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Between (Alternate Places Book 2)

Page 5

by Power, P. S.

  They got back to Underwood inside ten minutes, since it always seemed to be faster to travel via shortcuts after the first time for some reason he didn't really understand.

  When he got to the front of the yogurt shop, Drake had three carriers filled with frozen yogurts of various kinds ready to go, the first to be made only slightly melted.

  When he saw Courtney Moore had come in, he gasped.

  “This is who you were getting? Why didn't you tell me!” He came around the counter, faster than a Human could and put his hand out.

  “I'm such a fan. I've seen Axiom about fifty times! And I loved your voice over work for 'Ribbons of Blood'.” He got a pad and paper and asked for autograph. She smiled and asked who to make it out to, writing smoothly as if this happened all the time.

  Zack had to borrow a tray from behind the counter to carry all of the yogurts, promising to have it back in the morning. Blake waved this away as being unimportant. After all, Courtney Moore was there. Really, Zack should have noticed that by now.

  “Is he always like that.” Courtney asked as they reached the far side of the street, across from the house. “So...Energetic?”

  Zack considered this for a while they moved to the front door of the house.

  “Mostly.” He held the door open for her.

  Everyone greeted her happily, though Charli stared, not believing her eyes.

  “Um, Val, is... that your mom?” She asked.

  Val nodded happily, actually liking her mother well enough.

  "Yep. That's her!"

  “Do you know that she looks just like Courtney Moore?” Everyone laughed, except Courtney who went over and introduced herself.

  “Hi, I'm Courtney Moore and Valerie is my daughter. If you look close you can see the family resemblance.” Val ran over and put her face beside her mom's. Though they looked about the same age, and Val seemed a little prettier than the actress, Zack had to admit that it was true. They did look a lot alike. Both blonde, with the same nose and cheekbones, flawless skin, all that kind of thing.

  Charli stuck her hand out, a bit star struck, but not letting it tie her tongue.

  “I'm Charli. Charli Walsh. Nice to meet you. I didn't know that anyone here knew anyone famous. It's kind of cool. Okay, shutting up now.” The Korean girl smiled, hoping she didn't seem like too big of a geek.

  Courtney looked around and put two and two together quickly.

  “Charli Walsh? The famous one? From the club? I've heard of you too! You're famous you know, in certain circles... I read all about you in the News Letter. Plus, if you want famous, I mean, you hang out with Hartley! That's a big deal. I'm just some actress no one will remember in ten years.” She looked at Zack admiringly.

  Charli blushed but kept to her word and didn't say anything else, he noticed.

  They sat and talked, until Charli's eyes closed on their own. Betty put her downstairs in her room, as they'd originally planned. Zack remembered that Betty actually had to sleep, too. Being around so often at night when he was awake he sometimes forgot that she needed to do that still.

  Claire figured she'd turn her soon. She'd confided that to him about a week prior, just to keep him in the loop. Then, Claire had told him, Betty might not be around for a while, while she learned to adjust. This took time, even for Vampires starting in a secure environment like she would be. The sensory overload could be huge at first, his Vampire told him, especially the scents and sounds.

  Courtney's Shadow seemed to be figuring out how to ask him if he'd feed her some energy. Instead of keeping her waiting and making her beg, he just walked over and asked if she'd lift her shirt. She didn't hesitate or 'accidentally take it the wrong way' which was a popular game with some of the Alede. She just did it. A few minutes later she started shaking, he let it go for about a minute more, to make certain that she'd gotten the full effect, and then took his hand away.

  The blonde and perky actress just stood, breathing heavily and enjoying herself for a minute, then let her eyes open and smiled.

  "Now, since I'm taken care of, can I do anything for you?" The way she said it only held a fraction of the overtone that most Alede used with him, but Charli stared at them, half expecting to see a sex show anyway. Not that she hadn't already. Zack knew that the shaking and carrying on that they all did was them having orgasms.

  He started to say no, when Merri, speaking softly, corrected him.

