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Neither Man nor Beast

Page 38

by Carol J Adams

  Messina, Virginia, R. D. here

  Metis here

  Meyer, Lynn here

  mice here, here, here

  Midgley, Mary here, here

  militarism, animal abuse and here–here

  morality, emotion and here–here, here. See also ethical issues

  Morrison, Toni here, here

  Mulvey, Laura here

  Native Americans, hunting and here, here here, here here

  native peoples, animals and here


  politicizing the here–here, here–here

  social/political construction of the here–here, here–here, here–here

  naturism here–here, here

  Nochlin, Linda here

  Noddings, Nel here, here, here–here, here here

  nonbeing argument here

  Noske, Barbara here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  nutrition, and eating animals here–here. See also disease

  object/subject dichotomy. See subject/object dichotomy

  ontological status

  of animals here, here, here, here, here–here, here, here–here

  of feminists here

  of men here

  of women here, here–here, here, here, here, here, here


  epistemology and here–here

  human male gaze (arrogant eye) and here

  ideology and here, here

  Operation Rescue here, here

  oppression. See also patriarchy; solidarity; subject/object dichotomy

  additive models of here

  anthropocentrism and here–here

  defined here

  dehumanization and here–here

  and eating animals here, here–here, here–here

  economics and here–here

  environmental exploitation and here, here, here, here

  individuality and here–here

  interlocking systems of here, here–here, here, here

  as legitimating force of patriarchy here

  as natural here–here

  otherness and here–here, here

  protected status of here

  reality of here

  solidarity and here–here

  value dualisms and here, here

  Ortega y Gasset, José here

  otherness. See subject/object dichotomy

  overpopulation here–here, here here, here here

  Pacelle, Wayne here

  Paczensky, Susanne v. here, here here

  pain, of consciousness about animals here–here

  Park, Alice here

  Parker, Pat here

  Pateman, Carol here

  patriarchy. See also capitalism; men; oppression; subject/object dichotomy; theology, Christian patriarchal

  animal experimentation and here–here

  animal oppression as legitimating force for here

  body and here

  Cartesian dualism and here, here, here

  consequences separated from experiences by here–here

  consumption vs. production and here–here

  defined here

  epistemology and here, here

  human/animal dualism and here, here

  human male gaze (arrogant eye) and here–here

  interlocking systems of domination and here–here, here

  medicine and here

  militarism and here–here

  otherness and here

  pornography and here, here, here–here

  racism and here–here

  reality and here

  reason and here–here

  science and here, here, here

  sentimentalism and here

  peace, feminist politics of here–here

  Perdue, Frank here, here

  personal choice. See autonomy

  personhood. See also individuality

  abortion rights and here–here

  of animals here, here–here, here, here, here here

  second-person relationships and here–here, here–here, here, here

  pets here, here, here here, here here. See also animal abuse/pet abuse

  Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine here

  pigs here, here, here–here. See also eating animals

  Planned Parenthood here

  “plants have life too” argument here–here, here here, here here

  pluralism here–here

  Polhemus, Gretchen here

  political construction of the natural here–here, here–here, here–here

  political philosophy, and abuse of women and animals here–here

  politicizing the natural here–here, here–here

  pollution. See environmental exploitation

  population. See overpopulation

  pork. See eating animals


  animal experimentation and here–here, here, here–here

  animals and women linked in here, here–here, here, here–here, here, here

  environmental pollution and here here

  patriarchal culture and here, here, here–here

  racism and here

  repetition and here, here

  sexual harassment and here, here

  positivism here

  poultry. See chickens

  poultry workers here–here

  privacy. See also autonomy; self-determination

  discursive here–here, here–here

  public/private dualism here

  privilege here, here, here, here, here–here

  product testing here. See also animal experimentation

  public/private dualism here

  Quine, Willard here, here, here here

  race here, here–here


  animalizing discourse of here–here, here, here

  antiracist feminism here–here, here

  and eating animals here–here

  environmental issues and here

  freedom and here–here

  otherness and here–here

  pornography and here

  sexual violence and here–here, here–here

  somatophobia and here, here–here, here, here

  white privilege here, here

  rape here–here, here–here, here, here

  rape racks here

  rats here

  reason here–here, here–here

  Regan, Tom here, here, here, here

  regressive politics here

  relational epistemology here–here, here–here, here, here, here–here

  religion here, here, here, here, here. See also Bible; ritual abuse; theology

  representation here, here, here–here, here, here, here

  reproductive control of animals here–here, here, here–here. See also abortion rights and animal rights

