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A Midsummer Night's Demon

Page 8

by Brenda Sparks

  She’d come to him, and he needed to know why. His body ached, heavy with desire for her. His muscles flexed under her touch. But he pulled himself up short, taking deep steadying breaths to calm his baser instinct. He gave her body an assessing glance to assure himself she was unharmed.

  Ky’s eyes fell onto the deep scratch on her arm. Knowing the healing properties in his saliva would help, he bent to lick the wound closed. He stopped short and forced himself away from the temptation of her blood when he realized she probably did not want any reminders of his vampiric nature right now. Instead he removed his shirt and wrapped it around her arm to stay the flow of blood.


  Lyn watched Ky’s muscles bunch and flex beneath his skin when he removed his shirt, then wrapped it around her arm. A slight wind blew, shaking water droplets from the canopy above to coat his bare chest. The tiny beads slid over his chiseled physique, flowing down to where his jean rode low on his narrow hips. Her eyes tracked a sensual trail down his body. Heat pooled low in her core, and her belly tightened. Her heartbeat raced as if a thoroughbred galloped in her chest. With every inhalation, the lace of her bra scraped against sensitive nipples.

  His corrugated abs rippled with each breath, sending a tremor of temptation through her body. Her hands slid down his torso of their own volition, her fingers traced the lines of his abdomen. Ky’s hands captured hers, stilling their slow decent toward his hips.

  “You’re killing me with your touches,” Ky confessed in a breathy voice. He brought her hands to his mouth, and placed a gentle kiss on each finger before scraping his teeth along her knuckles. She trembled, whether from him or the damp air she could not be sure. “Let’s go inside,” he offered, lacing his fingers with hers to lead her home.

  With Ky guiding them, they made their way to his bungalow with ease. Lyn marveled at how well he could navigate in the darkness. She assumed it must be one of the benefits of being a vampire. There must be some benefits, right? Her mind raced through every movie and TV show she could remember. Her curiosity made her speak. “Ky, tell me about being a vampire.”

  The door to his home opened as they approached, and Ky ushered her inside with a grand sweep of his arm.

  “Well for one, we can do things with our mind.” The door swung closed behind them, untouched by his hands.

  “Like open and close a door,” she commented moving into the living room.

  Ky nodded. “Among other things.”

  Lyn sat on the couch, her curiosity grew exponentially. “Like what else?”

  “Like this.”

  The sensation of Ky’s fingers gently stroking her cheek sent an electric shock zinging through her body. Her eyes widened in surprise, and her hand flew up to cover the area. She could feel the warmth of his fingers there, though he stood across the room. “How did you do that?”

  “What this?” A boyish grin took his face.

  Lyn jumped at the sensation of Ky’s hand massaging her rump. The sensual impression sent a wave of desire coursing through her body. “I can feel you touching me.”

  “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.” His eyes sparkled with mischief. “You looked so adorable with that look on your face.”

  “How are you doing that?”

  “It’s just one of the many perks of being a vampire.”

  “Tell me more. I want to know everything about being a vampire. Everything about you.” Lyn’s excitement filled the air. She couldn’t wait to have her questions answered.

  A slight flutter sensation swept over her mind like a caress of butterfly’s wing, but she quickly dismissed the feeling when a stunning smile came to Ky’s handsome face. It reached the corners of his eyes, taking her breath from her lungs.

  “There is a lot to tell Lyn. Where should I start?”

  “How about with your full name?” she suggested, earning a genuine laugh from Ky. The sound of his deep chuckle slid over her like a gentle embrace. “I’ve given it a lot of thought. I bet I can guess your first name.”

  “Go ahead.” Ky crossed his arms over his bare chest, his biceps bulging. “I bet you can’t get it right.”

  “I’ll take that bet. How about this? If I guess correctly, you take me flying.”

  His brows furrowed in confusion. “You mean, like in an airplane?”

  “No, I mean in your arms. Vampires fly. Right?”

  Ky chuckled, his crossed arms bouncing on his chest. “Honey, there is a little thing called the law of gravity and even vampires can’t break it. Sorry to disappoint, but I can’t fly.”

