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Axel: Desert Vultures MC (A Bad Boy MC Romance)

Page 19

by Sara Crest

  Omar tried again and again to start his bike up but it wasn’t working, he grunted in frustration as the engine sputtered before giving out.

  “Stupid piece of shit!” Omar yelled out as he pushed the bike off of its kickstand to the ground.

  He turned and looked at us, eyeing up Shape’s ride as he started walking towards us.

  Sharpe pulled his gun out and pointed it straight at Omar, causing him to stop in his tracks.

  “If you want to go off on your own then be my guest” Sharpe said. “But you’re not taking my ride with you.”

  Omar leered at him before glancing over to me.

  “All this just to protect the president’s bed warmer” Omar said as he backed away. “I’m going to the fight, you can stay here and waste your time with her if you want but I’ll fucking run to the south side if I have to.”

  Omar looked at us for a few more seconds as he backed away before turning and taking off down the street where we came from.

  Sharpe put his gun back in his waistband and sighed in relief.

  “Thanks for keeping a level head there” he said.

  “No, thank you for making sure he didn’t hurt me. I appreciate it.”

  “He isn’t normally like that, Omar is probably only a year or two older than you, he just wants to prove himself.”

  I walked out onto the street and watched as Omar sprinted farther and farther away from us.

  “I just hope this is all over soon Sharpe” I said as I gripped my hair in my hands nervously, wringing it in the same way you would a wet towel.

  “It will be” Sharpe said. “I trust Axel, I don’t know how many of us will survive but I know he has a reason to pull through. It isn’t just for the club anymore, it’s for you, anyone with eyes can see that.”

  In the distance I heard a loud crash followed by gunshots, I immediately gripped my hair harder as my body began to shake.

  “Please be ok Axel…”



  The spike trap worked like a charm, a couple of the cop cars ran over them causing their tires to give out. Their cars came crashing into the barricade on momentum alone but all in all our wall held strong.

  Officers began pouring out of their cars as the ones who stopped before the spike trap tried desperately to go around us to get into the town.

  I ran up onto the barricade with dozens of my brothers and we all began firing down on any Scorched Satan we saw who was unfortunate enough to move.

  Each time I pulled the trigger I felt empty though, my eyes scanned the cops pouring out of their cars and firing back at us as I tried to find Donnelly.

  There were hundreds of the bastards everywhere, they must have outnumbered us nearly 3 to 1 as they started driving towards the west side looking for another way to enter into the town. Each car was packed with 4 or even 5 of the cops as wave after wave of them poured out and began firing on us without remorse.

  I dropped down from the barricade and grabbed Mason by the shirt.

  “Take as many men as you can get and go take them on the west side, make sure they don’t get in!”

  Mason nodded his head, running over to a group of brothers who were shooting and telling them to follow him.

  Molotov cocktails began to fly over our barricade as our brothers spread deadly fire all over the road, making some of the police cars undriveable as they erupted into flames.

  I peeked through the barricade and my heart rate went through the roof. Stepping out of an all black bulletproof police van was Donnelly and about 4 other cops, I tried to keep my eye on him but he disappeared into a group of police officers who were raining bullets on my brothers.

  I heard a cry of pain and turned to see one of my brothers getting gunned down, I dropped my rifle and ran over to him as he fell off the barricade and onto the hard pavement.

  I got down on one knee as he grabbed my hand in pain, bullets flew over our head as I watched him struggle to hold onto his life.

  He opened his mouth to say something but he lost his strength, and I watched as the light left his eyes, reminding me of Clay.

  “Those damn feds better be here, we can only lose so many brothers” I said to myself.

  “GAS!” someone called out as I watched gray canisters fly over our heads and land a few feet away from us.

  Before we could even do anything the canisters burst, creating a thick smokescreen that completely enveloped us.

  “Everyone! Get back to the town square!” I called out as a brother fell dead right next to me.

  I grabbed his pistol and tried to make my way through the smoke as bullets whizzed all around me. I had to get out of here, I couldn’t let myself get injured when Hannah was out there waiting for me.

  I saw some light peaking through the smoke and ran out, coughing and trying to catch my breath as I watched dozens of my brothers running away from the barricade and in the direction of the town square.

  “Just hold out a little longer, those feds are probably on their way now” I muttered.

  I heard some Satans barking out orders in the smoke behind me and immediately recognized one of the voices as Donnelly. I’d recognize that whiny sounding tone anywhere.

  I took cover in a nearby alleyway and watched as Donnelly as well as 5 other Satans emerged from the smoke fully armed.

  From the shadows of the alleyway I lined up a shot. I had an itchy trigger finger and new I could drop him right then and there, problem was as soon as I took him out those other cops would gun me down in a heartbeat. Maybe I would do it if Hannah wasn’t in my life, but she took priority and I wouldn’t sacrifice myself when I knew I had a future with her.

  I would have to get Donnelly alone, and it didn’t take long for my wish to be granted.

  A Desert Vulture leaned out the window and was able to get a shot off on one of the Scorched Satans, dropping him immediately.