  Rich, Adrienne here

  “rights” language here, here, here–here, here here

  ritual here–here, here, here

  Rose, Jacqueline here

  Rosie the Riveter here, here

  Rowan, Andrew here

  Ruddick, Sara here, here

  Ruether, Rosemary Radford here, here, here, here, here

  Russell, Diane here

  sadism here–here

  Sales, Ruby here

  Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth here, here, here

  science here, here, here, here–here, here, here–here, here, here. See also animal experimentation; knowledge

  Seaman, Barbara and Gideon here

  second-person relationships here–here, here–here, here, here

  second-person theology here–here

  second-person thinking here, here, here

  self-determination here–here, here. See also autonomy; privacy

  sentimentalism here, here, here–here, here, here, here here

  serial murderers here–here, here

  sexism here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  sexual politics of eating animals here

  Sexual Politics of Meat, The here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  sexual violence. See violence

  shelters for battered/homeless women here

  Silber, David here

  Singer, Peter here, here, here

  slaughterhouses here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here–here, here, here

  slavery, freedom and here–here

  Smith, Andy here here

  Smith, Beverly here

  social construction

  of edible bodies here–here, here–here, here

  of “meat” here, here–here, here, here

  of the natural here–here, here–here, here–here

  of reality here

  of species here here, here, here

  social domination. See oppression; patriarchy; subject/object dichotomy

  social justice issues, Adams’s basic position and here

  solidarity here, here–here

  animal defense movement structure and here–here

  anthropocentrism and here–here

  consciousness of oppression and here–here

  ecofeminism and here, here, here

  economics and here–here

  feminist-vegetarian conferences and here–here

  freedom and here–here

  interlocking systems of domination and here, here–here

  overview of issues here–here

  politics of otherness and here–here, here

  progressive, antiracist defense of animals and here–here

  racist animalizing discourse and here–here, here, here

  somatophobia here, here–here, here, here

  Sophocles here

  soul/body dualism here

  species here, here, here, here, here, here

  speciesism here, here, here, here, here, here

  Spelman, Elizabeth here, here, here–here

  Sperling, Susan here here

  Spinoza, Baruch here

  Spretnak, Charlene here, here here

  Stange, Mary Zeiss here, here here

  Stanton, Elizabeth Cady here

  Sterbak, Jana here

  stripping chimpanzee here, here–here

  subject/object dichotomy. See also Cartesian dualism; human/animal dualism; value hierarchies and dualisms

  animal experimentation and here–here, here–here

  feminism and here

  human male gaze (arrogant eye) and here–here

  logic of domination and here, here, here, here, here, here, here–here, here, here, here

  otherness and here–here, here, here

  racism and here–here

  science and here–here

  violence and here–here

  Taylor, Thomas here

  Teish, Luisah here


  Christian patriarchal here–here (see also Bible; religion)

  absolutes and universals and here–here

  anthropocentrism and here

  anthropomorphism and here–here, here, here here

  domination logic and here, here–here

  domination metaphors of here–here

  environmental exploitation and here, here, here

  god trick and here–here

  inner knowledge and here

  language and here

  “man of reason” and here–here

  ontology and epistemology and here, here–here

  overview of here–here

  transforming here–here

  value hierarchies and dualisms and here–here

  Christology of vegetarianism here here

  liberation here, here

  life-centered here–here

  second-person here–here

  Thomas, Clarence here, here

  Thomas, Keith here, here

  Thoreau, Henry David here

  Thucydides here

  Tompkins, Jane here, here

  trafficking in animals. See feminism, and eating animals

  Trump, Donald here, here

  Tuana, Nancy here, here here

  Ullyot, Joan here

  Vachss, Alice here, here

  Vadas, Melinda here

  value hierarchies and dualisms here, here, here, here–here, here, here. See also Cartesian dualism; human/animal dualism

