A Midsummer Night's Demon

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A Midsummer Night's Demon Page 9

by Brenda Sparks

  Needing more, he slowly slid home. Inch by luscious inch he filled her, stretched her, until she milked his length.

  Daelyn bowed beneath him, and Ky withdrew at a measured pace. A deep thrust back into her welcoming heat made her inner muscles clamp him like a tight fist. Her core clenched around him in spasmodic shudders, the contact between their bodies adding another sinuous pleasure to her orgasm, drawing it out. She moaned in pleasure at the contact.

  Innnnn. Ouuuuut. Each plunge and withdrawal tantalizingly slow.

  Ky braced his weight on his hands. His hips pistoned faster while she floated back to earth. His only thought to bring her over the edge once more, he lowered himself until her supple, naked body lay crushed beneath his. The position of her legs, still over his shoulders, allowed him to be seated fully within her. Looking into her eyes, he watched her pleasure build with each thrust. This was going to be a long ride.

  Chapter Twelve

  Lyn searched Ky’s eyes, finding his love for her in their light blue depths. She realized he intentionally took this slow, loving her with his body in a way that would prove she belonged to him. And she’d wanted this, wanted him to take the lead. She willingly gave him the control.

  A soft keening cry escaped the back of her throat, as his thick shaft slid into her in a long silken glide, only to slide back out again. Her legs dropped from his shoulders to circle his waist, changing the pressure inside of her. She threaded her arms around him, holding him close, as she rode his powerful thrusts. He drove all thoughts from her mind save the feel of his body against hers.

  The sculpted muscles of his back flexed and hardened like slabs of marble under the pads of her fingers. She inhaled, breathing his exotic scent deep into her lungs. The scent of him drove her hunger. Half crazed by pleasure, she lifted her head to find his lips.

  Their mouths locked in a passionate kiss. She poured all her love into that kiss. In time with their hips, their tongues dueled with a ravenous intensity between their mouths. The pressure built inside of her, deep and full, increasing with every lunging thrust.

  Her pleasure rolled up, intensifying until a fervid explosion of warmth spread throughout her body, and she screamed her release into his mouth. Maddened, she released his lips and buried her face in the curve of his jaw. His pulse pounded against her lips, thundered in her ears. Her lips closed over the throbbing vein, teeth nipped his flesh. A heady combination of musk and male, the taste of him danced on her tongue. He moaned, the low sound rumbled against her lips.

  Ky manipulated their bodies so she blanketed his, still impaled upon the length of him. His hold tightened as she continued suckling at his neck. One strong arm wrapped around her back holding her against his body. His other hand held her hips still while he took her.

  He made her world tunnel until only he remained. Just him. His hands. His lips. His heat. The taste and texture of him. Thoughts of Ky consumed her mind, blocked out everything else. In that moment, she turned herself over to his keeping, trusting him with her body. Her love.

  Lyn watched his eyes darken with passion as he drove his body harder. He turned them once more so she lay beneath his body, and unleashed a sensual storm inside her.

  Her hips slapped against his in a steady cadence. She pulled his head down for a ravenous kiss and thrust her tongue into his mouth, demanding he match her intensity. Lyn bucked beneath him, her fingers splayed in his silken hair, her mouth ate hungrily at his. Her fingers clawed at his back as her body rushed for the rapture.

  One of Ky’s hands wrapped around her back, the digits of his other hand tangled in her hair. He pulled her head to the side, his hold anchoring her in place, while his gaze burned over her. His fangs lengthened in his mouth, and he lowered his lips to her neck. His lips descended to once more find the delicate, soft spot where her neck met her shoulder and her breath rushed out between her clenched teeth. His ragged breath pushed from his lungs when his teeth scraped back and forth. His tongue darted out against her flesh. One lick. Two.

  The anticipation drove Daelyn higher. He was going to bite her again and Goddess help her, but she wanted him to. Her hands slid down his back, leaving scratches that trailed to his buttocks. Her grip tightened on his lower cheeks, and she held on for dear life. She thrust her hips to meet his, wanting more. More feeling. More contact.

