Forget You Not (Reclusive #2)

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Forget You Not (Reclusive #2) Page 4

by Harloe Rae

  “I’m really sorry that I stormed in here and caused an issue. Why don’t I just leave and we can talk tomorrow.” I utter the apology softly so I don’t disrupt their peaceful bliss. My eyes are locked on Willow and I hope she forgives me for being a brat. When she looks my way—her eyes clear of strain and anger—the weight on my chest disappears.

  Willow sends me a haughty smirk before saying, “One day you’ll figure it out.”

  That comment causes me to roll my eyes because she is always trying to show me the light. Once we chat about Rowen, maybe she’ll finally understand my resistance. I push off the wall and get ready to see myself out when Xander speaks.

  “Stay, Lark. I’ll give you two some space but don’t shut me out.” He’s gruff and growly but I see distinct tenderness as he keeps his eyes locked on Willow. She tilts her chin up and their lips meet, which causes Xander to groan as he yanks her closer. Combustible heat fills the bathroom and awkwardness slams down on me while I get another intense display of their chemistry. I’m obviously in their way and should get the eff out of here.

  Just as I’m about to clear my throat and excuse myself, Willow breaks away from Xander and stumbles back into me. She giggles like a schoolgirl and I can’t hold back the scoff that escapes me. I can handle a lot but now they’re just rubbing it in.

  Willow glances at me over her shoulder before wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. She is so ridiculous and I can’t help laughing at her little stunt. Xander hums, effectively gaining both our attention, while devouring Willow with his hungry stare. He bites his lip while backing away and the temperature instantly decreases once he’s out of view.

  Good God, that was like watching a freaking porno intro.

  Oblivious to my thoughts, Willow whips around to face me and a dopey smile lights up her entire face.

  “So chica, what’s up with you?”

  Now she’s ready to talk. Super.

  “I actually wanted to talk about a guy from the party last night. I think he’s one of Xander’s friends but I hadn’t met him before. I believe his name is Rowen.” I send a skeptical brow her way as recognition seems to plow into her.

  Thankfully I don’t have to bother digging for clues since Willow gives it all away the instant his name leaves my lips. She might as well have a huge neon sign above her head considering how obvious it is that she knows him. Her breath hitches as she sucks in air through her clenched teeth and her eyes get squinty like she’s in pain—or is hiding some juicy information.

  I roll my eyes—so hard they hurt—while scoffing again so she knows I’m privy to her blatant visual cues. I purse my lips and proceed to wait her out.

  Willow crosses her arms across her chest before uttering, “What?”

  “You can’t play coy. Why hasn’t Rowen come around before? Tell me what you know about him.”

  “I hardly know him.” She puts far too much emphasis on that one word. “We’ve met a handful of times at the clinic since Rowen leads one of the groups Xander is in. There have been a few other random occurrences but never anything planned really. Xander isn’t a huge fan of people in general. Why are you so interested in him?” Willow points an accusatory finger at me before scoffing herself. “Do you like this guy?”

  I ignore her question entirely. “When were these unplanned situations? How is it I just met him last night if Xander has known him for a while?”

  It’s her turn to ignore what I’ve asked. “What’s your deal, Lark? You’re acting super suspicious.”

  “I don’t have a deal. Did you see the guy? He’s super-hot and you’ve clearly been holding out on me.”

  Willow is already shaking her head dramatically before I finish talking.

  “Oh, no. Nope. Not happening, Lark. I love you like a work-wife but Rowen is not the type of guy for you.”

  “What the fuck, Willow! What’s that supposed to mean?” I can hear the offended hurt in my voice.

  “Rowen is not the screw around type—that’s all. If you’re finally looking for a relationship, that’s great, but I won’t encourage this so you can just use him for sex. He wants more than that.” She places a hand on my arm in an attempt to comfort me but I immediately pull away from her hold.

  “How do you know that? I thought Rowen doesn’t really hang out with Xander? You seem to know plenty of his personal preferences.” I can hear the accusations dripping from my tone and I need to harness my crap before this turns into a serious argument.

