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The Conan Chronology

Page 133

by J. R. Karlsson

  'I've no fear of anything so long as you are with me,' she said, and innocently pressed a full breast against his arm. At least, he thought it was innocently. 'But what is the matter with Akeba, Conan?' She herself had showed no effects from the roughest seas.

  'He's ill.'

  'I am so sorry. Perhaps if I brought him some soup?'

  'Erlik take the woman,' Akeba moaned faintly.

  'I think not just now,' Conan laughed. Taking Yasbet's arm he led her away from the heaving form on the rail and seated her on an upturned keg before him. His face was serious now.

  'Why look you so glum, Conan?' she asked.

  'An there is trouble,' he said quietly, 'here or ashore, stay close to me, or to Akeba if you cannot get to me. Sick or not, he'll protect you. Does the worst come, Sharak will help you escape. He is no fighter, but no man lives so long as he without learning to survive.'

  A small frown creased her forehead. When he was done, she exclaimed, 'Why do you speak as if you might not be with me?'

  'No man knows what comes, girl, and I would see you safe.'

  'I thought so,' she said with a warmth and happiness he did not understand. 'I wished it to be so.'

  'As a last resort, trust Tamur, but only if there is no other way' He thought the nomad was the best of the lot, the least likely to betray a trust, but it was best not to test him too far. As the ancient saying held, he who took a Hyrkanian friend should pay his burial fee beforetime. 'Put no trust in any of the rest, though, not even if it means you must find your way alone.'

  'But you will be here to protect me,' she smiled. 'I know it.'

  Conan growled, at a loss to make her listen. By bringing her along, for all he had done it for the best, he had exposed her to danger as great as Jhandar's, if different in kind. How could he bring that home to her? If only she were capable of her own protection. Her own....

  Rummaging in the bales of trade goods, the Cimmerian dug out a Nemedian sica, its short blade unsharpened. The Hyrkanian nomads liked proof that a sword came to them fresh from the forge, such proof as would be given by watching the first edge put on blunt steel.

  He flipped the shortsword in the air, catching it by the blade, and thrust the hilt at Yasbet. She stared at it wonderingly,

  'Take it, girl,' he said.

  Hesitantly she put a hand to the leather-wrapped hilt. He released his grip, and she gasped, almost dropping the weapon. ''Tis heavy,' she said, half-laughing.

  'You've likely worn heavier necklaces, girl. You'll be used to the weight in your hand before we reach Hyrkania.'

  'Used to it?'

  Her yelp of consternation brought chortles and hoots from three nearby sailors. The Hyrkanians looked up, still eating; Tamur's face split into an open grin.

  Conan ignored them as best he could, firmly putting down the thought of hurling one or two over the side as a lesson for the others. 'The broadsword is too heavy,' he said, glowering at the girl. 'Tulwar and yataghan are lighter, but there is no time to teach the use of either before we land. And learn the blade you will.'

  She stared at him silently with wide, liquid eyes, clutching the sword to her breasts with both hands.

  Raucous laughter rolled down the deck, and Muktar followed close behind the sound of his merriment.

  'A woman! You intend to teach a woman the sword?'

  Conan bit back an oath, and contented himself with growling, 'Anyone can learn the sword.'

  'Will you teach children next? This one,' Muktar crowed to his crew, 'will teach sheep to conquer the world.' Their mirth rose with his, and their comments became ribald.

  Conan ground his teeth, his anger flashing to the heat of a blade in the smith-fire. This fat, lecherous ape called itself a man? 'A gold piece says in the tenth part of a glass I can teach her to defeat any of these goats who follow you!'

  Muktar tugged at his beard, the smile now twisting his mouth into an emblem of hatred. 'A gold piece?'

  he sneered. 'I'd wager five on the ship's cook.'

  'Five,' Conan snapped. 'Done!'

  'Talk to her, then, barbar.' The captain's voice was suddenly oily and treacherous. 'Talk to the wench, and we'll see if she can uphold your boasting.'

  Already Conan was wishing his words unsaid, but the gods, as usual in such cases, did not listen. He drew Yasbet aside and adjusted her hands on the sword hilt.

