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Shadow Walker (Revenant’s Series Book 1)

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by Elissa Daye

  Soon after the ritual, she had found herself pouring into new age books, asking questions of other practitioners, and performing daily meditations to bring her closer to a higher power. Then Lyssa found herself becoming in tune with all of nature’s energy that drowned out the noise and let her simply be one with the world around her. Lyssa felt like a lifeboat had been thrown to her with new hope for the future, and yet she still could not figure out why it had chosen her.

  Today was just like that first time. There was something attractive to being something more than she ever imagined she could be, to being something more than she was…but what exactly was that?

  “Where are we, Jackson?”

  “I wish I knew. They need a better decorator. I could recommend a few.” His lips pursed as he looked around the dated library.

  “True. Why are we really here? What is a Guardian? What is the Watch Tower?”

  “At this point, your guess is as good as mine. You know just as much as I do.”

  “And yet, you don’t seem so put out to be here.” Lyssa crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head at him.

  “Better here than back in my room. I hope those shadows didn’t destroy it.”

  There were so many questions that she did not have the answers to, and it bothered her that they had already left her feeling cornered, left her feeling completely lost and inept while keeping her trapped within their realm, even with Jackson at her side. “At least we’re both here.”

  “Where else would we be?” He smiled at her.

  She heard a swish of air and saw the candles flicker around her. Lyssa turned around slowly, even though she knew that Julius had returned. “You’re back.” Not reacting to the emotions bubbling beneath the surface was difficult, but somehow, she managed the flat sound in her voice. Part of her would have been thrilled to be a part of something bigger, but it was the part that was left behind that called to her.

  “You’re upset.”

  “Really, Sherlock? What made you think that?” She crossed her arms in front of her and could feel her chin jut out, something that always happened when she was moody.

  “In time, it will pass.” He shrugged her off easily as if he were hardened to her situation.

  “No, it won’t. Jackson’s my family. He’s all I have left, and you wanted to rip him away from me. You underestimate that bond.”

  “Lyssa, he let me stay. We walk this path together.” Jackson put a hand on her arm.

  “Don’t you get it? I’ve spent my entire life being told what to do, with very few choices, no way out.” Lyssa could feel the heat filling her cheeks.

  “Lyssa, he never said we didn’t have choices. Let the poor man speak.”

  “Whose side are you on, Jackson?” Lyssa turned to Jackson, almost ready to speak her mind when another voice interrupted the conversation.

  “Was it really so long ago that you’ve forgotten what it’s like, Julius? Please, forgive me for intruding. I didn’t mean to be late.”

  He had short brown hair clipped close on the sides, with spiky curls on the top. It was hard to tell the color of his eyes from her position, but thick eyelashes curled secretively around them. His tall body was covered in black, from the tight-fitting T-shirt that molded close to his upper torso, to the black denim jeans that were not nearly tight enough. From what Lyssa could see, he was simply dazzling, a rock star to be admired from afar, and ravished secretly in any girl’s fantasies. And he seemed very familiar to her, which she found oddly comforting.

  Lyssa tried to hide behind her curiosity because what she was feeling was certainly more than that. His mere presence took her breath away, for there was something very intriguing about him that called to a hidden part of her. “And you are?” She could almost feel the tint of a blush rising in her cheeks.

  “Hunter, at your service.”

  As he moved closer, his eyes roamed over her far longer than she expected. What Lyssa wouldn’t give to melt into their smoky blue depths. She pursed her lips and did her best to hide behind her attitude to push bravado out to the people around her, but for some reason, words had suddenly left her. Lyssa could pinpoint the very moment she’d become mute…it was when the first words left his mouth. While she was still upset about being ripped away from her life, there could still be an upside to this situation, for her soul seemed to beckon her closer to him. A thrill ran through her body, almost as if to say, “something wicked this way comes.” What Lyssa wouldn’t do with a man as hot as that if given a chance.

