Alien Romance Box Set: Uoria Mates Complete Series (Books 1 - 10): A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance

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Alien Romance Box Set: Uoria Mates Complete Series (Books 1 - 10): A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance Page 37

by Ruth Anne Scott

  “Son of a bitch! What the hell was that for?”

  “F—for—” she threw her hands up in the air and glared at me. “You know why.”

  I didn’t and damn she packed a punch. She hit harder than some of the guys I’d beaten the shit of. “You hit fuckin’ hard.”

  She shrugged. “Yeah well I was raised to be violent.” She looked at the rose on the floor and then her eyes shot back to mine. “What’s that for?” she asked and pointed to it.

  I leaned and picked it up and even though half the petals fell to the floor I held it out for her. “It’s for you.”

  She eyed it and I saw the spark of something in her eyes. “Why?”

  “Because I wanted to. It was much prettier before your brother slammed me into the wall.”

  “Yeah well I told you I was busy today. I didn’t want him to know about our semester long assignment. Now he’ll run back to my dad all worried and concerned. Like I can’t handle myself, and it will be your fault when my dad shows up here causing problems for you. I don’t want that. I wouldn’t wish that upon my worst enemy.”

  I stood and ignored the pain in my eye and walked towards her. She backed up but I didn’t stop. I could almost hear the sound of her heart beating, and it matched my own. “You can’t fight me forever.”

  She glared and kept backing away. “I can certainly try.”

  When I wrapped my arms around her she sighed and laid her head on my chest. “I can’t do this. All it would do is cause problems neither of us wants. There would be violence and someone would end up hurt. And that someone would be you. I couldn’t stand the thought of that. It’s better if you forget me.” She pulled back from me. “I’m going to ask the professor to switch to one of the others. That way we don’t have to be around each other.”

  “No Hannah, you can’t do that.”

  “I can.”

  “No seriously I need you. You’re mine.”

  She glared, “I am not a thing to own.”

  I sighed and tried to grab her again, but she shoved me back.

  “I just meant you’re my partner, and I care about you. The other guys, they’re asses.”

  “Then I’ll drop the class.”

  I couldn’t let that happen. For now I had to give her what she wanted. It killed me but to keep her I had to lose her—for now. “Fine, I’ll back off. We can study in public and—and I’ll keep everything strictly professional.”

  She seemed to notice my panic and tilted her head. “You’ll stay out of my dreams?”

  “I’ll try, but you can’t call to me either. I won’t resist if you do.” I lowered my head holding back my emotions. Damn this sucked. I hadn’t even gotten to know her, and already I had to give her up. I got it, really I did, but it sucked. She was mine, and one day she would know it, but for now I knew if I pushed I might actually lose her. “If you need a new partner, try Aux, he’s my roommate, and he’s nicer than some of the others. More respectful.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “I won’t call to you. And thank you. If you and I both talk to the professor together maybe he’d be more willing to switch us.”

  If I couldn’t have her, touch her, or show her how I felt I wasn’t losing my only way of seeing her too. I wanted to stay her partner even if she made me follow some strict ass rules. I’d obey them—for her, but I prayed the professor was as much of a hard ass as he appeared. Already I craved her touch, her taste, and if she got away from me I’d lose my goddamn mind.

  Chapter 1


  I walked next to Hannah praying the professor was the ass he proclaimed to be. She walked down to his desk like she owned the place. Her confidence was hot, but I hated how she kept distance between us. I knew her reasoning for staying away, but I didn’t like it, not one little bit. The only thing that came out of it was that I knew she liked me too. She wouldn’t be trying so hard to keep me safe if she didn’t. Thing was, I didn’t care what her father thought. I didn’t care what her brother thought either. He was a big guy, but he didn’t scare me. Losing Hannah is what scared me. I knew that I would lose my shit if one of the other guys laid their hands on her.

  He looked up from beneath his glasses making his eyes appear bigger than they actually were. It was a nice intimidation trick.