  "It would be impolite to not take something in exchange, once offered." The Alfric woman seemed embarrassed though. Probably by the fact that she thought Zack would say no, not anything else.

  "Um, that sounds good. What do you have in mind?"

  “Oh, well... how about some information? For instance I heard an interesting rumor about a Demon wearing all black asking about you in Australia the other day, from a friend down there....”

  Suddenly Zack found himself very interested in what Courtney had to say.

  Very interested indeed.

  Chapter four

  After a night of trying to get in touch with Clyde's office to no avail, Zack decided to simply go and have a talk with the man. He knew that he still might not get in, but had to try anyway, just in case. Every minute he waited to get in touch with the man could be the one in which someone tried to kill Libby.

  To that end he showed up at his office at nine in the morning, since Weres needed sleep they also kept regular office hours, then he waited in the lobby after announcing himself at the front desk.

  Clyde may be the 'President of the Weres', but he didn't seem to have security on the level of the U.S. President. Then again, Zack realized, not nearly as many people hated him either, so the whole thing probably balanced out.

  The lobby looked nice, with plush comfortable chairs to sit in while he waited, though nothing was made of real leather, he noted with relief. He could tell by looking at the Shadow profile of the stone on the walls and columns that it was marble tile, real, but only about a sixteenth of an inch thick. Probably to keep the weight down.

  Finally, after leaving him sit there for twenty minutes, a man in a gray suit came out and asked for his I.D. He actually had some on him, a Washington State I.D. Card, because he didn't have a driver's license. Then the man called The Mage Embassy at Underwood and got a hold of Lisa, who asked to speak to him.

  “Hey Lisa... I'm trying to visit with the leader of the Weres, but I guess he's too busy for a quick chat. I can be back in a few minutes, this place is right next to a Nexus, so it's easy enough to get back. I'm going to hang out here for a bit, but I'll be back by eleven or so, at the latest.”

  Lisa listened to all of this and finally spoke, though with a grimace in her tone.

  “Do you want me to call Eloise and have her try to call him? I know they chat from time to time. She could at least let him know who's sitting in his lobby...”

  Zack didn't want to bother the older woman, but this was too important not to use all possible means to achieve. He asked her to do that, adding please to the end of the sentence and asking Lisa to apologize to her aunt for him, for the inconvenience. Eloise had always been really nice to him, and he didn't want to seem pushy with her now, he just wanted to fix things for Libby, if he could.

  Fifteen minutes later a distinguished man with brown hair, going slightly to gray at the sides and dressed in clothes that must have costs a few thousand dollars came out, his hand extending toward Zack from about six feet away. Standing he extended his own and shook firmly.

  “Hello, I'm Clyde. I apologize for my lack of speedy recognition. When one of the most important and famous beings in the world suddenly shows up on your doorstep you tend not to believe it for a while. Eloise Penbroke just called, saying I'd be a fool not to give you a hearing. She also told me I'd be a fool to try lying to you... So, what can I do for you Mr. Hartley?”

  "Do you have someplace more private that we could speak? It may not be needed, but that's for you to decide, not me."

  Zack may not be a gre
at political mind, but it made sense to him though to not put any leader on the spot in public. Even if just in front of his secretary. People would bluster and try to act tough in public over things they wouldn't even hesitate to do in private sometimes.

  He found himself led to a small room, that had several feet of sound proofing on the walls and no visible cameras or peep holes. That didn't matter to Zack, he just wanted Clyde to be comfortable.

  “So, Mr. Hartley, I guess we should just get to business. What can I or my community do for you?” His deeper self stood poised, his inner form being that of a deer or something like it, with a huge set of antlers or horns, Zack saw.

  “Well, it's, I don't want to accuse you of anything or have anyone get in trouble, but Libby Paterson was attacked last night... by other Weres. They beat her and then used gasoline to set her on fire, alive. Claire and I, um, Claire Hawthorne, she's the Ambassador for the Vampires at Underwood? I haven't memorized the full title yet actually...”

  He shifted his weight a little, the tiny room had no chairs in it, so they simply stood to talk.