  “Hmm." She wondered what else the movies got wrong. Lyn tapped one finger on her chin while she thought of an alternative. “Fine. If I guess it correctly, you have to take me clothes shopping.” She shot him a sideways glance. “There’s nothing sexier than a man who will take a girl shopping. Oh, yeah. And no complaining about it.”

  He gave her a lopsided grin. “Shopping, huh? Guess I can live with that. And if you do not guess it, what do I get?” he asked with a roguish look on his face.

  “What do you want?”

  “I want…” His eyes locked with hers.

  “What do you want, Ky?”

  “I want you.” He shifted his weight, looking rather uncomfortable.


  Ky nodded his head slowly. “I want you to allow me the honor of…drinking from you.”

  Well that answers that question, her mind thought wryly. “Will drinking from me turn me into a vampire?”

  “No. That only happens in movies and books. It takes much more than drinking from you to convert you. So do we have a deal?” Ky shifted his weight, the movement a supple flow of hard muscles and sinew. “And before you answer, you should know that it can be a very intimate…pleasurable experience. For both of us. It may lead to…other things.”

  Goddess help her, his voice sounded like pure velvet heat. Lyn found the play of his muscles under his skin mesmerizing. She watched in amazement as his chest moved with each heavy breath. She likened him to a predator in his prime, his ridged belly, athletic legs, and broad shoulders all spoke to her of dominance and authority. But it was his face that hypnotized her. With perfection, his black hair accented his strong facial bones and blue eyes. His shadowed jaw, made him a study in masculinity. Magnificent.

  Silence met his comment while Lyn considered what he said. Was she ready for Ky to drink from her, especially if it led to them becoming lovers? She wanted a life with him. She’d come to realize she loved him. Needed him. To love someone meant you accepted them for who they were, took the good with the bad. If being with Ky included him drinking from her, then she best get used to it, because she would do anything it took to be with her mate.

  “Deal.” The surprised look on his face made her laugh. “If I don’t guess your name, I’ll let you drink from me.”

  Anticipation made her stomach fluttered like a swarm of a thousand dragonflies after a storm.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Guess my name.” His command came out like a low purr, daring her to get it wrong. His body tightened with desire. Anticipation of winning this game made his mouth water.








  “Like the spice? Now you are just being silly.” His voice held a note of soft amusement. “Are you out of guesses?” Please be out of guesses.



  Lyn tipped her head and brought one delicate finger to her lips in contemplation. “Is it Kyman?”

  She must have spent the last two months thinking up names. “You’re getting warmer, but no.”

  Lyn rolled her upper lip between her teeth, thinking. “Kynan?”

  Ky shook his head, hope tightened his chest. “Give up?”

  Lightning flashed outside, the sound of thunder rumbled in the distance signaled an approaching st

  “I give up.”

  At last! Ky worked to keep the eagerness from showing on his face.

  “My full name is Kyron Pace Robinson.”

  “Kyron Pace Robinson,” Lyn repeated, as if testing his name on her lips. “That’s a powerful name.”

  “It is a family name.” Ky’s arms dropped to his side. “My father’s name was Pace and my grandfather’s name was Kyron.”

  Lyn swallowed, her eyes locked with his. Ky’s body flexed and tensed under her watchful gaze. The intensity of her stare made him clench his fists until the blue veins under his skin stood out in harsh relief. He’d suffered for months wanting her. Needing her. Now she sat in his living room, her eyes roaming his body with desire so blatant it rolled over him in a seductive wave. Her eyes burned with lust, and her arousal perfumed the air.

  “Lyn,” he captured her gaze in his, “it’s time to pay up.”

  He stalked toward her, watched her irises darken with yearning. His heated stare raked over her body making goose bumps rise on her flesh. Ky lowered himself next to her on the couch. He could hear her heartbeat increase when he cupped the back of her neck with his large palm. His eyes blazed a trail along her face, over her chocolate eyes and petite nose, down her full lips, to the delicate skin on her neck. He kept his perusal slow to give her the opportunity to deny him.

  “Are you sure about this?” Ky’s eyes searched hers.

