Having my Stepbrother's Baby

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Having my Stepbrother's Baby Page 6

by Olivia Hawthorne

  I grabbed my phone, ignored the new texts I already had from Colton, and hit the number of the only person I wanted to see right now.

  “Hello?” my Gran said when she picked up.

  “Gran?” I said, “I need to come see you.”

  “Lacey dear, what’s wrong?” she asked, knowing immediately that there was a problem. I couldn’t keep anything from her.

  “I just need to see you. I’m taking the bus and I’ll catch a cab to your place,” I told her.

  She agreed and hung up. If I knew her, she would start baking immediately, preparing for my visit. She made the best chocolate chip cookies on the planet, and I could use a couple right now to help ease this pain.

  Gran’s place was about a four-hour bus trip from the college. I caught a taxi to the bus station, bought my ticket for the one o’clock bus and waited.

  After a few minutes I went and bought a novel to help pass the time. It was one of those thick romance stories with the happy ever after and a couple kissing in the rain on the front.

  It hurt because I wasn’t going to have my happy ever after, but it would take my mind off the situation.

  The bus loaded a little late and I fell asleep on the way. I kept my phone turned off, I didn’t want to read anything that Colton had to say to me.

  I woke up as we were pulling into Gran’s town. I looked out at the crowd of people waiting for the bus passengers and scanned for anyone I knew. Even though I’d told Gran I wanted a cab, I had a feeling she’d be there.

  I couldn’t help but smile when I saw her in the crowd searching for me.

  I stepped off the bus and into her arms, she held me close and smelled how she always did, like roses and vanilla. Flowers and baking. The smells of home and comfort.

  She didn’t pester me when we loaded up my bag into her pickup truck, and she didn’t ask me a thing on the drive back to her place, and she didn’t bother me all through dinner or over cookies for dessert.

  I decided to go to bed early and she hugged me close as I stood up.

  “Whenever you’re ready,” she said into my ear and kissed my cheek.

  Tears came to my eyes and I nodded. I walked down the hallway to my old room and curled up on the bed and slept like the dead.


  I woke up early but Gran was already up watering the little flower garden that skirted her trailer. She lived in a nice trailer park in an older but well kept single-wide. She would never take mom’s money or bend to their pressure to move into something more respectable. Mom’s word, nobody else’s. Gran was happy where she was at, and she’d feel uncomfortable in a new house among people she didn’t know.

  “Good morning, sunshine,” she said to me in a singsong voice as I walked up to her. I was still in my fuzzy pajama bottoms and oversized tee shirt. I was wearing a pair of Gran’s flip-flops and had my hair up in a loose bun.

  “Hey Gran, need some help?” I asked, grateful for the distraction. I’d left my phone off and it was in my room. I couldn’t even look at it right now. I imagined it would be full of texts from Colton demanding me back at the clinic, demanding I get the abortion after all.

  We worked weeding her little strip of flowers in silence until we were all done. Gran sat back on her haunches and said, “How about we go inside and get some breakfast and you finally tell me why you’re here?”

  “Can’t I just come visit?” I asked, hoping that would satisfy her. I didn’t know if I was ready to tell anyone else.

  “In the middle of term with no warning? Come on Lacey, we both know that’s not like you,” she said.

  I agreed and we did just that, made oatmeal and tea and sat at the little kitchenette she’d had forever.

  She prodded gently and I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I looked at her, took a deep breath and blurted, “I’m pregnant.”

  She smiled softly, looked into my eyes and said, “I know. I could tell the minute you got off the bus.”

  “You mean I’m showing already?” I asked, looking down at my stomach. It still seemed flat to me.

  “Not to most people, no. But I know you Lacey, and you’re already carrying the same way I did with your mom, and the way your mom did with you,” she told me, “now are you ready to tell me who the father is?”

  I wanted to tell her, but when I tried to give Colton’s name, my cheeks flamed red and I found my throat had closed tight. I couldn’t do it.

  “Not yet,” I said, “soon though, but not now.”

  “That’s up to you,” Gran said, “now help me do the washing up and you can come into town with me to pick up a few groceries. Any of my home cooking you’re craving? I could whip up a meal tonight for you and the baby.”

  “Definitely your stuffed chicken breasts,” I said, “I know they’re not healthy but oh my god I could eat twenty of them right now.”

  She grinned and said, “Anything for you, my dear.”

  We washed the breakfast dishes and made small talk about school, her last bingo win and anything other than the baby or its father.

  I was so grateful she wasn’t disappointed in me, it felt like I might have a chance to not be disappointed in myself.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Oh my god, Gran, if I have one more I’m going to explode,” I said, waving the casserole pan full of stuffed chicken breasts away as she offered me more.

  “It’s good for you and the baby,” she laughed, “but exploding might not be good for either of you so I’ll pack these up for tomorrow.”

  As she was putting the extra food away, I washed the dishes. I heard the phone ring in her living room and overheard parts of her conversation. I didn’t clue in though, I assumed it must be one of her bingo pals or something, but she looked annoyed when she came back into the kitchen.

  “You didn’t tell you mom that you’re here?” she asked.