  I rub my face while a frustrated sigh swooshes past my lips. “I’m sorry, Willow. I don’t have the right to get so freaking worked up, especially when you don’t know why.” I glance at her from the corner of my eye while contemplating how much of the truth to reveal.

  Willow raises a curious brow my way. “What’s really going on here Lark? There’s more to the story.”

  A loud huff escapes my throat while I dramatically wave my hand around to signal she’s talking nonsense. I don’t think I’m ready to admit my crazy to her just yet.

  She tries a different approach and I see her technique from a mile away. “You know my fiancé right? He’s super private and hardly leaves the house except for therapy and when absolutely necessary. I mean, just recently he started going to visit his parents and taking on a few odd jobs. It’s not like he’s been hanging out with Rowen at the bar every night. I haven’t been hiding some bromance relationship but you are most definitely keeping something from me.”

  I release a defeated puff of air and decide to fill her in—at least a little bit. She’s clearly not going to be on Team Revenge so I’ll be keeping my plan of attack locked away.

  “All right, all right. I’ve actually met Rowen before but that was years ago when I was still a stupid girl desperate for love. He came into the restaurant where I worked and we shared a moment. Nothing extraordinary or meaningful, as it turned out.” The resentment bleeds from my words but Willow doesn’t comment so I keep going.

  “I’ve told you about my dad leaving and the train wreck that is my dating history. Well, Rowen is a tiny part of that puzzle and fairly insignificant.” I raise my thumb and forefinger to show just how small I’m trying to make him seem. “He doesn’t even remember me based off our awkward conversation yesterday so forget him.” The need to downplay Rowen’s impact on me seems like a protective shield that guards my heart—even from one of my closest friends.

  I’m such a fraud.

  Before I can vomit more useless information, Willow responds with, “Interesting.” That’s all she says while I’m wound so freaking tight my muscles ache.

  “What is?” I snap while desperately wanting to flick her in the forehead for being such an unhelpful brat.

  She smirks before her finger circles in front of my face. “You’re crazy about this guy.”

  “That’s completely ludicrous.” I retort without pause.

  Of course Willow sees right through me and goes for the jugular. “Uh huh. Sure. So, I suppose it isn’t a huge deal that he happened to be here right before you showed up.”

  What the actual eff-bomb?! It’s like the rug is pulled out from under me and the move knocks me off my feet. I think the ground might actually be tilting.

  Instead of screaming at the top of my lungs like I really want to do right about now, I try to remain calm and reply with total nonchalance.

  “Well that’s a weird coincidence. Is that why you were acting so strange when I first got here?

  “I was acting strange? Lark, you’re smoking oats if you believe this entire conversation is anything close to normal. I don’t know why you are so concerned with Rowen but maybe I should ask him.” The sass is back in her voice as she serves that volley. Willow is a worthy opponent, which is probably why we’re good friends.

  Freaking figures she wouldn’t give me any decent information without knowing exactly why I want it. Willow isn’t aware that I’m preparing for battle against this man and she’s going to help me win.

/>   The utter emptiness of my house is suffocating—which doesn’t make a ton of sense—and I can’t seem to inhale a decent breath. The silence surrounds me and my only companion is the relentless pounding in my skull. I sag further back on the couch and try to settle my erratic thoughts. It’s no use.

  All I see is bright blonde hair and ruby red lips.

  Ever since I spoke to Willow a few days ago, I’ve been obsessing over each word she shared regarding Lark. She was very willing to give information, especially once my intentions were clear. Willow is the most hopeless romantic I’ve ever met so the idea of me pursuing Lark made her giddy.

  That doesn’t help my current situation—especially since the woman I’m fantasizing about sharing a life with only wants me for sex. Willow confirmed Lark’s serial screwing habits and informed me that she’s never witnessed her friend go out with the same man twice. Though she was quick to assure me even that is rare, since Lark is always at work. That is depressing as hell and again has me wondering why she refuses to consider anything more than a quick fuck.