  “Well, Libby got in touch with me... Psychically, I guess. It's not important. We got to her in time to save her and forced a change, so she's okay physically now. But... Well, when we questioned the Weres involved, they said that you'd ordered it?” He knew that he'd been too blunt for a politician when the man stiffened, anger, mixed with fear flaring within him, projecting outwardly to Zack as strongly as he had ever felt an emotion coming from anyone. Including several that were trying to kill him at the time. This was different at least, thankfully.

  Clyde visibly took several breaths, trying to figure out what to do.

  “I did. I ordered it. My people told me, the people on the ground, that you were withdrawing from them, not speaking to them and avoiding them. We... I, it's ultimately my decision, my responsibility, we came to the conclusion that you might cut us all off, the Weres, if we didn't make a good will gesture of some kind. Getting rid of the person that betrayed your trust seemed like a good place to start...” His Shadow spoke of how hard that order had been for him, how it felt like he'd betrayed his own people for mere money and riches. A tear ran down the cheek of the stag inside of him, Zack noticed, even though the man didn't respond emotionally outside at all, except to look slightly embarrassed.

  Zack looked at him for a bit, analyzing and talking to the other man's subconscious mind, trying to get a feel for how to proceed without burning any bridges. Unlike some politicians Zack had seen on T.V. Clyde actually seemed like a good and honest person. He'd reacted based on poor information, which Zack knew to be his own fault, at least in part, which created this current mess, the leader simply trying to protect the economy of his people.

  “Clyde. First, we need to stop this whole... hit thing. Libby and her whole family just got caught in a trap and did the best they could. That situation has already been fixed. I've moved on, maybe too soon? I didn't realize that Nessa had been thinking I was still angry...” Seeing the other man's baffled expression, he explained to the stag shadow that he meant Vanessa Whit, who he assumed would be part of his 'people on the ground'.

  “I'd been avoiding them, that's true, but only because I thought they were angry at me for not helping Libby more... Anyway, we need to protect her and the rest of her family from the fallout now. I should have acted faster, gotten in touch with you and everyone else sooner and made my position clear. I don't want anyone hurt, or even punished, over this.” He shrugged then, not even caring that he did it. He held his hands out, palms up as if throwing the conversation back to Clyde.

  For his part, Clyde didn't wait long. He turned suddenly, faster than Zack could have moved, and open the door, He started yelling, loudly.

  “Whitmore! Whitmore! Get over here, now!” Seconds later the man that had checked his I.D. came running over, gun in hand, pointing it at Zack, he couldn't help but notice.

  “Stop pointing that thing, John. We need the 'word' rescinded on Libby Paterson, now! It seems I made a huge error, not understanding things clearly. Use emergency protocols here. Everyone needs to know that all orders have been rescinded and that Mr. Hartley has requested all aid and comfort be given the Paterson clan. Please add that I also request this.”

  Whitmore turned, holstering his weapon and sprinting away hard, without asking questions. Zack noticed he had an inner Cat, like Nessa did.

  “Whitmore... Is he related to Nessa Whit somehow?” Zack asked, curious.

  Clyde blinked, "Yes. All like animals are related to the others, Cats to Cats, Wolves to Wolves and so on. Really, most of us are at least loosely connected that way. Whitmore there is something like my third cousin. We aren't that large of a group."

  There was a pause, and Zack thought about that. That kind of thing varied a lot, but it was kind of clear that Weres were actually part Human too. Related closely enough that they could intermarry to good effect. It had come up in a few conversations with Libby.

  The Were leader looked relieved then, and smiled.

  “Mr. Hartley I can't express how glad I am that this tragedy has been averted. I assure you that the individuals that attacked Miss Paterson will be dealt with...” He stopped talking when Zack held up his hand.

  “Clyde. First, you asked them to do it, even if you didn't intend for them to enjoy it. I can forgive a bad order here. I get the whole 'needs of the many out-weighing the needs of the few thing', but you ordered this done. For you to punish these people seems... Hypocritical or something. Besides...” Zack paused taking a deep breath. He figured that Clyde deserved to know the truth and hoped this wouldn't create a new batch of problems.

