Forget You Not (Reclusive #2)

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Forget You Not (Reclusive #2) Page 8

by Harloe Rae

  But then she turns around to pull the door closed and lock it.

  I almost pass out from the lack of blood flow to my brain. Pretty sure I sway on my feet and almost swallow my tongue at the sight of her completely bare back. Her naked skin calls to me, from her neck all the way to her ass. All I can do is gawk like a pubescent virgin getting his first glimpse at a woman.

  Somehow I find my voice and choke out, “Trying to get me thrown in jail, Vix?”

  “What do you mean?” She asks over her shoulder while raising an inquisitive brow.

  “Don’t bullshit me, Sweetheart. I know you checked out that fine ass of yours in the mirror. I’m going to kill anyone that dares to look at you twice. And in that outfit you’re guaranteed plenty of leers.” I run my hand over my mouth and groan into my palm to try easing the tension, but she’s too fucking hot.

  When Lark turns around to face me again, I’m suddenly able to breathe and regain proper functioning of my mind as some of the heated lust dissipates. The little vixen smirks as she closes the few feet separating us. The scent of lavender and vanilla clings to her, which creates another dose of desperation just begging for a taste.

  I suddenly remember her gift waiting in my pocket. The sight of her stunning beauty completely distracted me. I take a small step back before pulling out the small box and handing it to her.

  Her face pinches with hesitation. “What’s this, Casper?”

  “Just a little something that reminded me of you.”

  She lifts the tiny lid and peers inside before freezing. Hopefully she appreciates the special meaning rather than thinking I’m weird. After a few strained moments, I can’t take the silence any longer.

  “So, what do you think?” The longing in my voice almost causes me to cringe but I manage to keep a straight face. I’m so desperate for her approval it practically vibrates through me.

  Warm brown eyes peer up at me and I swear they’re a bit glassy. “Why an arrow, Rowen?” Her question is barely a whisper.

  My fingers graze lightly along her tattooed wrist. “To pierce your heart, Vix. Since you’ve already captured mine. Do you like it?”

  Lark nods while keeping me locked in her expressive gaze. She glances back to the necklace before lifting it out of the velvet case. “Will you help me?” Her voice is soft as she signals to the chain’s clasp.

  She twists around and I place the silver strand around her neck, thankful her hair is already out of the way. Lark plays with the charm before setting her heated stare back on me. She moves into my chest with liquid grace and her body melts against me. I’m burning up with her so close, gazing at me with a mixture of gratitude and hunger.

  She bites her bottom lip before quietly murmuring, “I really appreciate the gesture but it doesn’t mean I’m ready to give in. I’d like to thank you though.”

  Her bottomless bronze eyes devour me like I’m all she wants to eat. Fire licks at my skin as my blood keeps boiling hotter in my veins. We need to get out of this cramped hallway before I lose my morals and fuck her against the wall.

  Without another word, I snatch her hand and weave our fingers together. I use it to turn us toward to elevator. Lark’s soft giggle has me glancing at her from the corner of my eye, only to find her looking right at me.

  “What’s so funny?” I ask after the elevator doors close and we begin descending to the lobby. The air is charged with electricity that seems to zap along every part of my body.

  She hums quietly before murmuring, “You’re walking like it hurts.” Lark sucks her plump lip between her teeth before glancing down at my obvious erection that’s practically reaching out for her.

  “You care about my wellbeing, Sweetheart? That’s very kind of you.” My tone is laced with humor but I’m secretly hoping to rile her up a bit.

  She scoffs loudly and tries to yank her hand free. “You’re twisting my words, Casper. But if you want some help—”

  “I’m perfectly comfortable just holding your hand, Vix. Thanks for the offer though. We’re going on a date. End of story.”

  “If you say so . . .” She lets her sentence trail off like a tease but I’m not taking the bait this time.

  As the elevator opens and we head out to my truck, Lark finally asks what I’ve been waiting to share. “Where are you taking me?”

  I just go for it. “Brack’s Box.”