  “Um, no,” I admitted and dried my hands off.

  “You need to tell her, she’s out of her mind with worry. Apparently your brother couldn’t find you in your room or on campus and called your mom. She’s been calling everybody she knew ever since,” she told me, “You’re about to become a mom yourself, you need to understand how terrifying it is for a mother when your child isn’t in the place you think they are.”

  “I’m sorry, Gran,” I said and felt tears spring to my eyes, “I didn’t even think about it. I just wanted to get out of there so bad.”

  “Next time tell your brother,” she said, “so at least somebody in the family knows what’s going on.”

  “Stepbrother,” I said, “he’s not my brother. And if mom hadn’t married his dad, he’d be nobody to me.”

  “If your mom hadn’t married Colton the second, you would be going to night classes at a community college here in town and working at the Walmart during the day,” she said, “you’re a lucky girl. Never forget that.”

  “I won’t,” I replied, “especially now that I’m going to have a baby, right?”

  We spent the evening watching her favorite crime shows on TV and digesting the amazing dinner she’d made.

  I was starting to nod off when lights lit up the trailer and somebody pulled into her little driveway.

  “Who could that be this time of night?” she asked and walked to the window. She looked out and said, “I don’t recognize the truck so I won’t open it.” She went back to her chair and settled in.

  I jumped up and peeked out but didn’t recognize it either. I dropped the blind, then something about the driver tweaked in the back of my head and I opened them again.

  Colton got out. The truck looked to be a rental, I couldn’t think of the last time I’d seen him in anything other than his little Audi sports car. He seemed nervous; he slammed the door and looked towards the trailer. He adjusted his shirt and smoothed it down, his giveaway that something was on his mind. I let the blind close but left enough to watch him walk towards the front door.

  “Is that they father?” Gran asked.

  I deci
ded this was the time to let her know, somehow at least. I couldn’t say his name but I could let her know before Colton got inside. She would recognize him and put two and two together.

  “Yes, this is the father,” I said.

  I braced myself for her reaction when he knocked and I opened the door.

  He stepped inside and said my name with a single choking breath, “Lacey.”

  “Colton?” Gran asked in horror and stood up immediately, “Your own brother Lacey? Dear god, what have you kids been up to?”

  “I love her,” Colton said, “and I’ve been horrible. I can’t blame her for running from me, but I need her to know how much I love her and how much I regret what I did.”

  “I’m sorry Gran, but it’s true. We fell in love and I never expected anything like this to happen. I’m so so sorry,” I said to her.

  The confusion left her face and she softened. I could see the moment she decided to let it go and accept what had happened.

  “It’s okay,” she told us, “I was a bit shocked I suppose, but love happens in the strangest of places at times. You can’t control what your hearts decide, and I won’t be the one to stand in between the two of you.”

  “Thank you,” Colton told her and turned to me, “Lacey can you forgive me yet again and let me take you home?”

  “I don’t know,” I said, “you almost…”

  “I know,” he said, “I’m so proud of you and your strength though. I thought that’s what I wanted, but you weren’t going to be talked into it. From the moment I came out of the bathroom and saw you gone, I knew you were right. And from that moment I realized I wanted this baby. And I knew it was a baby.”

  Gran moved away from us, giving us our space to talk about what was going on.

  “You really hurt me,” I said, “I was so scared to tell you and you did exactly what I feared. I don’t know if I can come back from that, Colt.”

  “I don’t know how I’ll ever make it up to you,” he said, “but if you’ll come back with me tonight, I’ll spend my life trying. For you and our child.”

  I melted at those words and the sincerity in his eyes. I couldn’t ever say no to him, and it was beyond the fact that he was drop dead gorgeous, it was the fact that we had some kind of crazy connection that went deeper than the superficial. Our love for each other was bone deep, on some primal level, and the fact that our child was coming into the world would only strengthen that bond.

  I looked back at Gran, she gave me a nod of encouragement, and I looked up at Colton and said, “Okay, let me pack my things.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  We got my bag loaded into the pickup truck and headed back to the college. We talked along the way, Colton driving and telling me about finding me gone.

  “My heart sunk,” he said, “I suggested the abortion out of fear, and you agreed so fast I thought it had to be the right decision. I’m so glad you left, I’m so glad we’re going through with this,” he said.

  I undid my seatbelt, moved beside him and clipped myself in again. I craved his touch right now and even being pressed up against him was enough to sate my thirst. I placed my hand on his muscular thigh and sighed. Anywhere with him was enough for me.

  “I was shocked when you suggested it,” I told him, “and I went along because I was terrified of doing this all alone. I was scared I’d end up kicked out of the house and penniless. To be honest I’m still terrified to tell our parents.”

  “Oh Lacey, I’m sorry I ever made you feel that way,” he said with a tremble in his voice.

  I laid my head on his shoulder and let my eyes fall shut. I was tired, and couldn’t help myself when I slipped into a deep sleep next to Colton, my stepbrother, my lover, and the father of my baby.

  Some time later he shook me gently awake. “Sweetie,” he said, “let’s get out, come on.”

  I opened my eyes and found the neon glow of some motel along the way. “Are we almost home?” I asked.