  “What can I do for you Miss Nichols?”

  She didn’t fidget. “I need a new partner.”

  He stared at her with a look that said he didn’t care. “No.”

  “I’m not trying to get out of the project, I just can’t work with him,” she said and pointed at me. I stood casual, but inside my heart thumped.


  “He’s annoying, and he doesn’t take things seriously. I need to keep my GPA up, and if he blows me off all the time then I’ll be screwed.”

  I wanted to defend myself—again, but I’d already apologized for falling asleep.

  “He seems to be taking things seriously to me. He’s here while you bash on him. Miss Nichols I know who your father is and I know this might come as a surprise, but I think your dad is a bastard, and I also think this is exactly what you need.”

  Her cheeks turned beet red. “This has nothing to do with how I was raised, Professor, and I agree. My father is a bastard, but it’s this particular person I don’t want to work with.”

  The professor chuckled and his belly shook. I wondered why he was so amused.

  “Oh, I get it now. The answer is still no. I can’t make exceptions for you or the whole class will be bothering me all day. You drew his name. He’s yours for the semester. Deal with it or fail. Your choice.”

  I did my best to hide my triumph, but she noticed and when she glared at me I knew I’d pay for enjoying this so much.

  She fisted her hands and her head went up. Through clenched teeth she seethed. “Fine, since I have no choice.”

  Then without waiting for me she turned her heel and stormed out. I stayed behind and smiled at the professor, who was really an ass. “Thank you sir,” I said and then jogged to catch up to my very angry mate.

  “Hannah wait please,” I hollered but she kept going, and she was pretty fast.

  I caught up to her and grabbed her elbow. My mistake because in a move I didn’t see coming she flipped me over her shoulder and slammed me to the ground and then she was straddling me. I swore I had died and went to heaven. The pain didn’t even bother me.

  “Don’t Wyser. I know this makes you incredibly happy, but you know why I did it. I wasn’t trying to be a bitch, I was trying to protect you, you asshat!”

  When she went to get off of me my hands gripped her hips pulling her against my hardening body. “You don’t want to stay away from me.”

  She finally became aware of the crowd forming and blushed before pushing herself off of me. This time I let her go. “I explained my reasoning, and I won’t do it again.”

  She stormed off pissed or maybe she wasn’t pissed at all. Maybe she was scared. She didn’t want her father coming here and hurting me. That was the whole reason she said she couldn’t be my partner. I didn’t care what he thought, and I’d be ready for him. As much as his name scared a lot of my kind, it didn’t have that effect on me. Now more than ever I didn’t like him.

  I stood back watching her leave. I knew she was running scared. In a way it was really sweet, and I wasn’t sure Hannah really knew what sweet was. She was a hard ass and violent. Though her sort of violence ended up turning me on more than it should, and I wondered if I should have been concerned about my sanity. She was hot when she was pissed. It made me want to do stupid shit all the time.

  I knew where she was heading so I took my time walking to her dorm giving her time to cool off. By the time I made it across campus I hoped she was feeling more receptive. Climbing the stairs I smiled. She would do her best to keep me away, but I was born to push boundaries, and each day I would wiggle my way further into her subconscious, her heart, until she didn’t ca
re any longer what her father thought. One day his opinion wouldn’t matter. I hoped she wouldn’t be able to walk away from me forever. I would never love, never mate, or have a family if she did. She owned me. I was hers even if she didn’t want me. Noxium were loyal to a fault, and when we loved we loved hard and forever. We didn’t believe in affairs.

  I knocked on the door and heard her grumbled, “Shit,” through the door. “Go away Wyser,” she said strained. The hairs on my neck stood and I pounded on her door.

  “Let me in Hannah.”


  “I’ll break this fucking door down if you don’t.”

  The lock clicked and she opened the door. Her face was red with tears and backed away as I pushed my way into her room. I shut the door and locked it so we wouldn’t have any visitors.