  My arm snaps back when she stops abruptly and I turn slightly toward her. I know she wasn’t expecting that based off her slack jaw and wide eyes. Her gaze darts around my face as though searching for something.

  After a few moments, she clears her throat and drops her stare. “Why?” She whispers to the ground.

  “Well, that’s where we met and were supposed to have our first date until I fucked it up. You’re giving me another chance so I wanted to make it right. Start over where it began in the first place. Is that alright, Vix?” I keep my voice soft and sweet because this is an important moment.

  Lark looks up at me from under her full lashes before nodding. Then the only true smile I’ve seen from her—the type that reaches her eyes—takes over that tempting mouth. The sight has my soul sighing in relief for the first time in seven years.

  “When was the last time you were here?” I ask after we’ve settled into a booth that keeps Lark’s naked back out of sight.

  Thank God.

  “It’s been at least two years, maybe longer. After spending so much time here working, it’s not a place I choose to visit. I’m glad to be back though. This was very thoughtful of you, Casper.” Her tone is light and she’s noticeably softening toward me.

  “Are you serious with that nickname?”

  “What, you’re allowed to call me Vix but I can’t return the favor?”

  “Casper doesn’t seem very flattering.”

  “Because Vixen is?”

  I smirk and nod my head in defeat. “Touché.” I love verbally volleying with this woman. Her sass is getting me rock-hard all over again.

  We order drinks and some cheese dip—because Lark claims it’s the best thing ever—before I reach across the table for her hand. I love the sizzle that zaps through me when our skin connects. It’s my new addiction.

  “Should we get some first date questions out of the way?”

  She arches a delicate brow before responding with a simple, “Sure.”

  With her foxy ambers locked on me, my heart skips and takes off in a sprint.

  Shit, why am I so nervous?

  “All right, Vix. What are your interests and hobbies? When you’re not working, what occupies your time?”

  She giggles and rolls her eyes. “Wow. That’s funny. I feel like we should be past all that simple stuff, but I guess we’re not.”

  “Would you prefer to talk about something deeper right off the bat? Where you’d like to get married? How many kids you want?” My tone suggests I’m joking but if she wants to tell me, I won’t mind.

  Her head is frantically shaking back and forth. “Oh, no. No way. We are so not going there.”

  I laugh quietly before asking, “Hobbies then?”

  Lark bobbles her head back and forth, deciding what to tell me. “I love to run, it quiets my constantly racing mind. Spending time with my friends whenever we find a day that works. Listening to music on a rainy day while sipping a dark beer. Ummm . . . going to the beach, swimming, camping, and tubing.” Suddenly her free hand finds my forearm and her nails start gliding along my sensitive flesh. The tingles her touch cause travel straight to my dick and I bite my lip to trap the indecent groan ready to escape. Then the little vixen purrs out, “I enjoy finding male company when the mood strikes.” Her voice is dripping with sexual innuendo and promise of dirty fun to follow.

  I slam on the brakes before she can lead me any further down this road. As pleasurable as her fingers feel tracing along my skin, I’m not letting her distract me. I snag that wandering hand and hold it too.

  “That’s definitely stuff we can enjoy tog
ether. Those sexy diversion strategies you’re using don’t belong on our date though. I want the real you. Not the alternate version you’ve been hiding behind. This,”—I lift our clasped palms—“is different between us. I want all of you, every piece. Once you figure that out, everything will be much easier. You can’t dissuade me, Vix.” I grin at her when she playful pouts. Lark leans back and averts her gaze, as if lost in thought.

  I pull her back up so she’s closer before continuing. “Let me in, Sweetheart. I promise this isn’t just messing around for me. Can you try trusting me?”

  Lark’s anxious eyes quickly scan around the restaurant, not focusing on anything. She gulps audibly before finally looking at my face. “I’m scared of being vulnerable,” she whispers and I’m sure it takes a lot for her to admit that.

  A small smile lifts my lips as she willingly gives me that small piece. “Sweetheart, we’ll take it really slow. One day at a time. I’m in no rush. You just need to be willing to give me a shot. Can you do that?” I murmur quietly into the space between us. A huge sigh of relief escapes me when she nods slowly.