  'Hold it so, girl.' Her hand was unresisting-and gripped with as much strength as bread dough, or so it seemed to him. She had not taken her eyes from his face. 'Mitre blast your hide, girl,' he growled. 'Clasp the hilt as you would a hand.'

  'You truly believe that I can do this,' she said suddenly. There was wonder in her voice, and on her face.

  'You believe that I can learn to use a sword. And defeat a man.'

  'I'd not have wagered on you, else,' he muttered, then sighed. 'I have known women who handled a blade as well as any man, and better than most. 'Tis not a weapon of brute muscle, as is an axe. The need is for endurance, and agility and quickness of hand. Only a fool denies a woman can be agile, or quick.'

  'But-to defeat a man!' she breathed. 'I have never even held a sword before.' Abruptly she frowned at the blade. 'This will not cut. Swords are supposed to cut. Even I know that.'

  Conan mouthed a silent prayer. 'I chose it for that reason, for practice. Now it will serve you better than another. The point can still draw blood, but you'll not kill this sailor by accident, so I'll not have to kill Muktar.'

  'I see,' she said, nodding happily. Her face firmed, and she started past him, but he seized her arm.

  'Not yet, wench,' he laughed softly. 'First listen. These smugglers are deadly with a knife, especially in the dark, but they are no warriors in the daylight.' He paused for that to sink in, then added. 'That being so, were this a true fight, he would likely kill you in the space of three breaths.'

  Dismay painted her face. 'Then how-'

  'By remembering that you can run. By encouraging his contempt for you, and using it.'

  'I will not,' she protested hotly. 'I have as much pride as any man, including you.'

  'But no skill, as yet. You must win by trickery, and by surprise, for now. Skill will come later. Strike only when he is off balance. At all other times, run. Throw whatever comes to hand, at his head or at his feet, but never at his sword for those objects he will easily knock aside. Let him think that you are panicked.

  Scream if you wish, but do not let the screaming seize you.'

  'I will not scream,' she said sullenly.

  He suppressed a smile. 'It would but make him easier to defeat, for he would see you the more as a woman and the less as an opponent.'

  'But the sword. What do I do with the sword?'

  'Beat him with it,' he said, and laughed at her look of complete uncomprehension. 'Think of the sword as a stick, girl,' Understanding dawned on her features; she hefted the sica with both hands like a club. 'And forget not to poke him' he added. 'Such as these usually think only to hack forgetting a sword has a point. You remember it, and you'll win.'

  'How long will you talk to the wench?' Muktar shouted. 'Your minutes are gone. An you talk long enough, perhaps Bayan will grow old, and even your jade can defeat him.'

  Beside the bearded sea captain stood a wiry man of middle height, his sun-darkened torso stripped to the waist. With his bare tulwar he drew gleaming circles of steel, first to one side then the other, a tight smile showing yellowed teeth.

  Conan's heart sank. He had hoped Muktar would indeed choose his fat ship's cook, or one of the bigger men of the crew, so as to intimidate Yasbet with her opponent's sheer size. Thus Yasbet's agility would count for more. Even if it meant eating his words, he could not allow her to be hurt. A bitter taste on his tongue, he opened his mouth to end it.

  Yasbet strode out to meet the seaman before Conan could speak, shortsword gripped in her two small hands. She fixed the man with a defiant glare. 'Bayan, are you called?' she sneered. 'From the look of you, it should be Baya,
for you have about you a womanish air.'

  Conan stood with his mouth still open, staring at her. Had the wench gone mad?

  Bayan's dark eyes seemed about to pop from his narrow head. 'I will make you beg me to prove my manhood to you,' he snarled.

  'Muktar!' Conan called. Yasbet looked at him, pleading in her eyes, and despite himself he changed what he had been about to say. 'This is but a demonstration, Muktar. No more. Does he harm her, you'll die a heartbeat after he does.'

  The bearded man jerked his head in a reluctant nod. Leaning close to Bayan he began whispering with low urgency.

  The wiry sailor refused to listen. Raising his curved blade on high, he leaped toward Yasbet, a snarling grimace on his face and a terrible ululating cry rising from his mouth.

  Conan put a hand to his sword hilt.

  Bayan landed before her without striking, though, and it was immediately obvious that he thought to frighten her into immediate surrender. His grimace became a gloating smile.

