Alien Romance Box Set: Uoria Mates Complete Series (Books 1 - 10): A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance

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Alien Romance Box Set: Uoria Mates Complete Series (Books 1 - 10): A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance Page 38

by Ruth Anne Scott

  “That’s not very nice princess.”

  I gasped when he brushed his lips on mine. I didn’t pull away and oh how I should have. Each touch made it harder. When all I really wanted to do was be with him.

  “Don’t sneak up on me then, especially in the dark. It’s been a long day, and I’m tired and hungry.”

  “Then I guess you should eat.”

  I nodded. “I really should.”

  He grabbed my hand ignoring my food on the ground. I didn’t ask questions. Instead I let myself go and let him lead me. At the point I would have let him take me anywhere.

  Chapter 3


  I loved that she let go when I was around. All day I had to keep myself away, but when I saw her walking alone I couldn’t resist. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to stay away. Hannah was just going to have to deal. I understood she thought I would be in danger by being near her, but I was in more danger of losing my fucking mind if she kept me away.

  It was hard to tell how she was going to react. This time she followed behind me as I led her back to my small apartment. We didn’t get dorms like the humans, but it was better this way. I had a kitchen. I wasn’t too happy about sharing my space with two others, but Aux was actually a pretty cool laid back dude. I still hadn’t gotten over Ayres’s comment and I hoped he wasn’t home.

  We stopped in front of the building and she yanked back on my hand. “Where are we going?”

  I smiled. “To get you some dinner before you starve to death.” I chuckled when I heard her stomach growl and she blushed.

  “I got distracted today.”

  “Well, let’s go inside. The others may or may not be there. Just ignore them. Aux is okay, but Ayres, well he hopefully will run when he sees you.”


  I shrugged. There was no need to tell her if she didn’t see his face. It was black and blue. I smirked every time I thought about it. It would teach him to watch how he talked about women, especially my woman.

  “What if they don’t like me?”

  She was worried about meeting his friends. He would have laughed if it wasn’t so sweet. She was starting to show a different side of herself, and he loved it. At least around him she wasn’t so hard and uncaring like she appeared to be.

  “They’ll love you, and if they don’t fuck ‘em.”

  She nodded, but he could still sense her nerves as he led her upstairs to his apartment. He’d never brought a girl home—ever.

  Climbing the stairs pushed out the thoughts of his family. He wasn’t sure they would approve of her any more than her father would approve of him. Well not as bad as her father. His family wasn’t violent.

  He opened the door and the smell of dinner filled his nose. Aux was home. He was the cook.

  “That’s smells so good,” Hannah said.

  He nodded and shut the door. He pulled her towards the small kitchen and Aux spun around with a spatula in his hand and his eyes widened.

  “Well hello there,” he said with his dimpled smile.

  She smiled. “Hi.”

  “Well, I’m Aux, and you must be Hannah.”

  She nodded. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “It’s nice to meet you too, are you eating with us tonight?”

  “Yes, she is.”

  Aux eyed her curiously, and I held back my jealousy. He wasn’t like Aryrs.

  “Good, it’ll be nice to have a female around. You’re not allergic to anything are you? My partner Nessa is allergic to everything.”

  “Thank god I’m not.”

  Aux laughed. “Good, it’ll be ready in ten.” Then he looked at me. “Aryrs will be here too. He’s in his room now. Maybe you ought to let him know she’s here so he doesn’t make an ass out of himself—again.”

  I nodded and left Hannah with Aux while I went to the closed bedroom door. I knocked and then opened the door. “Hey, Hannah’s here. Don’t be a douche.”

  He glared at me—at least I think he did, but he nodded. “Okay. Now fuck off.”

  I shut the door holding back my chuckle from his lisp. I’d hit him hard, and that shouldn’t have thrilled me as much as it did, but well hell it did.

  When I got back into the kitchen Hannah was perched on the stool talking to Aux

  “Yeah, my family isn’t too—”

  “Keen on our relationship right?” I finished for her.

  She rolled her eyes. “If that isn’t the biggest understatement of the century.”

  Aux shrugged. “It shouldn’t matter what your parents think. Once you feel that call of the mating bond there is not denying it. It’s impossible so they might as well get used to the fact that their daughter is mating with a Noxi.”

  “Do you know from experience?” she asked.

  He blushed. “Well, no, but I’ve heard about it, and if its anything like I’ve been told you’re probably having a very hard time being away from him, just as bad as he is from you.”

  Hannah nodded. “Yeah well if he wouldn’t follow me around maybe I’d get a chance to feel that. So far though he’s always around.” She laughed when Aux’s eyes widened and I laughed.

  “I can’t help it.” I wasn’t ashamed of how I felt.

  She looked at me and her eyes were soft. “I know.”

  There was a moment. Everything froze as our eyes stayed locked on each other. So much was said with no words at all. In that moment she was open to me. I could see how she felt in her eyes. In the way her chest heaved. Nothing or no one else mattered.

  “Get a fuckin’ room.” It was Aryrs who shattered the moment and if Hannah wouldn’t have gasped when she saw his face I would have kicked his ass—again.

