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Page 10

by Unknown

  Where was she?

  The thought that she had changed her mind and returned to town was enough to take his breath away. He charged through the bedroom, throwing open his door, preparing to shout at Frankie, when the door across from his opened.

  Chapter Nine

  S he stood there, pale and trembling, in a simple silk gown in shell pink that brought out red highlights in her long hair. Her teeth sank into her bottom lip and troubled eyes met his.

  He looked over her shoulder. There were her bags. The wedding dress was laid across the bed. White pumps were beside it. “Frankie must’ve put your things in the wrong room. Our bedroom is across the hall.”

  “No. I didn’t think you’d want to share a room, since—” She broke off and stared at her feet. When he said nothing, she added, “So I took this one, if you don’t mind.”

  He stared at her blankly. What could he say? No, I want you in my bed every night. That made him sound like a demanding, insensitive male. “Okay.”

  When she didn’t move, he slowly reached out and took her hand. She didn’t resist, so he tugged her toward him. “But we’ll, uh, you’ll come to my bed. My son is going to be conceived in my bed, okay?”

  To his relief, she didn’t refuse.

  But she also didn’t exhibit any enthusiasm for what lay ahead. He didn’t understand why. He might be distracted by his reaction to her every time he touched her, but he knew she responded, too. In fact, it was that response that put him over the top.

  He’d loved Beth with all his heart. But the physical side of marriage hadn’t interested her. She “did her duty” but found pleasure in other things.

  Unaware of his thoughts, Susannah stepped into his room. Her gaze focused on the king-size bed, and she stopped. He frowned, unsure what to do next. Was she afraid of making love?

  He touched her arm and found it icy cold. As if—if she were a virgin. That thought slammed into him with all the strength of an earthquake.

  “Susannah, you’re not—I mean, you have—damn it, this isn’t your first time, is it?”

  Her cheeks flooded with color and she barely nodded.

  “You are?” He hadn’t believed any woman over the age of twenty was inexperienced.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Her soft apology awakened him from his surprise and brought a frown to his face. “You have nothing to apologize for, Susannah. I wasn’t aware—It makes no difference.”

  She swallowed convulsively. “I—I don’t know how—” She broke off and looked away.

  All her concern, her nervousness was suddenly explained, and Lucas breathed a sigh of relief. With a smile, he added, “That’s okay. I do know how. Everything will be fine, Susannah.”

  She nodded but said nothing, still not looking at him.

  “I like your nightgown,” he said softly, running a finger up her bare arm to slip beneath the strap. She shivered and shot him a quick glance before dropping her gaze again.

  He moved closer.

  “Is it new?” he asked, both hands now caressing her arms.

  It had been a long time since he’d seduced a woman. An inexperienced woman. He hadn’t run across one of those very often. Usually he’d moved on.

  But he found the need to seduce Susannah incredibly attractive. And he couldn’t quite extinguish a feeling of satisfaction that he would be her first. And her last. Bending over, he kissed her on the corner of her sexy lips. “You smell good, too.”

  “So—so do you.”

  “I haven’t had my shower yet. You won’t go away if I take a quick one, will you?”

  It bothered him that she seemed to welcome the respite his shower offered. Her shy smile almost had him changing his mind. But it was her wedding night. He wanted everything perfect.

  “Just make yourself at home. I won’t be a minute.” He backed to the bathroom door, relief flooding him as she walked to the bed and sat down on its edge.

  She’d almost melted.

  When he’d touched her, she’d had to fight to keep from throwing her arms around his neck, pressing her body against his, begging for his kiss.

  Thank goodness she’d been able to control herself, to keep him from knowing how needy she was. They were going to make a baby, not love. And he would be embarrassed to know that she wanted his touch, craved his caress. She still couldn’t quite believe her reaction to him.

  She closed her eyes and concentrated on control. On pretending to be blasé about what was about to happen. On pretending.