  The rest of the meal goes smoothly and I learn plenty of random facts about her. Lark’s mom still lives in the suburbs, close to where we are now. She has a younger brother that lives in Duluth for college and an older sister that lives in Denver. Her favorite color is pink, tortellini is her pasta of choice, she likes mixed vodka drinks and red wine, dogs are better than cats, and she loves kids—especially the teens she helps through her job.

  I tell Lark about my mom and dad that live on the opposite side of the city. She hears about my two younger brothers that go to school in different states. Royal blue is my favorite shade, peanut butter and jelly is the only thing I’m good at making, I’d love to own a dog one day, my “massive” truck is not compensating for anything, and she’s the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen. Sworr Security is a topic I spend plenty of time on—I tell her a little about Lincoln too. My time in the army is something I gloss over because it’s tough to discuss, which she seems to understand.

  Since the evening goes well, I’m confident about getting that goodnight kiss and the bold feeling builds on the drive back to her apartment. The vision of her delectable mouth covering mine causes my foot to press down harder on the accelerator. Lark’s lipstick has miraculously remained perfectly in place but I’m ready to remove it.

  As we’re walking to her door, my hand is on the silky skin of her back while nerves creep in and tie my gut into tight knots. I focus on keeping my palm steady so she doesn’t feel the tremble. I’m terrified of screwing this up but I have fate on my side—and hopefully Lark at this point.

  She stops and turns toward me in the empty hallway before gripping the front of my shirt in her fist. “Want to come inside for a nightcap?” She murmurs across my jaw after pulling me even closer. Lark’s hushed suggestion ramps up the aggressive arousal already pumping through my body and punches enormous holes into my resolve. The desire is almost enough to completely take over the anxiety skittering down my spine.

  Focusing on her sparkling amber eyes, I attempt to calm the conflicting emotions and push it all away.

  “I’m not giving into you yet, Vix,” I lean against her and whisper.

  “Oh yeah? Then what do you call this, Casper?” She asks while rubbing against me.

  “You giving into me.”

  A bark of laughter bursts out of her before she takes a step back. “Just because I went on a date with you doesn’t mean I’m ready to fall head over heels. I’m still in charge and call the shots. Plus, I was only offering a drink.”

  Lark still has her guard up but that only means I need to try harder. Maybe getting a taste of her lips isn’t the best idea tonight.

  “We’ll see, Sweetheart. I’m serious about getting to know each other. I mean, you’re very tempting but there’s other stuff that needs to happen first. I’d love to spend more time with you though, if the offer still stands.”

  She releases a long sigh before letting me go. When she turns to open the door and I catch sight of her exposed flesh on full display, desire takes the driver’s seat and controls everything else. I follow her inside like an eager pig blindly walking to slaughter.

  The last of my freshly restored resistance crumbles as the lock clicks shut.

  One kiss can’t hurt, right?


  I’m heading toward the kitchen when Rowen grabs my arm and spins me back to the entryway. I practically fall into him as we land against the door. My eyes are wide with shock as Rowen wraps his arms around me and pulls me flush against his body. Before I can ask what the hell is happening, his hungry mouth crashes down on mine.

  The surprise radiating through my limbs wears off once we’re connected and I eagerly open my lips when his tongue requests entrance. Rowen tastes like the spearmint gum he was chewing earlier and the fresh flavor is intoxicating. He dives into my mouth aggressively—like he’s lost control and can’t get enough—and I suck his tongue hard in response. His hands leave my waist and travel up my back before his fingers spear into my hair.

  Rowen uses his grip to tilt my head at an angle he wants and it’s clear he’s running the show. The move causes thick desire to flood my system. A lusty moan escapes my throat as he sucks my bottom lip into his mouth and bites down softly. My knees threaten to buckle so I lean further into him, thankful Rowen is supported by the door behind him.

