A Midsummer Night's Demon

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A Midsummer Night's Demon Page 10

by Brenda Sparks

  “Who am I? Who the hell are you to be sucking face with my sister?”

  The look of shock that settled upon Ky’s face would have made Lyn giggle if not for the tension that filled the air. “You are her brother?”

  Matthias nodded his head and crossed his arms over his wide chest. His hands pushed behind his large biceps, making them look even bigger. “Yeah. And who exactly are you?”

  Ky pulled his eyes from her brother’s to look at Lyn. “I thought I had met all your relatives, Lyn.”

  The female demon lifted her shoulders in a carefree shrug. “What can I say? I have a large family. In the next decade, you may not get to meet them all.”

  “Next decade?” Her brother’s gaze darted between her and her mate several times. “This”—Matt gestured at Ky with his thumb—“is more than just a one night stand?”

  “He is my mate, Matthias. You will treat him with respect.”

  “Respect is earned, Daelyn, not given.” Her brother eyed Ky with discerning interest as his arms fell loosely to his sides.

  Lyn could not help but notice the way his hands tightened by his thighs. Her eyes darted to her lover, watching his fingers flex into fists. These two might be talking, but their bodies looked ready to battle. Like two predators eyeing prey, underneath their calm façade their muscles coiled, ready to pounce at a moment’s notice. She needed to do something to keep them from going to blows.

  She knew her brother always craved a good fight, and Ky would be just the person to give it to him. Long ago their kind physically challenged family members for the right to mate with a female. And though they evolved past such archaic behavior, the instinct was still buried deep inside, waiting to come out.

  Lyn pushed off the blanket, intending to rise to intercede. Immediately she found Ky’s hand in front of her face, palm up. She took the proffered hand, allowed him to help her to stand. Their fingers laced, and she bestowed a worried glance on her brother.

  Matt’s eyes dropped to their hands, the sight causing his fists to relax. His dark gaze rose to meet her own. “You have chosen this male for your mate?”

  A weak smile raised the corner of her mouth. “Yes,” Lyn replied without hesitation. “I have. I would like your blessing, but I do not require it.”

  She shot him a pointed glare, watching the expression of quiet acceptance cross his face in understanding. Their eyes met, and held in a respectful stare.

  Matt’s body relaxed, and the tension left his shoulders. Cool resignation replaced the heat in his eyes. If he had not yet accepted her choice, he had at least accepted that it was her decision as to who to take as a mate.

  “Tell me, Lyn, do you intend to complete the Bonding Ritual with this male?”

  She wrapped her arm about her lover’s waist, registering the feel of his muscles under his thin shirt. “I do.”

  “What’s the Bonding Ritual?” Ky looked at her upturned face.

  “You don’t know what the Bonding Ritual is?” Matt’s incredulous tone made Ky’s head snap in his direction. “What kind of demon are you?”

  Ky’s muscles bunched under her arm. If she didn’t intercede soon this would get out of hand. Two powerful Alpha males in close proximity was never a good thing, but the same two males overly protective of her and volatile toward each other—well that was a recipe for disaster.

  “Didn’t you say it was time for the Creation Story, Matt?” Lyn asked. “Maybe we should go down to the beach. We don’t want to miss it.”

  “Mmm-hmm.” The expression her brother gave her told her he knew she’d tried to distract him. “You sure you want this guy for your mate, little sister?”

  Ky bristled beside her. “I’ve had enough of—”

  Lyn tightened her grip on his waist, and spoke loudly to cut him off midsentence. “You go on to the beach, Matt. We’ll be right behind you.”

  Her brother’s gaze raked over Ky’s body, as if he was deciding whether or not he found him worthy of his sister. He must have found something he liked, because his hardened look softened—a little.

  After a quick nod of his head in their direction, Lyn watched her brother lope off toward the glowing beach. At six-foot tall and two-hundred pounds, most found him a formidable guy. He also routinely made the mistake of thinking of himself as her protector, acting more like her father than her brother. He had been posturing with Ky, but her brother seemed appeased for now. Matt had run off more than one of her boyfriends, and she wasn’t about to let him interfere with her mate.