  True to his word, Lucas opened the bathroom door in no time. She gulped as he stood before her, a towel wrapped around his waist.

  His broad, hairy chest tapered to slim hips and muscular legs and she couldn’t stop staring. She’d been an only child and her limited experience with her fiancé, much to his disappointment, hadn’t involved disrobing.

  “Am I embarrassing you?” he asked, moving toward her, a grin on his face. “I could get dressed, but then I’d have to take it all off again. It didn’t seem worth the effort.”

  His relaxed air was a novelty, one that eased Susannah’s tension. She didn’t know lovers could find amusement as well as possible passion. With a hesitant smile, she said, “I’d hate for you to waste all that energy.”

  “My thoughts exactly. I’d much rather put it to better use.”

  She shivered, her eyes growing wide.

  “You look like Little Red Riding Hood when the Big Bad Wolf said he wanted to eat her. Do I scare you?”

  No, I scare myself. “No, of course not.”

  “Good.” He reached the bed. “Want me to turn back the covers?”

  “Oh! I can—can do that.” She stood, glad for something to do, and pulled back the bedspread and sheet. As she straightened, strong arms slid around her waist and his lips lightly caressed her shoulder.

  She held herself still, not sure what her reaction should be. When he did nothing else, she looked over her shoulder.

  “Look, Susannah, let’s make a pact.”

  Turning to face him, she waited for him to explain. Had he changed his mind? Was he going to suggest they turn to Doc, as she had suggested earlier?

  “This is an awkward situation. So I think we should be honest with each other. If I do something you don’t like, that makes you uncomfortable, just tell me.”

  “And you’ll tell me if I do something wrong?” she asked, relief filling her.

  He pulled her close against him and she was startled to feel his arousal through the towel. “I think that’s highly unlikely. I haven’t been with a woman in a long time, sweetheart, and I’m liable to embarrass myself at any moment.”

  It hadn’t occurred to her that he might be nervous or concerned about his performance. Immediately she yearned to set him at ease. Her lips planted butterfly kisses on his face, as she’d dreamed of doing.

  As if she’d detonated a bomb, their lovemaking exploded. His mouth devoured hers even as his hands urged the gown up her body. Her hands roamed his chest, delighting in the hard muscles.

  Before she knew it, her gown and panties and his towel had fallen to the floor and the two of them were stretched out on the bed. He covered her body with his as he intimately stroked and caressed her skin, and she met him at every turn.

  When he entered her, his lips returned to hers, urging her to join in the frantic pleasure, but she needed no encouragement. She’d never experienced such joy, such oneness, even though there was a temporary discomfort. She hadn’t even known making love could be so pleasurable.

  Everything seemed to explode at once, and Susannah wasn’t sure if she lost consciousness or not. When she opened her eyes, filled with incredulous joy, Lucas’s eyes remained closed. His body slid from hers, and he slumped beside her. His mouth moved, mumbling something, but she couldn’t understand the words.

  And he slept.

  She lay beside him, her gaze tracing the strength of his body. It occurred to her that, had she been asked, she would never have agreed to make lov
e with the light on. But she hadn’t even remembered to be self-conscious once Lucas touched her.

  Had he realized? Had it been obvious that she’d been overwhelmed by his lovemaking?

  Strangely enough, her thoughts turned to Beth, his wife. Poor Beth. She had had Lucas as her husband, had shared his bed, had conceived his child, had owned his heart.

  Now Susannah would have all but the last, if she was lucky. Her emotions changed from remorse for Beth to sadness for herself. Because owning Lucas’s heart suddenly seemed a prize beyond belief.

  Enough, Susannah. No feeling sorry for yourself. You’ve made your bed, so lie in it. She almost giggled. Not many women would complain about the bed she’d made, as long as Lucas Boyd filled it.

  And he’d given her an incredible gift. She wasn’t frigid. In fact, she had to fight herself now to keep a distance between their two bodies.

  So she had nothing to complain about.