  The remaining 5 spotted him and began firing at him, missing their shots and letting him take cover back in the building.

  “Go get that fucking bastard!” one of the Satans yelled as Donnelly and the 3 others immediately ran into the building.

  All I had to do was get inside and isolate him, this could be my last chance, I could finally put everything to rest.

  As soon as the the final one went inside I ran in after them.

  It would all come down to this.



  All I could think about was if he was safe, the gunshots had died down a bit but they were still frequent. How many Vulture brothers would even be alive after all of this? It didn’t feel like it but it had already been 2 hours.

  Sharpe’s phone began to ring and I rushed over to him, hoping it was Axel saying that he was on his way but to my disappointment it was Mason. Sharpe put the call on speaker so I could hear the conversation, but all it did was increase my anxiety when I heard gunshots in the background.

  “Mason what’s going on? I got Hannah here with me is everything alright?”

  “Sharpe is Axel with you? I’ve been trying to reach him but I can’t get a hold of him. The feds and California Police are almost here, I can see them in the distance, I’ve already started getting people to roll out of here.”

  I grabbed the phone out of Sharpe’s hand “Axel isn’t with you?! Where is he?” I asked, practically begging.

  “I don’t know… He sent me off to cover the west side, I called Wyatt and he doesn’t know either. All I know is we’re trying to get out of here now and I don’t want to leave him behind.”

  Oh god, please let him be ok.

  I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to keep myself together.

  “Mason, I don’t know where Axel is but I do know that he wouldn’t want you to wait for him. You get out of here and take as many brothers as you can with you.”

  “You sure about this?” Mason asked as I heard what sounded like two cars crashing into each other in the background of his call.

; “Yes go! Tell Wyatt to get everyone and get out of here!” Sharpe said backing me up. “Hannah and I will stay behind to make sure he gets out.”

  “Alright, you two stay safe now I gotta go take care of business” Mason said before hanging up the phone.

  “Axel will be ok” Sharpe said, looking in my eyes to reassure me. “He knows he has to come back for you, that man will fight through anything to get here.”

  I pushed all doubt out of my mind, I had to stay strong, Axel had to make it.

  For us, for everything, he had to pull through.



  I passed by two dead Scorched Satan bodies and recognized them as some of the men that Donnelly was with. I could hear a gun being fired and what sounded like the voice of one of the Scorched Satans that came in here before me. Donnelly had to be close.

  I reached down and picked up one of the guns off of the dead body as a backup, putting it in my back pocket.

  As I was on my knee checking his body for ammunition the police radio on the Scorched Satan’s chest went off.

  I didn’t recognize the voice but the guy was frantic, although the radio had some bad static I could still make out what he was saying.

  “The feds! The fucking feds are here! They’re arresting anyone in a Arizona State Police Depart Uniform! We gotta get out of here they fucking know! They fucking know!”

  They’re here? I have to get out of here, I have to get back to Hannah and get us both out of here.

  I gripped my gun tight, Donnelly was in this building, on this floor, I was so goddamn close but I knew I would have to give it up. I had to leave him and hope that the feds would catch him before he escaped. Deep down I felt as if I failed, but I had to get back to Hannah and get her out of Los Aves as quickly as I could.

  I heard the sound of running behind me, I turned around and aimed my gun only to see Omar coming straight for me.

  For a moment I didn’t believe that he was here, I felt my stomach drop and assumed that something happened to Hannah and he had come to tell me.

  “Omar? What the hell are you doing here?” Where’s Hannah? Why aren’t you defending Hannah?!”

  “I left her behind with Sharpe to come and fight, I shouldn’t be stuck defending someone when-”

  I grabbed him by his leather jacket and shook him hard, I wanted to beat him to the ground.

  “I gave him you one task, one task; to defend the woman I love until I got back. You think just because you want to fight you should leave her?”

  “Relax Axel, like I said she’s still back at the garage safe and sound with Sharpe. I’m sure he can handle it.”

  I heard a voice call out behind us, and it was then that I realized that the gunshots in the building had stopped.

  “The garage eh? I think I remember how to get there. Truth be told I’m surprised you survived that blow to the head.”

  I turned around to see Donnelly standing there down the hall holding the dead body of the Desert Vulture brother that shot at him from the window.

  “You should have never left her on her own” he said chuckling as he wiped some blood off of his mouth. “The feds may be here, but I’m gonna make sure I put that little pretty bitch in the ground before they put the cuffs on me. My life may be ruined after today, and I might have missed my chance to kill you back in that alleyway, but that doesn’t mean I can’t do the next best thing and ruin your life one last time.”

  Without hesitation I let go of Omar and drew my gun, firing three shots at Donnelly only to just barely miss.

  He let go of the Desert Vulture brother and dove towards a fire exit.

  “Omar you IDIOT you said where she was!” I yelled out, pushing past him to go back towards the entrance of the building. It was no longer a game of revenge, now I had to protect the woman I love from the man that already took my best friend from me.