  More pleasure.

  As if he sensed what she desired, his fingers tightened against her scalp, drawing her head further to the side, the muscles of her neck chorded tight. Her blood was his to take, a willing offering. His fangs pierced the delicate flesh of her neck, drawing a mewling sound from her throat. Her body burned with hunger, hunger he created by his touch. The scorching passion he stirred sent desire pouring through her veins like molten steel. Fire licked over her heated skin.

  “Kyron!” Daelyn climaxed, thrusting wildly against him. The erotic sensation of his talented mouth against her neck added to her pleasure, taking her higher still. Her orgasm rolled through her body in endless waves of ecstasy. She rode each wave to its crest, her inner core pulsing.

  “I cannot last another minute, Daelyn,” Ky murmured against her neck. His tongue lapped at the small wounds.

  “So don’t. Come for me.” She could not deny him his pleasure. Goddess knew, he had seen to hers.

  He answered her call by rutting his hips against her at a furious pace, and she reveled in the roughness of his caresses. He pushed deep, seated himself to the hilt with each thrust. He allowed the muscles of her core to milk his climax from him. He jerked and gave a ragged cry of joy, then Ky exploded. He emptied into her, pumping his seed as he threw back his head and let out a mighty roar.

  His hips slowed to a stop while they struggled to breathe. This had been an amazing demonstration of their love and trust in one another, something she hoped he intended to repeat often. Her body pulsed with the after effects of their lovemaking.

  Still buried within the warmth of her body, Ky braced his weight on his forearms and looked into Lyn’s eyes. A wide smile took her face.

  “Why are you smiling?”

  “What’s not to smile about?” She wrapped her arms around his back.

  A smug grin graced his handsome face. Separating from her body, Ky turned them so his body pillowed hers once more.

  Her hand cupped his face. “I love you, Ky.”

  “For over four hundred years I have existed on this earth, waiting for my heartmate to say that. Not until I met you have I truly lived. I love you with all my being. My very soul.”

  Lyn snuggled against his chest, feeling sated, and noticed for the first time that the rain beat a soft cadence on the roof. “I wish we never had to get off this couch.”

  His hand came behind her back, and moved along her spine in a gentle caress. “Unfortunately, there is a promise I made to you regarding Litha. And I always keep my promises, Lyn.”

  “So I guess that means we will need to get some rest.” Lyn wiggled against his body, settling in.

  His shaft jumped in interest under her sex, and she pushed off his chest.

  Lyn’s eyes widened in surprise. “Again?”

  He smiled that sexy grin that had a way of sending desire coursing through her veins. “Again.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Ready to get up?” Kyron’s deep voice slid over her skin like a velvet caress.

  “Not really.” Daelyn let out a wistful sigh. What she really wanted was to stay in bed with her hot sexy vampire, but that could wait. Lyn rolled over and stretched. Her body was deliciously sore in all the right places.

  Ky had been a thoughtful lover, making sure she was thoroughly sated before they fell asleep just as the light of the sun painted the sky above with pink and gold hues.

  “If we don’t get ready and leave soon, we’ll miss Litha.”

  They’d already missed the Sun God celebration, and Lyn sent a silent prayer up to the God, to ask for his forgiveness and understanding that she missed the part of the celebration t
hat took place when the sun peaked in the noon sky. She would make amends by giving extra offerings to the faeries.

  Lyn watched Ky saunter across the room, and pull some clothes from his dresser. She loved the way his body moved, the play of his muscles and sinew under his skin. His bicep flexed under his tattoo, making the tribal pattern dance upon his skin.

  “I can feel your eyes on me.” Ky looked over his shoulder. “And if you keep looking at me like that, I’m going to come back to bed and keep you there all night.” Sounded like a plan to her. “And you’ll miss this evening’s celebration.”