  “Well, Hunter, perhaps you can tell your friend here that he should explain more about the Watch Tower, and exactly what it is that he wants from me—er, us. I promise you, if we don’t get answers, we will find a way to get out of here.”

  “And tell me why I’m here again?” Jackson tilted his head at them. “I do have places to be. People to see.”

  “You mean you want to watch your show?” Lyssa smirked at him.

  “Shoosh! You!”

  Lyssa glanced at the others in the room. From the way that Julius looked at Hunter, she could tell right away that they were having some kind of mental conversation. If she didn’t know better, she would say they were actually arguing, as Hunter’s naturally angled brows arched further. Lyssa waited as they continued their silent debate, and started to walk to the window.

  “Step away from the window,” ordered Julius quickly.

  At that moment, she saw what Julius had been trying to protect her from. Outside, the shadows were slowly seeping from the ground. The rising forms were looking right at her, and it was clear that they had been sent to find her. “Why are they still looking for me?”

  “Because you are the key.” Hunter grabbed her elbow and urged her away from the windowpanes. “I know you don’t trust us, but please, there’s very little time before they burst through those walls. We have to get you out of here.”

  “You already rescued us once today; where in the world are you taking us now? And why isn’t this place safe?”

  The way that his eyebrows dropped was a true indicator that she was not scoring any points right now. Lyssa hadn’t meant to snap at Hunter, but even the slight touch of his hand on her arm made her flush in ways she could not explain. Not that it mattered, for he was amazingly attractive, and…well…she was just “her”—tall enough, yet not really skinny enough to pull it off. Lyssa had long brown hair that she often wished had a more lively color to it. Then there were her absolutely large feet, covered in shoes that looked much like small boats. She often wondered if she could walk on water with the gargantuan monstrosities, but had never tested out the theory. If there was anything to like about herself, besides her ability to overcome seriously daunting challenges, it was her eyes. They were the one thing she had never wanted to change. Blue simply could not define them. They were otherworldly, like the calm waves of a deserted beach, so endless and blue you could get lost in them. Lyssa had no idea where she’d gotten them…no one else in her family seemed to have the same shade.

  “We really don’t have time for this.” Julius grabbed her arm, breaking her reverie, and she felt the world go like a Tilt-A-Whirl, as they were once again speeding through the air. Any words she wanted to utter were hard to get past her teeth, as this unfashionable traveling made them clench tightly together against the rush of wind. This journey seemed to take a lot longer than before, and soon she had no idea where one moment started, and the other ended. It seemed to take forever to get to their destination.

  “Really, is that necessary? Where the hell are we now?” She scowled deeply at Julius as they finally arrived. If ever there were a man she wanted to strangle, it would definitely be him. He was a pompous know-it-all who seemed to dictate to everyone around him.

  “Yes, I can tell how much you detest me. I’m an acquired taste, I assure you. The first house was a stopping point. I had to make sure yo
u were cleared to enter the Watch Tower.”

  His slight grin reminded her that he had been kinder to her earlier, and she should practice a little patience. If he kept zooming her from one place to another, there was no way she would make it back home. Lyssa could not even begin to guess where they were now.

  “I doubt it,” coughed Jackson into his hand.

  She sighed deeply. “Fine. I’m sorry, Julius. Cut me some slack, though.”

  “I know you want answers. I promise to give them to you both. I just need to check on a few things first. Please make yourself at home.”

  Jackson’s eyebrows furrowed. “What about...?”

  “The shadows? Don’t worry, Jackson. They can’t find you here.” With a quick pop of air, he disappeared.

  She looked around her. The room was actually quite large. From the antique trim around the floors and ceilings, she appeared to be in the parlor of an older Victorian house. Near the window was a round table that was draped in a deep red velvet. On top of the table were different gemstones that glowed eerily in the night. The small fire burning in the fireplace to her right crackled, and on its mantle, a small ball of light glowed under a glass dome. Lyssa had no idea what was inside, but for some reason, she knew it was not to be touched. In the middle of the room was a large, overstuffed burgundy sofa draped with an old, intricately crocheted afghan. This house had history and a character that was rich and palpable, the kind of house that Lyssa had always wanted to own.