  To ensure that she maintained control, she’d have to go back to her bedroom. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to keep her hands off him. Even now, she wanted to stroke him all over, to learn his body, every indentation, every muscle. To meet his lips with hers.

  And he wanted to sleep.

  With one last, long, greedy look, she slid from the bed. Picking up her nightgown and bikini panties, she returned to her sanctuary.

  And dreamed of Lucas.

  Lucas opened one eye, a smile on his face. Why was he feeling so wonderful? Then he remembered. Susannah. And the incredible lovemaking they’d shared.

  He reached out for her warm body. And found nothing. Both eyes popped open and he sat up. The lights were still on. He had no difficulty seeing that he was alone.

  He sprang from the bed and hurried to the closed door. Crossing the hall, he eased open the door to the room across from his. It was dark, but he could see the faint outline of her body under the covers. She was alseep.

  Frowning, he closed the door. He didn’t want her in that room. He wanted her in his bed. Had he upset her? Done something wrong? Disgusted her with his uncontrollable passion?

  The last few moments with her in his arms had gone by incredibly fast. He hadn’t spent much time holding her before he’d taken his pleasure.

  Damn! He hadn’t meant to be so selfish. But it had been so long for him, his body had taken control. He thought Susannah had received some pleasure, because he remembered a sweet moan that had urged him on. And her lips touching him as he’d kissed her incredible body.

  He opened the door again, his gaze tracing her outline. He wanted to scoop her up in his arms, carry her back to his bed and tell her she could never leave. He even took a step toward her.

  His conscience stopped him. They’d agreed to make a child. He’d warned her there would be no emotion. She’d chosen a bedroom separate from him.

  She wanted her privacy.

  He wanted her.

  He closed the door again. Okay, so he’d give her privacy. For a while. They’d ease into this marriage business slowly. Maybe they could become friends.

  As long as they continued to be lovers. For whatever reason, Susannah gave him more pleasure than he’d ever experienced. A pleasure that he longed to repeat as soon as possible.

  But she didn’t want to wake up beside him. She didn’t want more lovemaking tonight. She didn’t want him to touch her, to hold her against him.

  Even thinking about such actions caused a reaction in him. He backed across the hall into his room and shut the door. It was the only way to ensure that he didn’t spoil everything.

  And the next time he made love to Susannah, he would take it slower, give her pleasure before he took his own.

  He couldn’t wait.

  After a shower the next morning, Susannah dressed in slacks and a shirt and made the courageous trek to the kitchen. She wasn’t sure how she would be able to face Lucas this morning.

  She didn’t have long to wait. He was leaning against the kitchen counter, talking to Frankie as he rinsed some dishes.

  As soon as Lucas saw her, he crossed the room to greet her. With a brief kiss, before nodding in Frankie’s direction. “Frankie thought maybe you’d like some cinnamon rolls for breakfast this morning.”

  She understood his meaning. Thankfully her lips hadn’t clung to his, as they’d wanted to. He was kissing her for Frankie’s benefit. She cleared her throat.

  “That’s very thoughtful of you, Frankie, but really, it isn’t necessary to go to so much trouble.”

  “No trouble. How about some coffee, too?”

  “I’d love some.”

  To her surprise, it was Lucas who brought her coffee as she sat down at the table. “You shouldn’t wait on me, Lucas. I could’ve—”

  “Hey, it’s your first day in your new home. I think that deserves a little pampering,” he said and sat down beside her.

  Frankie brought a plate of warm cinnamon rolls to the table and then added a bowl of fresh fruit from the refrigerator.

  Nervous, Susannah smiled at the man. “Won’t you join us for a coffee break, Frankie? You must’ve been up early to make these rolls.”

  A smile broke across his face. “I don’t mind if I do. Boss, you want more coffee before I sit down?”

  Lucas shoved his cup forward as an answer. After pouring more coffee, Frankie joined them. Susannah struggled to eat, under two pairs of eagle eyes, while the men didn’t hesitate to finish several rolls.