  His answering groan sounds like a green light for more so I slide my palms down his torso until reaching the waistband of his shorts. My fingers find the zipper as I begin lowering to my knees, but Rowen stops my descent by clutching me tighter.

  “No, Vix.” His voice is gravely. “That’s not what I want. Stay up here.” Then he tugs me up so we’re facing each other. I wish my heels were off so his direct stare wouldn’t be so easily met. Shame consumes me and heats my cheeks and I drop my gaze to the floor.

  Almost instantly Rowen murmurs, “Sweetheart, look at me.” But I refuse with a shake of my head.

  He tries again. “Vix . . .”

  The enormous lump clogging my throat won’t allow me to speak and tears threaten to fall, but I won’t allow them. After taking several deep breaths through my nose, I try to piece my shield back together.

  “I was just trying to do something nice for you, so you’d feel good.” My meek tone reflects my misery and I feel completely ridiculous. My inner defenses demand my bitter bitch rallies. “Seems like you’re not interested. What kind of man turns down a blow job? Am I really that repulsive you won’t let my mouth touch your dick?” I wiggle out of his hold and put a foot of distance between us.

  “Lark, I care so much about you. Who put these destructive ideas in your mind? It’s the complete opposite for me. Have I not made that clear? You’re so much more than a quick fuck.” His voice is like a dull roar that can’t compete with the crashing waves in my warped mind. Only one word stands out. He called me Lark, not Vix.

  My ears burn from hearing Rowen use my actual name rather than the silly nickname he’s adopted for me. I pretended to hate it, but let’s be honest, it made warm fuzzies coat my skin and left my heart beating wildly. It seemed like something special we shared and he just ripped it away.

  I slip deeper into dark despair and nasty negativity grasps me. I’m mentally pushing and shoving him away with all my metaphorical might. A choked laugh escapes before I respond with venom lacing my tone. “You’ll never get more from me, especially after that rejection shit you just pulled.”

  Rowen interrupts before I can say more. “I don’t need you to suck me off tonight because I’m after far more than that. I want your heart.” He lifts an open palm, aiming for my blazing face, but I stepped out of reach.

  Pain flashes through his blue eyes, like a lightning bolt piercing the surface of a calm lake. Rowen’s tight jaw tics before he growls through clenched teeth, “Don’t shut me out and walk away. I can’t handle it. I know we share something spe
cial and I understand it’s my fault you don’t trust me. I’m very sorry for the past, Vix. Please believe that I am. But you need to give me a real chance so we can work together on all the other shit.” His chest to rises and falls rapidly. “Can you forgive me, Sweetheart? I’m not sure how we’ll move forward if you can’t.”

  My eyes narrow into slits as I continue building up the wall separating us. I’m too far gone to evaluate our situation responsibly and humiliation threatens to push me over the ledge. Have I really been that closed off and difficult? Of course I have—that was the entire point. My heart is always on serious lockdown . . .


  I’m silently hiding years of hurt as I keep lashing out. “You’re the one sending fucking mixed messages, Rowen. I wasn’t planning anything until you grabbed me. You,” I point a trembling finger at him, “made the move. Not me.”

  He turns away from me to face the door before resting his forehead against the wood. I see the heavy exhale leave Rowen’s huge body as he threads his fingers behind his neck. When he straightens and spins back around, his face is relaxed as his light eyes stare deeply into mine. Rowen’s genuine gaze softens my hardened edges—just slightly. Then he opens his mouth.

  “I shouldn’t have done that, you’re right. I keep fucking up and it’s my fault we’re arguing. I can’t control myself around you because there’s so much want burning inside of me. I wanted to kiss you so badly and didn’t think it would escalate so quickly.”

  What the actual fuck?!

  Rowen just took this to an entirely different level. The slim possibility of me escaping the oppressive darkness determined to pull me under evaporates instantly.

  The pain must be radiating from my eyes because an apology is already dripping from his lips as he takes a step toward me. “I’m sorry, Sweetheart. Fuck. I didn’t mean that. This entire conversation has gotten out of hand. Maybe I should go?”


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