  I ran down the stairs of the building, hearing Omar running after me. It sounded like he was apologizing but there was so much blood rushing to my head that I couldn’t even make out his words.

  I burst through the doors outside, nearly tripping over a dead body as I watched a California State police officer wrestle a Scorched Satan to the ground and put him in cuffs.

  I heard the shattering of a window and turned to see Donnelly breaking into a car across the street near the door for the fire exit.

  I drew my gun and fired two more shots at him but he ducked into the car just in time. Before I had a chance to pull the trigger again I heard the car start up as he wasted no time in speeding away.

  I pulled the trigger two more times and just barely hit his back right tire, it didn’t stop him but it slowed him down a little bit.

  I watched as he sped down the street, straight towards my Hannah.

  I reached for my phone to call Sharpe but it wasn’t in my pocket.

  “God fucking dammit it must have fallen out” I muttered to myself.

  “Hey you two! Stay right there!” someone behind me shouted.

  I turned to see three California police down the street who just spotted me and Omar. I didn’t have time for this, I had to reach Hannah now!

  I ran into the nearby alley where I kept my ride, wasting no time in hopping on and starting it up. It was a good thing that Wyatt fixed it up for me because I was about to ride like hell.

  Omar ran up to me in the alleyway blocking my only exit, I was damn near about to run him over.

  “You can’t leave me behind I’m a brother! If you do they’ll take me in!”

  I grabbed him by his collar and brought him in close.

  “If you were a real brother you would have did what your president told you to do, you would have protected the most important person in my life! You barely even deserve to be in this brotherhood.”

  I threw him against the wall and revved my engine, ready to speed off.

  “Besides, they might arrest you, but they’ll realize you’re not one of them and release you soon enough. Good luck Omar.”

  I hit the throttle as hard as I could and sped out of there, nearly running over two California State Police in the process.

  I sped through the streets, left and right I saw my brothers leaving the town like I told them as California Police and federal agents began arresting every Scorched Satan they could find. The sounds of bullets were being replaced with the screams of every Scorched Satan as they were arrested, I had never been more happy to see cops in my entire life.

  I was closing in on the garage, all I could do was squeeze the handlebars of my bike and hope to god that Hannah was ok.

  I finally could see the garage in the distance, and pulling in at that very moment was Donnelly. If I hadn’t shot out that tire who knows what would have happened.

  I watched the bastard get out of his car, he turned and looked at me as I barrelled towards him on my bike. I watched him reach into his pocket and pull out a pistol as he smiled at me the whole time. This bastard was really going to do it.

  “Sharpe if you’re there now would be a good time to put this fucker in the ground!” I said to myself as I sped closer and closer to the garage.

  I didn’t come this far to lose her, not today, not ever.



  I heard the slamming of a car door outside, was it Axel? Was he finally here?

  “Axel is that you?” I called out at I ran outside of the garage.

  “Hannah no wait!” Sharpe called out.

  I burst through the front door of the garage and ran outside, only to see my worst nightmare standing right in front of me.

  Donnelly stood only a few feet away from me, his hands were bloodied and bruised but that didn’t stop him from tightly gripping a pistol.

  “Remember me sweetheart?” he said gripping the gun even tighter. “It doesn’t matter if you do by the way, I’m just here to fuck up your boyfriend’s life some more.”

  Before I could respond Sharpe ran out of the garage, getting in bet
ween the two of us and shielding me from Donnelly.

  “Just walk away buddy, I got business with the broad” Donnelly said as he raised his gun to aim at us and began unbuttoning the jacket of his police uniform.

  I heard the sound of a motorcycle getting closer and closer, I looked behind Donnelly and suddenly I saw Axel on his bike sliding to a stop, leaving behind two deep black tire marks on the pavement.

  He wasted no time in jumping off of his bike and pulling his gun out, ready to fire.

  “Donnelly ” Axel said as he cocked his gun. “If you touch even a single hair on her head I’ll-”

  “You’ll what!? End my life? Ruin my career maybe? I don’t give a shit you degenerate it’s all coming crashing down right this second! Part of me believes you had something to do with the feds being here. Am I wrong?”

  Axel didn’t respond, I could see his eyes darting between me and Donnelly.

  “You brought this on yourself Donnelly” I called out. “When you hurt all those people just to make yourself a little richer, every last one of you involved brought this on yourself!”

  “Ohhh fuck off you stupid broad” he said. “The only thing you’re good for now is ruining this bastard’s life one I take yours.”

  I watched Donnelly turn back to Axel as he kept his gun aimed right at me and Sharpe.

  “You know I can kill her right? This gun is strong enough to shoot through your club brother there and get her.”

  “Don’t you fucking dare” Axel said as he took a step closer.

  I heard sirens in the distance getting closer and closer. The feds must be coming this way, Axel, Sharpe, and I had to get out of here now.

  “Feds are here. That means time’s up” Donnelly announced as he steadied his aim. “You should have never fucked with us!”

  As Donnelly began to pull his trigger Axel took his shot at him, it only hit Donnelly in his leg but it was just enough for him to lose his footing and miss me and Sharpe.


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