  “Besides, they set my friend, someone I love, on fire. I had them drained by Vampires and buried so deeply that I doubt anyone could find the bodies now, including possibly the ones that buried them. I had to get Libby somewhere safe or I would have killed them myself. They set her on fire.” The older looking man took a step back from Zack then, suddenly remembering that this very young looking, very reasonable sounding young man had killed a six hundred year old Master Vampire in close combat less than six weeks prior, with nothing more than a broom handle and a large knife. He didn't want to anger him, Zack realized, so took his time choosing his words carefully.

  “I understand. The responsibility for this is mine and mine alone. I hope that we can fix this situation to your satisfaction. I also hope that now that we have our new understanding we can put the negative things of the past behind us and move forward as friends.” His Shadow cringed in fear, thinking that his words would prove too little, too late.

  For his part, Zack just nodded in agreement.

  “Yeah. I failed here, too. I should have made my position clear earlier. I... I was hurt at first. I felt betrayed and it took me a while to move past that and realize the Libby didn't actually have a real choice. I mean, if she could have told me what was going on and the trap they were in, I still would have gone with her to that cabin. True, I'd have fought a little better maybe, knowing what to expect, but I wouldn't have let her family die in horrible pain just to save myself.” He shook his head. “Anyway, in the future, if there's ever doubt, just call me. If you want to smooth things over, try a fruit basket or something... or maybe mini muffins, those are good. Or I don't know, candles would be out, I mean, I work in a candle store as my day job... Though I wonder if baskets of candles and incense would sell? Anyway... I need to have a talk with everyone on my end. Nessa and Keeber and everyone at your Embassy there, plus everyone else.” He put this hand out to the man in front of him.

  He asked Clyde to feel free to call him at any time, day or night, and handed him a card that Lisa had made up for him, that had all his contact information on it. Zack noticed that there was even an e-mail address. He didn't know anything about it and wondered if anyone had ever sent anything to it.

  They parted, Clyde relieved, as if he had really been concerned that this situation had been about to blow up on him an
d it had now been defused. He had a slightly bemused look on his face when Zack left the building to go to the adjoining Nexus complex.

  Back home, at the Candle shop, he quickly jotted down the idea he had for decorative candle baskets, then set this on the front desk where Kaitlyn stood. She picked it up, nodding.

  “Not a bad idea. You want me to put something together?” He'd meant to work on it himself later, but given that she'd volunteered, he decided to go with it.

  “Yeah. Run some samples past Lisa and me when you're ready? Let me know if you need to go shopping. I need to do something. Tell Lisa that I'll be back in a few minutes and deal with these transfers?” He jogged out of the store, waving to Claire, who worked her store as always during the day and headed straight to 'The Chasm', the front for the Were Embassy.

  Once there he looked around finding Nessa at a desk by the changing rooms. He walked around the desk as she stood up, and hugged her, even though he'd only done that once before, when everyone had just found out that he had survived being poisoned. Even then it had been more of a pat on the shoulder if he remembered correctly.

  “I'm not mad at you guys! I thought you were all mad at me for not helping Libby more. That's why I didn't come over and talk to you all. I'm sorry. I should have been braver and just come over, I'm sorry... Anyway, I talked to Clyde and I think things are smoothed out now. I mean, no one should be trying to kill Libby anymore or refusing to do business with her family or anything.”

  Nessa hugged him then, smiling.

  “Oh god, Zack. We thought you were working up to cutting us all off. We should have known better. But this was all so huge. We knew that Libby had been stuck and that she normally wouldn't have done anything like that. We didn't know that you knew it though. Wars, real wars, have been started over a lot less. I... I'm so glad.” She finished a little weakly, then hugged him again.

  When he turned around, Keeber, Libby's old roommate stood behind him, looming over him. The man always looked more like a lumberjack than an employee of a trendy clothing store to Zack. He reached forward and grabbed him up in a hug as well.


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