  If he knew about Ky being a vampire, there would be demonic hell to pay. Her brother had a hard enough time accepting she had chosen a mate, but if he found out that mate was not a demon…that was not something that would be tolerated by her brother.

  In a few minutes her friends and family would witness Ky and her complete the Bonding Ritual and then no one would ever try to separate them. Anticipation knotted her stomach as she allowed Ky to lead her toward the bonfire that blazed ahead in the sand and joined the throng of demons sitting on the beach.

  With the crowd surrounding her in the sand, the Priestess stood proudly in the center of their circle. The long, red velvet robe with the attached hood trimmed in golden thread hid her body from view. Her demure face, with slight age lines etched thereon, held wise, hazel eyes. Her long dramatic dropped sleeves hung from her outstretched arms while she spoke. Although a tiny woman, quite petite in stature, her dramatic presence commanded respect and supplication.

  The Priestess regaled the multitude with tales of the Sun God impregnating the Goddess during Beltane. She spoke of how tonight they celebrated the Goddess being heavy with child from the mating. Her erotic descriptions of the physical act riled the crowd, causing the scent of male arousal to mix with female heat in a heady combination that left no one in attendance unaffected.

  Ky pressed his body against hers. The hand that rested possessively on the nape of her neck pulled her to him for a kiss. His full lips pressed against her in wanton demand. Lyn parted her lips in response, the desire burned through her blood to heat her body. His tongue slid against hers in an erotic glide. Their tongues thrust back and forth between their mouths struggling for dominance, fueling their passion.

  The feel of his fangs lengthening against her tongue made her pull away. “You’re being vampirey,” she whispered against his mouth, trying to catch the breath he had stolen with his kiss.

  “What?” His question sounded thick, heavy as she nibbled her way over his strong jaw to find his ear.

  “Your fangs,” she whispered, nuzzling his ear. Lyn ran her tongue around the delicate lobe, and felt a shiver go through him. “Pull your fangs back.”

  Ky’s fingers threaded through her thick hair to hold her steady. He pulled back from her, looking into her eyes. “My body is responding to the emotions around us. It is difficult to rein in my natural instincts.”

  She ran her hand over the thick evidence that supported his statement. His most manly part jumped behind the material of his pants in response to her touch. “I can see that, but you need to try to pull back those fangs. Please Ky, for me.”

  No one could know he was a vampire, not yet. Not before they completed the Bonding Ritual.

  She watched her vampire close his eyes. He took a deep breath that expanded his thick chest in the most tantalizing way, and let it out in a long exhale between his pursed lips. Another slow breath escaped his mouth.

  Around them people sat enthralled by the sensual story the Priestess narrated. The couples touched and kissed one another passionately as the story about the coupling gods came to its climax.

  Feeling a bit grateful when the story at last ended, Lyn glanced up to find Ky smiling at her, his teeth normal length. Relief flooded her body.

  Before the mass could get any more carried away by the sensual desire the Priestess created with her tale, the woman raised her arms to the sky, calling out to those around her, “Now is the time for all couples to declare their love by part
icipating in the Bonding Ritual. Please join hands.”

  Lyn grabbed Ky’s hand and stood. With her mate in tow, they joined the other couples to form a line, standing two by two. It stretched down the beach behind the fire.

  Ky leaned over and whispered in Lyn’s ear, “What happens next?”

  “We jump over the fire.”

  “What?” The concern in Ky’s voice drew her eyes away from the fire to look at him. His dark brows narrowed over his icy eyes. “I’m not jumping over any fire.”

  “Lower your voice,” Lyn whispered when the couple in front of them turned around in surprise at Ky’s protest.

  The line advanced toward the fire, and the crowd cheered a couple who took the leap.

  “You did not tell me the celebration required us to jump over a fire.” He leaned down, putting his lips next to her ear. “Vampires hate fire. It is one of the few things that can kill us. You can’t expect me to willingly jump over that. Look, over there. I see people who aren’t in line. Why aren’t they jumping?”