  “You never learn do you?” Aux said in exasperation.

  Hannah didn’t seem to care. She hopped off the stool and walked up to him. Glaring at him she leaned in crooking her finger. He leaned in too. “Apparently you already had your ass handed to you—I’d refrain from pissing me off. I’m not as nice as the other guy.” Then she punched him in the gut before backing away.

  Aux’s laughter broke up the tension. I watched to make sure Aryrs wasn’t going to do something stupid. Instead he held his hands up and watched her leery.

  “Sorry,” he grumbled before he stormed out of the apartment.

  Aux was still laughing when Hannah sat back on the stool.

  “What?” she asked irritated.

  “You two are terrible. He can’t take much more from you guys. But that was fucking hilarious. You’re a tough bitch aren’t you?”

  She looked back at me. “You did that to him?”



  “He said something about you he shouldn’t have.”

  Her eyes widened, and then her frown tilted up into a small smile. He shook his head confused by her. She seemed totally at ease that he fucked his roommate up.

  “Let’s eat,” Aux said changing the subject.

  She dug in without a word until she realized both me and Aux were staring at her. She covered her mouth and blushed. “Oh was I supposed to wait or something?”

  “No princess, eat. It’s fine, we just aren’t used to seeing women eat like that.”

  Her blush deepened before she shrugged. “I haven’t eaten all day so I’m starving.”

  Aux sat down on her other side and I sat right next to her. My thigh brushed hers and she glanced down for a second before continuing to eat. She wasn’t kidding. She was hungry, and she wasn’t uptight about eating. For the next ten minutes there was nothing but the sound of chewing as we ate our dinner. It felt right having Hannah around. She fit in, a lot more than she probably thought. Take her out of her comfort zone and she seemed to do great. It was almost like she was meant to be a part of our kind. Not living with two hate filled men.

  I’d do my best to take her away from that. It was only a matter of time before our relationship got back to her fathe
r. I would do anything to keep Hannah safe, but I had a feeling she would do the same—for me. I expected tomorrow to be a day where she ignored me. She was random with her acceptance of me. It was like she was constantly battling with herself. In truth that was probably what was happening. She seemed too lost, and I wanted to make everything better for her.

  Chapter 4


  The dinner was great and even Aux was someone that I could see myself being friends with. I noticed something about Aux that I hadn’t quite paid attention to on Wyser though. Maybe because it wasn’t as noticeable? But then I remembered our dreams. Why hadn’t I seen them then? It was a question I had to ask.

  Aux had a silver intricate tattoo around his right eye that went down that side of his face and covered his neck. I didn’t see where it finished because he had a shirt on, but it made me pay more attention to Wyser.

  When he walked me home I felt like I didn’t want him to leave. He seemed to sense my need because he kicked the door shut and backed me to my bed. I didn’t fight him when I lay down and he crawled into my bed with me and wrapped his arms tightly around me. I let out a breath.

  “Thank you.”

  “For what princess?”

  “For not making me ask.”

  His breath on my neck sent tingles down my spine, and I squirmed closer setting my back against his chest and my ass against him. He hardened and I rubbed against him.

  “You better stop that Hannah.”

  The way he said my name drew my attention, and I reached my arm back pulling him against me. I wanted there to be no space between us. If only for a little while.

  “I want to see your tattoos.”

  “It’s not exactly a tattoo, more like a birthmark so to speak.”

  I spun and looked into his pale blue eyes and ran my finger over the part I could see. “I want to see the whole thing.”

  He nodded and moved me off of him and sat up pulling his shirt over his head.

  I gasped and ran my finger over her chest. “They’re beautiful. How come I didn’t see these in our dreams?”

  “They were hidden.”


  “Because I wanted to be as normal for you as possible. In the dreams I can.”

  I shook my head and leaned forward kissing his chest. The pattern went from his neck all the way down covering the whole left side of his chest. “I love them.”

  He tipped my head up. “Really?”

  I nodded. “What do they mean?”

  “They appeared when I hit puberty so to speak. When I was basically an adult, and when I received my gift.”

  “I see.”

  I couldn’t keep my hands from following the design all the way down. Pushing him back against my pillow I finished tracing the path to right below his shorts. His hand gripped mine and pulled my greedy fingers away from his skin.

  “Princess,” he said and his voice was low, warning me.

  Instead of heeding his warning I climbed on top of him straddling his lap. His erection rubbed against the sensitive place between my legs. The yoga pants did nothing to stop the pleasure. I moaned and rubbed against him more. I didn’t know what was wrong with me. Never before had I felt like this. I’d never been aroused—not like this, but since meeting him sex was all I could think about.

  “I want you,” I said, but the voice couldn’t have been mine. I didn’t sound breathless, or sexy.

  He groaned and gripped my hips stalling my movements. “I can’t do that.”

  I frowned. “Why not? Don’t you want me?”

  He chuckled humorlessly. “Of course I do, don’t you feel that,” he said and ground into me. I gasped and bit my lip.

  “Then why not?” I didn’t even care I was whining.

  I leaned down and kissed him rocking my body against his. I hurt so badly. He kissed me back slowly, more controlled and I nipped his lip. His hands tightened on me as I rode him. I wanted the fabric between us gone, but he wasn’t giving in.