  “Princess, what’s wrong?”

  She shook her head and glared through her tears. “I don’t fucking cry you asshole.”

  The chuckle escaped before I could stop it but it only made her angrier. “Why are you crying then?”

  She shoved me back when I stepped to close. “Because—because of you. You didn’t help at all. You just stood there with that stupid unaffected smirk on your face and the professor knew it was only me who wanted out. I thought you were going to help—”

  “No I never said I’d help. I said I’d follow your damn rules if he wouldn’t let us switch partners.”

  She threw her hands up in the air in frustration. “What was the point in going to him then?”

  I moved closer to her and her eyes flared. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t give you up. It’s the only way I’m going to get to see you now. You already told me that. I had to have an excuse to be around you. I won’t apologize for wanting to use this semester as a reason to be with you.”

  She blew out a breath blowing strands of her hair out of her face. “That’s so stupid yet so sweet.”

  She threw me off constantly with her mood swings. I never knew what to expect from her. That’s why when I felt her lips on mine I sucked in a breath. They were soft and she moved them experimentally on mine. I held as still as possible until she ran her tongue along my lip. That was all I could take before I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. I deepened the kiss and groaned when I felt her hand slid up the back of my shirt. She dug her blunt nails into my skin, but the sting didn’t bother me, not when she whimpered trying to get closer to me.

  I yanked my lips from hers breathing heavily. My senses heightened and my skin tingled with need. I wanted so badly to mate, but I wasn’t going to push it no matter how hard it was to keep my hands from sliding between her legs to feel how much she wanted me.

  Her eyes widened and then she shoved me back licking her swollen lips. “No, this can’t keep happening.” Her voice low and raw with the passion we’d just shared.


  “No I already told you. My rules or I drop and go home. I can’t let anything happen to you dammit.”

  “Nothing will.”

  She shook her head. “You have no idea. I’m trying to protect your fucking ass, and you’re just going to keep pushing it.”

  “I can’t let you go. You’re my mate, the one, my soul mate; however you want to hear it. That’s not something that I can just shove aside all right? I’ll behave after this, but right now I need to know how you feel. That might help.” It wouldn’t. It would drive me crazy with need, but at least I’d know that it would be worth it. I’d know that she was feeling what I was.

  “You’re not stupid, you know how I feel.”

  I stepped into her space again crowding her. It’s what I did best. “No, you have to tell me.”

  She sighed and closed the distance and whispered, “I’ve never felt this way before. The way my heart pounds and the flutters in my stomach, so much I feel sick, yet it’s a feeling I wouldn’t trade anything for. I think about you all the time, and I feel like a giddy girl, and if you haven’t figured it out by now that isn’t me. I think about all the things you could do to my body and I get turned on when I realize for the first time I want to know what the big deal is about sex, only with you I know it will be so much more—” she brushed her lips on mine and pulled back. “Is that honest enough for you?”

  I gulped surprised by her words and nodded. “I—yes, but now it makes me want to take you to bed and show you how good this will be. I need a distraction to keep me from ripping your clothes off of your body, kiss me again.”

  She nodded and lifted up on her toes and cupped my face in her hands. She kissed me, softly sweetly, and I knew she was unpracticed, but she gave it her all. I felt everything she said in that kiss. I walked her back against the wall and took her hands in mine and lifted them above her head lacing our fingers together and then I kissed her the way I’d been dreaming of. I kissed her the way that took the breath from us both and left us panting. Burying my face in her neck I took in her scent and licked behind her ear. “One day Hannah, you’ll be mine.”

  Her whispered, “I hope so,” did little to ease the ache I felt.

  Chapter 2


  “One day Hannah, you’ll be mine.”