  veal calves here, here, here. See also eating animals

  veganism here, here here

  vegetarianism. See also eating animals

  animal eater’s view vs. here–here, here, here–here

  anorexia and here

  body and here, here

  Christology of here here

  cost of vegetarian food here–here, here–here

  cultural exclusion of vegetarians here

  and discursive power of animal eaters here–here, here–here, here

  ecofeminism and here–here, here, here, here–here, here

  environmental consequences of here–here, here here

  as fad here

  feminism and here–here, here, here–here, here–here

  as “hang-up” here

  health and here, here–here

  and knowledge of means of flesh production here–here, here

  moralism of here–here

  as natural human diet here–here, here

  personhood of animals and here

  “plants have life too” argument here–here, here here, here here

  power of here

  relational epistemology and here–here, here–here, here, here

  as unnatural here–here

  as “unreal” here, here

  widening of meaning of here

  women historically and here

  Venus here, here, here

  Vestiges (Grant) here–here


  abortion rights and animal rights and here–here

  agency and here–here, here–here, here–here

  animal abuse/pet abuse (see animal abuse/pet abuse)


  common behaviors of batterers here–here

  defined here–here

  as ethical issue here

  examples of here–here

  lesbian here here

  pet abuse and here–here, here

  shelters and here

  by children toward animals here, here–here

  child sexual abuse (see children, sexual abuse of)

  hunting and here–here, here, here here, here here

  institutional (see eating animals, institutional violence of)

  intersection of forms of here–here

  biomedical ethics and here–here

  conceptual analysis of here–here

  empirical evidence for here–here

  environmental philosophy and here

  epistemological issues here–here

  feminist peace politics and here–here

  overview of here–here, here–here, here–here

  philosophical psychology and here–here

  political philosophy and here–here

  public policy and here

  public/private dualism and here

  somatophobia and here, here–here, here, here

  terminology here–here, here–here

  invisibility of here–here

  oppression and here

  pornography (see pornography)

  racism and here–here, here–here

  rape here–here, here–here, here, here

  rape culture here

  recovery from here

  serial murderers here–here, here

  sexual harassment here, here–here

  subject/object dichotomy and here

  suicide food here

  war here–here

  vivisection. See animal experimentation

  Von Rad, Gerhard here

  Walker, Alice here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Walker, Lenore here

  war, animal abuse and here–herer />
  Warren, Karen J. here, here, here, here–here, here, here, here–here, here, here here, here here

  Welch, Sharon here

  Westermann, C. here

  Whitbeck, Caroline here, here here

  white privilege. See racism

  Williams, Delores here

  Wolfe, Cary here, here

  Wollstonecraft, Mary here, here, here

  women. See also abortion rights and animal rights; feminism; pornography; violence

  animal defense movement and here, here, here here

  animal experimentation protested by here

  crones here–here

  diet and health of here

  link with animals here, here, here–here, here, here, here, here–here, here, here

  in pornography here, here–here, here, here–here, here, here

  women’s experiences and here, here–here, here–here

  medical patriarchy and here–here

  men vs. here, here, here–here, here

  ontological status of here, here–here, here, here, here, here, here

  Woolf, Virginia here, here, here here

  Zeus here

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  Originally published by the Continuum Publishing Company, 1994 Bloomsbury Revelations edition first published 2018

  © Carol J. Adams, 1994, 2018

  Preface to Bloomsbury Revelations edition © Carol J. Adams, 2018

  Carol J. Adams has asserted her right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as Author of this work.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publishers.

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  British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

  A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

  PB: 978-1-3500-4020-5

  ePDF: 978-1-3500-4022-9

  ePub: 978-1-3500-4021-2

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress.

  Series: Bloomsbury Revelations

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