  Yasbet's face paled, but with a shout of her own she thrust the sword into the seaman's midsection. The unsharpened blade could not penetrate far, but the point was enough to start a narrow stream of blood, and the force of the blow bulged Bayan's eyes.

  He gagged and staggered, but she did not rest. Clumsily, but swiftly, she brought the blunted blade down like a club on the shoulder of his sword arm. Bayan's scream was not of his choosing, this time. His blade dropped from a hand suddenly useless. Before the tulwar struck the deck Yasbet caught him a glancing blow on the side of the head, splitting his scalp to the bone. With a groan Bayan sank to his knees.

  Conan watched in amazement as the wiry sailor tried desperately to crawl away. Yasbet pursued him across the deck, beating at his shoulders and back with the edgeless steel. Yelping, Bayan found himself against the rail. At one and the same time he tried to curl himself into a ball and claw his way through the wood to safety.

  'Surrender!' Yasbet demanded, standing above him like a fury. She stabbed at Bayan's buttocks, drawing a howl and a stain of red on his dirty once-white trousers.

  Hand on his dagger, Muktar started toward her, a growl rising in his throat. Suddenly Conan's blade was a shining barrier before the captain's eyes.

  'She won, did she not?' the young Cimmerian asked softly. 'And you owe me five gold pieces. Or shall I shave your beard at the shoulders?'

  Another shriek came from Bayan; the other buttock of his trousers bore a spreading red patch as well, now.

  'She won,' Muktar muttered. He flinched as Conan caressed his beard with the broadsword, then almost shouted, 'The wench won!'

  'See that this goes no further,' Conan said warningly. He got a reluctant nod in reply. When the Cimmerian thrust out his palm, the gold coins were counted into it with even greater reluctance.

  'I won!' Yasbet shouted. Waving her shortsword above her head, she capered gaily about the deck 'I won!'

  Conan sheathed his blade and swept her into the air, swinging her in a circle. 'Did I not say that you would?'

  'You did!' she laughed. 'Oh, you did! On my oath, I will believe anything that you tell me from this moment. Anything.'

  He started to lower her feet to the deck, but her arms wove about his neck, and in some fashion he found himself kissing her. A pleasant armful, indeed, he thought. Soft round breasts flattened against his broad chest.

  Abruptly he pulled her loose and set her firmly on the deck. 'Practice, girl. There's a mort of practice to be done before I grind an edge on that blade for you. And you did not fight as I told you. I should take a switch to you for that. You could have been hurt.'

  'But, Conan,' she protested, her face falling.

  'Place your feet so,' he said, demonstrating, 'for balance. Do it, girl!'

  Sullenly she complied, and he began to show her the exercises in the use of the short blade. That was the problem, he thought grimly, about setting out to protect a wench. Sooner or later you found yourself protecting her from you.


  Squatting easily on his heels against the pitching of the ship as it breasted long swells, Conan watched Yasbet work her blunted blade against a leather-wrapped bale of cloaks and tunics. Despite a freshening wind, sweat rolled down her face, but already she had gone ten times as long as she had managed the first day. She still wore her mannish garb, but had left off the woollen tunic, complaining that the coarse fabric scratched. The full curves of her breasts swelled at the lacings of her jerkin, threatening to burst the rawhide cords at her every exertion.

  Sword arm dropping wearily, she looked at him with artistic pleading in her eyes. 'Please, Conan, let me retire to my tent.' That tent, no more than a rough structure of grimy canvas, had been his idea, both to keep her from the constant wetting of sudden squalls and to shelter her sleep from lustful eyes. 'Please?

  Already I will be sore.'

  'There's plenty of liniment,' he said gruffly.

  'It smells. And it stings. Besides, I cannot rub it on my back. Perhaps if you-'

  'Enough rest,' he said, motioning her back to the bale.

  'Slaver,' she muttered, but her shortsword resumed its whacking against leather.

  Well over half their voyage was done. The coast of Hyrkania was now a dark line on the eastern horizon, though they had yet a way north to sail. Every day since placing the sica in her hands he had forced Yasbet to practice, exercising from grey dawn to purple dusk. He had dragged her from her blankets, poured buckets of water over her head when she whined of the midday heat, and threatened keelhauling when she begged to stop her work. He had tended and bandaged blisters on her small hands, as well, and to his surprise those blisters seemed at once a mark of pride to her and a spur.