  Willow believes Lark is waiting for the right guy to stumble along but based on her relatively indifferent reaction to me on Saturday, the one she’s searching for isn’t me. That doesn’t mean I’m going to give up. Especially since the outrageous chemistry we once shared still burns in the back of my mind. That was ages ago but where there’s a will, there’s a way.

  An agonized groan rumbles through my chest as I continue picturing the sexy vixen I met in the bar. She’s drop-dead gorgeous and ready to sink her teeth into a juicy piece of meat. That woman was wearing a mask so thick, it wasn’t possible to see underneath it. I imagine Lark’s blinding beauty as she looked that night but my vision injects her soft demeanor from the past. The combination is what my dreams are made of—ultimate perfection.

  Don’t get me wrong, I was insanely attracted to Lark when I first met her. That’s why I couldn’t stop obsessing over the possibility of seeing her again. Seven years ago, we were teenagers so it’s creepy to keep that version playing in my fantasy reel, especially when I have the adult model fresh in my arsenal.

  Thanks to Willow, I have Lark’s phone number but I’ve been too chicken shit to use it. Tonight the heartache is flowing freely through my veins—thanks to the extra dose of pathetic this isolated house makes me feel—so I decide to send her a message. I have absolute temptation at my fingertips so why the hell not.

  I deliberate for a few moments over what to type then decide to keep it simple.

  Me: Hey Lark. This is Rowen, Xander’s friend from the bar on Saturday. Willow gave me your number. How’s it going?

  Since the little vixen didn’t appear to remember meeting me before, I’ll play along and keep up the ruse. Soon enough, I’ll bring that summer afternoon back to the surface.

  I stare at my phone far too long, secretly wishing for a reply. After five minutes of radio silence, I consider heading to the gym to burn off some excess energy. It’s either that or watch porn, which doesn’t appeal to me unless Lark is the star.

  Just as I’m stretching my stiff muscles from hours of lounging, a notification alert echoes throughout the quiet room. The leap my heart takes is fucking embarrassing but the fact she responded gives me hope. That is until I read her message.

  Lark: There were a lot of Xander’s friends I met that night. Which one were you?

  Irritation boils my blood that we’re pretending not to know each other. I hate playing this stupid game but if this keeps her responding, I’ll go along with it for now.

  Me: Popular lady. I’m not surprised. We met at the end of the evening. You left after I offered to take you out for dinner.

  This time her reply is immediate.

  Lark: Fine Male Specimen?

  This woman will surely be the death of me.

  Me: I prefer Rowen, or Row. Let me take you out tonight.

  I purposely make that a statement, not a request. She isn’t falling for it though.

  Lark: Perhaps I wasn’t clear on Saturday. I’m not interested in dating. If you’re in the mood for something spicy though . . .

  Me: What’s with the sex obsession? Are you seeing a professional for your addiction?

  Once the words are sent, regret sinks deep into my gut. We’re not nearly close enough to joke around about that shit—especially over text message. Her response is exactly what I expect.

  Lark: Fuck off.

  I’m a fucking disaster where she’s concerned but I’m not ready to back down.

  Me: That was a shitty thing to say and I’m sorry. I just want the chance to know you and I’m screwing it up. Can we start over?

  I don’t expect a response so when the three little dots suddenly appear, I’m certain my eyes are messing with me.

  Lark: There is no reason to start over when nothing ever began. I’m sure you’re a great guy but I’m not interested.

  I gawk at my phone as shock filters into my tired brain. Are these mind games or is she really trying to shake me loose? Wasn’t she just trying to lure me between her sheets?

  Discouragement lands heavy on my chest like a lead weight and I’m at a total loss for what to do next. It’s like being kicked when I’m already down. Except Lark isn’t aware of my infatuation with her. At least that’s what she’s leading me to believe.

  While I’m participating in a pity-party for one, my phone pings with another message—and I’m almost afraid to read it.

  Lark: Unless you’re willing to skip dinner and go straight for dessert . . .