  Lyn glanced over at the groups of people sitting on either side of the bonfire, Matt and Bret among them. “Jumping the fire ensures a long and happy relationship, financial prosperity, and many offspring. The ritual is only done by couples in a commitment.”

  With the horde cheering, the line continued its advance as several couples took their turns to jump over the blaze in quick secession.

  Ky watched another couple make the leap. “I am wholly committed to you, Daelyn. I don’t need to jump over a fire to prove it.”

  “Yes, you do.”

  Pulling his eyes from the fire, Ky looked at her with a hurt expression on his face that threatened to break her heart. “You doubt my love for you? Do you really believe that I will not remain with you forever?”

  Lyn cupped his cheek in her hand. “Of course I believe you love me. I can see it in the way you look at me. But my family will not easily accept you, Ky.” She leaned closer to whisper, “because of what you are.”

  “I do not care what your family thinks of me, only what you feel for me.”

  The line advanced closer to the fire, and Lyn could feel its heat flush her face.

  “But I care. They must accept you, accept us. We have many centuries before us and, despite what I said to Matt, I want their blessing.”

  Ky brows rose inquisitively. “Did you say centuries?”


  His hot breath ghosted against her ear when he spoke. “Wait, demons live for centuries? I thought you were mortal.”

  “We are. We don’t live forever, but our lifespan is much greater than a human’s. That’s why it is so important you complete the Bonding Ritual with me. I want my family to accept our union. It will make the next few centuries so much better.”

  Ky straightened to his full height, his eyes slid from her face to the fire. “And if I jump this inferno, I will garner their blessing of our union?”

  “If you do so three times.” They moved ever closer to the fire.

  “Three times?” His blue eyes darted back to her face. “I’m expected to jump the blasted thing three times in order to win their approval of our relationship?”

  Lyn nodded her head enthusiastically. “Yes.”

  Ky let out a heavy sigh, and gave her hand a squeeze as they once again moved forward in the sand. The heat of the blaze engulfed them. “Then if your family demands proof of my love, I have no choice but to give it because I will not give you up, Daelyn. You are my heartmate, and I refuse to lose you a second time. The first time almost did me in. I learned I do not want to live without you, honey. And if I must jump over a fire to have you, then show me where it is, and I will jump it however many times you tell me to.”

  “It’s right there.” Lyn pointed in front of them.

  They’d reached the front of the line. The time to jump had come.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Ready?” Lyn asked, looking at Ky expectantly, hope sparkling in her dark chocolate eyes.

  The flames of the bonfire sent its glowing light dancing in a playful pattern over Daelyn’s skin. The delicate angles of her face, her lush lips, and bright eyes formed a beautiful combination that merged into the unique gift that was Daelyn Torres.

  In that moment, standing there ready to make the leap, he realized the symbolism of the act. The two of them would be taking a leap of faith that their relationship would make it through the long years. Together they would leap into their new life, leaving their former, separate lives behind.

  Ky was willing to do anything for her, even walk through the flames of Hell. Luckily, he could jump over them instead. Three times!

  His eyes left her attractive face to find the fire. Smoke rose from the dancing flames, its tendrils curling in the night air. The smell of the burning driftwood filled his nose and heat pushed against his skin, making his temperature rise. He watched tiny embers drift into the air with a pop and knew a moment’s hesitation. The thought of jumping over the flames made his heart beat faster in his chest. Only the sound of the Priestess’s voice drew his attention from the conflagration.

  “Jump my children. Take the first leap into your new lives. Be forever bound by the symbolic gesture you make here today in front of your family and friends.”

  Lyn gave his fingers a squeeze, which reminded him they were still laced together. “On three,” she said with a smile.

  On the count of three from Lyn’s lips the two jumped over the dancing flames. To keep hold of Lyn’s hand, Ky reined in his strength, barely clearing the searing blaze before landing in the sand on the other side.