  “Positive,” She pulled her hair to one side of her neck and bent her head to give him access. “Yes. Please. Now,” she begged.

  Ky’s response came in the form of a nibble, earning him a giggle when his hair touched against her neck. He intended to savor this special moment. His fangs lengthened from his gums in anticipation. Desire rushed through his veins, hardening his body. His lips brushed her smooth flesh, the stubble of his chin sent a fresh round of goose bumps to pebble her skin.

  She trembled under his hand when his tongue darted out to taste her. He became a shadow in her mind, feeling everything she did. Ky felt the sensation of his tongue swirl over her tender flesh. His small touches increased her passion until her body burned white-hot with need that left them both shocked and aroused. Being in her mind, feeling her reaction to his caresses, fed his own passion, increasing his desire for her.

  “Is this what you want?” His lips brushed her neck as he spoke.

  “Yes, please...Ky.” His name came out a plea which he silenced with a kiss as he eased her back in his arms, his body pushing hers down onto the couch.

  Ky feathered a trail of kisses along her jaw, down her neck, coming to rest over the steady beat of her pulse at the base. He ran his tongue along her velvety skin, making tiny circles over her sensitive flesh. A small keening sound escaped her lips as she arched against his mouth.

  His fangs grazed her neck, but did not puncture. She moaned and quivered beneath him. Her resolve was solid in her mind, there for him to find. He sensed no fear, only complete trust. Her decision made. And that gave him all the assurance he needed.

  He sank his fangs into her neck, and punctured the vein, knowing the small pinpricks would quickly give way to a feeling of sensuality. They sighed in unison as he drew her essence into his mouth. She tasted like pure ambrosia, a delicious nectar that tightened his body painfully.

  Lyn laced her fingers in his hair, cradling his head to her neck. Her amazing blood coated his tongue, making his groin throb and ache. It ran down his throat to warm him from the inside out. Fire danced along his skin and he closed his eyes, reveling in the sinuous sensation.

  Ky could taste her excitement, it sweetened her blood. With each draw, he could sense he drove her higher and higher. Her heart rate increased, breath quickened. Lyn trembled in his arms seconds before she moaned the pleasure of her climax.

  Ky settled between her legs, the firm, unyielding length of him pressing against her core. He flicked his tongue over the puncture wounds to close them before blazing a trail of kisses along her neck. His fingers tangled in her thick hair. Raising his head, he saw the longing in her chocolate eyes. She wanted this, wanted him, and he’d happily oblige her. He let her see the answering desire in his eyes, sending her pulse racing.

  His fingers tightened in her hair, to anchor her in place while he took her lips in a fierce kiss. The gentleness was gone, replaced by raw desire. His hunger rose. His inner beast demanded its mate. A rush of heat spread like liquid fire through his body, making his desire beat in his veins.

  She writhed beneath his ministrations, while his mouth ate hungrily at hers. He took her response in his authoritative, demanding way. His sure hands reached for the hem of her shirt. Her body melded into his, soft, boneless. A low, vibrating growl slid from the back of his throat, sending a delicious tremor of anticipation through her. His hands lifted her shirt, and stripped it from her body.

  Lyn wrapped her legs around his waist, her ankles locked behind his back. The vee between her thighs fit tightly over the prominent evidence of his arousal.

  Ky’s body stilled. He lifted his head, staring into the depths of her eyes. “Give yourself to me." Instead of a harsh demand, he made his voice soft. “Say you are mine. No one will ever love you more.”

  Lyn loved him as deeply as he did her. Ky could see the truth of it in her eyes.

  Tears threatened to spill down her checks. “I’m yours, completely yours.”

  Her legs fell away from his waist and he knew a minute of confusion until her fingers clasped the waistband of his jeans. Her nimble fingers popped his button from its hole and slid the zipper down with ease. When she pushed his jeans from his hips, his shaft sprang free. Lyn gazed upon him for the first time, her eyes widened.

  “I’m not sure you’ll fit,” Lyn whispered tossing his jeans to the floor.

  “I’ll fit,” he promised. “We were made for each other.”