  “You’ll be mad at me tomorrow.” His voice was strained and he flipped me onto my back. “I do want you princess, so much, but I need to know you’re in it for real. There is no turning back once I slide inside of you. I won’t be able to stop the bond from forming, and I don’t want you to have regrets. When we mate it will be when you’re ready, not just because you’re horny.”

  Being caged underneath his body was more arousing, and even though I understood his words, I wanted to deny the truth, but I couldn’t, not even in the state I was in. Instead I kissed him and gripped his back holding him close. We kissed deeply until we were both panting and his erection dug into me. I felt bad, but I loved that he held back. He was respecting me.

  “Will you stay here—with me?”

  He nodded, and I couldn’t get over how beautiful he was. His skin was dark but his eyes were light, as were his markings. His hair was black, but white in random places. He was truly unique, but it didn’t distract from the dimple on his right cheek or the sexy smirk he always wore.

  He brushed his lips on mine and then rolled to the side. He pulled me against his body. Warmth washed over me, and I realized he made me feel safe. Knowing I was wrapped in his strong capable hands made things even more difficult. I was addicted to his touch, his presence, hell everything about him. He was smart, and we could sit and talk about anything or nothing at all.

  “I want to know more about you.”

  “What you do you want to know princess.”

  It was funny how it didn’t bother me anymore. Now it made me have that goofy girly smile. “I don’t know anything. What do you like to do?”

  “For fun? I spend a lot of time reading. Noxium like knowledge, and we spend a lot of our time reading and learning new things. I like to write sometimes, and physically I like to run, but I haven’t been doing that enough lately.”

  I rolled onto my stomach and ran my finger over his marks. “What do you write about?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know anything. Sometimes it’s a story, poetry, lyrics. Aux writes music, plays guitar so we pretty much click with music. I do lyrics and he does melody.”

  “Can I read something you’ve written sometime?”

  “Of course. What about you?”

  “I run track. I spend my time exercising, I really like mixed martial arts. I’ve been looking for a gym around here, but no one will take me because I’m a woman.”

  “Maybe we can help you. My brother is in to all of that.”

  “You have a brother?”

  “Oh yeah, he’s young. I’m eight, which makes me way older than you by the way. Even ten years you age, I only age one. My brother is six. He stays home. He just came into his gift. He was a late bloomer. It could be because Ma was carrying him when we came here. Your world has changed us a lot over the years.”

  “You only have one brother?”

  “Yeah, my sister died back home when everything fell apart. It sort of made my mom panic. She hates that I don’t stay home. She is always worrying someone is going to hurt me. I try to tell her I can take care of myself, but that’s why she makes Aels train me.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Nah, it’s okay. We don’t mourn the way you do. She is at peace and her spirit will move on into another soul, and she will be reborn, one day.”

  “You believe in reincarnation?”

  “That’s a big thing for us. We’re all reborn.” He ran his hand through my hair. “So it’s just your dad and brother?”

  “Yeah, mom was mur—died when I was younger. Ryan barely remembers her. I only have a few memories.”

  He knew what I was going to say. “Who killed her?”

  Tears filled my eyes. “Dad saw. He said he tried to save her, but it was too late. It all happened to fast.”

  “A Noxi.”

  I nodded.

  “So that’s why his hate is so strong, why your brother’s is. How come you�
��re so accepting?”

  “I can’t blame you all for one man. It would be the same in reversed. I have a lot of hate, I won’t lie. My father raised me that way, but I have my own mind, and I’m breaking away from that hate—especially now. I can’t hate your kind and love you at the same time.”

  I froze. I hadn’t meant to say it, but Wyser’s eyes went wide and he opened his mouth. I covered his lips with my hands and shook my head pleading with him to ignore the word that had slipped out.

  Chapter 5


  She loved me? I wanted so badly to ask if it was true, but her eyes begged me not to ask the words that were on the tip of my tongue. I nodded and smiled. Now I knew. She felt what I did. If I wasn’t sure before, the words she accidently said gave me the hope I was severely lacking.

  She wasn’t as hard as she portrayed. Really Hannah had a good heart; she was just raised in inconvenient circumstances. I hadn’t known her mother was murdered. It explained why her dad wouldn’t let it go and leave them alone.

  Instead of pushing I held her and ran my fingers through her hair. She relaxed lying on my chest. When her breath evened out I slid out from under her. I went to her desk and pulled out a piece of paper leaving her a note.


  Had to go train with the bro. See you in class.

  Forever yours,


  I only hoped she wouldn’t be pissed to wake up without me. I had to meet Aels and get my training done so I could sleep. Noxium loved sleeping, and once I was out there would be no waking me up. Ma would be pissed if I missed. She always cooked a lot of food on training morning. I jogged down the stairs and ran home. Aux was awake at his desk concentrating on something with a fierceness that had me chuckling. “Dude what’s up?”

  “This shit is pissing me off. Nessa gave me all the information, but I can’t write worth a shit. She’s fuckin’ amazing.”

  My eyes widened. “Is she your mate?”


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