  I shake my head as a humorless chuckle wheezes from my parched throat. She came back for more after I didn’t feed into her little power play. A surge of adrenaline courses through my weary bones as I contemplate my next move. Lark can try pushing me away but I’m not going anywhere without a damn good fight.

  It’s been less than a week and I’m ready to lock this situation down so the girl I’ve been fantasizing over is officially mine. I want it all with her and it seems like the best type of luck that we met again. She might not be in the same mindset as me, at least not yet, but I’ll work hard to earn her trust back. Maybe that’s what second chances are for.

  I’m going to make it impossible for Lark to deny me—starting now.

  She turned out to be extremely resistant to my advances via text so I didn’t make much progress last night. Instead of continuing to argue with Lark, I let her know she’d see me soon but I don’t think she took me seriously. I’m in this for the long haul.

  Pretty sure I’m the farthest thing from a candy-and-hearts type of guy but for this girl, I find myself wanting to do whatever it takes. Starting with the extravagant bouquet of Calla lilies I’m currently carrying into her office. Thanks to Willow, I know these are Lark’s favorite flowers and apparently no one has taken the time to deliver them to her before.

  I’m hoping this gesture places me a little closer to Lark’s good side but this little vixen likes to keep me guessing. Though it’s past six o’clock in the evening, I’ve been assured she’s still at the community center, working hard for the troubled youth she counsels. If I wasn’t already sure this girl was the one for me, her chosen profession would definitely seal the deal. Lark is clearly a giver with an empathetic soul and that further proves how special she is.

  Once I’m standing outside her door, I pause to take a calming breath as I prepare what to say. I shouldn’t have bothered because as I step into her office, my brain short-circuits at the glorious sight before me. My cock takes notice too as my pants become unmistakably tighter. A little discomfort is fucking worth this.

  Lark is seated behind her cluttered desk and staring at her computer screen, which emphasizes her flawless features with a luminous glow. She hasn’t seen me yet so I’m able to silently appreciate her a bit longer. I’m ogling like a fucking creeper but she’s too irresistible. It’s like choosing to drop into enemy territory, and even though you probably won’t make it out alive, you could potentially save
a thousand. This is absolutely worth the risk.

  Today she looks much closer to the Lark I remember from all those years ago. She’s dressed in a simple blue shirt that reaches her collarbone. Her long blonde locks are tied up in a messy bun. Lark’s lips are a natural shade of pink and I’m immediately imagining how soft they’ll be when my tongue traces her delectable pout. A pair of black-rimmed glasses are perched on her button nose, which completes the extremely sexy look she’s owning. I have to bite back a groan because I’m sure Lark won’t be pleased to discover me lurking—especially if I’m salivating all over her.

  Before my dick takes complete control of my thoughts, I clear my throat slightly to make my presence known but keep the flowers hidden for now. Lark’s gaze swings toward me and her brown eyes widen noticeably behind the lenses. She swivels around before standing up and leaning forward with her palms flat on the desk.

  Lark shoots me a glare before asking, “What are you doing here?”

  The venom in her voice is probably meant to scare me away but all I hear is come closer. I’m totally mesmerized.

  “Hey, Sweetheart. I said you’d be seeing me soon. Figured I’d stop by and say hello in person.” I make sure to keep my tone calm but my skin itches with heat at the fire burning from her gaze.

  “And I told you to leave me alone unless you’re ready to give me what I want.” She shifts her stare down to my groin while raising an expectant brow. “Is that what you’ve brought me?” She lifts her scorching eyes back to my face and seductively bites into her bottom lip.

  Her sass is tantalizing but it’s the beauty underneath I’m truly after. “Sorry to disappoint you but that’s not why I’m here, Vix. I want to discuss some stuff, relating to us.”

  “Vix? As in the vapor rub?”

  An amused chuckle bounces up my throat. “Nah, short for Vixen.”

  She seems to mull it over with a slight tilt of her head. “I suppose that’s fitting, though you don’t need to be handing out nicknames. Tell me, what could we possibly have to talk about?”


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