  Lyssa walked over to the windows that were protected by curtains that reached from the ceiling to the floor. The attractive burgundy taffeta made it look like ripples of dark water flowed within its folds. She moved aside the curtains, and when she looked out, she was speechless. She had expected to see a street lined with old historic houses, perhaps a few mature oak trees, but that was not the sight that greeted her. Instead, all she saw was a dark sky lined with stars. She attempted to look down from the window and saw no earth beneath her. From every angle, it appeared as if the house was surrounded by nothingness. While she was standing on a wooden floor inside this house, there was emptiness below it. They were literally in outer space.

  “Did you see that?” Jackson pointed out the window and whistled.

  “Yeah. I’m not sure what’s up with that, but I think I’ll stay inside for now.”

  He shook his head at her. “Good choice. I think I’m just going to chill out here.” He sat down in an armchair and closed his eyes. Lyssa knew not to talk to him when he went into that mode. She never knew where his mind went when he sat down to meditate. Everyone needed privacy every once and a while.

  The realization that things were more complicated than she had first imagined hit her so fast, her head started to spin. She walked ever so slowly to the couch and let herself slide down into its cushions. Her head began to throb painfully as she took even breaths to calm herself. Perhaps it was true that if the shadows came from the land below her feet, then being in a house with no land underneath could, in fact, mean that the inhabitants of the house were safer here. Lyssa didn’t feel safe, though. Surrounded by strange people, she was away from the life that she had started to build for herself. She had been studying to be a teacher and had thought that was what she was meant to do. However, maybe her boredom in clinical studies should have been a warning that she was supposed to do something else with her life. Perhaps, in a way, this would be saving her from a life saturated with angry parents, unsupportive administrators, and children with problems she would never be able to solve.

  When she glanced at her wrist, her watch now read midnight. They had been away from her dorm for several hours. Lyssa wondered what Lana might be doing right now, and every bone in her body hoped that she was safe. Would the shadow people come back for her? Was she okay? There had to be some way to know she was all right. Jackson plopped down next to her, and they sat in silence until Julius returned and escorted them to guest rooms to rest.

  Chapter 5

  What a bizarre thing to wake up in a house filled with sunlight when she was not quite sure if the sun could actually reach her where they were. Lyssa still had no idea where she was or how exactly this place was even possible. Was she actually in outer space? If she opened the window, would the lack of air outside suck her brains out of her ears?

  Lyssa sat up in bed and shook the sleep from her head. Considering the events of the night, she had actually slept quite well. When Julius had escorted her and Jackson to guest rooms upstairs, they had called it a night. While she expected her intuition to guide her while she slept, she was surprised that for once, her dreams were meaningless.

  Lyssa went to the vanity dresser on the other end of the room and looked in the mirror. Her hair was such a mess. Running her fingers through it, she attempted to straighten up some of the unwieldy locks that framed her face. She retrieved a hair tie out of her back pocket and worked on pulling the mess out of her face. While it was no grand coiffeur, it was at least passable.

  Opening the door, she entered the hallway. Last night it had been dark when they had walked upstairs, so she was not exactly sure where she was going, but if she took the stairs down, she would run into someone else eventually. As she walked down the steps, she could not help but notice the magnificent woodworking. The dark wood contrasted deeply with the small carpet running down the steps. The walls were lined with antique frames of faces that looked extremely dated for the current time, almost as if the original inhabitants of the house had left them behind. The floral print wallpaper was starting to fade with age, and while it was probably beautiful in its prime, it was beginning to crackle at the seams.