  Okay, she needed to hear that. She couldn’t miss this evening’s festival too. One transgression could be forgiven, two not so much.

  Lyn rolled out from under the warm sheets, and headed for the bathroom. “I call first dibs,” she said, closing the door behind her.

  Several minutes later, with her bathing ritual completed, she glided down the hall into the kitchen to greet her mate, dressed in the white, Grecian-style gown Ky had retrieved from her apartment while she bathed. She sat across from him at the small kitchen table, remembering the first time they ate a meal together.

  It seemed like forever, these past two months. So much had come to pass. She had been attacked by a vampire, found her mate only to discover he too was a vampire.

  Her friends and family would never believe it. Vampires were considered myths. They would never accept him, unless…

  Her eyes met his over their poached eggs. “I can’t wait to get to the Festival,” Lyn commented before taking a bite of the meal he prepared. He’d cooked the egg to perfection, and seasoned it just right. Wow, a man that’s good looking, who could also cook…too good to be true.

  He leaned forward to place his hand over hers where it rested on the table. “I’m not sure it is a good idea to bring a vampire to a demon religious ritual, Daelyn.”

  “Oh, come on, no one has to know what you are.”

  “But what if someone figures it out? I’d hate to ruin your festival.” Ky took a sip of his coffee.

  “You won’t ruin it. I want you there. I want all my family and friends to meet you.”

  Ky spit the coffee back into his mug. He raised a questioning brow. “All your friends and family. You mean your entire family will be there tonight?”

  “Not all of them,” she admitted. Just most of them. “Come on, please come with me. It will be fun. You’ll see. And you promised you’d take me. Remember?”

  Ky gave her hand a squeeze. “I would do anything for you, Lyn, especially when you look at me with those pretty doe eyes.” He blew out a heavy sigh. “I’ll go. I never break a promise.”

  Thirty minutes later, dishes cleaned, the food put away, they headed out the door hand in hand.

  “Oh wait. Hold on a minute.” Lyn stopped abruptly. “I almost forgot.”

  She reached into the bag hanging from her shoulder and withdrew a small bundle of cloth. Ky watched her cradle it in the palm of one hand as she untied the knot on the top. The material draped over her hand, revealing the treasure inside.

  “What’s that?” Ky asked.

  “It’s my offering to the faeries.”

  “What are you going to do with it?”

  “I have to sprinkle it around your home as an offering.”

  Ky crossed his arms over his thick chest and cocked his head questioningly to one side. “You think I have faeries around my house?”

  “We all do,” Lyn informed him while she sprinkled the herbs and food with Ky in tow.

  “And do you see these faeries?” Ky asked, not quite keeping the disbelief from his voice.

  “No, but we know they are there, especially this time of the year.”

  Ky glanced around as if looking for any sign to prove their existence.

  Just when she ran out of her offering, they completed a circle around his home. Lyn tucked the emptied cloth back into her bag. “Okay, now we can go.”

  “You sure?” Ky held out his arm.

  She placed her fingers in the crook of his arm, and he covered her fingers with his hand, holding her to him. The couple made their way down the dirt path that led to his dock.

  “I’m sure, Kyron. Let’s go to the festival. But we need to hurry, we’re late.”

  “And we’re late because…”

  Lyn rolled her eyes. “Hey, sometimes you just have to leave an offering.”

  “To invisible beings.”

  “Ky, don’t mock what you don’t understand,” she advised as they reached the dock.

  Ky handed her into the motor boat and climbed in after her. He took her into his arms. They felt so good around her. His warmth surrounded her, and a contented sigh slipped between her lips. Lyn wrapped her arms around his narrow waist, melding against the hard planes of his body.

  “I would never mock your religion. I might not understand it, but I’d never mock it.”

  He cuddled her head against his shoulder.

  “And I promise not to mock any of the vampirey things you do.”

  “‘Vampirey?’ What do you mean by that?”

