wolf he killed two people. There was no way in hell Etti was about to let that go down today. Especially not when the only two people in the shop beside herself were her closest friends.

  Derik let a wicked grin curl across his mouth. “I’ve missed you, Etti. And I’ve been dying to meet her.” He pointed to Etti’s belly and panic slithered into her chest.

  Derik took a step toward her and Marc charged him. “Leave her alone.”

  The Alpha disarmed Marc quickly with a sickening twist of his neck, and dropped him with a laugh. Etti screamed nearly falling to her knees as she watched Marc lying motionless on the floor. Whatever Derik had done to Marc happened so fast that she couldn’t tell if the blow had been fatal. She studied her fallen friend, praying to see his chest rise and fall.

  Etti tried to take a step toward Marc, but realized with sudden fear that the only reason she was still on her feet was because Derik was holding her up. His chest pressed against her back as he crushed a powerful forearm arou
nd her throat while the other caressed her belly. Fear and anger rolled off Etti, creating a scent that seemed intoxicating to the Alpha. He inhaled deeply and ran his nose up Etti’s neck. “I can tell why Grey fancy’s you.”

  “If you hurt a hair on her head,” Cali hissed, raising a small gun she’d pulled from a hidden holster under her pretty yellow dress.

  Derik shook with laughter. “Please be smarter than your friend,” he warned nodded to Marc’s still body. “It really would be a shame to kill two beautiful females today.”

  “You’re not killing anyone,” Etti growled, her muscles coiled, ready to shift the moment she caught Derik off guard. Her wolf was her best defense, swifter and stronger than Etti’s pregnant human form.

  Cali crept closer still aiming the gun at Derik. She crouched near Marc to check his pulse without ever taking her eyes off Derik. “He’s still breathing,” she whispered.

  Etti slumped with relief.

  “Pity,” Derik purred.

  “What are you doing here?” Cali asked, not moving any closer.

  “I just had to come meet this miracle baby,” he replied.

  “Miracle baby?” Etti repeated, her voice shaking.

  Derik sniffed the air, ignoring her questions. He scented something that made him smile. “Did Grey really leave you alone?”

  “She’s not alone,” Cali countered.

  Derik’s laugher shook though Etti. “Grey should know better. He had to have known I would come for the child.”

  “Why? What the hell did my baby ever do to you?” Etti snapped.

  “You really don’t know, do you?” Derik crooned, running his hand against Etti’s belly roughly.

  “Know what?” Cali asked.

  “Etti is carrying the heir to the hunt. The next Alpha is currently in her womb and being the present Alpha, you can see how that creates a problem for me.”

  “Alpha?” Cali scoffed. “It’s not possible for Etti to be carrying an Alpha unless Grey is one.”

  Derik smirked as the realization washed over Etti. He lowered his mouth to her ear. “For mates, you certainly don’t seem to know much about each other. Like for instance, how your beloved Greyson manages to ignore my commands even though he’s bound to me.”


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