  I needed him to stop, to leave, and keep his promise. I was torn. A part of me was pissed that I fell too deeply for him and wanted him so badly. The other part swooned, and for the first time in my life I felt what real attraction was. Already a part of me needed him. I felt it down to the very depths of my soul. We were soul mates. He’d told me, but I wasn’t the type of girl who believed in the fairy tale ending. I grew up with Eli Nichols for fucks sake. He certainly didn’t raise me to be soft, but since meeting Wyser a part of me had softened, if only for him.

  The feel of his body against mine brought on such a need. It made me rethink everything. My whole life, all the hate my father ingrained in my head suddenly felt so small to what I was feeling.

  His lips were on my neck and he kissed a path to my chest and kissed me above my shirt. My heart pounded in my ears, and I let out the long drawn moan I tried holding back. His body hardened against mine and I squirmed. My body was on fire.

  “What do you want me to do Hannah?”

  That was the question. What did I want? As hard as it was I had to stop this—before it went too far, only I was afraid it already had. “Stop, please.” I forced the words out even when my body mourned the loss of his touch. The second I said the words he stepped away from me. “I can’t.”

  He nodded but I could see the hurt. “I better go.”

  For the first time Wyser left me alone and didn’t look back. I watched him walk out of my door and then down the hall. His back was stiff and he moved fast. I wasn’t sure how we would move past this. Over and over I repeated the same thing. I was trying to protect him. I explained it to him. He knew how I felt I explained that too. So why did I feel so horrible? Why did I feel like Wyser had just taken my heart with him?

  My phone chimed, and I glared at the name that scrolled across the screen. It was Ryan.

  “Hello,” I said trying to bury my anger.

  “Is everything all right?”

  I rolled my eyes even though he couldn’t see. “Of course it is. I told you, I know how to take care of myself.”

  “What about that—Noxi?” his words were poorly digested, and left a bad after taste.

  “I told you I had that handled. Now who’s the fucking older one? Ryan, back the hell off. I’ve got my shit in order. How about you?”

  He was quiet for a minute before I hear his sigh. “Dad’s losing’ his mind. I swear he is seeing things that aren’t there.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “He’s all paranoid, and he’s getting meaner if you can believe that.”

  I might not have liked my father much—but he was the only one I was given. “I’ll come home then.”

  “NO!” something rustled in the background. “I mean, no it’s okay. He’d k
ill me if he knew I’d told you.”

  “Fine, but you have to tell me what’s going on. I can’t help if I don’t know.”

  “Okay Hannah.”

  “Love you Ry,” I said and hung up.

  The whole conversation was weird, but I had a feeling something was going to happen. Keeping Wyser away right now was the best bet. If my father was even more off his rocker, than I’d do well to remember all the things I was taught.

  The rest of the day was spent doing school work. It felt like I had a ton and it was six hours before my grumbling stomach pulled me out of my zone. My stomach growled again and I sighed. I was worried about leaving. I had a feeling Wyser would be persistent, and I wasn’t in the right mind to keep saying ‘no’. Not when my body and my heart screamed ‘yes’.

  I pulled on a new tee shirt and took a deep breath before leaving my room, locking the door behind me. I made my way to the Commons area without getting stopped. Nibbling my lip I cringed when I realized I was actually disappointed he wasn’t waiting for me. Hell I was so screwed up.

  I’d never been conflicted about anything in my life, and I found I didn’t like it. Life and decisions were supposed to be simple, and if my father wasn’t the man who started the biggest hate group and rebellion then maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. If I was just a normal girl at college I’d be able to do what I pleased.

  When I entered the room the chatter surrounded me. The room was filled, and I scanned each face wondering if Wyser was around. I didn’t see him and shrugged shaking off my wave of disappointment. I went to the line and grabbed my food and paid. I didn’t feel the need to stick around so I left without looking back. Food in hand I slowly made my way back to my room. I never realized how lonely I was.

  I was in my own world and hadn’t even heard him approach until his hand gripped my arm. On instinct I dropped my food and slammed my elbow back. Instead of hearing the satisfying crunch that told me I’d landed the blow he grabbed my arm and spun me.


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