  He attempted to pull away, but she refused to allow it, tightening her hold around his waist.

  “Oh nothing. I’ll let you know the next time you do one of them. Now let’s get this boat engine revved up and get to the celebration.”

  “That won’t be the only engine revved up tonight.” Ky separated their bodies. “Especially if I have to look at you all night in that sexy dress.” He ran the pad of his thumb over her nipple. It pebbled under his touch, eliciting an appreciative groan from his full lips in response.

  She gave him a gentle push of encouragement. “There will be time for that later. We must get going.”

  Ky gave a tug on the ripcord, and brought the motor to life. Lyn watched him, appreciating the play of his muscles under the white shirt he wore. He looked ready to attend a beach wedding, dressed in khaki pants and classic Cuban-style shirt that hugged his body in the most delicious way.

  Damn, she thought, taking a seat. That is one gorgeous male wrapped up in a fine package. The Goddess had blessed her with a fine mate, and she intended to show her appreciation.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The sound of the minstrels’ lutes and vihuelas filled the air, their songs dainty and gentle, much like the Goddess they celebrated. The soft sound of the waves kissing the shore below accompanied the minstrels in a steady beat.

  Humidity clung to the hot night air, but the company made the slight discomfort worth braving the balmy weather. Lyn sat next to Ky on the dune, his arm about her shoulders. She felt at peace, tucked against his side. She took a deep breath, taking the salted fishy smell of the ocean into her lungs.

  The evening had been going splendidly. She’d introduced Ky to the majority of her friends and family in attendance. He amused them with stories and witticisms. No one realized that he was a vampire which put him at ease, and the look on his handsome face indicated he might be having a good time.

  “Here, it’s almost time for the bonfire.” Her friend, Bret, passed her a handful of flowers. “Put these on.”

  “Put what on?” Ky’s voice sounded suspicious. He watched the male demon saunter off to offer another bunch of flowers to a different couple.

  Lyn lifted a garland of yellow blossoms. “Put this around your neck.”

  Ky took the garland gingerly between his finger and thumb, holding it away from his body, like a deadly animal about to strike. Make that rotten meat, Lyn amended, noting the look on his face.

  “You want me to wear a Hawaiian lei?”

  “It’s not Hawaiian. It’s a Litha tradition. The men wear garland around their necks and the women wear these.” Lyn put a crown of yellow and white flowers around her head. “They are made of St. John’s Wort and white lilies.”

  Ky smiled a sexy grin and placed the garland around his neck. “When in Rome,” he gave her a wink that made her bones melt and sent a rush of heat to her feminine core, �
�wear a lei.”

  “Do you have any idea how sexy you are?” Lyn laced her fingers with his.

  “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are with those flowers in your hair?” he countered, and drew her closer.

  His lips descended on hers in a gentle kiss. His tongue bid entrance into the warm cavern of her mouth, by making a sinuous slide along the seam of her lips. She immediately obliged, opening to him. Ky slipped his skilled tongue between her parted lips, and she gave herself over to his light but thorough kiss.

  The sound of a throat being cleared superfluously loud next to them brought the kiss to a quick end. His lips left hers, and she knew a moment of anxiety.

  Her brother, Matthias, smacked Ky on the back, hard enough that Lyn could feel the hit where their bodies pressed together. “That’s enough of that, you two. It’s time for the Creation Story. Don’t want to keep the Priestess waiting, if you know what’s good for you.”

  The threatening look her brother gave them brought Ky to his feet, his hands clenched by his thighs. Her brother responded in kind, squaring his shoulders as his fingers curled into his palms. Their eyes met in an intense stare, sizing each other up.

  “Men!” Lyn rolled her eyes. “Mierda. Back off, Matt.”

  Her brother’s dark, angry gaze locked with that of her lover’s. His eyes narrowed in challenge, daring Ky to advance.

  “Who is this male?” Ky demanded, his stare never leaving his opponent. He shifted his weight to one side, settling into a fighting stance.


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