  “Not yet,” he said, “you’re so tired I thought we could get a good night’s sleep and continue in the morning.”

  “Sounds good to me,” I said with a yawn.

  We paid for the room and got our key. Colton carried my bag and we opened the door to find a nice, clean room with a big bed in the middle.

  By then I was cold and had already woken up. I cranked the heat and turned to him. “I don’t want to sleep,” I said, “I kinda want…” My voice trailed off as he got my drift and pulled his shirt off. His thick body bulged with muscles, and his perfect six pack rippled as he walked towards me.

  “You want what?” he asked and put his finger under my chin to tilt my face up to him. He kissed me, his mouth covering mine and my body instantly responding to him. I melted into him and felt his big arms wrap around me, protecting me and cherishing me.

  I reached down and grabbed the huge bulge in his jeans and gave it a squeeze. I said, “I think you know what I want. What I need.”

  “I think I do,” he replied with a grin. He dropped to his knees in front of me and looked up, his gorgeous face lit with love. He slipped my pants over my hips and I stepped out. He followed with my panties, and I was naked from the waist down.

  He dipped his face towards my pussy and started to tongue my cleft, working my soaking wet folds until I wrapped my hands in his hair just to steady myself.

  The effect was almost instantaneous. I had so much stress in my body, that the need to release it overwhelmed me and I gave in.

  “I’m coming,” I cried out as my orgasm washed over me and drew me under like a riptide. I curled my toes and hung onto his hair for balance and rode his face until it passed.

  He pulled back, looked up at me again and laughed. “I think I’m getting good at this,” he said.

  “God, I think you are,” I replied, “In fact I know you are.”

  He stood and kissed me again. I tasted myself on his mouth, a sweet tang that added another layer to my desire. His hands rang all over me, taking my shirt off and unclasping my bra.

  I helped him out of his jeans and slid them slowly down his hips and legs.

  He stood and flipped his underwear down, his cock sprung forth and he pulled them off his foot and threw them somewhere with mine.

  I pulled him towards me and back up until I reached the bed. I didn’t break eye contact as I reversed our positions and pushed him backwards onto the comforter. His eyes widened as he realized I wanted to ride his thick cock.

  “Lacey, you’re so beautiful,” he rasped and I straddled him, lifting one leg up and spreading myself to slide down his length.

  “You aren’t bad yourself,” I smiled down at him and rocked my hips with him deep inside of me. His fingers dug into my hips and his face grew very serious, his eyes intense.

  I hung onto his chest and rocked back and forth faster, moving my hips against his body. He began to fuck me harder from below, thrusting and grunting like an animal.

  It was such a turn on, seeing him lose control like that. I clutched at his flesh, dug my fingers in, and held on as he moved inside of me.

  When I came, it felt like something broke. I gushed my orgasm over his hips, and clenched and fluttered my pussy against his throbbing cock.

  I fell forward, spend and exhausted from our sex. He finished shortly after, flooding my pussy and making me come again, almost too tired to do so.

  I dropped against his chest, he wrapped his arms around me and we rolled to the side together.

  He stroked my hair and told me how much he loved me until I fell asleep, secure in his arms and secure in his love.

  Chapter Twenty

  I woke with a smile on my face and love filling my heart. Colton rolled over and pulled me against him, he smiled sleepily and said, “I love you.”

  His breathing steadied and he fell back asleep as I dozed in his arms.

  We finally got up, had a quick shower, grabbed some breakfast at a donut place nearby and headed home.

  About half an hour into t
he trip I realized we weren’t going in the right direction. We weren’t heading back to college.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, “Where are we going?”

  “I’m taking us home,” he said with a smile. He put his hand on mine and squeezed it in support.

  “You mean our parent’s home?” I asked, my heart filling with dread.

  “I mean our parent’s place,” he said, “we have to face this head on. I don’t want to sneak around with you anymore, especially with a baby on the way. We’re old enough to start a family, we’re old enough to stand up to our own.”

  “I’m scared,” I said and he squeezed my hand again.

  The drive home was much shorter and it seemed like in no time at all we were slowly going down the long driveway to the mansion where we’d grown up.

  Mom and Colt’s dad came out as soon as we pulled in, their confusion turning to happiness when they realized who was driving the rented truck.

  “Kids, what brings you home? Lacey, why did you go to your Gran’s?” mom asked.

  “We need to talk,” Colton told them and we all walked inside.

  “What’s going on?” mom asked as we sat down at the kitchen table.

  “Son, you need to explain what the hell is happening,” his dad said, “between Lacey taking off and you two showing up, why we don’t know what you’ve got going on.”

  “Well,” Colton said, “I’m just going to rip the Band-Aid off so to speak.” He reached over for my hand and held it tightly in plain view. My mom looked startled as she realized what was happening. “Dad, mom,” Colton said, “Lacey and I are in love.”

  “Love? But he’s your brother!” Mom exclaimed.

  “He’s not really my brother. Come on, let’s face it, I’ve never really thought of him like that,” I said.

  “And there’s one more thing, well two more things,” Colton said, his face showing his determination to see this through, “we’re getting married and we’re having a baby.”


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