  His fingers popped the front clasp on her brassier and pulled the garment from her body. In seconds, he removed her jeans and panties from her beautiful body, exposing it fully to his heated gaze. The warrior settled on his side next to her on the couch.

  Ky ran the pads of his fingers over her flesh, from her belly button to the underside of one breast in a slow slide, memorized by the feel of her skin. His hand cupped the creamy mound, kneading it with loving fingers. She stirred beneath the palm of his hand, her legs scissored as if to relieve some pressure between her thighs.

  “You’re beautiful,” he murmured against the breast cupped in his hand. Sucking her nipple into the warmth of his mouth, the warrior swirled his tongue over the pebbled bud. It puckered, seeking the warm, moist cavern his mouth provided.

  He brought her hand to her neglected breast, placing his hand over hers to knead the firm globe. The fingers of her free hand laced into his dark hair to hold him to her in desperation. He drove her body higher, sending her reaching for her climax with his attention to her flesh.

  His fingers slipped from hers, and she groaned her displeasure. However, when one hand slid slowly down her stomach and his fingers pushed through her tight curls to find her most sensitive spot, her sorrowful moan quickly turned into a tiny gasp of sound, and she pushed against his hand, shamelessly seeking his touch.

  His talented finger worked the tiny bud until she arched harder against his hand in response. He applied a little more pressure and increased the speed of the circles, earning moans of approval from his mate.

  With his fingers busy below, Ky pulled back to peer down at her body. He watched his other hand knead her full breast, then catch her nipple between the pads of his finger and thumb to give it a light pinch. Daelyn arched her back hard and covered his hands with her own. She cried out his name when the pleasurable pain pushed her closer to the edge of another orgasm.

  His shaft, hard as steel, pulsed and throbbed against her thigh, looking for the opportunity he ruthlessly denied it. Ky instead chose to shimmy down the side of her body, the feel of his flesh against hers nearly pushed him over the edge of r
estraint. But again, he refused the demands of his body, seeking to draw her pleasure out, making sure she would know that no other male could love her like him.

  Her legs spread wide in welcome when he settled between her thighs. He lowered his lips to her silken folds, giving them a long luxurious lick before his mouth closed over her sensitive nub.

  Kyron feasted upon his mate, took her delicious taste into his mouth, feeding from her as she thrust her hips against him in wanton abandonment. Her hand found his head, and she breathed his name, the sound a pleading whisper. Holding him to her, she encouraged him to increase the pace his tongue set. He could do no other than oblige the invitation. He set a furious pace, the action drawing a whimper from Lyn. Her head twisted from side to side on the pillow.

  He pushed a finger into her slick entrance, turning it while his mouth went back to kissing her small nub. She groaned, her body clamped around his finger. He withdrew, inserting two instead, to push her higher toward the cliff of ecstasy. He pumped his fingers into her slick heat at a preternatural pace, drawing another orgasm from her with his talented mouth. A rush of her sweet cream rewarded his efforts.

  She lay panting, her breasts thrust in delicious invitation with each hard breath. He edged up her body to take one of the fleshy globes into his mouth. His tongue swirled around the peak, drawling tiny circles around her nipple.

  “Kyron!” Daelyn reached her other hand down to grip his shoulder in a desperate grasp. “I need you. Inside me.”

  Instead of giving his mate what she wanted, he kissed his way up her body to the delicate skin of her throat. Ky crawled over her body, the feel of his flesh against her breasts an added pleasure.

  Her pulse called to him. It beat hard just under her skin. His fangs ached with hunger as he wrapped his fingers around her ankles and placed her legs onto his shoulders. Her body tremble under his and his shaft jumped against her mound in response. He grasped his thick member in one hand, pushing the tip inside her slick opening. He slid his steel through her velvety opening and his breath caught in his throat. Throttling the desire to impale her in one hard thrust, he amassed all his hard earned self-control and held himself just inside her fiery inferno, savoring the way her body wrapped around his tip to cradle him in a wet, tight hold. He could feel her convulse around the mushroomed head and the sensation pushed his willpower to its limit.


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