  Daelyn’s scream dispelled all thoughts of how hot the fire felt passing beneath his body. Ky turned, immediately his eyes widening in horror to take in the sight of his mate’s gown aflame.

  The gossamer material ignited like an Olympic torch, engulfing Lyn’s body in angry red flames. Her arms beat at the fire wildly, trying to put it out. A pained scream left her red lips, and the sound spurred the warrior into action.

  Without thought to who might be witnessing the event, Ky lifted her into his arms and ran into the ocean, thankful for every ounce of his preternatural strength and speed. The cool water covered their bodies, and he kept Lyn immersed, knowing the chill would ease the burning in her cells.

  He pushed out into the waves until just their shoulders and heads remained above the waterline. Lyn lay boneless in his arms, her head resting against his shoulder. Her breaths left her lungs in shallow puffs, tears rolled down her cheeks to mix with the salty water below.

  Ky remained still, allowing the ocean to caress them with its lapping, rolling waves.

  “Is she okay?” Ky turned around at the sound of Matt’s voice and noticed the throng of people standing on the beach.

  While the mass of spectators gathered at the water’s edge, only Matt and Bret lumbered into the water and battled the force of the waves to walk their way. Ky’s legs moved like leaden weights as he trudged toward the pair, meeting them half way. His clothes clung to his body, adding to the drag of their bodies through the water.

  Matt reached out to take his sister from Ky. The warrior’s arms tightened instinctively around his heartmate. No one was taking her from him. No one.

  A low growl of warning left his throat, causing Matt’s eyes to widen in disbelief. Ky watched the demon’s face harden into an implacable mask.

  “She’s my sister,” the demon warned. Bret reached a restraining hand out, taking Lyn’s brother by his arm.

  “She’s my mate.” Ky pushed between the two demons, making his way to the shore, uncaring in that moment whose brother he might be pissing off. Lyn was his. His to protect, to care for. He had no intention of releasing her care to her overbearing brother. He would be the one to see to her injuries.

  When they emerged from the water, a young woman ran up to them carrying a large blanket. She wrapped it around his shoulders, gathering the coarse material in front of their bodies. Holding the blanket clo
sed with her fists, she led them a little further up the beach, and came to a stop over a towel placed in the sand before the fire.

  Ky knelt on the sandy towel, grateful for the warmth of the fire, yet hating the inferno at that same time for what it had done to Lyn. His mate moaned, the sound low and aggrieved brought his gaze to her face.

  Ky noticed how pain furrowed her brow, caused tiny lines to appear along her forehead and at the corners of her eyes. The corners of her mouth pulled down in distress. She shifted her body, the slight movement elicited another moan.

  Walking on his knees, Ky edged away from the towel. He gently placed Lyn on the terrycloth. In doing so, he exposed her fully to his view for the first time since they leapt over the fire. The flames had burnt most of her dress away, except a small bit of material covering her breasts. He tore the singed fabric away from her body, needing to see every inch to assess her injuries.

  His breath sawed through his lungs at the sight before him. Her face and upper body were reddened, but otherwise unharmed. From the waist down, her body was charred, blackened by the flames. Her skin hung in places, looking much like the burnt flesh of a pig on a spit. The smell of her scorched flesh burned his nostrils, twisting his stomach with its putrid odor.

  Lyn looked at him, pain watering her eyes. “How bad?” she choked out between sobs.

  “Gods above,” her brother cursed, pushing his way through the assembly that encircled the couple.

  “Someone call for a healer,” the Priestess said, pushing her way through the crowd.

  “No,” Ky said.

  “What do you mean, ‘no’?” Matt demanded, mirroring Ky’s position by kneeling on the opposite side of Lyn’s recumbent form.

  “I can help her better than any healer.” Ky’s fangs lengthened from his gums and, without thought, he used them to score his wrist. He opened a deep gash and placed his bleeding wound over his mate’s lips, earning a collective gasp from the surrounding crowd.

  “Drink, honey,” Ky ordered. “It will help you.”

  She looked at him with complete trust in her eyes and nodded in acquiesce.


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