  Akeba dropped down beside him, eyeing Yasbet with respect. 'She learns. An you teach so well, and to a woman, there is need of you in the army, to rain the many recruits we take of late.'

  'She has no ideas of swordplay to unlearn,' Conan replied. 'Also, she does exactly as I say'

  'Exactly?' Akeba laughed, lifting an eyebrow. At the look on Conan's face he pulled his countenance into an expression of exaggerated blandness.

  'Does your stomach still trouble you?' the youthful Cimmerian asked hopefully.

  'My head and my legs now ignore the pitching,' Akeba replied with a fixed grin.

  Conan gave him a doubtful look. 'Then perhaps you would like some well-aged mussels. Muktar has a keg of the ripest-'

  'No, thank you, Conan,' the Turanian said in haste, a certain tautness around his mouth. As though eager to change the subject, he added, 'I have not noticed Bayan about today. You did not drop him over the side, did you?'

  The Cimmerian's mouth tightened. 'I overheard him discussing his plans for Yasbet, and I spoke to him about it.'

  'In friendly fashion, I trust. 'Tis you who mutters that these sea rats would welcome an excuse to slit our throats.'

  'In friendly fashion,' Conan agreed. 'He is nursing his bruises in his blankets this day.'

  'Good,' the Turanian said grimly. 'She is of an age with Zorelle.'

  'A tasty morsel, that girl,' Sharak said, sitting down on Conan's other side. 'Were I but twenty years younger I would take her from you, Cimmerian.'

  Yasbet's sword clanged on the deck, drawing all three men's eyes. She glared at them furiously. 'I am no trained ape or dancing bear that you three may squat like farm louts and be entertained by me!'

  She stalked away, then back to snatch up the sica-her eyes daring them to speak, as she did-and marched down the deck to disappear within her small tent before the mast.

  'Your wench begins to develop a temper, Conan,' Sharak said, staring after her. 'Perhaps you have made a mistake in teaching her to use a weapon.'

  Akeba nodded with mock gravity. 'She is no longer the shy and retiring maiden that once she was, Cimmerian, thanks to you. Of course, I realise that she is no longer a maiden at all, also thanks to you, but at least you could gentle her before she begins challenging us all to mortal combat.

  'How can you talk so?' Conan protested. 'But moments gone you likened her to your own daughter.'

  'Aye,' Akeba said gravely, his laughter gone. 'I was much concerned with Zorelle's virtue while she lived. I see things differently now. Now she is dead, I hope that she had what joy she could of her life.'

  'I have not touched her,' Conan muttered reluctantly, and bridled at their disbelieving stares. 'I rescued her. She's innocent and alone, with none to protect her but me. Mitra's Mercies! As well ask a huntsman to pen a gazelle fawn and slay it there for sport.'

  Sharak hooted with laughter. 'The tiger and the gazelle. But which of you is which? Which hunter, which prey? The wench has you marked, Cimmerian.'

  ''Tis true,' Akeba said. He essayed a slight smile. 'The girl is among those aboard this vessel who think her your wench. Zandru's Nine Hells, do you think to be a holyman?'

  'I may let the pair of you swim the rest of the way,' Conan growled. 'I tell you....' His words trailed off as Muktar loomed over the three men.

  The bull-necked man tugged at his beard, spread fan-shaped across his chest, and eyed Conan with speculation. 'We are followed,' he said finally. 'A galley.'

  Conan rose smoothly to his feet and strode to the stern, Akeba and Sharak scrambling in his wake.

  Muktar followed more slowly.

  'I see nothing but water,' the Turanian sergeant complained, shading his eyes. Sharak muttered agreement, squinting furiously.

  Conan saw the follower, though, seeming no more than a chip on the water in the distance, but with the faint sweep of motion at its sides that told of long oars straining for speed.

  'Pirates?' Conan asked. Although there were many such on the Vilayet Sea, he did not truly believe those who followed were numbered among them.

  Muktar shrugged. 'Perhaps.' He did not sound as if he believed it either.

  'What else could they be?' Akeba demanded.

  Muktar glanced sideways at Conan, but did not speak.

  'I still see nothing,' Sharak put in.


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