  “When you’re through, we probably need to start opening gifts,” Lucas told her. “We got a delivery this morning from the church. Seems a lot of people left presents there, as well. You’re going to be writing thank-you notes for months.”

  Susannah turned to look at him. “What’s this you, Tonto? I thought we were in this together.”

  It was Lucas’s turn to stare. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean we will be writing thank-you notes. Not just me.” She smiled at his reaction.

  “But that’s woman’s work,” he protested, rearing back in his chair.

  “Come into the nineties,” she suggested dryly.

  “Susannah, I mean Mrs. Boyd, is right, Lucas. Men are supposed to do lady things these days. It says so in the magazines,” Frankie assured him.

  “When did you read a ladies’ magazine?” Lucas demanded, glaring at his cook.

  “At the dentist’s office in the Springs last year. You wouldn’t believe what they put in those magazines.”

  “Thank you for your support, Frankie. And, please, call me Susannah. It will take me a while to remember to respond to Mrs. Boyd.” She blinked several times as Lucas turned his glare on her. Was he upset that she expected him to help with the thank-you notes?

  “All right. I’ll do it, but you’ve got to help, too, Frankie,” he suddenly said.

  “Me? I can’t write no thank-you notes.”

  “No, but you can help open the presents. You and I will do the grunt work and Susannah can make a list of who gave us what.”

  Susannah downed her last sip of coffee and rose. “That sounds like a good plan. Let me rinse these dishes and—”

  “Here now, Susannah, that’s my job,” Frankie protested. “You’re not thinking of doing me out of my job, are you?”

  “Of course not, Frankie. I couldn’t do it half so well as you. But I don’t need to be waited on.”

  Frankie seemed pleased with her response, even as Lucas stared at her, frowning. She didn’t know what she’d done to upset him this morning, but she was pleased that Frankie would be with them. It eased the awkwardness a little.

  She’d thought the matter of opening presents would be quickly resolved, but when she entered the living room, the pile she’d seen last night seemed to have multiplied like rabbits.

  “Good heavens! I didn’t expect—this is too much.”

  “Yeah,” Lucas agreed, rubbing his nape in embarrassment. “Seems folks were real happy about me marryin’ again.”

  She watched him, her gaze greedily follo
wing every movement. She wasn’t surprised. For this man to be a hermit would be an incredible waste.

  “Here’s paper and a pen,” Frankie said, entering the room.

  “Well, let’s get started,” Lucas ordered.

  They worked for several hours, sharing laughter and appreciation for the various gifts they received. A handmade quilt almost brought tears to Susannah’s eyes, and she stroked the soft material as it lay across her lap.

  Lucas followed the movement of those hands, remembering how they’d touched him last night. And hungered for them to do so again.

  His instincts had been right. Susannah would be a wonderful mother. Her gentle hands would console and love a child.

  The bootjack, in the shape of a big frog, brought a different reaction. Amid giggles that felt like champagne bubbles in his stomach, she stared at the metal creation.

  “Show me how it works,” she insisted, pulling on Lucas’s arm.

  “Haven’t you used one before?”

  “No. I don’t own any boots.”

  He eyed her slender feet. “We’ll correct that situation real soon.”

  “Why would I need them?”

  “Darlin’,” he drawled, “you’re living on a ranch now. You’re the rancher’s wife. Of course you’ll need boots.”

  She stared at him but offered no argument. He put one foot on the jack and the heel of his other boot in the notch and pulled. The boot slid off.

  “Oh, I like that,” she said, clapping her hands.

  He raised one eyebrow, but a smile tugged at his lips. She liked a lot of things. He hoped one of them was his lovemaking.

  After lunch, organized by Frankie with the leftover food from the night before, Lucas put an end to their work. “We’ll finish later. I need a break.”

  “But we could—”

  “Nope,” he returned to Susannah’s protest. “You could use a nap. Yesterday was pretty stressful.”

  “A nap? I never—”


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