  When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she found the entrance to the parlor. Since this was the place that Julius had brought her to first, she figured she should make herself at home there. As she sat down on the couch, Lyssa took a personal assessment. No worse for the wear at the moment…her nerves were intact. No one seemed to be stirring at all, so she decided to do some meditation to clear any negative energy within her. Anger often came too easily to her, as her emotions seemed too volatile to control, but they were so much a part of her that it was hard to let them go.

  She took in a deep breath and curled her toes underneath her legs. Closing her eyes, she let the quiet take her away. Lyssa must have been there for a good half hour, glued to the sofa like a stone statue, before she heard her voice.

  “You must let go of your past.”

  “Jephilia. My past defines me. I can’t just let it go. It doesn’t work that way. And if you mean to let go of Jackson, you are seriously mistaken if you think that is ever going to happen.”

  “Lyssa, listen closely. He will be there whenever you need him, but you can’t let him hold you back.”

  “Let me guess…I’m destined for greatness.” If her eyes had been open, they would have rolled to the ceiling.

  “You are destined for whatever you decide. No one can make you do. No one can make you be. You simply are. Follow or don’t. The path has always been yours to take.”

  “I didn’t have a choice last night. No one even bothered to listen to me.”

  “If they had, would you even have considered the possibilities they presented?”

  Lyssa sighed slowly. Jephilia was not one to drag out her conversations with her. Most of the time, her spirit guide was quite happy to say very little. She interfered only when she needed her most, and today Jephilia clearly thought she needed to jump into the middle of everything. Lyssa looked at the Grecian girl and shook her head. “You’re right. I would’ve discounted what they had to say. I’m not one to trust easily. Look how long it took me to let you speak with me.”

  Jephilia’s skirt fluttered in the air around her. Her guide made an audible chuckle that was so unlike the serious guide she usually portrayed. “Keep your mind open and look deeper with your eyes.”

  Lyssa was not surprised wh
en she quickly disappeared. Well, at least she was not as cryptic with her messages today. That was a bonus. When she heard a shuffling of feet, she looked up to see Hunter and Julius entering the parlor. Lyssa started to open her mouth but was at a loss for words. She was still confused about everything that had just happened, and not at all sure that she would continue forward with civil thoughts in her head.

  Julius raised his hand to wave her off. “I have something to show you. Please come with me.”

  “Where is Jackson?”

  “He’s already there. Follow me, please.”

  Lyssa thought to deny his request for a moment, but the warm smile that Julius offered this time threw her off enough to shake away her hesitation. She nodded at him and rose from the sofa. Her footsteps echoed theirs as she followed them out of the room into what appeared to be a dining room. The room exuded the essence of a proper Victorian house, from the top of the wood molded ceiling to the wooden floors covered in bold woven rugs; there were even built-in china cabinets and retractable pocket doors. Lyssa was so caught up in the ambiance that she did not notice the guest at the table.

  “Oh my gosh!” Lyssa could not help the squeal that left her mouth so easily. Lana was sitting at the table next to Jackson, eating a piece of toast that almost wedged itself in her throat when Lyssa threw herself at her. “I thought I’d never get to see you again.”

  Jackson looked at her and chuckled. “She’s only been gone for one night.”

  “I know, and we always thought you were the drama queen.” Lana gestured to Jackson.

  “Oh, stop it. I’m just glad to see you’re okay.”

  “I’m fine. Now, can you let me go, please?”

  “Sorry.” Lyssa quickly let go of Lana and sat down to her left.

  Lyssa looked over at Julius and bit the bottom of her lip. She was not really good at apologizing. Should she tell him she was sorry for blowing up at him yesterday? If she was honest with herself, she was definitely intrigued with these people, these so-called Guardians of the Watch Tower. Lyssa did want to know more about them and already had that drive within her to make the world a better place. Vanquishing the evil she had always felt lurking in the darkness had always been her main goal. They were offering her an olive branch, and besides Jackson and Lana, what other ties did she have to the world? “Julius, I…well, I don’t quite know what to say.”


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